This document discusses techniques for growing silicon single crystals, specifically the Bridgman and Czochralski (CZ) techniques. It provides details on the process and equipment used for each technique. The CZ technique is considered preferable for growing silicon single crystals over the Bridgman technique. CZ crystals have fewer dislocations and allow for better control over the crystal growth process and ambient conditions compared to Bridgman. While more complex, CZ produces higher quality silicon single crystals.
8. CZ is also known as liquid solid
monocomponent growth system
CZ is more complex than Bridgman
Requirement for CZ:-
1. Furnace
2. Crystal pulling rate
3. Ambient control
4. Control system
10. L
k L
dx 1
A1 k S
dx 2
L latent heat of fusion
amount of freezing per unit time
kL thermal conductivity of liquid
thermal gradient at isotherm x1
kS thermal conductivity of solid
dx 2
thermal gradient at x 2
11. Reaction of O2 with single crystal silicon during
growth it alters the properties of grown silicon.
95% O2 will be in interstitial sites in the crystal
5% can form a complex impurity like SiO4
If the O2 concentration > 6.4*10^17/cm3
dislocation will form in the crystal.
12. Bridgman crystal growth technique is simple
but with serious limitation.
CZ is complex process but it give good quality
of single crystal than Bridgman.