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CS FORM No. 100 (Revised November 2012) . This Form is NOT for sale. Reproduction is allowed. APPLICATION NO. _______________
For Processor ONLYTo be filled-out by Applicant
Fill in all the required information. DO NOT leave an item blank. If item is not applicable, indicate N/A.
All applications must be filed PERSONALLY by applicant.
Identification/Other Documents Presented: _______________________________________ Details: ______________________________________
Reason: _________________________________ ________________________________________
Signature over Printed Name of Processor / Date
Date: ________________
O.R. No. _____________
Amount: _____________
Name of Collecting Officer
Applicants Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
First Name MI Last Name Ext. Name (i.e. Jr./Sr., if any)
Sex: Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): Signature: ____________________________
Examination Applied For: PPT CAT Professional SubProfessional Others _________
DATE: _________________________________ TIME: ____________ PLACE: ____________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature over Printed Name of Processor Date Received / Processed
WARNING: The Civil Service Commission uses a highly reliable system to detect cheats. Any form of cheating in any civil service examination shall
be considered a violation of Republic Act No. 9416 (Anti-Cheating Law), and any person found guilty shall be administratively and criminally liable.
~ Please continue at the Back Page ~
(see Specifications at
the back)
Signature over Printed Name of Applicant
Date Accomplished
Examination Applied For :
Paper-and-Pencil Test (PPT)
Computer-Assisted Test (CAT)
Last Examination Taken :
CSE-Professional CSE-SubProfessional
Date of Exam (mm/dd/yyyy)
CSE-Professional CSE-SubProfessionalLevel
(see Specifications at
the back)
(for Career Service Examination Applicants only)
CITIZENSHIP MOTHERS MAIDEN NAME ( Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
PLACE OF BIRTH (City / Municipality) (Province) (Country)AGE SEX
Male Female
DATE OF BIRTH (mm/dd/yyyy)
CSID NO. (if any)
NAME (Last Name) (First Name) (Ext. Name, i.e. Jr./Sr., if any) (Middle Name) (M.I.)
PERMANENT/MAILING ADDRESS (Room / Floor / Unit No. / Bldg. Name) (House / Lot / Block / Phase No.) (Street Name) (Subdivision)
(Barangay) (City / Municipality) (Province) (Country) ZIP CODE
Level of Education Course/Degree Title Name of School & Address (City/Municipality & Province)
If Not Graduated
Year of Last
Highest Grade/
Level/ Units
Academic Honors
High School
If Graduated
Single Married Widowed Legally Separated Annulled Others ______________
WEIGHT (kg)HEIGHT (meters)
CSC Regional Office
Date of Examination (mm/dd/yyyy)
DIBAR E-Retakers
Verified against:
Place of Examination
To be filled-out by Applicant
Title of Examination Passed / Title of Eligibility Granted Rating Obtained Date of Examination /
Date Eligibility Granted
Place of Examination
Male Female
Date: ________________
O.R. No. _____________
Amount: _____________
Name of Collecting Officer
I declare under oath that I personally accomplished this application form, and I hereby certify that the information given are true,
correct, and complete statements pursuant to the provisions of pertinent laws, rules, and regulations of the Republic of the
Philippines. Further, I understand that the acceptance and approval of my application for the examination is based on the aforestated
I therefore agree that, in case a post-verification yields information contrary to what is declared, my application shall be
disapproved, and my payment forfeited. I further agree that any misrepresentation made in this document may cause the
invalidation of the result of this examination and/or the filing of administrative/criminal case/s against me.
In addition, I agree to undergo a validating examination in case my test results shall be found statistically improbable. Failure on
my part to take the validating examination shall cause the cancellation of my test results.
Qualified applicants shall be notified of their school assignment through an Application Receipt or a Notice of School Assignment (NOSA). They can also use the Online Notice of
School Assignment (ONSA) found in the CSC Website (www.csc.gov.ph) to get a print-out of their NOSA. If applicants still do not know their school assignment or cannot get a copy
of their NOSA via internet one (1) week before the examination day, they should visit or call the Regional Office or Field Office where they filed their application to inquire about their
school assignment. Failure to come on your scheduled examination will mean forfeiture of examination fee and slot.
Failure to come on your scheduled examination will mean forfeiture of examination fee and slot.
IMPORTANT: All personal belongings including cellular phones, calculators, books, and all other electronic and printed materials must be surrendered
to the Room Examiners. Firearms, if any, must also be surrendered to the security guard/designated firearm custodian at the entrance gate of the testing center.
Proper attire should be worn on filing of application form and on examination day. (e.g. NOT IN SLEEVELESS SHIRT/BLOUSE, OR IN SHORT PANTS, OR IN SLIPPERS)
1. This Application Receipt or Notice of School Assignment 3. One (1) blue or black ballpen
2. Same valid I.D. presented at the time of filing of application (NO I.D., NO EXAM ) 4. Lead pencil/s No. 1 or 2 and eraser/s
1. Have you ever been dismissed from the military/civil service for cause, or found guilty of crime involving moral turpitude, or of infamous,
disgraceful or immoral conduct, drunkenness or addiction to drugs, or of offense relative to or in connection with the conduct of a
civil service examination? YES NO IF YES, attach copy/ies of decision/s.
2. Pursuant to (a) Indigenous Peoples Act (RA 8371) and (b) Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (RA 7277, as amended),
please answer the following items:
a) Are you a member of any indigenous group? YES NO
If YES, please specify: __________________________________________
b) Are you a person with disability? YES NO
If YES, please specify: __________________________________________
1. Must be 18 years of age on the date of filing of application;
2. Must be Filipino citizen;
3. Must be of good moral character;
4. Must have not been convicted by final judgment of an offense or
crime involving moral turpitude, or disgraceful or immoral conduct,
dishonesty, examination irregularity, drunkenness or addiction to
5. Must have not been dishonorably discharged from military service or
dismissed for cause from any civilian positions in the government;
6. For Career Service Examination applicants, must have not taken the
same level of Career Service Examination in less than three (3)
NOTE: Applicants with pending administrative and/or criminal cases
may take the examination and shall be conferred the
eligibility if they successfully pass the same. However, this is
without prejudice to the outcome of their pending cases. If
they are found guilty of grave offenses, their eligibility shall be
forfeited based on the penalties stated in the decision and
pursuant to Section 52 (a) of the Revised Rules on
Administrative Cases in the Civil Service.
1. Fully accomplished application form (CS Form No. 100 Revised 2012);
2. Four (4) copies of identical pictures with specifications, as follows:
 taken within the last three (3) months prior to filing of application
 Philippine passport picture size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm or 1.78 x 1.38)
 colored, with white background and printed on quality photo paper
 in standard close-up shot (from shoulder level up with the head and face
occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at
approximately 1 inch below the chin)
 in bare face (without eyeglasses or any accessories that may cover the facial
features and showing left and right ears
 taken in full-face view directly facing the camera, with neutral facial expression
and both eyes open
 with full and handwritten (not computer-generated) name tag in the format: First
Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, and Extension Name, if any, and signature over
the printed name
3. Original and photocopy of any valid ID containing applicants clear picture, date of
birth, signature, and signature of the authorized head of the issuing agency such as
Drivers License, SSS ID, GSIS ID, Philhealth ID, current Company/Office ID, current
School ID, Postal ID, BIR ID, Barangay ID, Voters ID, Valid Passport, or Police
Clearance (Note: Any other ID not included in the list shall NOT be accepted)
4. For applicants without data on their date of birth in their valid ID, original and
photocopy of NSO-issued Birth Certificate or Birth Certificate authenticated/issued by
the Local Civil Registrar (LCR)
5. Examination fee of Php500 for the CSE-PPT, or Php600 for the CSE-CAT. For fees of
other examinations, please see related Examination Announcement.
Note: Spaces for Signature/Printed Name and Right
Thumbmark of applicant should be left blank.
These shall only be accomplished in the
presence of the Administering Officer/CSC
Signature over Printed Name of Applicant Right Thumbmark
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ________ day of ______________________________, 20 ______.
________________________________________________ ____________________________
Signature over Printed Name of Administering Officer Office / Position
Agency/Office Address Position/Job Title
No. of Years in Present
Status of Appointment/
Private Non-government Organization Self-Employed Unemployed

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Cs form100rev nov2012

  • 1. APPLICATION FOR CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION CS FORM No. 100 (Revised November 2012) . This Form is NOT for sale. Reproduction is allowed. APPLICATION NO. _______________ For Processor ONLYTo be filled-out by Applicant Instructions : READ ADMISSION AND APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AT THE BACK PAGE. DO NOT APPLY IF NOT QUALIFIED. Fill in all the required information. DO NOT leave an item blank. If item is not applicable, indicate N/A. All applications must be filed PERSONALLY by applicant. D. INFORMATION ON GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS PASSED / CIVIL SERVICE ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION NO. __________________________APPLICATION RECEIPT DO NOT FILL-OUT THE SHADED PORTION. (FOR PROCESSOR ONLY). Identification/Other Documents Presented: _______________________________________ Details: ______________________________________ Reason: _________________________________ ________________________________________ Signature over Printed Name of Processor / Date Date: ________________ O.R. No. _____________ Amount: _____________ _____________________ Name of Collecting Officer Applicants Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First Name MI Last Name Ext. Name (i.e. Jr./Sr., if any) Sex: Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): Signature: ____________________________ Examination Applied For: PPT CAT Professional SubProfessional Others _________ DATE: _________________________________ TIME: ____________ PLACE: ____________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________ Signature over Printed Name of Processor Date Received / Processed WARNING: The Civil Service Commission uses a highly reliable system to detect cheats. Any form of cheating in any civil service examination shall be considered a violation of Republic Act No. 9416 (Anti-Cheating Law), and any person found guilty shall be administratively and criminally liable. ~ Please continue at the Back Page ~ ID PHOTO (see Specifications at the back) ____________________________________________________________________ Signature over Printed Name of Applicant __________________________________________ Date Accomplished ACTION TAKEN: APPROVED DISAPPROVED Examination Applied For : Paper-and-Pencil Test (PPT) Computer-Assisted Test (CAT) Mode Last Examination Taken : CSE-Professional CSE-SubProfessional Date of Exam (mm/dd/yyyy) CSE-Professional CSE-SubProfessionalLevel Others ID PHOTO (see Specifications at the back) (for Career Service Examination Applicants only) CITIZENSHIP MOTHERS MAIDEN NAME ( Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) A. FACTS OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH (City / Municipality) (Province) (Country)AGE SEX Male Female DATE OF BIRTH (mm/dd/yyyy) CSID NO. (if any) NAME (Last Name) (First Name) (Ext. Name, i.e. Jr./Sr., if any) (Middle Name) (M.I.) B. CURRENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA PERMANENT/MAILING ADDRESS (Room / Floor / Unit No. / Bldg. Name) (House / Lot / Block / Phase No.) (Street Name) (Subdivision) (Barangay) (City / Municipality) (Province) (Country) ZIP CODE C. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Level of Education Course/Degree Title Name of School & Address (City/Municipality & Province) If Not Graduated Year of Last Attendance Highest Grade/ Level/ Units Earned Year Graduated Academic Honors Received Doctorate Masters College Vocational/Technical High School If Graduated Elementary CIVIL STATUS Single Married Widowed Legally Separated Annulled Others ______________ WEIGHT (kg)HEIGHT (meters) . E-MAIL ADDRESS (Required)TELEPHONE NUMBER/S (include Area Code)MOBILE NUMBER (Required) CSC Regional Office ______________________________ Date of Examination (mm/dd/yyyy) DIBAR E-Retakers Verified against: Place of Examination ______________________________ OEVS To be filled-out by Applicant Title of Examination Passed / Title of Eligibility Granted Rating Obtained Date of Examination / Date Eligibility Granted Place of Examination Male Female Date: ________________ O.R. No. _____________ Amount: _____________ _____________________ Name of Collecting Officer
  • 2. I declare under oath that I personally accomplished this application form, and I hereby certify that the information given are true, correct, and complete statements pursuant to the provisions of pertinent laws, rules, and regulations of the Republic of the Philippines. Further, I understand that the acceptance and approval of my application for the examination is based on the aforestated information. I therefore agree that, in case a post-verification yields information contrary to what is declared, my application shall be disapproved, and my payment forfeited. I further agree that any misrepresentation made in this document may cause the invalidation of the result of this examination and/or the filing of administrative/criminal case/s against me. In addition, I agree to undergo a validating examination in case my test results shall be found statistically improbable. Failure on my part to take the validating examination shall cause the cancellation of my test results. REMIN DERS A. FOR APPLICANTS OF CSE PAPER-AND-PENCIL TEST (CSE-PPT) Qualified applicants shall be notified of their school assignment through an Application Receipt or a Notice of School Assignment (NOSA). They can also use the Online Notice of School Assignment (ONSA) found in the CSC Website (www.csc.gov.ph) to get a print-out of their NOSA. If applicants still do not know their school assignment or cannot get a copy of their NOSA via internet one (1) week before the examination day, they should visit or call the Regional Office or Field Office where they filed their application to inquire about their school assignment. Failure to come on your scheduled examination will mean forfeiture of examination fee and slot. B. FOR APPLICANTS OF CSE COMPUTER-ASSISTED TEST (CSE-CAT) Failure to come on your scheduled examination will mean forfeiture of examination fee and slot. IMPORTANT: All personal belongings including cellular phones, calculators, books, and all other electronic and printed materials must be surrendered to the Room Examiners. Firearms, if any, must also be surrendered to the security guard/designated firearm custodian at the entrance gate of the testing center. Proper attire should be worn on filing of application form and on examination day. (e.g. NOT IN SLEEVELESS SHIRT/BLOUSE, OR IN SHORT PANTS, OR IN SLIPPERS) BRING THE FOLLOW ING ON EX AM INATION D AY 1. This Application Receipt or Notice of School Assignment 3. One (1) blue or black ballpen 2. Same valid I.D. presented at the time of filing of application (NO I.D., NO EXAM ) 4. Lead pencil/s No. 1 or 2 and eraser/s 1. Have you ever been dismissed from the military/civil service for cause, or found guilty of crime involving moral turpitude, or of infamous, disgraceful or immoral conduct, drunkenness or addiction to drugs, or of offense relative to or in connection with the conduct of a civil service examination? YES NO IF YES, attach copy/ies of decision/s. 2. Pursuant to (a) Indigenous Peoples Act (RA 8371) and (b) Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (RA 7277, as amended), please answer the following items: a) Are you a member of any indigenous group? YES NO If YES, please specify: __________________________________________ b) Are you a person with disability? YES NO If YES, please specify: __________________________________________ ADM ISS ION REQUIRE ME NTS AP P LI C ATI ON RE QU IRE MENTS 1. Must be 18 years of age on the date of filing of application; 2. Must be Filipino citizen; 3. Must be of good moral character; 4. Must have not been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude, or disgraceful or immoral conduct, dishonesty, examination irregularity, drunkenness or addiction to drugs; 5. Must have not been dishonorably discharged from military service or dismissed for cause from any civilian positions in the government; and 6. For Career Service Examination applicants, must have not taken the same level of Career Service Examination in less than three (3) months. NOTE: Applicants with pending administrative and/or criminal cases may take the examination and shall be conferred the eligibility if they successfully pass the same. However, this is without prejudice to the outcome of their pending cases. If they are found guilty of grave offenses, their eligibility shall be forfeited based on the penalties stated in the decision and pursuant to Section 52 (a) of the Revised Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service. 1. Fully accomplished application form (CS Form No. 100 Revised 2012); 2. Four (4) copies of identical pictures with specifications, as follows: taken within the last three (3) months prior to filing of application Philippine passport picture size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm or 1.78 x 1.38) colored, with white background and printed on quality photo paper in standard close-up shot (from shoulder level up with the head and face occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at approximately 1 inch below the chin) in bare face (without eyeglasses or any accessories that may cover the facial features and showing left and right ears taken in full-face view directly facing the camera, with neutral facial expression and both eyes open with full and handwritten (not computer-generated) name tag in the format: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, and Extension Name, if any, and signature over the printed name 3. Original and photocopy of any valid ID containing applicants clear picture, date of birth, signature, and signature of the authorized head of the issuing agency such as Drivers License, SSS ID, GSIS ID, Philhealth ID, current Company/Office ID, current School ID, Postal ID, BIR ID, Barangay ID, Voters ID, Valid Passport, or Police Clearance (Note: Any other ID not included in the list shall NOT be accepted) 4. For applicants without data on their date of birth in their valid ID, original and photocopy of NSO-issued Birth Certificate or Birth Certificate authenticated/issued by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) 5. Examination fee of Php500 for the CSE-PPT, or Php600 for the CSE-CAT. For fees of other examinations, please see related Examination Announcement. Note: Spaces for Signature/Printed Name and Right Thumbmark of applicant should be left blank. These shall only be accomplished in the presence of the Administering Officer/CSC Processor. _________________________________________________________ Signature over Printed Name of Applicant Right Thumbmark Subscribed and sworn to before me this ________ day of ______________________________, 20 ______. ________________________________________________ ____________________________ Signature over Printed Name of Administering Officer Office / Position Agency/Office Address Position/Job Title No. of Years in Present Position/Job Status of Appointment/ Employment E. PRESENT EMPLOYMENT Government F. OTHER INFORMATION Private Non-government Organization Self-Employed Unemployed G. DECLARATION