Small World Microloans is a nonprofit organization founded in 2001 that provides microloans to entrepreneurs in developing countries, connecting donors directly with recipients to help defeat poverty. Donors select entrepreneurs to loan to, Small World distributes the loans, and as entrepreneurs repay loans the funds can be loaned to additional entrepreneurs, creating a cycle of success and global wealth.
2. About Small World Microloans
Who we are
Nonprofit organization
Founded in 2001
Committed to defeating poverty
What we do
Replace donations with microloans
Connect donors with entrepreneurs in developing
3. SWM Principles
Serve people with the greatest need
Reward innovation and self-sufficiency
Form effective microloan groups
Balance loans and savings
4. SWM Cycle of Success
1. Donor selects
2. SWM distributes loan
to entrepreneur
3. Entrepreneur repays
4. Donor can loan funds to
another entrepreneur
Cycle of success
5. Contact SWM
Small World Microloans
2130 L Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20005