This document discusses how companies can move beyond basic compliance with corporate social responsibility standards to using CSR strategies to drive profitable growth. It suggests that companies innovate their value propositions, products, supply chains, and processes to differentiate themselves and exceed expectations in a way that creates sustainable value. The document advocates engaging external experts to help companies make the journey from values to creating value.
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Do not think straight: CSR Performance lift
1. Do not think straight:
make the difference.
Embrace the challenge of profitable growth
through new economy thinking.
sustainable value growth
2. Where is the business case for good intentions?
3. CSR: from compliance to growth
• Code of conduct
• Basic principles of social responsibility
• Licence to operate (by 20..?)
• Prerequisite from: governments, trading partners, consumers
• Meet industry standards
• Sector level benchmark
• Continuous improvement
• Stay level with peers
• Exceed expectations
• Differentiating factor
10. To make the difference, engage a helping hand
A temporary resource to add to your team
Expertise, skills and system approach
Work with you beyond advice
Deliver results beyond ideas