Rohit "ROI" Bassi is a speaker who offers trust and compassion to help organizations achieve their corporate social responsibility objectives. His talks and services focus on themes of kindness, compassionate communication, self-awareness, finding purpose and meaning, and embracing imperfections - drawing from concepts like "knowing your BS", the "two wolves" parable, the Japanese concept of "Ikigai", and the Japanese art of "Kintsugi".
#5: Many years ago a young man through his self sabotaging feelings, thoughts and actions destroyed his most precious relationship. In his darkness the saving grace for him was the book called The Art of Happiness. The book starts with the notion that ultimate that all humans want to attain is happiness. It continues to talk about that amazingly sweet emotion hidden within us called love. And than the book give you a surprise, the surprise of the miracle of compassion. Compassion being the secret, that encompasses it all love, joy and passion.
You see compassion is seen across all creatures in our world. Fro example the might elephants mourn at the death of other elephants. They visit the bones of the decease. This something us humans do.
#6: The amazing dog is full of compassion. I still remember one particular time in my life when my dog who was know as doggy stroke me and cuddled me when I was crying due to emotional pain.
#7: Surprisingly, in 1958 an experiment done rats found out that event rats show compassion to each other. Some call the those rats compassionate rodents
#8: In fact when we look at history you will notice leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Dalai Lama have been living their lives through compassion. The work has all been about compassion.
#9: Yet many of us in our life, business, work are disconnected from compassion. There is apathy towards compassion. But when you look closer the reason for the apathy is that underneath the mask many are holding on to the bitterness and call it reality of life. Sadly, even though we have great examples of compassion all around us we wallow in our bitterness. Thus most people define compassion to be weak, pity and wimpish. You see this examples even in the language we use:
#10: This is where we need ensure that through our smile, silence and gratitude we fuel the compassion which is hidden with ourselves.
I have request from all of you to please do a short exercise that consists of three parts. My doctor teacher who I call Doc Uncle, Dr.Segu Ramesh this entering the unknow anaotmy of the heart, I call it entering compassion for self and others.
Here we go.
Smile with kindness without expectations to the people who are around you
Now please take your hand in put them like this. Focus on the area between your hands, you can blink your eyes if you wish to and just breath, now close your eyes and just breath, breath, breath, keep you eyes closed and keep breathing
Please slowly open your eyes and say thank you, be grateful for all that you have been given, all that you are getting and all that you are getting.
#12: Compassion goes beyond sympathy. Sympathy is about drowning yourself in either yours or another persons the sorrow.
#13: Compassion goes beyond empathy. Empathy is about feeling the emotions of yourself or the others without drowning yourself in them
#14: Compassion is simply a divine intervention. Feeling care and warmth either for yourself or the other person. Creating, developing or seeking a solution that takes you or the other out of their misery, problem or fear. It is like getting that sweet caring hug from your mother, that smile from someone that assures you all is well or that knowing someone is there to always support you.
#15: As we live in era of where we cannot trust our own knowing we are so dependent on science to prove everything. And this where the father of evolution comes in, Charles Darwin. His work on compassion is never spoken about, our schools, business and leaders seem to focus on his work survival of the fittest while Charles Darwin research later work shows he was all about focusing compassion and not survival of the fitest
#16: Let us forget about Charles Darwin. Institutes such Stanford Medicine have who department dedicated to the importance of compassion. A whole department of research of compassion. Wthummus wtfalafel is going on here.