The document outlines the presentation guidelines for final year projects in two categories: System and Research. For both categories, presentations should include an introduction, objectives, scope, and discussions section. For systems projects, students must also include a hardware/application/framework demonstration and prototype demo. Research projects require a literature review summary table and description of the research method and results. All presentations are to be 20 minutes with 15 for the presentation and 5 for Q&A, and students must arrive 30 minutes early to load their PowerPoint slides.
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Css4999 cse999 presentation guideline final year project 2
1. Presentation Guideline Final Year Project 2
(CSE4999 & CSS4999)
The outline for PITA 1’s presentation (CSE4999 & CSS4998) as follow:
Category: System
1. Introduction (Pengenalan)
2. Objectives (Objektif Kajian)
3. Scope (Skop)
4. Hardware/Application/Framework (Perkakasan/Aplikasi/Rangka Kerja)
5. Demo Prototype (Pembentangan prototaip)
6. Discussions (Perbincangan)
Category: Research
1. Introduction (Pengenalan)
2. Objectives (Objektif Kajian)
3. Scope (Skop)
4. Literature Reviews (Ringkasan Sorotan Kajian) ïƒ Summarize in a table
5. Research Method (Kaedah Kajian)
6. Results (Hasil Kajian)
7. Discussions (Perbincangan)
i. Prepare your presentation in Power Point ºÝºÝߣ.
ii. Each student is given 20 minutes to present his/her final year project. This
includes 15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes question/answer.
iii. All the students are required to attend 30 minutes before presentation for
installing the slide presentation.