Las fundaciones son elementos estructurales que transmiten las cargas de una edificaci坦n al suelo de manera estable. Existen diferentes tipos de fundaciones como zapatas aisladas, corridas, combinadas y losas de fundaci坦n para cimentaciones superficiales, as鱈 como pilotes prefabricados e in situ y muros de contenci坦n para cimentaciones profundas. Cada tipo se utiliza seg炭n las caracter鱈sticas del terreno y la estructura a soportar.
This document discusses learning and performance management in organizations. It covers topics such as classical and operant conditioning, reinforcement and punishment, goal setting, performance appraisal, feedback, and correcting poor performance. The key points are learning is a change in behavior through experience, positive and negative consequences are used to modify behavior, and performance management aims to define, measure, appraise, provide feedback on, and improve employee performance.
The document discusses the Texas Woman's University Fitness and Recreational Center (Fit and Rec). It was built in 2011 to promote healthy lifestyles and combat lifestyle diseases. The Fit and Rec is used by people of all ages, shapes and fitness levels through exercise classes, personal training, intramural sports, and more. Students say it reduces stress, helps them see progress over time, and even helped some make friends. The document encourages students to use their tuition-covered fitness services to gain health, motivation, and confidence like student Makaila Brooks.
Hospice Foundation of America: The Being Mortal project began in February 2016. More than 650 organizations have
partnered to engage their local communities in 771 Being Mortal events. Preliminary outcomes indicate that 96% of audience members for the first time will decide on the person they want to make their healthcare decisions if they are unable, think about their end-of-life care preferences, and communicate those wishes to a loved one. Contact for Amy Tucci, CEO at
Brian Dalmer is a project scheduler and resource planner with over 35 years of experience supporting project management, portfolio management, and resource management efforts. He has extensive experience using tools like CA Clarity PPM, Open Workbench, and Microsoft Project. He is seeking contract or permanent work where he can support projects through activities like project scheduling, resource planning, and PMO support.
Este trabajo fue realizado por Josefina Parodi dentro de la materia Gerenciamiento Empresarial de 5 to a単o de Ingenieria Textil de la Universidad Tecnol坦gica Nacional
Elliot Turner started his first company as a sophomore in high school. Now with two successfully acquired startups under his belt, he has invaluable insights to share. Here are highlights from his discussion with Katie Farrer of IBM THINK Leaders. Check out the full podcast at
El documento describe el sentido cr鱈tico como una actitud que nos motiva a buscar la verdad y cuestionar opiniones m叩s all叩 de lo aparente para tomar decisiones fundamentadas y libres. Se単ala que desarrollar destrezas de pensamiento cr鱈tico, cultivar actitudes de apertura y b炭squeda de la verdad, y generar conductas basadas en decisiones fundamentadas nos convierte en personas abiertas y trascendentes.
Vaibhav Singh is seeking a job that utilizes his skills in electronics and communication engineering. He has a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from SIRTS College in Bhopal with a 5.7 CGPA. He has experience with C/C++ and embedded systems. He has participated in several workshops and campaigns related to robotics, embedded systems, and Android app development. His projects include a smart room light controller using LDR and wireless energy harvesting using radio waves. He is interested in cellular and voice communication technologies. He achieved second place in two technical competitions and has participated in extracurricular activities like scouting.
Este documento describe varias excursiones y atracciones tur鱈sticas en Guatemala, incluyendo volcanes como Santiaguito y Santa Mar鱈a, lagos como el lago de Atitl叩n, pueblos coloniales, mercados, cabalgatas, sitios arqueol坦gicos como Tikal y El Mirador, y m叩s.
El documento describe el sentido cr鱈tico como una actitud que nos motiva a buscar la verdad y cuestionar opiniones m叩s all叩 de lo aparente para tomar decisiones fundamentadas y libres. Se単ala que desarrollar destrezas de pensamiento cr鱈tico, cultivar actitudes de apertura y b炭squeda de la verdad, y generar conductas basadas en decisiones fundamentadas nos convierte en personas abiertas y trascendentes.
Vaibhav Singh is seeking a job that utilizes his skills in electronics and communication engineering. He has a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from SIRTS College in Bhopal with a 5.7 CGPA. He has experience with C/C++ and embedded systems. He has participated in several workshops and campaigns related to robotics, embedded systems, and Android app development. His projects include a smart room light controller using LDR and wireless energy harvesting using radio waves. He is interested in cellular and voice communication technologies. He achieved second place in two technical competitions and has participated in extracurricular activities like scouting.
Este documento describe varias excursiones y atracciones tur鱈sticas en Guatemala, incluyendo volcanes como Santiaguito y Santa Mar鱈a, lagos como el lago de Atitl叩n, pueblos coloniales, mercados, cabalgatas, sitios arqueol坦gicos como Tikal y El Mirador, y m叩s.