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息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 1
Ensuring AI Trust and
Transparency with
Inclusive Design
Ted Drake, Intuit
CSUN 2025
Ensuring AI Trust and Transparency with Inclusive Design
We must balance the value of AI branding with the customers' need to
understand their risk of accepting Gen AI content, providing data, and
understanding the AI process. Explore trauma-informed principles and
inclusive design solutions.
 Overview of the session
 Presenters and contact information
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 2
Todays Agenda
 Leading with a trauma-informed approach
 Do No Harm
 Importance of Trust
 Branding vs Functionality
 Clearly identifying AI
 Explainable AI in practice
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 3
Leading with a Trauma Informed Perspective
CSUN 2024: Introduce Trauma-Informed Design to your Organization
 Introduction to Trauma
 Trauma Informed Design Principles
Introduction - Proposal Description
 Generative AI and its potential risks for users with cognitive disabilities, anxiety
 Presentation Goals: Combine inclusive design and trauma-informed principles
to build trust, transparency, and usability for all users.
 Potential risks and benefits of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)
 Impact on users with cognitive disabilities, anxiety, memory loss, and trauma
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 4
Trauma-informed Design (TID) Principles
Trustworthiness and Transparency
Peer Support
Collaboration and Mutuality
Empowerment, Voice, and Choice
Cultural Consideration
Trauma-informed design (TID) principles were established in architecture and
service design with an emphasis on providing safe spaces for those who have
suffered trauma. More recently, TID has been adopted within digital design of web
and mobile applications. The core principles of TID also lead to usable design that
respects the users privacy, security, and trust.
 Trustworthiness and Transparency
 Peer Support
 Collaboration and Mutuality
 Empowerment, Voice, and Choice
 Cultural Consideration
We are also at an in鍖ection point with the integration of Arti鍖cial Intelligence within
our applications and services. Incorporating the TID principles in AI-in鍖uenced
design will ensure our products are supporting our diverse audiences and
prioritizing their experience.
 5 Principles of Trauma-Informed Design
 Trauma-informed Design Resources
Do No Harm
The most important element of TID is to do no harm. Our work will focus on
ensuring the customer understands the risk of generative AI content, recognizes
when AI is being used to generate information, understands how the decision was
generated, and the ability to exit the experience when there is a concern.
We will take an accessibility-鍖rst approach, focusing on the experience of assistive
technology users and cognitive disabilities. Building upon this foundation will
ensure our AI interfaces work well for everyone.
 Threats by arti鍖cial intelligence to human health and human existence - PMC
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 6
What is the risk level?
Low risk
Illustration for slides
High risk
Hiring decisions
Some AI is low risk. For instance, prompting generative AI to create a cartoon of a
cat skateboarding is probably not going to hurt the customer. But asking AI to
review resumes, interview potential employees, and make the hiring decision has
great risk for the organization and the potential employees. A customer should
understand generated content and actions can include errors and must be
reviewed. The process of generating an answer must also be transparent.
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 7
Risk Mitigation
Clear AI Identi鍖cation
Explainable AI (XAI)
Provide Options
Escape Route
Customer Control
 To do no harm, we must be transparent about the role of AI and the
potential risk of accepting content without a review.
 AI identi鍖cation needs to be clear and accessible.
 High risk pathways must con鍖rm approval.
 Describe how a decision was made via Explainable AI (XAI).
 Provide multiple options.
 Screened Out: The Impact of Digitized Hiring Assessments on Disabled Workers -
Center for Democracy and Tech
 Con鍖rmation Dialogs Can Prevent User Errors (If Not Overused)
 What is Explainable AI (XAI)? | IBM
 UX considerations for generative AI apps and agents | Google Cloud Blog
Best practices for AI
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 9
Clearly Identifying AI
What signi鍖es AI is used to create, decide, or analyze?
Dont rely on visual indicators
Clearly identifying AI
Many products use a combination of sparkles, propellers, and rainbow borders to
highlight information is AI generated.
 AI UX Patterns | Symbols | ShapeofAI.com
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 10
Alt text includes AI
<img src=/slideshow/csun-ensuring-ai-trust-and-transparency-with-inclusive-design-1-pdf/276572517/"..." alt="Sparkles">
<img src=/slideshow/csun-ensuring-ai-trust-and-transparency-with-inclusive-design-1-pdf/276572517/"..." alt="AI powered">
In this example, the alt text on the icon was sparkle. This doesnt tell the customer
that AI was used to identify 10 outstanding invoices and providing additional payment
Change the to AI powered.
Ive asked several screen reader users about using AI in alt text. Its a common
acronym at this point, you dont need to do anything to separate the letters.
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 11
Focus on purpose, not design
Bad (SVG)
<title>Thinking and generating</title>
<desc>Brand animation for thinking</desc>
<div role="img" aria-label="AI Powered">
<svg aria-hidden="true">...</svg>
At Intuit, we treat SVG icons as decorative via the aria-hidden rule. If they provide
context, they are wrapped in a container, such as a button, link, or span that
includes what the icon represents.
Bad (SVG)
<title>Thinking and generating</title>
<desc>Brand animation for thinking and
generating state</desc>
<div role="img" aria-label="AI Powered">
<svg aria-hidden="true">
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 12
Avoid ambiguity
Purely visual:
 Rainbow borders and backgrounds
Brand names
 Rufus, Gemini, Ari
 <img alt="" src=/slideshow/csun-ensuring-ai-trust-and-transparency-with-inclusive-design-1-pdf/276572517/"..." class="rufus-avatar-img">
Rainbow borders and animations are often used for de鍖ning something that is AI
powered. This is 鍖ne if there is also content to describe the AI connection. This also
includes the use of AI brand names, such as Rufus, Ari, and Gemini.
In chat interfaces, its important to label the responder as an AI agent, Amazons
Rufus uses an image with alt=.
<img alt="" src=".." class="rufus-avatar-img" height="20"
Explainable AI (XAI)
Explainable AI
In many ways, Explainable AI (XAI) is the antidote for irresponsible, harmful bias in
AI. Imagine you are fired from your job after many years of solid work, only to find out
the decision was made by an AI service. If the decision used XAI, the process would
be clearly defined and open for review.
Cash 鍖ow is critical for small business success. QuickBooks introduced an invoice
reminder service that highlights past due invoices and suggests emails to send to
customers. This includes several options for the voice used, such as fun or 鍖rm.
We will use this screen to illustrate several best practices.
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 15
QuickBooks Invoice Reminders
Choosing the best voice
 Who is the customer
 Invoice details
This is a new customer that already has a late
payment. The invoice is almost $1,000 and they
have not yet received a reminder.
The suggested voice is Friendly
Theres also a clear explanation of why this invoice was highlighted and the
customers history. This is used to de鍖ne the style of letter being sent.
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 16
Reduce anxiety
Ensure customer control
Provide suggestions
Customer Choice
Customer Choice
Choice and control are critical for designing with a trauma-informed approach. Our
goal is to reduce anxiety and ensure the customer has control of their interactions.
Continuing with the QuickBooks example, there are several sections that ensure
choice and control.
Voice and Tone chooser
While there are some guidelines for choosing the tone of a reminder email. A
friendly message is great for an invoice that is only past-due a few days. But a stern
message is needed for those that are overdue by more than 30 days. The customer
is always able to choose what they feel comfortable with.
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 17
Provide a safe exit
Speed is critical with high-risk applications
Fallback to non-AI experience
Exit the AI Experience
Exit the AI Experience
Theres a button to exit the generative AI functionality and send a basic past-due
invoice reminder. The customer can still send an email, but trust the content is not
AI generated.
Safe exit is critical for trauma-informed design, especially when using an application
could lead to physical or mental harm. For example, an application for reporting
human traf鍖cking.
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 18
Generated content:
Editable text
Editable text
Each of the email attributes can be edited. This allows the customer to review the
generated content to spell check, correct contact information, and add personal
One more thing
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 20
Agentic AI
 Increase accessibility by reducing effort
 Minimal user interface
 Data must be con鍖rmed by customer
 XAI critical for con鍖rming accuracy
 Compare source documents and
extracted data
 Add Inclusive Agentic AI to your goals
You own a bakery in Anaheim and there will be a new Mosque built in the community
that supports the Iranian community. You want to see how you could add recipes to
welcome the new residents and generate sales.
You have agentic ai review your past sales and recipes for the use of rose water. You
want to compare with other nearby bakeries for rose-based desserts. You want to
analyze the number of bakeries near the mosque. Finally, create a business plan for
increasing the selection of deserts that include rose water for the next five years.
The majority of this work will not have an interface, its the collection of data from
multiple sources. As inclusive designers, we need to make sure the resulting data can
be verified, is understandable, and the customer has options to expand on the
息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 21
Trauma Informed Design and Arti鍖cial Intelligence
Do no harm
Build trust
Support inclusivity
Prioritize safety, transparency, and user choice
Explainable AI
Integrating trauma-informed design (TID) principles into AI design is crucial for
building trust and ensuring inclusivity. By prioritizing safety, transparency, and user
choice, we can create AI experiences that are not only functional but also respectful
and considerate of diverse user needs and potential vulnerabilities. As AI continues
to evolve, a commitment to these principles will be essential for mitigating risks,
preventing harm, and fostering a positive and accessible experience for all users.

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CSUN Ensuring AI Trust and Transparency with Inclusive Design-1.pdf

  • 1. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Ensuring AI Trust and Transparency with Inclusive Design Ted Drake, Intuit CSUN 2025 Ensuring AI Trust and Transparency with Inclusive Design We must balance the value of AI branding with the customers' need to understand their risk of accepting Gen AI content, providing data, and understanding the AI process. Explore trauma-informed principles and inclusive design solutions. Overview of the session Presenters and contact information
  • 2. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 2 Todays Agenda Leading with a trauma-informed approach Do No Harm Importance of Trust Branding vs Functionality Clearly identifying AI Transparency Explainable AI in practice
  • 3. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 3 Leading with a Trauma Informed Perspective CSUN 2024: Introduce Trauma-Informed Design to your Organization Introduction to Trauma Trauma Informed Design Principles Examples Resources Introduction - Proposal Description Generative AI and its potential risks for users with cognitive disabilities, anxiety etc. Presentation Goals: Combine inclusive design and trauma-informed principles to build trust, transparency, and usability for all users. Potential risks and benefits of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) Impact on users with cognitive disabilities, anxiety, memory loss, and trauma survivors
  • 4. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 4 Trauma-informed Design (TID) Principles Safety Trustworthiness and Transparency Peer Support Collaboration and Mutuality Empowerment, Voice, and Choice Cultural Consideration Trauma-informed design (TID) principles were established in architecture and service design with an emphasis on providing safe spaces for those who have suffered trauma. More recently, TID has been adopted within digital design of web and mobile applications. The core principles of TID also lead to usable design that respects the users privacy, security, and trust. Safety Trustworthiness and Transparency Peer Support Collaboration and Mutuality Empowerment, Voice, and Choice Cultural Consideration We are also at an in鍖ection point with the integration of Arti鍖cial Intelligence within our applications and services. Incorporating the TID principles in AI-in鍖uenced design will ensure our products are supporting our diverse audiences and prioritizing their experience. 5 Principles of Trauma-Informed Design Trauma-informed Design Resources
  • 5. Do No Harm The most important element of TID is to do no harm. Our work will focus on ensuring the customer understands the risk of generative AI content, recognizes when AI is being used to generate information, understands how the decision was generated, and the ability to exit the experience when there is a concern. We will take an accessibility-鍖rst approach, focusing on the experience of assistive technology users and cognitive disabilities. Building upon this foundation will ensure our AI interfaces work well for everyone. Threats by arti鍖cial intelligence to human health and human existence - PMC
  • 6. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 6 What is the risk level? Low risk Illustration for slides High risk Hiring decisions Some AI is low risk. For instance, prompting generative AI to create a cartoon of a cat skateboarding is probably not going to hurt the customer. But asking AI to review resumes, interview potential employees, and make the hiring decision has great risk for the organization and the potential employees. A customer should understand generated content and actions can include errors and must be reviewed. The process of generating an answer must also be transparent.
  • 7. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 7 Risk Mitigation Clear AI Identi鍖cation Con鍖rmation Explainable AI (XAI) Provide Options Escape Route Customer Control To do no harm, we must be transparent about the role of AI and the potential risk of accepting content without a review. AI identi鍖cation needs to be clear and accessible. High risk pathways must con鍖rm approval. Describe how a decision was made via Explainable AI (XAI). Provide multiple options. Resources Screened Out: The Impact of Digitized Hiring Assessments on Disabled Workers - Center for Democracy and Tech Con鍖rmation Dialogs Can Prevent User Errors (If Not Overused) What is Explainable AI (XAI)? | IBM UX considerations for generative AI apps and agents | Google Cloud Blog
  • 8. Best practices for AI Design
  • 9. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 9 Clearly Identifying AI What signi鍖es AI is used to create, decide, or analyze? Sparkles Propellers Rainbows Dont rely on visual indicators Clearly identifying AI Many products use a combination of sparkles, propellers, and rainbow borders to highlight information is AI generated. AI UX Patterns | Symbols | ShapeofAI.com
  • 10. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 10 Alt text includes AI Bad <img src=/slideshow/csun-ensuring-ai-trust-and-transparency-with-inclusive-design-1-pdf/276572517/"..." alt="Sparkles"> Good <img src=/slideshow/csun-ensuring-ai-trust-and-transparency-with-inclusive-design-1-pdf/276572517/"..." alt="AI powered"> In this example, the alt text on the icon was sparkle. This doesnt tell the customer that AI was used to identify 10 outstanding invoices and providing additional payment options. Change the to AI powered. Ive asked several screen reader users about using AI in alt text. Its a common acronym at this point, you dont need to do anything to separate the letters.
  • 11. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 11 Focus on purpose, not design Bad (SVG) <title>Thinking and generating</title> <desc>Brand animation for thinking</desc> Good <div role="img" aria-label="AI Powered"> <svg aria-hidden="true">...</svg> </div> At Intuit, we treat SVG icons as decorative via the aria-hidden rule. If they provide context, they are wrapped in a container, such as a button, link, or span that includes what the icon represents. Bad (SVG) <title>Thinking and generating</title> <desc>Brand animation for thinking and generating state</desc> Good <div role="img" aria-label="AI Powered"> <svg aria-hidden="true"> </svg> </div>
  • 12. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 12 Avoid ambiguity Purely visual: Rainbow borders and backgrounds Animations Brand names Rufus, Gemini, Ari <img alt="" src=/slideshow/csun-ensuring-ai-trust-and-transparency-with-inclusive-design-1-pdf/276572517/"..." class="rufus-avatar-img"> Rainbow borders and animations are often used for de鍖ning something that is AI powered. This is 鍖ne if there is also content to describe the AI connection. This also includes the use of AI brand names, such as Rufus, Ari, and Gemini. In chat interfaces, its important to label the responder as an AI agent, Amazons Rufus uses an image with alt=. <img alt="" src=".." class="rufus-avatar-img" height="20" width="20">
  • 13. Explainable AI (XAI) Explainable AI In many ways, Explainable AI (XAI) is the antidote for irresponsible, harmful bias in AI. Imagine you are fired from your job after many years of solid work, only to find out the decision was made by an AI service. If the decision used XAI, the process would be clearly defined and open for review.
  • 14. QuickBooks Invoice Reminders Cash 鍖ow is critical for small business success. QuickBooks introduced an invoice reminder service that highlights past due invoices and suggests emails to send to customers. This includes several options for the voice used, such as fun or 鍖rm. We will use this screen to illustrate several best practices.
  • 15. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 15 QuickBooks Invoice Reminders Choosing the best voice Who is the customer Invoice details This is a new customer that already has a late payment. The invoice is almost $1,000 and they have not yet received a reminder. The suggested voice is Friendly Theres also a clear explanation of why this invoice was highlighted and the customers history. This is used to de鍖ne the style of letter being sent.
  • 16. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 16 Reduce anxiety Ensure customer control Provide suggestions Customer Choice Customer Choice Choice and control are critical for designing with a trauma-informed approach. Our goal is to reduce anxiety and ensure the customer has control of their interactions. Continuing with the QuickBooks example, there are several sections that ensure choice and control. Voice and Tone chooser While there are some guidelines for choosing the tone of a reminder email. A friendly message is great for an invoice that is only past-due a few days. But a stern message is needed for those that are overdue by more than 30 days. The customer is always able to choose what they feel comfortable with.
  • 17. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 17 Provide a safe exit Speed is critical with high-risk applications Fallback to non-AI experience Exit the AI Experience Exit the AI Experience Theres a button to exit the generative AI functionality and send a basic past-due invoice reminder. The customer can still send an email, but trust the content is not AI generated. Safe exit is critical for trauma-informed design, especially when using an application could lead to physical or mental harm. For example, an application for reporting human traf鍖cking.
  • 18. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 18 Generated content: Editable Reviewed Accessible Editable text Editable text Each of the email attributes can be edited. This allows the customer to review the generated content to spell check, correct contact information, and add personal notes.
  • 20. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 20 Agentic AI Increase accessibility by reducing effort Minimal user interface Data must be con鍖rmed by customer XAI critical for con鍖rming accuracy Compare source documents and extracted data Add Inclusive Agentic AI to your goals You own a bakery in Anaheim and there will be a new Mosque built in the community that supports the Iranian community. You want to see how you could add recipes to welcome the new residents and generate sales. You have agentic ai review your past sales and recipes for the use of rose water. You want to compare with other nearby bakeries for rose-based desserts. You want to analyze the number of bakeries near the mosque. Finally, create a business plan for increasing the selection of deserts that include rose water for the next five years. The majority of this work will not have an interface, its the collection of data from multiple sources. As inclusive designers, we need to make sure the resulting data can be verified, is understandable, and the customer has options to expand on the information.
  • 21. 息 2023 Intuit Inc. All rights reserved. 21 Trauma Informed Design and Arti鍖cial Intelligence Do no harm Build trust Support inclusivity Prioritize safety, transparency, and user choice Explainable AI Integrating trauma-informed design (TID) principles into AI design is crucial for building trust and ensuring inclusivity. By prioritizing safety, transparency, and user choice, we can create AI experiences that are not only functional but also respectful and considerate of diverse user needs and potential vulnerabilities. As AI continues to evolve, a commitment to these principles will be essential for mitigating risks, preventing harm, and fostering a positive and accessible experience for all users.