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By: Nura Hussein 1 st  period Crowder   Cubism 1908 and 1911
1908 cubism begins. 1908  1912 Analytical cubism begins. 1881 Pablo Picasso was born.  1882 George Braque was born.   1839 Paul C辿zanne was born
1918 cubism ended.   1980 Facet cubism begins.   1912  1919 synthetic cubism begins.
The beginning of cubism Cubism was begun by Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1882-1973) and Georges Braque (French, 1882-1963) in 1907. They were greatly inspired by African sculpture, by painters Paul C辿zanne (French, 1839-1906) and Georges Seurat (French, 1859-1891), and by the Fauves. In Cubism the subject matter is broken up, analyzed, and reassembled in an abstracted   form. Picasso and Braque initiated the movement when they followed the advice of Paul C辿zanne, who in 1904 said artists should treat nature "in terms of the cylinder, the sphere and the cone."
Cubism is a nonobjective school of painting and sculpture developed in Paris in the early 20th century, characterized by the reduction and breakup of natural forms into abstract, often geometric structures usually rendered as a set of discrete planes. Cubism was an art movement that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music and literature. Analytic cubism and Synthetic cubism are two forms of cubism.   What is Cubism
Analytical Cubism Analytical Cubism is one of the two major branches of the artistic movement of Cubism and was developed between 1908 and 1912. Compared to Synthetic cubism, Analytic Cubists "analyzed" natural forms and reduced the forms into basic geometric parts on the two-dimensional picture plane. Color was almost non-existent except for the use of a monochromatic scheme that often included grey, blue and ochre. Instead of an emphasis on color, Analytic cubists focused on forms like the cylinder, sphere and the cone to represent the natural world.
Synthetic Cubism Synthetic Cubism was the second main branch of Cubism developed by Picasso, Braque, Juan Gris and others between 1912 and 1919. It was seen as the first time that a collage had been made as a fine art work.
Facet Cubism Facet Cubism, Analytic Cubism, and Synthetic Cubism were the three phases of Cubism development. Facet Cubism. Instead of illusions of the third dimension on a canvas, cubism sets up an Interchange   of planes and dramatic conflict of patterns, lights, textures.
The End of cubism Cubism was done by the end of World War I. Directly influenced by it were Orphism, Precisionism, Futurism, Purism, Constructivism, and, to some degree, Expressionism.
Pablo Picasso   Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain, as the son of an art and drawing teacher. He was a brilliant student. He passed the entrance examination for the Barcelona School of Fine Arts at the age of 14 in just one day and was allowed to skip the first two classes.
Primary source   In Picassos early twenties he began to tint his paintings a pale, cold blue. He did this for three years (1901-1904). No other artist had ever done this.
Georges   Braque Georges Braque developed his painting skills while working for his father, a house decorator. He moved to Paris in 1900 to study where he was drawn to the work of the Fauve artists, including Matisse, Derain and Dufy, as well as the late landscapes of C辿zanne. Meeting Picasso marked a huge turning point in Braque's development and together they evolved as leaders of Cubism.
Paul C辿zanne He was a French artist and Post Impressionist painter whose work laid the foundations of the transition from the 19th century conception of artistic endeavor to a new and radically different world of art in the 20th century.
Influenced by cubism Surrealism is a   cultural movement that began in the early-1920s, and is best known for the visual artworks and writings of the group members. The works feature the element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions and non sequitur. The leader Andr辿 Breton was explicit in his assertion that Surrealism was above all a revolutionary movement.  Fauvism is French for The Wild Beasts. A short-lived and loose grouping of early 20th century Modern artists. The works emphasized painterly qualities, and the imaginative use of deep color over the representational values retained by Impressionism. Fauvists simplified lines, made the subject of the painting easy to read and exaggerated perspectives
Influenced by cubism Expressionism is the tendency of an artist to distort reality for an emotional effect; it is a subjective art form. Expressionism is exhibited in many art forms, including painting, literature, theatre, film, architecture and music. Painters such as Matthias Gr端newald and El Greco can be called expressionist. Impressionism was a 19th century art movement that began as a loose association of Paris-based artists, who began exhibiting their art publicly in the 1860s. The name of the movement is derived from the title of a Claude Monet work,  Impression.
Sources  Cubism.1 Dec 2007.3 Dec, 2007 http://wikipedia.org Paul C辿zanne.28 Nov 2007.2 Dec, 2007 http://wkipedia.org Pablo Picasso.3 Dec 2007.2 Dec,2007 http://wikipedia.org Georges Braque.2 Dec 2007.2 Dec,2007 http://wikipedia.org Impressionism.30 Nov 2007.2 Dec,2007 http://wikipedia.org

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  • 1. By: Nura Hussein 1 st period Crowder Cubism 1908 and 1911
  • 2. 1908 cubism begins. 1908 1912 Analytical cubism begins. 1881 Pablo Picasso was born. 1882 George Braque was born. 1839 Paul C辿zanne was born
  • 3. 1918 cubism ended. 1980 Facet cubism begins. 1912 1919 synthetic cubism begins.
  • 4. The beginning of cubism Cubism was begun by Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1882-1973) and Georges Braque (French, 1882-1963) in 1907. They were greatly inspired by African sculpture, by painters Paul C辿zanne (French, 1839-1906) and Georges Seurat (French, 1859-1891), and by the Fauves. In Cubism the subject matter is broken up, analyzed, and reassembled in an abstracted form. Picasso and Braque initiated the movement when they followed the advice of Paul C辿zanne, who in 1904 said artists should treat nature "in terms of the cylinder, the sphere and the cone."
  • 5. Cubism is a nonobjective school of painting and sculpture developed in Paris in the early 20th century, characterized by the reduction and breakup of natural forms into abstract, often geometric structures usually rendered as a set of discrete planes. Cubism was an art movement that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music and literature. Analytic cubism and Synthetic cubism are two forms of cubism. What is Cubism
  • 6. Analytical Cubism Analytical Cubism is one of the two major branches of the artistic movement of Cubism and was developed between 1908 and 1912. Compared to Synthetic cubism, Analytic Cubists "analyzed" natural forms and reduced the forms into basic geometric parts on the two-dimensional picture plane. Color was almost non-existent except for the use of a monochromatic scheme that often included grey, blue and ochre. Instead of an emphasis on color, Analytic cubists focused on forms like the cylinder, sphere and the cone to represent the natural world.
  • 7. Synthetic Cubism Synthetic Cubism was the second main branch of Cubism developed by Picasso, Braque, Juan Gris and others between 1912 and 1919. It was seen as the first time that a collage had been made as a fine art work.
  • 8. Facet Cubism Facet Cubism, Analytic Cubism, and Synthetic Cubism were the three phases of Cubism development. Facet Cubism. Instead of illusions of the third dimension on a canvas, cubism sets up an Interchange of planes and dramatic conflict of patterns, lights, textures.
  • 9. The End of cubism Cubism was done by the end of World War I. Directly influenced by it were Orphism, Precisionism, Futurism, Purism, Constructivism, and, to some degree, Expressionism.
  • 10. Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain, as the son of an art and drawing teacher. He was a brilliant student. He passed the entrance examination for the Barcelona School of Fine Arts at the age of 14 in just one day and was allowed to skip the first two classes.
  • 11. Primary source In Picassos early twenties he began to tint his paintings a pale, cold blue. He did this for three years (1901-1904). No other artist had ever done this.
  • 12. Georges Braque Georges Braque developed his painting skills while working for his father, a house decorator. He moved to Paris in 1900 to study where he was drawn to the work of the Fauve artists, including Matisse, Derain and Dufy, as well as the late landscapes of C辿zanne. Meeting Picasso marked a huge turning point in Braque's development and together they evolved as leaders of Cubism.
  • 13. Paul C辿zanne He was a French artist and Post Impressionist painter whose work laid the foundations of the transition from the 19th century conception of artistic endeavor to a new and radically different world of art in the 20th century.
  • 14. Influenced by cubism Surrealism is a cultural movement that began in the early-1920s, and is best known for the visual artworks and writings of the group members. The works feature the element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions and non sequitur. The leader Andr辿 Breton was explicit in his assertion that Surrealism was above all a revolutionary movement. Fauvism is French for The Wild Beasts. A short-lived and loose grouping of early 20th century Modern artists. The works emphasized painterly qualities, and the imaginative use of deep color over the representational values retained by Impressionism. Fauvists simplified lines, made the subject of the painting easy to read and exaggerated perspectives
  • 15. Influenced by cubism Expressionism is the tendency of an artist to distort reality for an emotional effect; it is a subjective art form. Expressionism is exhibited in many art forms, including painting, literature, theatre, film, architecture and music. Painters such as Matthias Gr端newald and El Greco can be called expressionist. Impressionism was a 19th century art movement that began as a loose association of Paris-based artists, who began exhibiting their art publicly in the 1860s. The name of the movement is derived from the title of a Claude Monet work, Impression.
  • 16. Sources Cubism.1 Dec 2007.3 Dec, 2007 http://wikipedia.org Paul C辿zanne.28 Nov 2007.2 Dec, 2007 http://wkipedia.org Pablo Picasso.3 Dec 2007.2 Dec,2007 http://wikipedia.org Georges Braque.2 Dec 2007.2 Dec,2007 http://wikipedia.org Impressionism.30 Nov 2007.2 Dec,2007 http://wikipedia.org