Exactly what is sensuality and sexuality?
Sensuality beyond any doubt is simply our Senses experiencing themselves in an intense state of AWARENESS.
Information about the sciences of sex chases the butterflies away---NOT REALLY!
Getting funding through the Knight Community Information Challenge: A guide f...Knight Foundation
On May 1, Knight Foundation is launching a contest with a local focus the Knight Community Information Challenge. While the contest funds all types of news and information projects, the priority of this years contest is to fund projects that make open government more tangible and useful to people in a specific communitywhich makes this contest a unique opportunity for anyone wanting to build and test a new idea locally. Find out more at Please note: The challenge deadline has been extended to July 1, 2013.
La CJUE a rendu le 2 mars 2017, un arr棚t pr辿judiciel portant sur une affaire de double imposition concernant un travailleur frontalier assujetti limp担t sur le revenu de lEtat membre de r辿sidence et non de lEtat membre demploi.
Suspension system for a vehicle is an integration of various machine components designed and assembled in
such a manner to absorb all the shocks and vibrations. The objectives of suspension are mentioned in detail. The
aim of the work is to analyze various parameters like stresses, stiffness, material etc., of single degrees of freedom,
vibrational absorption system of an Automobile. The vibrational absorption system of an Automobile is taken with
that experimental analysis was done and various parameters are collected. From the different values are taken and
the results are manipulated. Then similar work like this has to be done in Ansys with the given boundary conditions
and the results are obtained and compared. Further alterations in the vibration absorption system are made to
improve its life cycles.
This presentation deals with the active and passive voice, their differences and features, as well as changing active form to the passive one. Activities are included and can be used as a practice.
New born calf diseases prof dr. hamed attiahamed attia
This document discusses diseases that affect newborn calves. It identifies several main factors that cause calf diseases, including failure to receive adequate colostrum, infectious agents like viruses and bacteria, and poor environmental conditions. It emphasizes the importance of colostrum in providing passive immunity to calves in their first month of life. The document also examines causes and treatment of calf pneumonia and diarrhea. It provides guidance on fluid therapy, antibiotics, and other measures to treat infectious diseases in newborn calves. Finally, it discusses vaccination and other preventive strategies for controlling diseases that impact newborn animals.
This document provides information about the 3Com 10002220 REV AB processor module, including how to purchase it from Launch 3 Telecom. Launch 3 Telecom offers same day shipping for orders placed before 3PM EST, as well as repair and maintenance services for telecom equipment. They accept various payment methods and provide a warranty and return policy for items purchased.
This document provides information about purchasing a 3Com 3CR17333A-91 Switch 4210 from Launch 3 Telecom. It describes payment and shipping options and notes that the product comes with a warranty. It also lists additional services provided by Launch 3 Telecom such as repair, maintenance contracts, and de-installation of telecom equipment.
Launch 3 Telecom is a telecom equipment supplier that sells 3Com products like the 1697-060-000-2.00 I/O item. They offer competitive pricing, expert product knowledge, and quality customer service. Customers can purchase items by phone, email, or online form and select shipping options. Orders are processed for same day shipping with tracking provided. Launch 3 Telecom also offers repair, maintenance, installation, and asset recovery services for telecom equipment.
This document provides information about purchasing a 3Com 3CBLSF50-ME network switch from Launch 3 Telecom. It describes the product, lists contact information for purchasing, and details shipping and warranty policies. Launch 3 Telecom also offers additional services including equipment repair, maintenance contracts, de-installation, and asset recovery.
El le坦n atrap坦 a un rat坦n que lo despert坦 de su siesta. Aunque el rat坦n le rog坦 por su vida y prometi坦 servirlo, el le坦n lo dej坦 ir burl叩ndose de su oferta. M叩s tarde, cuando cazadores atraparon al le坦n en una red, el mismo rat坦n lo oy坦 rugir y r叩pidamente lo liber坦 rompiendo la red con sus dientes, cumpliendo su promesa. El le坦n aprendi坦 a ser m叩s generoso tras recibir este favor inesperado del peque単o rat坦n.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo alinear texto en diferentes posiciones, incluyendo alineado a la izquierda, derecha, centrado y justificado, utilizando los botones de formato de alineaci坦n de texto.
Ej05 aplicar formatos usando cortar copiar y pegarsegundociclocm
Este documento instruye al lector a copiar y pegar un texto varias veces usando diferentes fuentes, estilos y tama単os de letra. El texto debe copiarse 5 veces con diferentes fuentes y estilos aplicados a cada copia, y luego copiarse 3 veces m叩s variando el tama単o de letra entre 6, 11 y 11.5 puntos.
El documento presenta ejemplos de diferentes fuentes, estilos y tama単os de letra en Arial, Times New Roman, Courier y Comic Sans. Tambi辿n incluye instrucciones para crear un nuevo documento de Word con 10 fuentes y tama単os diferentes.
El documento describe las funciones b叩sicas del teclado para moverse por un documento, incluyendo usar las teclas de flecha para mover el cursor, Enter para saltos de l鱈nea, Tab para tabulaciones, Re P叩g y Av P叩g para retroceder y avanzar p叩ginas, Fin e Inicio para ir al final o principio de l鱈nea u documento, Supr y Borrar para eliminar caracteres, y usar Alt m叩s una letra para activar opciones de men炭.
El documento explica c坦mo a単adir, insertar y borrar texto en un documento de Word. Detalla los pasos para escribir nuevo texto, insertar texto en medio de una palabra ya escrita y borrar texto seleccionado. Tambi辿n cubre c坦mo deshacer y rehacer acciones usando los botones Deshacer y Rehacer en la barra de herramientas. Por 炭ltimo, da instrucciones para corregir errores marcados en rojo en un texto de ejemplo.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo seleccionar, copiar, cortar y pegar texto. Explica que para seleccionar texto se debe hacer clic y arrastrar el cursor sobre el texto deseado. Para cortar, copiar o pegar texto seleccionado, se hace clic derecho y se elige la opci坦n correspondiente en el men炭 emergente. A continuaci坦n, presenta un poema dividido en dos columnas donde el lector debe completar la columna derecha seleccionando y pegando palabras y frases de la izquierda.
El resumen describe la historia de un hombre que se arroj坦 desde el d辿cimo piso de un edificio y mientras ca鱈a pudo ver a trav辿s de las ventanas la intimidad de sus vecinos, incluyendo sus peque単as tragedias, amores secretos y momentos de felicidad que nunca antes hab鱈a notado. Al estrellarse contra el pavimento, cambi坦 su perspectiva del mundo y se dio cuenta que la vida val鱈a la pena vivirse.
Para escribir en Word, se puede poner la primera letra de una palabra en may炭scula manteniendo presionada la tecla May炭sculas y luego pulsando la letra, activar el Bloq May炭s para escribir todo en may炭sculas, escribir n炭meros directamente, poner acentos pulsando primero la tecla del acento y luego la letra, y usar la tecla de retorno para hacer un punto y aparte entre p叩rrafos.
El teclado permite introducir datos y texto en el ordenador y darle 坦rdenes. Est叩 dividido en seis secciones, cada una con funciones definidas, permitiendo la interacci坦n con la computadora.
Este documento explica c坦mo formar oraciones en grado superlativo en ingl辿s. Explica que el superlativo se usa para comparar una sola cosa o categor鱈a con todo lo dem叩s. Luego detalla las reglas para adjetivos cortos de una s鱈laba (a単adir "-est"), adjetivos largos de dos o m叩s s鱈labas ("the most" + adjetivo), y adjetivos irregulares como "good", "bad", y "far".
La CJUE a rendu le 2 mars 2017, un arr棚t pr辿judiciel portant sur une affaire de double imposition concernant un travailleur frontalier assujetti limp担t sur le revenu de lEtat membre de r辿sidence et non de lEtat membre demploi.
Suspension system for a vehicle is an integration of various machine components designed and assembled in
such a manner to absorb all the shocks and vibrations. The objectives of suspension are mentioned in detail. The
aim of the work is to analyze various parameters like stresses, stiffness, material etc., of single degrees of freedom,
vibrational absorption system of an Automobile. The vibrational absorption system of an Automobile is taken with
that experimental analysis was done and various parameters are collected. From the different values are taken and
the results are manipulated. Then similar work like this has to be done in Ansys with the given boundary conditions
and the results are obtained and compared. Further alterations in the vibration absorption system are made to
improve its life cycles.
This presentation deals with the active and passive voice, their differences and features, as well as changing active form to the passive one. Activities are included and can be used as a practice.
New born calf diseases prof dr. hamed attiahamed attia
This document discusses diseases that affect newborn calves. It identifies several main factors that cause calf diseases, including failure to receive adequate colostrum, infectious agents like viruses and bacteria, and poor environmental conditions. It emphasizes the importance of colostrum in providing passive immunity to calves in their first month of life. The document also examines causes and treatment of calf pneumonia and diarrhea. It provides guidance on fluid therapy, antibiotics, and other measures to treat infectious diseases in newborn calves. Finally, it discusses vaccination and other preventive strategies for controlling diseases that impact newborn animals.
This document provides information about the 3Com 10002220 REV AB processor module, including how to purchase it from Launch 3 Telecom. Launch 3 Telecom offers same day shipping for orders placed before 3PM EST, as well as repair and maintenance services for telecom equipment. They accept various payment methods and provide a warranty and return policy for items purchased.
This document provides information about purchasing a 3Com 3CR17333A-91 Switch 4210 from Launch 3 Telecom. It describes payment and shipping options and notes that the product comes with a warranty. It also lists additional services provided by Launch 3 Telecom such as repair, maintenance contracts, and de-installation of telecom equipment.
Launch 3 Telecom is a telecom equipment supplier that sells 3Com products like the 1697-060-000-2.00 I/O item. They offer competitive pricing, expert product knowledge, and quality customer service. Customers can purchase items by phone, email, or online form and select shipping options. Orders are processed for same day shipping with tracking provided. Launch 3 Telecom also offers repair, maintenance, installation, and asset recovery services for telecom equipment.
This document provides information about purchasing a 3Com 3CBLSF50-ME network switch from Launch 3 Telecom. It describes the product, lists contact information for purchasing, and details shipping and warranty policies. Launch 3 Telecom also offers additional services including equipment repair, maintenance contracts, de-installation, and asset recovery.
El le坦n atrap坦 a un rat坦n que lo despert坦 de su siesta. Aunque el rat坦n le rog坦 por su vida y prometi坦 servirlo, el le坦n lo dej坦 ir burl叩ndose de su oferta. M叩s tarde, cuando cazadores atraparon al le坦n en una red, el mismo rat坦n lo oy坦 rugir y r叩pidamente lo liber坦 rompiendo la red con sus dientes, cumpliendo su promesa. El le坦n aprendi坦 a ser m叩s generoso tras recibir este favor inesperado del peque単o rat坦n.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo alinear texto en diferentes posiciones, incluyendo alineado a la izquierda, derecha, centrado y justificado, utilizando los botones de formato de alineaci坦n de texto.
Ej05 aplicar formatos usando cortar copiar y pegarsegundociclocm
Este documento instruye al lector a copiar y pegar un texto varias veces usando diferentes fuentes, estilos y tama単os de letra. El texto debe copiarse 5 veces con diferentes fuentes y estilos aplicados a cada copia, y luego copiarse 3 veces m叩s variando el tama単o de letra entre 6, 11 y 11.5 puntos.
El documento presenta ejemplos de diferentes fuentes, estilos y tama単os de letra en Arial, Times New Roman, Courier y Comic Sans. Tambi辿n incluye instrucciones para crear un nuevo documento de Word con 10 fuentes y tama単os diferentes.
El documento describe las funciones b叩sicas del teclado para moverse por un documento, incluyendo usar las teclas de flecha para mover el cursor, Enter para saltos de l鱈nea, Tab para tabulaciones, Re P叩g y Av P叩g para retroceder y avanzar p叩ginas, Fin e Inicio para ir al final o principio de l鱈nea u documento, Supr y Borrar para eliminar caracteres, y usar Alt m叩s una letra para activar opciones de men炭.
El documento explica c坦mo a単adir, insertar y borrar texto en un documento de Word. Detalla los pasos para escribir nuevo texto, insertar texto en medio de una palabra ya escrita y borrar texto seleccionado. Tambi辿n cubre c坦mo deshacer y rehacer acciones usando los botones Deshacer y Rehacer en la barra de herramientas. Por 炭ltimo, da instrucciones para corregir errores marcados en rojo en un texto de ejemplo.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo seleccionar, copiar, cortar y pegar texto. Explica que para seleccionar texto se debe hacer clic y arrastrar el cursor sobre el texto deseado. Para cortar, copiar o pegar texto seleccionado, se hace clic derecho y se elige la opci坦n correspondiente en el men炭 emergente. A continuaci坦n, presenta un poema dividido en dos columnas donde el lector debe completar la columna derecha seleccionando y pegando palabras y frases de la izquierda.
El resumen describe la historia de un hombre que se arroj坦 desde el d辿cimo piso de un edificio y mientras ca鱈a pudo ver a trav辿s de las ventanas la intimidad de sus vecinos, incluyendo sus peque単as tragedias, amores secretos y momentos de felicidad que nunca antes hab鱈a notado. Al estrellarse contra el pavimento, cambi坦 su perspectiva del mundo y se dio cuenta que la vida val鱈a la pena vivirse.
Para escribir en Word, se puede poner la primera letra de una palabra en may炭scula manteniendo presionada la tecla May炭sculas y luego pulsando la letra, activar el Bloq May炭s para escribir todo en may炭sculas, escribir n炭meros directamente, poner acentos pulsando primero la tecla del acento y luego la letra, y usar la tecla de retorno para hacer un punto y aparte entre p叩rrafos.
El teclado permite introducir datos y texto en el ordenador y darle 坦rdenes. Est叩 dividido en seis secciones, cada una con funciones definidas, permitiendo la interacci坦n con la computadora.
Este documento explica c坦mo formar oraciones en grado superlativo en ingl辿s. Explica que el superlativo se usa para comparar una sola cosa o categor鱈a con todo lo dem叩s. Luego detalla las reglas para adjetivos cortos de una s鱈laba (a単adir "-est"), adjetivos largos de dos o m叩s s鱈labas ("the most" + adjetivo), y adjetivos irregulares como "good", "bad", y "far".
The document provides a writing exercise where students are asked to write the superlative form of adjectives in boxes next to nouns. Examples are given such as "wet - wettest" and "difficult - the most difficult" to demonstrate how to complete the exercise. Students must identify the highest, biggest, most beautiful, slowest, youngest, most difficult, nicest, fastest, softest, and quietest options based on the prompts given.
Este documento anuncia las pr坦ximas actividades para celebrar el centenario de la Compa単鱈a de Mar鱈a en Granada, incluyendo una obra de teatro el 22 de marzo, una paella y exhibici坦n ecuestre el 29 de marzo, y un d鱈a de convivencia familiar el 5 de abril con actividades literarias y musicales. Tambi辿n presenta brevemente a los oradores Pepe Maestro y Migueli.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para una actividad en ingl辿s sobre los pa鱈ses y capitales del Reino Unido. Los estudiantes deben leer un texto y completar los espacios en blanco usando el diccionario. Tambi辿n deben a単adir el resto de pa鱈ses y capitales del Reino Unido de acuerdo a su libro de texto y colorear los diferentes pa鱈ses en un mapa. Se les pide traer la actividad terminada a clase el pr坦ximo lunes.
London, the capital of the UK, lies along the River Thames and is famous for sites like Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and Big Ben. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and is home to Edinburgh Castle which is over 1,000 years old. Manchester is known for its art, theater, music and was a major producer of cotton.
The document contains the lyrics to the song "Singing in the Rain" sung by the character Don Lockwood. In the song, he expresses his joy at being out in the rain, saying he is laughing at dark clouds, feeling the sun in his heart and ready for love. He encourages others not to be chased away by stormy clouds and to come out in the rain with him as he walks down the lane with a smile on his face, singing and dancing joyfully in the rain.
El documento anuncia una celebraci坦n de Santa Juana y un mercado solidario que se llevar叩 a cabo el 17 de mayo en un colegio a partir de las 14:00. El mercado solidario recaudar叩 fondos para tres organizaciones ben辿ficas a trav辿s de la venta de juguetes, arte, libros, electrodom辿sticos y otros art鱈culos donados. Se pide a la comunidad que done art鱈culos usados que est辿n en buen estado, compren cosas nuevas para la venta o compartan su arte para ayudar con esta causa ben辿fica.
Las orientaciones para padres enfatizan la importancia de escuchar activamente a los hijos, mantener la calma y discreci坦n, dar buen ejemplo a trav辿s del propio comportamiento, y fomentar la responsabilidad y el aprendizaje a trav辿s de una dieta saludable, sue単o adecuado, asistencia escolar regular, tiempo de lectura en familia, y apoyo con las tareas escolares.
Job Interview techniques and strategies for the school teachers.pptPriya Sush
Job Interview Techniques and Strategies. How to prepare for the interview of a school teacher? Career opportunities. Interview techniques for a school teacher. Preparing for the interview. Job interview strategies. Interview preparation for School Teachers. Resume, CV, Application, Personal Profile, Portfolio. Teaching techniques,. Preparation for a Teacher's job, School Job. Career opportunities in Education : Teacher, Co-Teacher, Assistant Teacher, Coordinator, Content Creator, EdTech Companies. SSC Board, CBSE Board, ICSE Board, IGCSE Board, IB Board. TGT, PGT.
Fuel Injection in Spark Ignition Engine (Petrol Engine)NileshKumbhar21
Engine fuel requirements, Simple carburetor, Complete Carburetor , Solex carburettor, A/F ratio, Electronic Petrol injection system (MPFI) like DMPFI, LMPFI components such as sensors, ECU etc.
Recent advances in Insulin therapy: A comprehensive overviewDr C Vignesh
Recent Advances in Insulin Therapy: A Comprehensive Overview
This presentation provides an in-depth overview of insulin therapy, covering its historical evolution, structure, mechanism of action, and recent advances. The session is designed to enhance understanding of insulin's role in diabetes management and the latest innovations in its therapeutic application.
Key Highlights:
Pancreatic Anatomy & Physiology Understanding the endocrine function of the pancreas and insulin secretion mechanisms.
Insulin Structure & Mechanism of Action Exploring the biochemical structure, receptor interactions, and physiological regulation of insulin.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Definition, classification, diagnostic criteria, and complications associated with diabetes.
Timeline of Insulin Development A historical perspective on the discovery and evolution of insulin therapy.
Recent Advances in Insulin Therapy Discussion on novel insulin analogues (ultra-rapid, basal, and glucose-responsive insulins) and innovative insulin delivery systems (smart pens, closed-loop pumps, oral and inhaled insulins).
This presentation is useful for medical students, healthcare professionals, and researchers interested in advancements in diabetes management.
Keywords: Insulin therapy, insulin analogues, diabetes management, insulin delivery systems, diabetes mellitus, recent advances
Knowledge is one of the most valuable assets a person can acquire. It serves as the foundation for personal, social, and professional development and plays a vital role in shaping human life and society. Below are some key points that highlight the importance of knowledge:
Empowerment and Confidence
Knowledge empowers individuals by giving them the confidence to make informed decisions, solve problems, and navigate challenges. It allows people to express themselves effectively and stand by their beliefs with conviction.
Personal Growth
Knowledge promotes self-improvement. It broadens perspectives, enhances critical thinking, and nurtures creativity. Learning new skills or concepts enables individuals to evolve continuously and adapt to change.
Professional Success
In the modern world, knowledge is the cornerstone of career advancement. It helps individuals stay competitive in their fields, adapt to technological advancements, and make innovative contributions. Specialized knowledge is often a key determinant of success in the workplace.
Social Contribution
Knowledgeable individuals contribute significantly to the progress of their communities and societies. By sharing their understanding and expertise, they can drive social change, improve quality of life, and address pressing global issues.
Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
With knowledge, individuals can approach problems methodically, analyze situations critically, and make sound decisions. This is crucial in both personal and professional life.
Cultural and Historical Awareness
Knowledge provides insight into history, culture, and traditions, fostering respect and understanding among diverse communities. It helps preserve the legacy of human civilization and encourages appreciation for global diversity.
Technological and Scientific Advancements
Knowledge fuels innovation. Scientific discoveries and technological advancements rely on the accumulation of knowledge. Societies thrive when their members actively engage in learning and research.
Personal Fulfillment
Acquiring knowledge is inherently satisfying. It stimulates curiosity, enriches life experiences, and cultivates a lifelong love of learning. The joy of discovery can be deeply fulfilling and rewarding.
Resilience and Adaptability
Knowledge equips individuals to face uncertainties and challenges with resilience. It helps people adapt to changing circumstances and find effective solutions during crises.
Bridge to Future Generations
By sharing and transferring knowledge, individuals contribute to the education and enlightenment of future generations. This ensures that wisdom, discoveries, and advancements continue to evolve over time.
knowledge is a powerful tool that shapes individuals and society. It provides the means to grow, innovate, and contribute to a better world. As Francis Bacon famously said, "Knowledge is power," and this truth continues to resonate in every aspect of life.
World Tuberculosis (TB) Day is observed every year on March 24 to raise awareness about tuberculosis, a serious infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This date commemorates the discovery of the TB-causing bacterium by Dr. Robert Koch in 1882, a breakthrough that paved the way for diagnosis and treatment. Despite being preventable and curable, TB remains a global health crisis, with over 10.6 million new cases and 1.3 million deaths annually. It is one of the leading causes of death from infectious diseases, particularly in low-income countries.
The significance of World TB Day lies in its efforts to educate the public, encourage early diagnosis, and promote treatment adherence. The rise of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) has made the fight against TB more challenging, highlighting the need for stronger healthcare systems, improved treatments, and new vaccines. The WHO End TB Strategy aims to reduce TB cases by 90% by 2030, but achieving this goal requires global cooperation.
This table from Public Impact and The Innovation Project shows how models from Public Impact, called Opportunity Culture models, align with North Carolina's Advanced Teaching Roles (ATR) legislative requirements.
How to Simplify Reconciliation Process using Reconciliation Models using odoo...Celine George
In a firm, daily transactions are invoiced, but the accounting department may not enter all details immediately. Weekly, account statements are reviewed for reconciliation, ensuring accuracy and transparency by comparing cash transactions with bank records.
How to Add Custom Fields to Configuration Settings in Odoo 18Celine George
In Odoo, adding custom fields to Configuration Settings actually means adding fields to the res.config.settings model. This model is designed for system configuration, allowing users to define global settings for various modules, such as the Sale, Purchase.
APM event hosted by the Wessex Network on 6 March.
Speakers: Martin Paver and James Garner
An evening of ground-breaking discussion on how next-generation project delivery is set to disrupt the traditional methods of project management. From risk management to PMOs, we explored the tension between refining old methods and completely reimagining them. An interactive conversation with the audience.
We explored why sticking to outdated practices can hinder progress and how embracing new technologies like AI and advanced data analytics can revolutionise the field. We challenged the conventional wisdom that has dominated project management for decades and highlight the pitfalls of resisting change. This session provided insights into how adopting innovative approaches can lead to more efficient, adaptive, and successful project outcomes. Whether you are a seasoned project manager or new to the field, this event should have provoked thought and inspired you to rethink your strategies. Plus, we showed you a path to futureproof your career.
Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of the project management revolution with some of the leading minds on the subject.
We delved into 2 recent open source books on Next Generation PMOs and Next Gen Risk Management which are successfully challenging established norms and seeding a movement. We also showcased some of the latest developments and demonstrate that we have transitioned from sci-fi to making this a reality.
Attendees gained insights into how these cutting-edge techniques can lead to more efficient, adaptive, and successful project outcomes.
Useful Link: