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Quick Korean 
FREE Korean Lessons from Korea University (Cyber University of Korea)
is this awesome?
Choong Soon Kim, Ph.D. 
I have developed a special interest in 
Koreas multicultural families, not only 
because I studied as a minority 
nonnative scholar in the United States for 
36 years, but also because my own 
family is multicultural, too. 
President, The Cyber University of Korea
Excellent Foundation 
蟾覲蟯 (grandson) 
Notable Backers
Long History 
2001 2007 2012 2014 
Online foreign 
language edu 
April 20 July 19 December 4 August 25 
Campaign for 
Degree track 
for BA in 
Quick Korean 
Level 4 
Launch of 
Quick Korean 
with Level 1 
*(first sponsors)
1st: Multicultural Campaign (2007) 
1 7 
Korean Chinese Vietnamese Japanese English Mongolian Thai
2nd: Quick Korean (2013) 
1 4 
Korean Chinese Japanese English Spanish* 
*(work in progress)
Quick Korean Growth 
Level 4 
Level 3 
Level 2 
Level 1 
April 28 
October 22 
L1 Spanish 
filming begins 
January 20 
August 25 
December 4 
Dec 13 Jan 14 Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct 14
Impressive Numbers 
people 705 
Top Scholars 
1 2 3 4 
Prof. Kishim Nam (1, 2, 8) 
Prof. Hyunhwa Kang (2, 5, 
Prof. Mijin Won (2, 3) 
Prof. Yumi Kim (4, 7) 
Prof. Eunkyung Nam (1, 7) 
Prof. Jeongeun Kim (1, 7) 
Need I say more?
learn Korean?
80 million speakers 
Most spoken 
Largest GDP
Not to mention... 
Largest Exporter* 
*Even pop culture
Quick Korean?
Access to quality higher education is a 
right that should be available to everyone. 
Learning is a lifelong process, an 
enlightening experience that goes well 
beyond the early stages of youth.
Reasons for Creation 
1 2 3 4 
CUK teaching 
languages online 
since 2001 
Over 110,000 
students need 
access from 
Hallyu & 
immigrant interest 
Increasing foreign 
1 4 
Up to TOPIK Level 3 Vocab 
Up to TOPIK Level 4 Grammar
Dedicated Channels 
May 8, 2014 
May 9, 2014
Downloads & Textbook
Levels: Breakdown 
1 2 3 4 Beginner Elementary Intermediate Advanced 
Lessons 30 (15x2) 30 (15x2) 20 13 
Time 696 min 
(11.6 hr) 
773 min 
(12.9 hr) 
585 min 
(9.75 hr) 
463 min 
(7.7 hr) 
Video KO, EN, CN, JP, SP* KO KO KO 
Downloads Audio, PDF Audio, PDF Audio, PDF --- 
*(work in progress)
min 93 
Total Instruction
Levels: Content 
1 2 3 4 
Daily activities 
Fundamentals of social 
preferences, opinions 
Casual conversation 
Topics: work, hobbies, 
relationships, family 
Free & fluent speech 
Public speaking
Lessons: Content 
1. Objective 
2. Conversation 
3. Vocab 
4. Text 
5. Grammar 
6. Speaking 
7. Listening 
8. Extra Vocab 
9. Culture 
10. Summary 
2 3 
4 5 6 
7 8 9 10
Test Page Video Lectures: Simply clicking the link produces
But thats not all~ 
Accredited BA in Korean Language + 
Teaching Certificate awarded by MCST if attending CUK.* 
*(not available in )
FREE Korean Lessons from Korea University (Cyber University of Korea)
1. http://korean.cuk.edu/ 
2. https://www.facebook.com/qkorean 
3. https://twitter.com/koreancuk 
4. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNjCmUDirLIsGkGkkHt3wWQ 
5. http://tvcast.naver.com/cukkorean 
6. http://i.youku.com/u/UMTMzNzAyMzU3Ng==

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FREE Korean Lessons from Korea University (Cyber University of Korea)

  • 3. WHY is this awesome?
  • 4. Choong Soon Kim, Ph.D. I have developed a special interest in Koreas multicultural families, not only because I studied as a minority nonnative scholar in the United States for 36 years, but also because my own family is multicultural, too. President, The Cyber University of Korea
  • 5. Excellent Foundation 螻れ (Foundation) 螻れ企蟲 蟾覲蟯 (grandson) 螻る蟲 蟾煙
  • 7. Long History 2001 2007 2012 2014 Online foreign language edu start April 20 July 19 December 4 August 25 e-Learning Campaign for Multicultural Families Degree track for BA in Korean Teaching Quick Korean Level 4 completed 2013 Launch of Quick Korean with Level 1 * *(first sponsors)
  • 8. 1st: Multicultural Campaign (2007) Levels 1 7 Languages Korean Chinese Vietnamese Japanese English Mongolian Thai
  • 9. 2nd: Quick Korean (2013) 1 4 Levels Languages Korean Chinese Japanese English Spanish* *(work in progress)
  • 10. Quick Korean Growth Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 April 28 October 22 L1 Spanish filming begins January 20 August 25 December 4 Dec 13 Jan 14 Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct 14
  • 11. Impressive Numbers 110,693 people 705 cities 71 countries 50-100 weekly registrations
  • 12. Top Scholars 1 2 3 4 Prof. Kishim Nam (1, 2, 8) Prof. Hyunhwa Kang (2, 5, 6) Prof. Mijin Won (2, 3) Prof. Yumi Kim (4, 7) Prof. Eunkyung Nam (1, 7) Prof. Jeongeun Kim (1, 7) 5 6 7 8
  • 13. FREE! Need I say more?
  • 15. 80 million speakers 13th Most spoken 13th Largest GDP
  • 16. Not to mention... 6th Largest Exporter* *Even pop culture
  • 18. Vision Access to quality higher education is a right that should be available to everyone. Learning is a lifelong process, an enlightening experience that goes well beyond the early stages of youth.
  • 19. Reasons for Creation 1 2 3 4 CUK teaching languages online since 2001 Over 110,000 students need access from anywhere Hallyu & immigrant interest increasing Increasing foreign academics
  • 20. Content 1 4 Up to TOPIK Level 3 Vocab Up to TOPIK Level 4 Grammar
  • 22. Dedicated Channels support: May 8, 2014 support: May 9, 2014
  • 24. Levels: Breakdown 1 2 3 4 Beginner Elementary Intermediate Advanced Lessons 30 (15x2) 30 (15x2) 20 13 Time 696 min (11.6 hr) 773 min (12.9 hr) 585 min (9.75 hr) 463 min (7.7 hr) Video KO, EN, CN, JP, SP* KO KO KO Site KO, EN, CN, JP KO, EN, CN KO, CN KO Downloads Audio, PDF Audio, PDF Audio, PDF --- *(work in progress)
  • 25. 2,517 min 93 Lessons 42 hours Total Instruction
  • 26. Levels: Content 1 2 3 4 Daily activities Fundamentals of social interaction Location-based conversations Expressing preferences, opinions Casual conversation Topics: work, hobbies, relationships, family Free & fluent speech Public speaking
  • 27. Lessons: Content 1. Objective 2. Conversation 3. Vocab 4. Text 5. Grammar 6. Speaking 7. Listening 8. Extra Vocab 9. Culture 10. Summary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • 29. Completion Test Page Video Lectures: Simply clicking the link produces
  • 32. But thats not all~ Accredited BA in Korean Language + Teaching Certificate awarded by MCST if attending CUK.* *(not available in )
  • 34. Resources 1. http://korean.cuk.edu/ 2. https://www.facebook.com/qkorean 3. https://twitter.com/koreancuk 4. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNjCmUDirLIsGkGkkHt3wWQ 5. http://tvcast.naver.com/cukkorean 6. http://i.youku.com/u/UMTMzNzAyMzU3Ng==