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Differences in Cultures Essay
Differences in Cultures
Cultures are a complicated characteristic to understand. Living in the United States all of my life I
never truly understood other cultures. When I would see people from other cultures come into
my work or see them at school I thought they were bizarre. Last summer I went overseas to
England, Ireland, and Wales. There I observed that the customs overseas are very different. One
facet I noticed was their alcohol consumption. In the United States the law says you have to be
twenty one or older to consume alcohol. In Europe the legal drinking age is suppose to be
eighteen, but I found that as long as you have money and can see over the bar you are able to
purchase alcohol. I assumed that since they are able...show more content...
This course has taught me about other cultures by showing me our differences and similarities. One
of the cultural differences I find the most interesting is marriage.
In the United States, the most common type of marriage is monogamy. I was taught that monogamy
was the only true marriage and that marriage was done out of the love two people have for each
other. In taking this course, I found out that marriage is different in many cultures. Other types of
marriages I have been educated in are: Polygamy, Levirate, Sororate, Women marrying Women, and
Women marrying Ghost. I have learned some of the attractive and unattractive aspects of these types
of marriages. For instance, Polygamy. Polygyny is supported in the Kapauku of western New
Guinea and a culture that supports Polyandry is the eastern Inuit. Some people feel that polygamy
would be ideal for the United States. The attraction aspect behind this is that it would cause the
spouses not to have to work as long or as much. It would also assure that the families would have
an ample amount of income due to having more than just two people supplying the income. An
unappealing aspect is that the women or men, depending on whether it was Polygyny or Polyandry,
could become jealous of each other. Another unappealing aspect is that a man or women must be
wealthy in order to be able to afford polygamy, something most people in the United States are not.
Prior to taking this class, I
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Cultural Differences
Cultural Differences
In every culture, people work diligently to find a common ground for acceptance and tolerance.
Typically, people are accepting of various social criteria that are oftentimes associated with a
specific ethnicity. However, many individuals simply tolerate the beliefs, standards, values, and
behaviors of other individuals in society while inwardly opposed to the model of the displayed
behaviors of other individuals as it relates to another individuals beliefs, value systems, and other
variables that influence how an individual functions in society.
Individualism and collectivism is arguably two topics that are the subjects of continued debate and
for that reason, this paper provides a comparison and contrast of...show more content...
Collectivism maintains that human kind is adjoined to collective actions and collective thought
processes for the sake of the universal good. Collectivism is similar to anthropomorphism for the
reason that the concept attempts to perceive a group of individuals as having a solitary identity
comparable to a person (Shaughnessy, Zechmeister, & Zechmeister, 2009). Collectivism
requires that the group be more important than the individual is. It requires the individual to sacrifice
him or herself for the assumed good of the group.
In many Asian or Indian cultures, the collectivism approach is instilled in individuals from birth
because of cultural customs and beliefs (Brown, 1993). Many people in both cultures generally
reside at home until the parents agrees that he or she is old enough to move away which generally
is for the purpose of school or marriage. Furthermore, when the individual moves away for school he
or she is often assigned a chaperone (Shaughnessy, Zechmeister, & Zechmeister, 2009).
Additionally when the individual gains permission to leave the fold for marriage, the marriage is
often prearranged and is generally not the sole choice of the individuals getting married (Brown,
1993). Although this form of marriage or lifestyle may be a Stone Age concept to many Americans,
many cultures, continue the practice. Often the family ties are strong for the reason that
prearranged marriages are often for business purposes and both
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Cultural Differences Paper
Cultural Differences Paper
Cultural Differences
Many people throughout the world indentify themselves by their cultural background. It is common
knowledge that there are many different cultures throughout the world. Each culture has its
similarities and differences. Every individual has multiple identities Race, ethnic, gender, national,
regional, organizational, personal, cyber/fantasythat act in concert. The importance of any single
identity is a result of the situation. As the context varies, you may choose to emphasize one or
more of your identities. A conceptual inquiry into race or gender would seek an articulation of our
concepts of race or gender (Riley 1988). For outside a rather narrow segment of the academic...show
more content...
People with gender identity disorder may act and present themselves as members of the opposite sex
and may express a desire to alter their bodies. The disorder affects an individual's selfimage, and
can impact the person's mannerisms, behavior, and dress. Individuals who are committed to
altering their physical appearance through cosmetics, hormones and, in some cases, surgery are
known as transsexuals A person with a gender identity is a person who strongly identifies with the
other sex. The individual may identify with the opposite sex to the point of believing that he/she is,
in fact, a member of the other sex who is trapped in the wrong body. This causes that person to
experience serious discomfort with his/her own biological sex orientation. The gender identity
disorder causes problems for this person in school, work or social settings. This disorder is different
from transvestism or transvestic fetishism where crossdressing occurs for sexual pleasure, but the
transvestite does not identify with the other sex (Ruble DN 1994)
Racial Identity Racial identity is which racial society a person mostly identifies with. However, in
today's world many people have two or more racial identities that make it more difficult for them to
grasp and understand the cultural traditions and beliefs. On of the most prominent influences in
America is President Barack Obama. As the Unites States first black president has taken office, a
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Culture Difference Essay
Culture Difference
The first culture difference that many Japanese find in America is their greeting customs. Although
the greeting is one of the simplest human communications, both countries have different methods of
greeting each other. Three differences include introduction, selfintroduction, and departure. In
addition, the main reason for the difference is that Americans use verbal greetings and the Japanese
use nonverbal greetings.
First, the order of introduction in the U.S. is the reverse of the Japanese way. In America, generally
elderly people are introduced first. For example, one of my friends invited me to his house, and he
introduced his father first, then his mother, his older brother, and his young sister. After that...show
more content...
Almost all American students talk about their family or themselves. For instance, a woman who is a
student at St. Cloud State University talked about her Iowa State and her family who are farmers.
Then she said that "The crops are mainly potatoes, and my family likes potatoes." Finally, she said
that her family is a German line. In contrast, Japanese prefer a deductive method. In other words,
Japanese people are likely to talk about where they belong to. For example, the typical Japanese
person first talks about his university or his major, then what kind of club they belong to. Finally
they usually talk about hobbies or an event that happened recently.
Departures in the American and the Japanese cultures depend on whether people are close or not.
Americans just say "bye." Nevertheless if the conditions differ, this departure changes completely
in America. In fact, one of my American friends gives a hug or kiss to her family when they
leave. In contrast, unlike Americans, who just say "goodbye," generally Japanese make a shallow
bow and look back two or three times with their waving hand. Due to the different farewell, every
Japanese person who is in America is surprised when they get a hug from an American friend, and
they feel Americans are emotional or sentimental. On the contrary, they feel empty and passionless
when many Americans say "bye" and just walk away.
Many reason for the differences in greetings are the verbal in
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Handling Cultural Differences
In a career as a psychologist, it is typical to see a range of clients who come from different cultural
backgrounds including ethnicity, race, and sexual orientation. To be a proficient psychologist, it is
important to be knowledgeable and accepting of different cultural backgrounds. According the
American Psychology Association manual and discussed in further depth by Weddings and Corsini
(2014) there are guidelines set in place to ensure that a psychologist takes these cultural differences
into consideration and they are prepared to handle the differences. The American Psychology
Association guidelines that lay out the expectations of handling cultural differences in a
psychotherapy setting are guidelines one, two, and five. Guideline
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Cultural Diversity Essay
To work with culturally diverse people we should be aware of their culture, norms and traditions and
accordingly reflect in it. We should also maintain the communication strategies and respect strategies
so that we can avoid conflict and communication barriers at the workplace. We should be well
informed of all their cultures restrictions as well to avoid any misunderstanding. We should always
treat them equally and adore their uniqueness.
2.What types of diversity may you encounter in your role?
Ans: I may encounter both cultural and ethnicity diversity.For example I am Nepalese and I follow
Nepalese culture. Now I am in Australia and I can encounter lots of cultural and work differences.
3.How can your attitudes impact diverse groups of people?
Ans : My attitudes can hugely impact the diverse groups of people. For instance if I looked down at
their cultural norms and values, this will result in racial conflict. Thus if I perform any activities that
is against the diverse group then a huge clash will be the consequences. Thus my attitudes can hugely
impact both me and the diverse group. So it is important for me to act cautiously towards them so
that they don't become offended.
4.How may cultural diversity impact different areas of work?
Ans: Cultural diversity impact different areas of work by :
Impact of culture in tourism : the impact of culture on tourism examines the growing relationship
between tourism and culture, and the way in which they have together
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Cultural Differences
Cultural differences
In modern society, there is no obvious difference in everyday's life, but my life has changed a lot
since I came to America. So today I want to compare the differences between eastern and western
cultures simply by my own experience, and for your better understanding, I will set examples of
China and America. First of all, there is a big difference between China and America in the food. In
my personal view, Chinese food is more fresher than America. Chinese people preferred noodles,
rice, and dumplings as main course, and China has a long history of diet culture; the pattern of the
food variety is very rich. Chinese farmers' market and supermarkets are everywhere, even in the
absence of a refrigerator can also live, because shopping is very convenient. We can get fresh
vegetables and meat everyday. But American life seems a little bit different. Many Americans love
to eat a highfat, high sugar and highenergy food, such as meat, cheese, and hamburgers. So
Americans more than fat, and their obesity rate is higher than Chinese people. Americans generally
purchasing food once a week. Generally speaking, Chinese food is fresher than American, but now, I
can adapt to American life gradually. Secondly, different history is the reason why these cultures are
different. In Chinese culture, family is the most important factor. When one is very little, he has
been taught to love and respect his family, to look after his parents when they get old. "Family
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Cultural Differences Essay

  • 1. Differences in Cultures Essay Differences in Cultures Cultures are a complicated characteristic to understand. Living in the United States all of my life I never truly understood other cultures. When I would see people from other cultures come into my work or see them at school I thought they were bizarre. Last summer I went overseas to England, Ireland, and Wales. There I observed that the customs overseas are very different. One facet I noticed was their alcohol consumption. In the United States the law says you have to be twenty one or older to consume alcohol. In Europe the legal drinking age is suppose to be eighteen, but I found that as long as you have money and can see over the bar you are able to purchase alcohol. I assumed that since they are able...show more content... This course has taught me about other cultures by showing me our differences and similarities. One of the cultural differences I find the most interesting is marriage. In the United States, the most common type of marriage is monogamy. I was taught that monogamy was the only true marriage and that marriage was done out of the love two people have for each other. In taking this course, I found out that marriage is different in many cultures. Other types of marriages I have been educated in are: Polygamy, Levirate, Sororate, Women marrying Women, and Women marrying Ghost. I have learned some of the attractive and unattractive aspects of these types of marriages. For instance, Polygamy. Polygyny is supported in the Kapauku of western New Guinea and a culture that supports Polyandry is the eastern Inuit. Some people feel that polygamy would be ideal for the United States. The attraction aspect behind this is that it would cause the spouses not to have to work as long or as much. It would also assure that the families would have an ample amount of income due to having more than just two people supplying the income. An unappealing aspect is that the women or men, depending on whether it was Polygyny or Polyandry, could become jealous of each other. Another unappealing aspect is that a man or women must be wealthy in order to be able to afford polygamy, something most people in the United States are not. Prior to taking this class, I Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Cultural Differences Cultural Differences In every culture, people work diligently to find a common ground for acceptance and tolerance. Typically, people are accepting of various social criteria that are oftentimes associated with a specific ethnicity. However, many individuals simply tolerate the beliefs, standards, values, and behaviors of other individuals in society while inwardly opposed to the model of the displayed behaviors of other individuals as it relates to another individuals beliefs, value systems, and other variables that influence how an individual functions in society. Individualism and collectivism is arguably two topics that are the subjects of continued debate and for that reason, this paper provides a comparison and contrast of...show more content... Collectivism maintains that human kind is adjoined to collective actions and collective thought processes for the sake of the universal good. Collectivism is similar to anthropomorphism for the reason that the concept attempts to perceive a group of individuals as having a solitary identity comparable to a person (Shaughnessy, Zechmeister, & Zechmeister, 2009). Collectivism requires that the group be more important than the individual is. It requires the individual to sacrifice him or herself for the assumed good of the group. In many Asian or Indian cultures, the collectivism approach is instilled in individuals from birth because of cultural customs and beliefs (Brown, 1993). Many people in both cultures generally reside at home until the parents agrees that he or she is old enough to move away which generally is for the purpose of school or marriage. Furthermore, when the individual moves away for school he or she is often assigned a chaperone (Shaughnessy, Zechmeister, & Zechmeister, 2009). Additionally when the individual gains permission to leave the fold for marriage, the marriage is often prearranged and is generally not the sole choice of the individuals getting married (Brown, 1993). Although this form of marriage or lifestyle may be a Stone Age concept to many Americans, many cultures, continue the practice. Often the family ties are strong for the reason that prearranged marriages are often for business purposes and both Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. Cultural Differences Paper Cultural Differences Paper Cultural Differences Introduction Many people throughout the world indentify themselves by their cultural background. It is common knowledge that there are many different cultures throughout the world. Each culture has its similarities and differences. Every individual has multiple identities Race, ethnic, gender, national, regional, organizational, personal, cyber/fantasythat act in concert. The importance of any single identity is a result of the situation. As the context varies, you may choose to emphasize one or more of your identities. A conceptual inquiry into race or gender would seek an articulation of our concepts of race or gender (Riley 1988). For outside a rather narrow segment of the academic...show more content... People with gender identity disorder may act and present themselves as members of the opposite sex and may express a desire to alter their bodies. The disorder affects an individual's selfimage, and can impact the person's mannerisms, behavior, and dress. Individuals who are committed to altering their physical appearance through cosmetics, hormones and, in some cases, surgery are known as transsexuals A person with a gender identity is a person who strongly identifies with the other sex. The individual may identify with the opposite sex to the point of believing that he/she is, in fact, a member of the other sex who is trapped in the wrong body. This causes that person to experience serious discomfort with his/her own biological sex orientation. The gender identity disorder causes problems for this person in school, work or social settings. This disorder is different from transvestism or transvestic fetishism where crossdressing occurs for sexual pleasure, but the transvestite does not identify with the other sex (Ruble DN 1994) Racial Identity Racial identity is which racial society a person mostly identifies with. However, in today's world many people have two or more racial identities that make it more difficult for them to grasp and understand the cultural traditions and beliefs. On of the most prominent influences in America is President Barack Obama. As the Unites States first black president has taken office, a Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Culture Difference Essay Culture Difference The first culture difference that many Japanese find in America is their greeting customs. Although the greeting is one of the simplest human communications, both countries have different methods of greeting each other. Three differences include introduction, selfintroduction, and departure. In addition, the main reason for the difference is that Americans use verbal greetings and the Japanese use nonverbal greetings. First, the order of introduction in the U.S. is the reverse of the Japanese way. In America, generally elderly people are introduced first. For example, one of my friends invited me to his house, and he introduced his father first, then his mother, his older brother, and his young sister. After that...show more content... Almost all American students talk about their family or themselves. For instance, a woman who is a student at St. Cloud State University talked about her Iowa State and her family who are farmers. Then she said that "The crops are mainly potatoes, and my family likes potatoes." Finally, she said that her family is a German line. In contrast, Japanese prefer a deductive method. In other words, Japanese people are likely to talk about where they belong to. For example, the typical Japanese person first talks about his university or his major, then what kind of club they belong to. Finally they usually talk about hobbies or an event that happened recently. Departures in the American and the Japanese cultures depend on whether people are close or not. Americans just say "bye." Nevertheless if the conditions differ, this departure changes completely in America. In fact, one of my American friends gives a hug or kiss to her family when they leave. In contrast, unlike Americans, who just say "goodbye," generally Japanese make a shallow bow and look back two or three times with their waving hand. Due to the different farewell, every Japanese person who is in America is surprised when they get a hug from an American friend, and they feel Americans are emotional or sentimental. On the contrary, they feel empty and passionless when many Americans say "bye" and just walk away. Many reason for the differences in greetings are the verbal in Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Handling Cultural Differences In a career as a psychologist, it is typical to see a range of clients who come from different cultural backgrounds including ethnicity, race, and sexual orientation. To be a proficient psychologist, it is important to be knowledgeable and accepting of different cultural backgrounds. According the American Psychology Association manual and discussed in further depth by Weddings and Corsini (2014) there are guidelines set in place to ensure that a psychologist takes these cultural differences into consideration and they are prepared to handle the differences. The American Psychology Association guidelines that lay out the expectations of handling cultural differences in a psychotherapy setting are guidelines one, two, and five. Guideline Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. Cultural Diversity Essay To work with culturally diverse people we should be aware of their culture, norms and traditions and accordingly reflect in it. We should also maintain the communication strategies and respect strategies so that we can avoid conflict and communication barriers at the workplace. We should be well informed of all their cultures restrictions as well to avoid any misunderstanding. We should always treat them equally and adore their uniqueness. 2.What types of diversity may you encounter in your role? Ans: I may encounter both cultural and ethnicity diversity.For example I am Nepalese and I follow Nepalese culture. Now I am in Australia and I can encounter lots of cultural and work differences. 3.How can your attitudes impact diverse groups of people? Ans : My attitudes can hugely impact the diverse groups of people. For instance if I looked down at their cultural norms and values, this will result in racial conflict. Thus if I perform any activities that is against the diverse group then a huge clash will be the consequences. Thus my attitudes can hugely impact both me and the diverse group. So it is important for me to act cautiously towards them so that they don't become offended. 4.How may cultural diversity impact different areas of work? Ans: Cultural diversity impact different areas of work by : Impact of culture in tourism : the impact of culture on tourism examines the growing relationship between tourism and culture, and the way in which they have together Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. Cultural Differences Cultural differences In modern society, there is no obvious difference in everyday's life, but my life has changed a lot since I came to America. So today I want to compare the differences between eastern and western cultures simply by my own experience, and for your better understanding, I will set examples of China and America. First of all, there is a big difference between China and America in the food. In my personal view, Chinese food is more fresher than America. Chinese people preferred noodles, rice, and dumplings as main course, and China has a long history of diet culture; the pattern of the food variety is very rich. Chinese farmers' market and supermarkets are everywhere, even in the absence of a refrigerator can also live, because shopping is very convenient. We can get fresh vegetables and meat everyday. But American life seems a little bit different. Many Americans love to eat a highfat, high sugar and highenergy food, such as meat, cheese, and hamburgers. So Americans more than fat, and their obesity rate is higher than Chinese people. Americans generally purchasing food once a week. Generally speaking, Chinese food is fresher than American, but now, I can adapt to American life gradually. Secondly, different history is the reason why these cultures are different. In Chinese culture, family is the most important factor. When one is very little, he has been taught to love and respect his family, to look after his parents when they get old. "Family Get more content on HelpWriting.net