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Culture 油Shaping
Molly 油Maymar
April 油2015
What 油Is 油Culture?
Culture 油Is 油
(Schein, 油1990)1
 A 油pattern 油of 油basic 油assumptions
 Invented, 油discovered, 油or 油developed 油by 油
a 油given 油group
 As 油it 油learns 油to 油cope 油with 油the
problems 油of 油external 油adaptation 油
& 油internal 油integration
 That 油has 油worked 油well 油enough 油to 油be 油
considered 油valid, 油& 油therefore
 Is 油taught 油to 油new 油members 油as 油the 油
 Correct 油way 油to 油perceive, 油think, 油& 油feel 油
in 油relation 油to 油those 油problems
1. 油Schein, 油 E.H. 油(1990, 油 February). 油Organizational 油 culture. 油American 油Psychologist, 油 109-足119.
What 油Is 油Culture 油Shaping?
Culture 油Shaping 油is 油a 油methodical, 油
comprehensive, 油& 油integrated 油
approach 油to 油shifting 油a 油companys 油
culture 油from 油top 油to 油bottom2 油
(Senn Delaney, 油2015)
2. 油http://www.senndelaney.com/cultureshaping.html
When 油Is 油Culture 油Shaped?
Critical 油Incidents 油Occur
 Set 油of 油behaviors 油after 油an 油emotionally 油charged 油or 油
anxiety 油producing 油event 油create 油a 油norm
 Norm 油becomes 油a 油belief 油& 油then 油an 油assumption
Leaders 油Are 油Role 油Models
 Leaders 油model 油values 油& 油assumptions 油that 油group 油
members 油internalize
 Two 油mechanisms 油enable 油internalization
 Primary 油Embedding 油Mechanisms
 EX: 油what 油leaders 油pay 油attention 油to, 油measure, 油& 油
control;余 油how 油leaders 油react 油to 油crises
 Secondary 油Articulation 油& 油Reinforcement 油
 EX: 油organizational 油systems 油& 油procedures;余 油
stories, 油legends, 油myths 油& 油symbols
How 油Is 油Culture 油Shaped?
Three 油Levers3
I. Lever 油1: 油Participation 油& 油Commitment
 Commitment 油Through 油Choice
 Commitment 油Through 油Visibility
 Commitment 油Through 油Irrevocability
II. Lever 油2: 油Symbolic 油Actions
III. Lever 油3: 油Rewards 油& 油Recognition
3. 油Tushman, 油 M.L. 油& 油OReilly 油III, 油C.A. 油(2007). 油 Shaping 油 organizational 油 culture. 油 Winning 油through 油 innovation: 油 a 油practical 油guide 油 to 油leading
organizational 油 change 油 and 油 renewal. 油 Boston, 油 MA: 油Harvard 油Business 油 School 油 Press.
Lever 油1: 油Participation 油& 油Commitment
I. Choice
 Decisions 油made 油without 油strong 油external 油pressure 油
increase 油sense 油of 油personal 油responsibility
II. Visibility
 Public 油choices 油witnessed 油by 油those 油who 油matter 油
make 油nonperformance 油difficult 油to 油excuse
III. Irrevocability
 Sense 油that 油a 油line 油has 油been 油crossed 油discourages 油
consideration 油of 油alternative 油choices
Lever 油2: 油Symbolic 油Actions
 Managers 油are 油signal 油generators 油who 油shape 油
employee 油interpretations 油of 油what 油is 油important 油& 油
how 油to 油behave
 Symbolic 油management 油activities 油include:
 Providing 油lucid 油organizational 油 goals 油with 油which 油
employees 油identify 油emotionally 油& 油intellectually
 Ensuring 油absolute 油consistency 油of 油words 油& 油
actions 油to 油minimize 油contradictory 油interpretations
Lever 油3: 油Rewards 油& 油Recognition
 Systems 油must 油reward 油behavior 油organizations 油
seek 油to 油promote4
 On 油the 油Folly 油of 油Rewarding 油A, 油While 油Hoping 油for 油B
 Flawed 油reward 油systems 油reward 油the 油behavior 油
the 油rewarder seeks 油to 油discourage, 油while 油the 油
behavior 油desired 油is 油not 油rewarded 油at 油all4
4. 油Kerr, 油S. 油(1975). 油On 油the 油 folly 油of 油rewarding 油 A, 油while 油hoping 油 for 油B. 油Academy 油 of 油Management 油 journal, 油 18(4), 油769-足783.
Lever 油3: 油Rewards 油& 油Recognition 油
 Effective 油rewards 油systems:
 Emphasize 油intrinsic 油rewards
 Ensure 油tight 油linkages 油between 油rewards 油& 油
 Capitalize 油on 油social 油learning
 Avoid 油routine
 Novel, 油sincere
 Variable, 油interval
How 油Is 油Strong 油
Culture 油Maintained?
Three 油Characteristics
I. Rigorous 油talent 油selection 油system
II. Intensive 油employee 油socialization
 Top 油management 油role 油modeling 油of 油norms 油& 油values
 Cohorts 油who 油provide 油social 油support
 Continual 油reinforcement 油of 油organizational 油beliefs
 Ongoing 油reinforcement 油through 油training, 油meetings, 油& 油
III. Comprehensive 油rewards 油& 油recognition
 Emphasize 油desired 油attitudes, 油behaviors, 油& 油outputs
 Signal 油approval 油for 油walking 油the 油talk

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Shaping Corporate Culture

  • 3. Culture 油Is 油 (Schein, 油1990)1 A 油pattern 油of 油basic 油assumptions Invented, 油discovered, 油or 油developed 油by 油 a 油given 油group As 油it 油learns 油to 油cope 油with 油the problems 油of 油external 油adaptation 油 & 油internal 油integration That 油has 油worked 油well 油enough 油to 油be 油 considered 油valid, 油& 油therefore Is 油taught 油to 油new 油members 油as 油the 油 Correct 油way 油to 油perceive, 油think, 油& 油feel 油 in 油relation 油to 油those 油problems CULTURE 油SHAPING: 油WHAT 油IS 油CULTURE? 1. 油Schein, 油 E.H. 油(1990, 油 February). 油Organizational 油 culture. 油American 油Psychologist, 油 109-足119.
  • 4. What 油Is 油Culture 油Shaping?
  • 5. Culture 油Shaping 油is 油a 油methodical, 油 comprehensive, 油& 油integrated 油 approach 油to 油shifting 油a 油companys 油 culture 油from 油top 油to 油bottom2 油 (Senn Delaney, 油2015) CULTURE 油SHAPING: 油WHAT 油IS 油CULTURE 油SHAPING? 2. 油http://www.senndelaney.com/cultureshaping.html
  • 7. CULTURE 油SHAPING: 油WHEN 油IS 油CULTURE 油SHAPED? Critical 油Incidents 油Occur Set 油of 油behaviors 油after 油an 油emotionally 油charged 油or 油 anxiety 油producing 油event 油create 油a 油norm Norm 油becomes 油a 油belief 油& 油then 油an 油assumption
  • 8. CULTURE 油SHAPING: 油WHEN 油IS 油CULTURE 油SHAPED? Leaders 油Are 油Role 油Models Leaders 油model 油values 油& 油assumptions 油that 油group 油 members 油internalize Two 油mechanisms 油enable 油internalization Primary 油Embedding 油Mechanisms EX: 油what 油leaders 油pay 油attention 油to, 油measure, 油& 油 control;余 油how 油leaders 油react 油to 油crises Secondary 油Articulation 油& 油Reinforcement 油 Mechanisms EX: 油organizational 油systems 油& 油procedures;余 油 stories, 油legends, 油myths 油& 油symbols
  • 9. How 油Is 油Culture 油Shaped?
  • 10. CULTURE 油SHAPING: 油HOW 油IS 油CULTURE 油SHAPED? Three 油Levers3 I. Lever 油1: 油Participation 油& 油Commitment Commitment 油Through 油Choice Commitment 油Through 油Visibility Commitment 油Through 油Irrevocability II. Lever 油2: 油Symbolic 油Actions III. Lever 油3: 油Rewards 油& 油Recognition 3. 油Tushman, 油 M.L. 油& 油OReilly 油III, 油C.A. 油(2007). 油 Shaping 油 organizational 油 culture. 油 Winning 油through 油 innovation: 油 a 油practical 油guide 油 to 油leading organizational 油 change 油 and 油 renewal. 油 Boston, 油 MA: 油Harvard 油Business 油 School 油 Press.
  • 11. CULTURE 油SHAPING: 油HOW 油IS 油CULTURE 油SHAPED? Lever 油1: 油Participation 油& 油Commitment I. Choice Decisions 油made 油without 油strong 油external 油pressure 油 increase 油sense 油of 油personal 油responsibility II. Visibility Public 油choices 油witnessed 油by 油those 油who 油matter 油 make 油nonperformance 油difficult 油to 油excuse III. Irrevocability Sense 油that 油a 油line 油has 油been 油crossed 油discourages 油 consideration 油of 油alternative 油choices
  • 12. CULTURE 油SHAPING: 油HOW 油IS 油CULTURE 油SHAPED? Lever 油2: 油Symbolic 油Actions Managers 油are 油signal 油generators 油who 油shape 油 employee 油interpretations 油of 油what 油is 油important 油& 油 how 油to 油behave Symbolic 油management 油activities 油include: Providing 油lucid 油organizational 油 goals 油with 油which 油 employees 油identify 油emotionally 油& 油intellectually Ensuring 油absolute 油consistency 油of 油words 油& 油 actions 油to 油minimize 油contradictory 油interpretations
  • 13. CULTURE 油SHAPING: 油HOW 油IS 油CULTURE 油SHAPED? Lever 油3: 油Rewards 油& 油Recognition Systems 油must 油reward 油behavior 油organizations 油 seek 油to 油promote4 On 油the 油Folly 油of 油Rewarding 油A, 油While 油Hoping 油for 油B Flawed 油reward 油systems 油reward 油the 油behavior 油 the 油rewarder seeks 油to 油discourage, 油while 油the 油 behavior 油desired 油is 油not 油rewarded 油at 油all4 4. 油Kerr, 油S. 油(1975). 油On 油the 油 folly 油of 油rewarding 油 A, 油while 油hoping 油 for 油B. 油Academy 油 of 油Management 油 journal, 油 18(4), 油769-足783.
  • 14. CULTURE 油SHAPING: 油HOW 油IS 油CULTURE 油SHAPED? Lever 油3: 油Rewards 油& 油Recognition 油 continued Effective 油rewards 油systems: Emphasize 油intrinsic 油rewards Ensure 油tight 油linkages 油between 油rewards 油& 油 outcomes Capitalize 油on 油social 油learning Avoid 油routine Novel, 油sincere Variable, 油interval
  • 15. How 油Is 油Strong 油 Culture 油Maintained?
  • 16. CULTURE 油SHAPING: 油STRONG 油CULTURE 油MAINTENANCE Three 油Characteristics I. Rigorous 油talent 油selection 油system II. Intensive 油employee 油socialization Top 油management 油role 油modeling 油of 油norms 油& 油values Cohorts 油who 油provide 油social 油support Continual 油reinforcement 油of 油organizational 油beliefs Ongoing 油reinforcement 油through 油training, 油meetings, 油& 油 celebrations III. Comprehensive 油rewards 油& 油recognition Emphasize 油desired 油attitudes, 油behaviors, 油& 油outputs Signal 油approval 油for 油walking 油the 油talk