Cumulative frequency is found by adding up all successive frequencies in a frequency distribution table and totals or gradually builds up over time. A cumulative frequency histogram uses the cumulative frequency column from a table to create a graph that looks like upward steps, and an ogive line graph drawn on the histogram connects the corners of each successive column starting from the bottom left corner to show the accumulating total.
2. Cumulative FrequencyCumulative means totalling or gradually building up. In statistics, cumulative frequency is found by adding up all successive frequencies in a frequency distribution table.
3. Cumulative FrequencyBelow is a frequency distribution table that shows the hours of sleep on a school night by 98 Year 8 students (from the ABS website).
4. Cumulative FrequencyA cumulative frequency histogram is like a frequency histogram but uses the cumulative frequency column to graph the data. It looks like steps going upwards.An ogive is a line graph drawn on the cumulative frequency histogram. The line starts at the bottom left corner of the first column and joins the top right corner of each successive column.
5. Tick marks every 1cm, mark scale 2cm=10Tick marks every 2 cm, mark scale at each tick mark: 6 - 13