The document discusses using news items on a website to guide users based on their interests and expose them to the diversity of a university's programs. It proposes tagging news items with relevant goals and interests so the website can recommend related items to users. This aims to add more value to news content and help users discover new programs and accomplishments based on what they have viewed before. The document provides examples of tagging health care and public interest news items and concludes by emphasizing the need to thoughtfully and consistently define goals and outcomes when personalizing user experiences through content recommendations.
3. Defining Goals
Greater exposure to diversity of programs
Greater exposure to faculty and Drexel community
Adding value to news items
Guiding user journey based on personal interests
10. Health care related news item
featuring student
1) student accomplishments
2) health care
Goal: Health Care
Goal: Student
11. Public Interest/ Pro Bono
news item highlighting
student achievement.
Goal: greater
exposure to Public
Interest and Pro Bono
News Items: Demo
#4: When the law school decided to undertake a responsive web design, it was not only a chance to enhance aesthetic appeal of the site, but the overall user experience.
#5: For the purposes of this presentation and as it relates to Robs portion of the presentation, I would like to look at the law schools news items as a case study in customizing content to enhance the user journey.
#6: This is what our news items looked like prior to our site redesign. They were news items just for the sake of news items. In fact, they did not even have the social media buttons when I got there, I added those right before I decided to scrap the whole site.
#7: So as I said earlier, with the redesign, we wanted our news items to enhance the user experience by making them an integral part of the user journey throughout the site.
#8: This is our new homepage with more prominent news items.
#9: 4 articles. first one sticks to the homepage at our option, 3-4 rotate through.
#12: on this slide I will link through to the site and walk the audience through a user journey: this will be the interactive part of my presentation.
#14: We have a highly competitive and successful trial team for such a new law school and frequently beat many of the established law schools in the area. So, the trial advocacy program is a big draw for us. Here, we are showcasing their success while providing an opportunity for readers to learn more about the program.
#15: The school was recently renamed after a donation from Thomas R. Kline a renowned trial lawyer. This brought a lot of outside press to this article and a majority of those users explored the trial advocacy part of our site as a result.
#16: Professor Okamoto is one of our more innovative professors and the director of the business and entrepreneurship program.
#17: New Criminal Law concentration. Any exposure is good exposure regardless of how little.