This document is a curriculum vitae for Atla Venkatesh summarizing his professional experience and qualifications. He has over 12 months of experience as a Software Engineer in C# .NET with the MVC framework. Currently he works as a Software Engineer at iNube Software Solutions developing a claims management platform using technologies like C#, ASP.NET, and SQL Server. He has experience coding user interfaces, stored procedures, and troubleshooting issues.
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Curriculam Vitae- Venkatesh
Atla Venkatesh
Mobile:+91872260388 / +919491166067
Professional Summary
ï‚· About12 monthsof experienceasa Software EngineerinC# DotnetwithMVCFramework.
ï‚· Good Knowledge in design and development of Web Based & Windows Based applications of
mediumsizedprojectsindiverse areas.
ï‚· Self-motivated and can independentlylearn and adapt to new technologies and ability toeffectively
communicate withall levelsof managementandstaff.
ï‚· Languages and Technologies extensively worked: MVC Framework, ASP.Net, C#.Net, ADO.Net ,
LINQ, XML, JQuery, ITextsharp,JavaScriptand SQL Server
Job Objective
To make a sound position in corporate world and work enthusiastically in team to achieve goal
of the organization with devotion and hard work with an opportunity for growth and career
Personal Skills
ï‚· Abilitytothinkindependentlyandlearnrapidly
ï‚· ProblemSolving
ï‚· Good workethicswithexcellentcommunicationskills&ProgrammingSkills
ï‚· Enthusiastictolearnnewconceptsandtechnologies
Professional Qualification
ï‚· Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and communications Engineering from Narayana
Engineeringcollege,JNTUwith 70% aggregate inthe year 2014.
Basic Qualifications
ï‚· Intermediatefrom SBN JuniorCollege with 85.9%aggregate in2010
ï‚· SSC from RVMHigh School with 66.7% in2008
Technical Skills
2. WebTechnologies : C# DotnetwithMVCFramework 4.0, ASP.NET,ADO.NET
Markup/ScriptingLanguages : HTML, XML, JavaScript,Jquery
ProgrammingLanguages : C#.NET
RDBMS : MS-SQL Server2008/2005
Platforms : WindowsServer2008, Win98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/Win7
IDE : Visual Studio2005/2008/2010/2012
Professional Experience
ï‚·Workingas a Software Engineerin iNube Software Solutions fromJune-2015to till date
iNube Software Solutions ( ) June 2015 – till date
Software Engineer
Project #1: ClaimsLive - Third Party AdministratorSystem
Technology:Visual Studio2012, C#.NetMVC Framework,SQLServer
Domain: Insurance
Client:HealthInsurance ThirdPartyAdministrationof India(HITPA)
Duration: 11Months
Role: Software Engineer
Synopsis: ClaimsLive is a platform specially designed to efficiently manage health insurance claims. It
enables hospitals raise and track grievance against insurance company or TPA against specific cases for
which payment is denied or partial made. Insurance companies can enable their TPAs to submit, track
and manage theirrespectivefloatsusingthismodule.
This application provides the Enrollment and Claim servicing for Health Insurance TPA of India. It
provides portals for users like Insurer, Member, Corporate, Investigator, Customer Care. This application
dealswithhandlingclaims,grievancesfromthe enduser,hospitalsandInsurance companies.
Responsibilities: Involved in framing the Stored Procedures in SQL, Coding in UI/Back-end, Bug Fixing &
ï‚· Fullycontributedthe storedprocedure designforBulk Upload.
ï‚· Developmentof userinterfaces&customized.netMVCframework,
3. ï‚· Responsible tosolve critical clientissues,
ï‚· Testingandperformance enhancementforthe entire architecture,
 GeneratingPDF’susingITextsharpandGeneratingExcel sheets.
ï‚· Involvedinthe creationof componentsrequiredforthe application.
Personal Details
Name : AtlaVenkatesh
Father’sName : K.VenkataRamanaiah
Marital Status : Single
Date of Birth : 14th SEP 1992
Sex : Male
Languagesknown : English&Telugu.
PresentAddress : Sri Balaji PG,3rd Cross,
PermanentAddress : H. No : 14-304,
NarasimhaRao street,
Venkatagiri(SPSRNellore District)
AndhraPradesh -524132..