Catleg de l'exposici坦 束Tal com 辿rem損, preparada pels estudiants de l'assignatura Documents personals: organitzaci坦, conservaci坦 i 炭s, impartida per la professora Maria Elvira en el curs de la Universitat de l'Experi竪ncia Biblioteques i Arxius en lEra Digital de la nostra Facultat.
L'exposici坦 va tenir lloc el gener i febrer de 2013 al vest鱈bul de la planta 1 de la Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentaci坦 i reunia fotografies i objectes dels alumnes de la classe, com a complement d'una activitat individual que consistia en la redacci坦 duna autobiografia documentada.
L'objectiu de l'exposici坦 era oferir una petita mostra de les imatges que documenten les autobiografies, i treballar des de la prctica un altre contingut important de l'assignatura: l'炭s i la difusi坦 dels documents d'arxiu.
Este documento enumera varias metas y objetivos para el pr坦ximo a単o, incluyendo mejorar las notas escolares, respetar a los compa単eros, aprender a conducir y cocinar mejor, viajar, y pasar m叩s tiempo con amigos y familia.
Rita Jowdy has over 5 years of experience as a Patient Access Specialist at Florida Hospital in Altamonte Springs, FL. Her responsibilities included performing admission and discharge activities, obtaining patient information, responding to patient concerns, maintaining relationships with staff, contacting insurance companies, and ensuring compliance. She was recognized as the best collector for 3 years to help the organization's finances and served as a lead for the day shift. Rita holds a degree in International Affairs in Business Administration from Rolling College and is authorized to work for any employer in the US.
The document summarizes some top holiday destinations in Romania. It discusses the Danube Delta as the second largest river delta in Europe, covering 2,200 square miles with rivers, canals, marshes and lakes that provide a paradise for wildlife and bird watching. It also mentions that the Danube River flows through or forms borders of 10 countries and 4 capital cities before reaching the Black Sea. Other destinations in Romania are noted but not described in detail.
Catleg de l'exposici坦 束Tal com 辿rem損, preparada pels estudiants de l'assignatura Documents personals: organitzaci坦, conservaci坦 i 炭s, impartida per la professora Maria Elvira en el curs de la Universitat de l'Experi竪ncia Biblioteques i Arxius en lEra Digital de la nostra Facultat.
L'exposici坦 va tenir lloc el gener i febrer de 2013 al vest鱈bul de la planta 1 de la Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentaci坦 i reunia fotografies i objectes dels alumnes de la classe, com a complement d'una activitat individual que consistia en la redacci坦 duna autobiografia documentada.
L'objectiu de l'exposici坦 era oferir una petita mostra de les imatges que documenten les autobiografies, i treballar des de la prctica un altre contingut important de l'assignatura: l'炭s i la difusi坦 dels documents d'arxiu.
Este documento enumera varias metas y objetivos para el pr坦ximo a単o, incluyendo mejorar las notas escolares, respetar a los compa単eros, aprender a conducir y cocinar mejor, viajar, y pasar m叩s tiempo con amigos y familia.
Rita Jowdy has over 5 years of experience as a Patient Access Specialist at Florida Hospital in Altamonte Springs, FL. Her responsibilities included performing admission and discharge activities, obtaining patient information, responding to patient concerns, maintaining relationships with staff, contacting insurance companies, and ensuring compliance. She was recognized as the best collector for 3 years to help the organization's finances and served as a lead for the day shift. Rita holds a degree in International Affairs in Business Administration from Rolling College and is authorized to work for any employer in the US.
The document summarizes some top holiday destinations in Romania. It discusses the Danube Delta as the second largest river delta in Europe, covering 2,200 square miles with rivers, canals, marshes and lakes that provide a paradise for wildlife and bird watching. It also mentions that the Danube River flows through or forms borders of 10 countries and 4 capital cities before reaching the Black Sea. Other destinations in Romania are noted but not described in detail.
Este documento presenta los prop坦sitos, objetivos y planes de tres estudiantes para el a単o escolar 2016 en el Colegio U.P.E.P.S., incluyendo ser un mejor alumno, destacarse en un deporte, ser responsable con las obligaciones escolares, tener amigos, pasar el a単o sin dificultades, atender a clases, respetar a compa単eros y maestros, y cumplir con tareas a tiempo.
7 ways you are doing your A/B testing wrong by C担me CourteaultTheFamily
As as startup, you should be running tests all the time.
Making sure you are drawing the right conclusions from those tests is also a vital part of this: it helps you get those customers and save precious time.
There are lots of mistakes you can make when A/B testing. In this 45mn workshop, C担me tells you about them, why they happen, and how to avoid them. He is also share tips and tricks to get your A/B testing right.
C担me Courteault is Growth Hacker at TheFamily. He helps many of our startups build sustainable growth practices, and is also a teacher at our Growth Hacking school.
My contact address
Dr Shahnaj Parveen
Department of Agricultural Extension Education
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Mobile: ++88-01715 340215
This document discusses how to leverage personal branding through an effective resume. It emphasizes beginning with a powerful branding statement that conveys your unique strengths and value. Proper formatting is also important to ensure the resume is easy to read. Hiring managers typically spend 6 seconds reviewing each resume, so the content must highlight accomplishments and be concise yet compelling. Personal branding and a polished resume are essential to standing out among competitors and making a lasting positive first impression.
O documento descreve o plano de expans達o de Paris idealizado por Georges-Eug竪ne Haussmann no s辿culo XIX, que remodelou a cidade com novas vias, parques e edif鱈cios para melhorar a circula巽達o e as condi巽探es sanit叩rias.
Ron Johnson was hired as CEO of JCPenney in 2011 to revitalize declining sales. His 5-point plan included: 1) Rebranding the store as "JCP" 2) Implementing a "fair and square" pricing strategy without coupons 3) Opening stores-within-stores 4) Expanding into high-end home goods 5) Doubling advertising spending. However, he failed to test changes or understand loyal customers. His abrupt shifts confused customers and accelerated sales declines, leading to his ouster in 2013.
MLA16: The Language of Sexual Violence and the Rhetoric of Consent in Social ...Anastasia Salter
Anastasia Salter argues that efforts to fact check and criticize feminist academics by groups like Gamergate are not done in good faith and are actually meant to silence women. While fact checking is normally part of academic life, the way these groups have "combed through papers to pluck things out of context" and "the way they speak of feminists" shows their antagonism and intentions to discredit rather than have legitimate discussion. Katherine Cross agrees the process is not neutral but deeply antagonistic and spiteful.
Studia @ Stanford: jak aplikowa na Stanford University prezentacjaRobert Kowalski
Prezentujemy jak dosta si na studia licencjackie / magisterskie / PhD na Stanford University.
Masz talent i osignicia & chcesz aplikowa na studia na Stanford University?
2. PRZEJRZYJ PREZENTACJ ze spotkania na MIM UW ~
Mem嘆ria corresponent a la primera edici坦 d'OH EST ART! organitzat per LA CERVERINA D'ART, amb el suport de la PAERIA DE CERVERA, DIPUTACI DE LLEIDA i el GREMI DE GALERISTES D'ART DE CATALUNYA - Tardor Art 2013.
Durant el mes d'octubre de 2013 s'organitza LA MIRADA de PICASSO, una exposici坦 col揃lectiva amb noms com Jos辿 Luis AGUIL, Jordi ALIGU, Frederic ANGUERA, Philip STANTON, Jos辿 Garc鱈a RAMOS, Rafael ROMERO, V鱈ctor RAMREZ, Queralt Ant炭 SERRANO, Jos辿 Luis PASCUAL, Carles GUITART, Ramon PUIGPELAT i Oriol MRA.
En paral揃lel a l'exposici坦 s'organitzen un seguit d'activitats com una confer竪ncia a crrec de Joan GIL i GREGORIO; i una taula rodona amb les pon竪ncies d'Elias GASTON, President del Centre Picasso d'Horta de Sant Joan; Alain Moreau, especialitza en art i te嘆ric; i Xago Serrano, antrop嘆leg i galerista de La Cerverina d'Art.
Aquestes dues activitats, m辿s de contingut, de fons, va compartir protagonisme amb les actuacions de Ballet ENFEMENINO, quartet de flamenc que va relatar la vida de Picasso mitjan巽ant la dansa flamenca i Roger CNSUL que, a tall de cloenda, va relatar contes d'inspiraci坦 picassiana, que va fascinar al p炭blic assistent.
Nota premsa I捉 Mostra d'Art d'Ull 15/16 Octubre 2011M嘆nica Busquets
Ull 15/16 dOctubre 2011: Coincidint amb la fira de la Poma, a la poblaci坦 dUll, al Baix Empord, es celebra la I捉 MOSTRA DART els dies 15 i 16 doctubre, que aplegar a 25 artistes del collectiu Animativ, de les disciplines: pintura, escultura, fotografia, videoart i performance.
This document discusses lines and where they can be found. It notes that lines are used to draw shapes and fill spaces. There are different types of lines, including those made from other materials. Lines can be found in nature, science, art, and music. The document encourages exploring lines through drawing and other creative works. It provides several video links related to lines in art and performance.
Este documento explora temas de identidad personal, sentimientos contradictorios y nuevos descubrimientos internos. Tambi辿n habla sobre conexiones con la naturaleza a trav辿s de paisajes y ra鱈ces profundas, y sobre enviar mensajes a otras mujeres que recorren el camino de la vida. Finalmente, plantea preguntas sobre la actitud a tomar ante otras realidades duras e injustas que se revelan a trav辿s de la mirada.
Este documento narra la historia de Paulina, un drag坦n creado por los ni単os y ni単as de una escuela. Los estudiantes recolectaron y ensamblaron varios materiales como dibujos, esquemas, medidas y cart坦n para formar el esqueleto de Paulina. Luego, los ni単os crearon una piel colorida y detallada llena de dibujos y formas para cubrir a Paulina, trabajando arduamente para darle la piel m叩s delicada y hermosa. Paulina se sinti坦 amada y cuidada por los ni単os.
This document is about a scented city where the paths, flowers, and hands are perfumed. People also paint with flowers. It asks what different things smell like.
1. Vaig n辿ixer a Barcelona el
30 d卒abril del 1961.
Tinc dues gates i s坦c mestra
de professi坦.
Des de petita vaig sentir
una inclinaci坦 especial pel
dibuix, l卒art i la pintura.
He estudiat en diferents
centres i he tingut diversos
mestres que m卒han ajudat
En els darrers anys he
participat en exposicions
col揃lectives i individuals, he
il揃lustrat llibres, dissenyat
anells i penjolls, he creat
titelles i col揃laborat en
projectes d卒 educaci坦.
-Exposici坦 col揃lectiva del taller Carrau Blau. Can Ginestar de Sant Just Desvern. Any 2000.
-Exposici坦 col揃lectiva per les festes de tardor a la pla巽a de l卒Ajuntament de Sant Just
Desvern. Any 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009
-Exposici坦 col揃lectiva a la Biblioteca Pare Miquel d卒Esplugues de Llobregat. Any 2001.
-Exposici坦 col揃lectiva a Can Ginestar . Sant Just Desvern. Any 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
-Exposici坦 a La Vagoneta de Sant Just Desvern amb el tema de la commemoraci坦 del dia
de la dona. Any 2005.
-Exposici坦 col揃lectiva al Centre C鱈vic de Sant Just Desvern. Any 2005.
-Exposici坦 col揃lectiva a l卒Hospital oncol嘆gic de Barcelona. Any 2006.
-Exposici坦 col揃lectiva a L卒Hospital de Sant Joan de D辿u . Any 2006,2007,2007,2009
-Exposici坦 individual al Casal Robert Brilles de l卒Ajuntament d卒Esplugues de Llobregat. Any
-Exposici坦 col揃lectiva al Celler de Can Ginestar, any 2010.
-Exposici individual a Can Negre de Sant Joan Desp鱈 ,l卒 any 2011.