This document outlines the curriculum for Grade 5. It includes 6 units of inquiry that will be covered throughout the year focusing on different themes. Standalone material is also included on literacy, mathematics, technology, and fine arts goals for the 21st century classroom. An assessment and reporting section discusses formative and summative assessments as well as portfolios and learning updates. An assessment timeline is provided. The homework policy allows a maximum of 50 minutes per night including Chinese and specialist subjects, with weekends and holidays free of homework. Parent communication includes a class website for weekly updates, programme overviews, and homework.
4. The 6 Units of Inquiry
Theme: How We Express Ourselves
Focus: Communication Technology
Theme: How The World Works
Focus: The States of Matter
Theme:Where We Are In Place & Time
Focus: How we Interpret the Past
Theme: How We Organize Ourselves
Focus: Solid Waste Management
Theme: Sharing The Planet
Focus: Children¡¯s Rights
Theme: Who We Are
Focus: Changes in the Human Body
6. Stand Alone Material
Goals for the 21st Century Classroom
- information and communication skills
- thinking and problem-solving skills
- interpersonal and self-directional
- learning academic content through
real-world examples
8. Stand Alone Material
Goals for the 21st Century Classroom
- learning to value mathematics
- seeing mathematics in the world
- building confidence in their ability
- practicing problem solving
- communicating mathematically
- reason mathematically
10. Stand Alone Material
Goals for the 21st Century Classroom
- strengthening independence and
personal, ethical responsibility
- learning to navigate and behave in
new environment
- receiving and becoming part of a
global audience
- expressing understandings more
creatively and quickly in a variety of
12. Stand Alone Material
Fine Arts
Goals for the 21st Century Classroom
- development of fine motor skills
- creatively expressing themselves
- exposure to a variety of art forms,
fostering art appreciation and
understanding fine arts
- learning about art from other
cultures and times, encouraging their
global perspective and developing
20. Assessment Timeline
Student Portfolio & Goal-Setting Sheet are sent home
October 14th, 2011
3-Way Learning Reviews with parents, student and teacher present
November 3rd & 4th, 2011
Student Portfolio & Progress Report are sent home
February 10th, 2012
Student-Led Learning Reviews
April 18th, 2012
Student Portfolio & Progress Report are sent home
June 8th, 2012
24. Parent Communication
5D Class Website
h ttp ://site s . c d ni s . e d u . h k / t e ac h e r s / al o n ica h u sa c2011/
Weekly Friday Updates
Programme Overview
Unit of Inquiry Updates
Literacy Page
Numeracy Page