This document analyzes the mathematics curriculum in the Maldives national curriculum. It identifies the five strands of mathematics taught: Numbers, Measurement, Shape and Space, Chance and Data, and Patterning and Algebra. The authors provide an overview of the content within each strand and justify that the curriculum will help students develop logical thinking, problem solving skills, and understand mathematics applicable to daily life. They conclude that the curriculum appropriately scaffolds skills between grades and promotes active, hands-on learning of important mathematical concepts.
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Curriculum studies
Mandhu college
Semester 2, 2014
Curriculum Studies, 0710
Content knowledge in the
National curriculum of the
By Yuzna Mohamed (5337)
Aminath Muhisina (5372)
7. Shape and Space
3D Shapes
2D Shapes
Positions and Directions
Handling Data
8. Chance and Handling Data
Handling Data
Sequences and Properties of
Investigations, Puzzles and
9. Patterning and Algebra
Sequences and properties of Numbers
Investigations, Puzzles and problems.
10. Our opinion and justification
Good syllabus / very appropriate to the
Maldivian society: Knowledge, skills,
values and attitudes taught through this
subject would be a tool for the pupils to
function and excel in all aspects of life.
It also helps to think logically, be
creative, solve problems and appreciate
the esthetics of Allah (SWT)s creation.
11. Our opinion and justification
No gaps in-between the grades.
Interesting (investigations, puzzles)
number system, computational skills, and
the ability to solve simple problems related
to their day to day life. Emphasis is also
given to practical understanding of the
ways in which information is gathered and
presented (NIE, 2014, p.6)
12. Our opinion and justification
Cross-Curricular and Integrated
learn the process of enquiry, discovery and
verification and to apply mathematical
ideas, rules and procedures to particular
situations and problems.
Students will explore, estimate and
manipulate numbers to carry out day to day
13. Our opinion and justification
learn the process of enquiry, discovery
and verification and to apply
mathematical ideas, rules and
procedures to particular situations and
Students will explore, estimate and
manipulate numbers to carry out day to
day activities.
equip the students to estimate, measure
14. Our opinion and justification
contributes to the development of the
student in all aspects.
would master in 3D & 2D shapes,
positions, directions and angles.
Students would be able to visualize
spatial aspects of things and perceive
them better.
Students would be able to represent and
interpret different data collected in a
15. Our opinion and justification
Students confidence is built by
helping them to develop a feel
for numbers, their properties,
and the relationships. Algebra is
one of the very important topics
that students learn in their
entire schooling, which
16. Conclusion
There are five strands
Sub-strands and topics.
Difference in each level but no gaps in-between.
Give students opportunities to learn in
a variety of ways individually,
cooperatively, independently, with
teachers direction, through hands-on
experience, through examples followed
17. Conclusion
Teachers should vary strategies
according to both the object of the
learning and the needs of the students.
Students must develop a solid
understanding of mathematical
18. Conclusion
Teachers need to use rich
problems and present situations
that provide a variety of
opportunities for students to
develop mathematical
understanding through problem
19. Reference
NIE (2014) Mathematics in the National Curriculum. [ONLINE] Available at:
%2026th%20August%202014.pdf. [Accessed 09 September 14]