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Name: Md. Sajidur Rahman
Address: 10, Faridabad Lane, Dhaka-1204
Contact No.: +88 01711334824
E-mail address:
I would like to serve the international corporate arena with profound enthusiasm,
dedication and responsibility. I cherish the endeavour and confidence to work in
organizations engaged in international business related issues and research and to
enable my professional and personal knacks to reach goals.
Studying Bachelor of Business Administration
Institution: Department of International Business, Faculty of Business
Studies, University of Dhaka.
Obtained GPA-5 (excluding optional subject) in H.S.C. exam from Secondary and
Higher Secondary Educational Board, Dhaka.
Year of Passing: 2010
Group: Business Studies.
Institution: Dhaka Imperial College.
Obtained GPA-4.38 (excluding optional subject) in S.S.C. exam from Secondary
and Higher Secondary Educational Board, Dhaka.
Year of Passing: 2010
Group: Business Studies.
Institution: Bangladesh Bank Adarsha High School.
1. Dhaka Chambers of Commerce and Industries
 Wrote articles on successful entrepreneurs
 Volunteered on events
2. Correspondent at DU TIMZ.com
From August, 2013 to present.
Prepared reports and features on different issues and programs.
Prepared brochure, press release and maintained public relations.
Interviewed distinguished personalities including Musa Ibrahim, Professor
Abul Barakat, Bibi Russell and Solaiman Shukhon.
Wrote an article titled Internal traffic system of Dhaka University and entrance
of outside vehicles into the campus area.
Wrote an article titled A killer kid and our deviation from the social and ethical
3. Contributor at DU Pedia
From October, 2013 to present.
 Collected data on Science, Biology and Business Faculty of University of
 Compiled the information of Transport Schedule of Dhaka University
 Compiled the information of Car Parking Zones and Banks & ATM kiosks at
Dhaka University campus.
4. Member at Dhaka University Information and Technology Society
From May, 2013 to present.
 Winner, Muktijuddho Jadughor Quiz Competition (2005)
 First Runner-up, Dhaka Imperial College Essay Writing Competition (2011)
 Quarter Finalist, Dewan Properties-ATN Bangla Quiz Contest (2011)
Participated in English Olympiad and Instant Story Writing Competition in National
English Festival (2010)
Participated in PRAN-Notre Dame College Drama Workshop (2010)
Participated in Sudoku Contest, Viqarunnisa Noon School and College Science
Competition. (2011)
Underwent an English Spoken Course from Dhaka Imperial College English
Language Club
Underwent a drama course from Notre Dame College Drama Club
Underwent a course on journalism from DU TIMZ.
Creative Concept Development, Strategic Planning, Negotiation, Public Relations,
Report Writing, Operations Management, Leadership, Product Development.
Human Relation, Organizational Behaviour, Corporate Governance, Brand
Consultancy, Global Marketing, Global Supply Chain Management, Market Analysis,
Leadership, Literature, Music, Psychology, Social-science, Anthropology, Film
direction, Story writing, Playing percussion, Photography.
Analysed on Motivation Process and Motivatiosnal Approaches Implemented in
Google Inc.
Language Skills:
 Bangla (native)
 English (spoken and written)
 Hindi (third language)
 Arabic (reading)
Computer Skills:
Proficient in Microsoft Office Package (Word, Power Point, Excel) and Browsing.
Communication Skills:
 Communicated the Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education), Proctor,
Dean, Faculty of Business Studies and administrative bodies of University of
 Eligible for both formal and informal communication
Creative Skills:
 Wrote poetry, plays, proses for several cultural events and magazines.
Acted in dramas and plays.
 Obtained Member Badge Certificate from Bangladesh Scouts
 Led a patrol and underwent a campfire event.
Other Skills:
 Good Vocabulary Knowledge
 Proficient in Shorthand writing with dictation
 Good at interpersonal skill
 Tend to adapt any emerged situation
 Enthusiastic team leader
 Confident, determined and dedicated.
Fathers name: Md. Mujibur Rahman
Mothers name: Shakila Rahman
Present Address: 58, Karimullarbagh, Dhaka-1204.
Permanent Address: 10, Faridabad Lane, Dhaka-1204.
Sex: Male
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Date of Birth: 27.02.1995
Blood Group: O+
Religion: Monotheism (Islam)
Marital status: Unmarried.

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  • 1. Name: Md. Sajidur Rahman Address: 10, Faridabad Lane, Dhaka-1204 Contact No.: +88 01711334824 E-mail address: I would like to serve the international corporate arena with profound enthusiasm, dedication and responsibility. I cherish the endeavour and confidence to work in organizations engaged in international business related issues and research and to enable my professional and personal knacks to reach goals. Studying Bachelor of Business Administration Institution: Department of International Business, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka. Obtained GPA-5 (excluding optional subject) in H.S.C. exam from Secondary and Higher Secondary Educational Board, Dhaka. Year of Passing: 2010 Group: Business Studies. Institution: Dhaka Imperial College. Obtained GPA-4.38 (excluding optional subject) in S.S.C. exam from Secondary and Higher Secondary Educational Board, Dhaka. Year of Passing: 2010 Group: Business Studies. Institution: Bangladesh Bank Adarsha High School.
  • 2. 1. Dhaka Chambers of Commerce and Industries Wrote articles on successful entrepreneurs Volunteered on events 2. Correspondent at DU TIMZ.com From August, 2013 to present. Prepared reports and features on different issues and programs. Prepared brochure, press release and maintained public relations. Interviewed distinguished personalities including Musa Ibrahim, Professor Abul Barakat, Bibi Russell and Solaiman Shukhon. Wrote an article titled Internal traffic system of Dhaka University and entrance of outside vehicles into the campus area. Wrote an article titled A killer kid and our deviation from the social and ethical track. 3. Contributor at DU Pedia From October, 2013 to present. Collected data on Science, Biology and Business Faculty of University of Dhaka Compiled the information of Transport Schedule of Dhaka University Compiled the information of Car Parking Zones and Banks & ATM kiosks at Dhaka University campus. 4. Member at Dhaka University Information and Technology Society From May, 2013 to present. Winner, Muktijuddho Jadughor Quiz Competition (2005) First Runner-up, Dhaka Imperial College Essay Writing Competition (2011) Quarter Finalist, Dewan Properties-ATN Bangla Quiz Contest (2011) Participated in English Olympiad and Instant Story Writing Competition in National English Festival (2010) Participated in PRAN-Notre Dame College Drama Workshop (2010) Participated in Sudoku Contest, Viqarunnisa Noon School and College Science Competition. (2011)
  • 3. Underwent an English Spoken Course from Dhaka Imperial College English Language Club Underwent a drama course from Notre Dame College Drama Club Underwent a course on journalism from DU TIMZ. Creative Concept Development, Strategic Planning, Negotiation, Public Relations, Report Writing, Operations Management, Leadership, Product Development. Human Relation, Organizational Behaviour, Corporate Governance, Brand Consultancy, Global Marketing, Global Supply Chain Management, Market Analysis, Leadership, Literature, Music, Psychology, Social-science, Anthropology, Film direction, Story writing, Playing percussion, Photography. Analysed on Motivation Process and Motivatiosnal Approaches Implemented in Google Inc. Language Skills: Bangla (native) English (spoken and written) Hindi (third language) Arabic (reading) Computer Skills: Proficient in Microsoft Office Package (Word, Power Point, Excel) and Browsing. Communication Skills: Communicated the Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education), Proctor, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies and administrative bodies of University of Dhaka. Eligible for both formal and informal communication
  • 4. Creative Skills: Wrote poetry, plays, proses for several cultural events and magazines. Acted in dramas and plays. Scouting: Obtained Member Badge Certificate from Bangladesh Scouts Led a patrol and underwent a campfire event. Other Skills: Good Vocabulary Knowledge Proficient in Shorthand writing with dictation Good at interpersonal skill Tend to adapt any emerged situation Enthusiastic team leader Confident, determined and dedicated. Fathers name: Md. Mujibur Rahman Mothers name: Shakila Rahman Present Address: 58, Karimullarbagh, Dhaka-1204. Permanent Address: 10, Faridabad Lane, Dhaka-1204. Sex: Male Nationality: Bangladeshi Date of Birth: 27.02.1995 Blood Group: O+ Religion: Monotheism (Islam) Marital status: Unmarried.