This curriculum vitae outlines the education and experience of Ingrid M. Melendez Nieves. She received high school diplomas from Miguel Melendez Muñoz High School in 2014 and Ramon E. Betances Secondary School in 2011. She is currently studying biology at the University of Puerto Rico Cayey, where she maintains a 4.0 GPA. Melendez Nieves has won several awards for her academic and research accomplishments, including first place wins at science fairs, and has served in leadership roles for student organizations. Her research experience includes characterizing viral infections and isolating bacteriophages.
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Curriculum vitae ingrid melendez -
1. Curriculum Vitae
Ingrid M. Melendez Nieves
Tel: (787)557-4765
P.O. Box 371492
Cayey, P.R. 00736
University of Puerto Rico Cayey
Summer 2014
205 Avenida Antonio R. Barceló
Cayey, PR 00736
High School Miguel Melendez Muñoz
High School Diploma
Ave. Antonio R. Barceló Frente C
Cayey, PR 00736
May, 2014
Secondary School Ramon E. Betances
Secondary School Diploma
Ave. Antonio R. Barceló Frente
Cayey, PR 00736
May, 2011
Summer 2014
BIOL 3009 Introduction to Biology
BIOL 3009L Biology Laboratory
Fall 2014
BIOL 3415 General Botany
BIOL 3415 General Botany Laboratory
BIOL 3095 Seminar Scientific Literature and Bibliography
HUMA 3101 Occidental Culture
MATE 3004 Algebra
INGL 3101 Basic English
Scientific Investigation
Leadership Skills
Drama and Theater Skills
Pantomime Skills
2. Curriculum Vitae
GPA: 4.00
PEAU: 2834
Asociacion de Jovenes Emabajadores de Cristo (AJEC) – (Leader)
Missionary Travel – (Dominican Republic)
Hogar Cuna San Cristobal (Volunteer)
Make-A-Wish Foundation, San Juan, PR 00919-3348 -- (Volunteer)
CONFRA High School 2011-2014
Club Ambient & Element of Science 2008-2014 (leadership)
Student Council 2013-2014- (President)
Spanish Club 2009-2010
Cooperative San Jose, Oratory Competition 2012
Competitions Choir 2012
Miguel Melendez Muñoz High School Science Fair 2012-2014
District Science Fair Competition 2014
Region Science Fair Competition 2014
Medal Puerto Rican Youth 2014
Year: 2014
Characterization of the infectious process of a virus and its
bacterial host.
Ingrid Melendez, Nicole Rivera Espinal and Dr. Edwin Vazquez
Year: 2013
3. Curriculum Vitae
Microbacteriophage Isolation and Purification in the soils of the
Municipal Landfill in Cayey, Cidra’s lake and the University of
Puerto Rico at Cayey
Ingrid Melendez Nieves and Dr. Edwin Vazquez (mentor)
The effect of the natural repellents against ants
Ingrid Melendez, Kathiria Torres and Luis Perez (Mentor)
Year: 2014
Review Article: The Development of the Tourette syndrome in
University of Puerto Rico at Cayey
Year: 2014
Scientific Research Proposal: The Effects of the medication in the
liver Univeristy of Puerto Rico in Cayey.
Year: 2014
Research Symposium in the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey:
Characterization of the infectious process of a Virus and its
bacterial host.
Year 2014
District and Region Puerto Rico’s Science Fair: Characterization
of the infectious process of a Virus and its bacterial host.
Year: 2013
A Call for Scientist Symposium: Microbacteriophage Isolation
and Purification in the soils of the Municipal Landfill in Cayey,
Cidra’s lake. Miguel Melendez Muñoz High School
Academic Excellence in the Cayey educational region for the years
Winner in “Premios Miguelinos” for having a GPA of 4.00 2011-
Second place winner of the Competition Choir - 2012
First Place Winner of the Science Fair in the Miguel Melendez
Muñoz high school 2014
4. Curriculum Vitae
First Place Winner of “Premios Miguelinos” Civism Category
First Place Winner of “Premios Miguelinos” Leadership Category
First place winner in the category of Microbiology in Science Fair
of Cidra’s District 2013
First Gran Place for most outstanding research in the Competition
of Science Fair in Cidra 2013
Second Place winner in the category of Microbiology at Puerto
Rico Region of Caguas Science Fair Competition 2014
Citizenship award, Leadership award, Governor Medal, Medal of
the Mayor, Premio “Miguelino” in graduation day 2014
Medal Puerto Rican Youth in “La Fortaleza” 2014