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Osama Bushnaq
Address: Mecca st., Amman Jordan
E-mail: osama.bushnaq.1993@gmail.com
Mobile phone: 00 962 7958 130 95
Personal Profile:
Ambitious and hard working person who always thinks about development. Ability to follow the rules strictly and to
meet deadlines. Excellent in working individually or with a team. Highly adaptive that can switch work easily, very
enthusiastic, willing to cooperate, accept and suggest new ideas.
 Hashemite University: B.S. of Mechanical Engineering 2011-2016. (GPA: 3.28/4.00)
Graduation project: Performance Study of a Refrigeration Cycle with Sub-cooling and Superheating when using
Photovoltaic Generator.
 Practical Training at King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau KADDB (15th May - 5th July
2016). Designing and developing military vehicles.
 Internship at Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic, 3D printing and rapid prototyping, (27th July
- 30th September 2015).
 Working in automobile service garage, specialized in VW, Audi, Seat and koda (August 2014).
Personal Skills
 Excellent in Arabic and English language (reading, writing and speaking).
 Excellent communication skills, experienced in writing formal letters and experienced to communicate
 Team work skills.
 Excellent computer skills and CAD modeling skills.
 Engineering analysis and calculations.
 Excellent in writing reports and conducting tests.
 Problem solving and ability to come up with multiple solutions.
 Working well with minimal supervision and seeking more responsibility.
 Always aware of safety procedures and hazards and appropriately cautious.
 High adaptive to switch work, team and environment.
 Ability to respect confidentiality and hold the secrecy of the job.
 Always willing to learn, improve personal and technical skills, and carry on with up to date technology.
Notable Achievements:
ZELEN, P. (70%) a BUSHNAQ, O.(30%) Clearance in Pin Joints in 3D Printed Mechanisms. 9th Annual
International Conference 2015 Manufacturing Systems Today and Tomorrow. ISBN 978-80-7494-256-3

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  • 1. Osama Bushnaq Address: Mecca st., Amman Jordan E-mail: osama.bushnaq.1993@gmail.com Mobile phone: 00 962 7958 130 95 Personal Profile: Ambitious and hard working person who always thinks about development. Ability to follow the rules strictly and to meet deadlines. Excellent in working individually or with a team. Highly adaptive that can switch work easily, very enthusiastic, willing to cooperate, accept and suggest new ideas. Education: Hashemite University: B.S. of Mechanical Engineering 2011-2016. (GPA: 3.28/4.00) Graduation project: Performance Study of a Refrigeration Cycle with Sub-cooling and Superheating when using Photovoltaic Generator. Training: Practical Training at King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau KADDB (15th May - 5th July 2016). Designing and developing military vehicles. Internship at Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic, 3D printing and rapid prototyping, (27th July - 30th September 2015). Working in automobile service garage, specialized in VW, Audi, Seat and koda (August 2014). Personal Skills Excellent in Arabic and English language (reading, writing and speaking). Excellent communication skills, experienced in writing formal letters and experienced to communicate internationally. Team work skills. Excellent computer skills and CAD modeling skills. Engineering analysis and calculations. Excellent in writing reports and conducting tests. Problem solving and ability to come up with multiple solutions. Working well with minimal supervision and seeking more responsibility. Always aware of safety procedures and hazards and appropriately cautious. High adaptive to switch work, team and environment. Ability to respect confidentiality and hold the secrecy of the job. Always willing to learn, improve personal and technical skills, and carry on with up to date technology. Notable Achievements: ZELEN, P. (70%) a BUSHNAQ, O.(30%) Clearance in Pin Joints in 3D Printed Mechanisms. 9th Annual International Conference 2015 Manufacturing Systems Today and Tomorrow. ISBN 978-80-7494-256-3 .