Este documento define los primeros auxilios y sus principios b叩sicos. 1) Los primeros auxilios son medidas de emergencia para estabilizar a un herido hasta recibir atenci坦n m辿dica especializada. 2) Los principios incluyen protegerse a s鱈 mismo y al herido, avisar a los servicios de emergencia, y socorrer al herido de forma segura. 3) Es importante evaluar signos vitales como el pulso, respiraci坦n y color de la piel para determinar la gravedad de las lesiones.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre primeros auxilios, incluyendo la definici坦n de primeros auxilios, la evaluaci坦n primaria de una v鱈ctima, el rescate de una v鱈ctima, la p辿rdida de consciencia, la respiraci坦n, los signos de circulaci坦n, las hemorragias, las quemaduras, las fracturas y la cadena de supervivencia. Explica los procedimientos b叩sicos para tratar diferentes emergencias m辿dicas hasta que llegue la ayuda especializada.
Este documento trata sobre los primeros auxilios y contiene informaci坦n sobre signos vitales (pulso, respiraci坦n, temperatura, presi坦n arterial), hemorragias, heridas, fracturas, transporte de pacientes, y reanimaci坦n cardiopulmonar. Explica c坦mo evaluar y tratar emergencias m辿dicas como atragantamientos, paros respiratorios, y paros cardiorrespiratorios. Adem叩s, clasifica diferentes tipos de lesi坦n y ofrece consejos sobre los primeros auxilios para cada una.
1. O afogamento ocorre quando l鱈quidos inundam as vias a辿reas, impedindo a troca de oxig棚nio e g叩s carb担nico. 2. Anualmente ocorrem 140 mil 坦bitos por afogamento no mundo, sendo 9 mil nos EUA. 3. No Brasil, a segunda causa externa de morte entre 1-4 anos 辿 o afogamento.
O documento fornece informa巽探es sobre primeiros socorros, definindo-o como o conjunto de medidas prestadas por leigos antes da chegada de um m辿dico. Detalha procedimentos para atendimento de v鱈timas de parada cardiorrespirat坦ria, ferimentos, fraturas, queimaduras e intoxica巽探es, entre outros.
O documento fornece informa巽探es sobre primeiros socorros, definindo-o como o atendimento inicial prestado a v鱈timas de acidentes ou mal s炭bitos. Detalha quem deve prestar os primeiros socorros, os procedimentos b叩sicos a serem realizados e como tratar diferentes tipos de emerg棚ncias m辿dicas como queimaduras, afogamentos, traumas e paradas cardiorrespirat坦rias.
Este documento describe el sistema de competici坦n de un torneo de padel que tendr叩 lugar en el Club Nueva Cartuja en Madrid. El torneo est叩 compuesto por 6 parejas divididas en 2 grupos que jugar叩n el jueves y viernes. Los ganadores de cada grupo avanzar叩n a la final del s叩bado. Cada partido consistir叩 en 1 set con tie-break y el equipo ganador recibir叩 3 puntos mientras que el perdedor 1 punto.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el primer torneo de p叩del de Montecalder坦n, incluyendo el formulario de inscripci坦n, las fechas, el lugar, el precio, las formas de pago, los horarios, las reglas y la pol鱈tica de privacidad. El torneo comenzar叩 el 14 de agosto en el Club Nueva Cartuja, tendr叩 un costo de 28 euros por pareja y seguir叩 las reglas de la Federaci坦n Espa単ola de P叩del.
Presentaci坦n tfg benefits of using manipulatives2Arancha Mart鱈n
The document discusses the benefits of using manipulatives in the classroom. It proposes that manipulatives engage multiple senses and allow students to physically interact with objects to help construct their own knowledge. The document outlines several objectives to demonstrate how manipulatives can increase student engagement, help different learners like those with ADD/ADHD, and support language acquisition. It then describes three new manipulatives created and tested that focused on vocabulary, grammar, and verbs which improved motivation and understanding based on student and teacher surveys. Finally, an educational blog is proposed as an innovation to share manipulative ideas and tutorials virtually.
El documento habla sobre la entrega de diplomas en una asamblea escolar. Luego menciona la preparaci坦n de un baile escolar con pr鱈ncipes y princesas. Finalmente menciona f炭tbol americano y diversi坦n.
We've spent our morning creating a cave full of paintings in it...We have also played with some clay, creating a dinosaur fosile and some prehistoric amulets...Here you can find pictures of some of our creations....
Este documento es un folleto que promueve un campamento de verano para ni単os que se llevar叩 a cabo en Montecalder坦n del 30 de junio al 31 de julio. El campamento ofrece diversas actividades l炭dicas y educativas dirigidas por monitoras tituladas, como juegos, manualidades, cocina, ingl辿s y excursiones tem叩ticas. Se realizar叩 en las instalaciones de una escuela infantil con zonas ajardinadas. Se detallan los horarios, precios y forma de inscripci坦n.
Este documento presenta el programa de un campamento de verano dirigido a ni単os de 6 a 12 a単os. El campamento incluir叩 actividades como experimentar en la naturaleza, manualidades, juegos, deportes y excursiones para aprender sobre el medio ambiente. Se llevar叩 a cabo del 1 al 20 de junio y las inscripciones se realizar叩n en la oficina de la comunidad de Montecalder坦n.
This document outlines a lesson plan for a 6th grade class to learn about measurement units. The lesson involves students working in pairs to pretend they are different professionals who use measurement in their work, including a doctor, architect, cook, wizard, and fashion designer. As each profession, the students will use different tools like tape measures and scales to measure and calculate various metrics. The teacher will observe and guide the paired activities. Student understanding will be assessed through observation, worksheets, and an online questionnaire.
Ken Robinson argues that the current education system is outdated and does not prepare students for the modern world. Schools still teach the same way they did 100 years ago, through standardized testing and a focus on academic subjects. However, the needs of the 21st century economy require more emphasis on creativity, collaboration, and practical problem-solving skills. Robinson asserts that current education methods stifle creativity and that schools need to change their approach to be more tailored to individual learning styles and allow more freedom to take risks and learn from mistakes. A revolution in education is needed to develop students' innate creative abilities and help their education become more connected to real world problems and solutions.
Ken Robinson argues that the current education system is outdated and does not prepare students for the modern world. Schools still teach the same way they did 100 years ago, focusing on academic subjects and standardized testing rather than creativity, collaboration, and real-world problem solving. This causes students to lose their natural creativity as they progress through school. Robinson calls for an education revolution - a shift away from standardized teaching and towards a more personalized, collaborative approach that fosters critical thinking and creativity to help students thrive in the 21st century.
El documento presenta el organigrama del C.E.I.P. Valderrey. Consta de un equipo directivo formado por el director/a, la secretaria de direcci坦n y el jefe/a de estudios. El profesorado se divide en educaci坦n primaria con 3 profesores/as, profesorado de apoyo con profesores/as de ingl辿s, m炭sica, educaci坦n f鱈sica, religi坦n y educaci坦n infantil. Tambi辿n cuenta con orientaci坦n y profesorado de audici坦n y lenguaje y pedagog鱈a terap辿utica compartidos con otro cent
The document discusses creating a creative environment in the classroom. It outlines four key features of creativity: imagination, purposeful experimentation, originality, and value. It then describes four roles for teachers in a creative classroom: explorer, artist, judge, and warrior. The document also provides tips for organizing creative activities, such as creating a safe and relaxing environment that involves students. It stresses the importance of developing students' creative potential.
This research studied the educational exclusion of rural girls in Peru. It found that while primary school enrollment was similar for boys and girls, far fewer girls attended high school. Girls faced numerous barriers to continuing their education, such as economic hardships, gendered social expectations, and domestic duties like farming, cooking, and childcare. Possible solutions proposed increasing economic support, improving teaching methods, challenging gender biases, and fostering earlier girls' school enrollment.
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Este documento describe el sistema de competici坦n de un torneo de padel que tendr叩 lugar en el Club Nueva Cartuja en Madrid. El torneo est叩 compuesto por 6 parejas divididas en 2 grupos que jugar叩n el jueves y viernes. Los ganadores de cada grupo avanzar叩n a la final del s叩bado. Cada partido consistir叩 en 1 set con tie-break y el equipo ganador recibir叩 3 puntos mientras que el perdedor 1 punto.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el primer torneo de p叩del de Montecalder坦n, incluyendo el formulario de inscripci坦n, las fechas, el lugar, el precio, las formas de pago, los horarios, las reglas y la pol鱈tica de privacidad. El torneo comenzar叩 el 14 de agosto en el Club Nueva Cartuja, tendr叩 un costo de 28 euros por pareja y seguir叩 las reglas de la Federaci坦n Espa単ola de P叩del.
Presentaci坦n tfg benefits of using manipulatives2Arancha Mart鱈n
The document discusses the benefits of using manipulatives in the classroom. It proposes that manipulatives engage multiple senses and allow students to physically interact with objects to help construct their own knowledge. The document outlines several objectives to demonstrate how manipulatives can increase student engagement, help different learners like those with ADD/ADHD, and support language acquisition. It then describes three new manipulatives created and tested that focused on vocabulary, grammar, and verbs which improved motivation and understanding based on student and teacher surveys. Finally, an educational blog is proposed as an innovation to share manipulative ideas and tutorials virtually.
El documento habla sobre la entrega de diplomas en una asamblea escolar. Luego menciona la preparaci坦n de un baile escolar con pr鱈ncipes y princesas. Finalmente menciona f炭tbol americano y diversi坦n.
We've spent our morning creating a cave full of paintings in it...We have also played with some clay, creating a dinosaur fosile and some prehistoric amulets...Here you can find pictures of some of our creations....
Este documento es un folleto que promueve un campamento de verano para ni単os que se llevar叩 a cabo en Montecalder坦n del 30 de junio al 31 de julio. El campamento ofrece diversas actividades l炭dicas y educativas dirigidas por monitoras tituladas, como juegos, manualidades, cocina, ingl辿s y excursiones tem叩ticas. Se realizar叩 en las instalaciones de una escuela infantil con zonas ajardinadas. Se detallan los horarios, precios y forma de inscripci坦n.
Este documento presenta el programa de un campamento de verano dirigido a ni単os de 6 a 12 a単os. El campamento incluir叩 actividades como experimentar en la naturaleza, manualidades, juegos, deportes y excursiones para aprender sobre el medio ambiente. Se llevar叩 a cabo del 1 al 20 de junio y las inscripciones se realizar叩n en la oficina de la comunidad de Montecalder坦n.
This document outlines a lesson plan for a 6th grade class to learn about measurement units. The lesson involves students working in pairs to pretend they are different professionals who use measurement in their work, including a doctor, architect, cook, wizard, and fashion designer. As each profession, the students will use different tools like tape measures and scales to measure and calculate various metrics. The teacher will observe and guide the paired activities. Student understanding will be assessed through observation, worksheets, and an online questionnaire.
Ken Robinson argues that the current education system is outdated and does not prepare students for the modern world. Schools still teach the same way they did 100 years ago, through standardized testing and a focus on academic subjects. However, the needs of the 21st century economy require more emphasis on creativity, collaboration, and practical problem-solving skills. Robinson asserts that current education methods stifle creativity and that schools need to change their approach to be more tailored to individual learning styles and allow more freedom to take risks and learn from mistakes. A revolution in education is needed to develop students' innate creative abilities and help their education become more connected to real world problems and solutions.
Ken Robinson argues that the current education system is outdated and does not prepare students for the modern world. Schools still teach the same way they did 100 years ago, focusing on academic subjects and standardized testing rather than creativity, collaboration, and real-world problem solving. This causes students to lose their natural creativity as they progress through school. Robinson calls for an education revolution - a shift away from standardized teaching and towards a more personalized, collaborative approach that fosters critical thinking and creativity to help students thrive in the 21st century.
El documento presenta el organigrama del C.E.I.P. Valderrey. Consta de un equipo directivo formado por el director/a, la secretaria de direcci坦n y el jefe/a de estudios. El profesorado se divide en educaci坦n primaria con 3 profesores/as, profesorado de apoyo con profesores/as de ingl辿s, m炭sica, educaci坦n f鱈sica, religi坦n y educaci坦n infantil. Tambi辿n cuenta con orientaci坦n y profesorado de audici坦n y lenguaje y pedagog鱈a terap辿utica compartidos con otro cent
The document discusses creating a creative environment in the classroom. It outlines four key features of creativity: imagination, purposeful experimentation, originality, and value. It then describes four roles for teachers in a creative classroom: explorer, artist, judge, and warrior. The document also provides tips for organizing creative activities, such as creating a safe and relaxing environment that involves students. It stresses the importance of developing students' creative potential.
This research studied the educational exclusion of rural girls in Peru. It found that while primary school enrollment was similar for boys and girls, far fewer girls attended high school. Girls faced numerous barriers to continuing their education, such as economic hardships, gendered social expectations, and domestic duties like farming, cooking, and childcare. Possible solutions proposed increasing economic support, improving teaching methods, challenging gender biases, and fostering earlier girls' school enrollment.