This 24-hour English customer service program will help address typical customer issues through role-plays and mock meetings where participants will play customers and representatives. It will also analyze customer service metrics and teach how to handle angry customers. Additionally, participants will learn the latest customer service trends from top global companies through short readings.
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Customer Service English
1. This 24 hour program will help you address typical customer service issues,
including: late deliveries, delayed payments, damaged goods, mis-shipments,
tracking of shipments, and other order problems.
You will be exposed to a wide variety of role-plays and mock-meetings, and will be
expected to take the roles of both a customer service representative and
dissatisfied customer. The booklet also contains dialogues and many synonyms
activities, to build speaking fluency in this area.
Additionally, you will try to take the view of a customer service manager through
analyzing typical metrics in this area, such as response rates within 10 seconds,
monthly revenue targeting, and complaints analysis.
Everyone will also experience and angry customer role play – and review the best
ways to deal with an irate customer.
Last, you will have short readings on the latest trends in this area, to see how the
world’s biggest and most powerful companies have reshaped their customer
service in recent years.
John Broden
HIBT President
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