Cute Circuit is a fashion technology company founded by Ryan Genz and Francesca Rosella that designs interactive garments and accessories incorporating smart textiles and microelectronics. They aim to allow for self-expression through technology in clothing. Genz and Rosella both have degrees in interaction design and have showcased pieces at events like New York Fashion Week and on celebrities like Katy Perry. Their designs are meant to be sustainable and high quality through the use of materials like Oeko Tex certified textiles.
4. Education Ryan Genz got his Bachelor's degree at the University
of Maine in 1997 and his Masters degree at the Interaction
Design Institute Ivrea in 2003 along side with his Creative
Director Francesca Rosella.
6. Thesis of Work
Self expression in interactive garments.
→ accessories are a key component to this vision
7. Designer Statement
“Wearable Technology”
● Incorporate smart textiles
and micro-electronics in their
● “Designed for sustainability”
product cycle
● Last a long time due to the
high quality materials used to
create them
LED jacket