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1225 Swan Lake Dr., Apt. # 203 (7 57) 813-1989
Charlottesville, VA 22902 mlm4gf@virginia.edu
 University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA, USA
Ph.D. Chemistry, Concentration: Physical Chemistry and Surface Science May 2015
Advisor: Dr. John T. Y ates, Jr.
 Virginia Tech (Dual Degree) Blacksburg, VA, USA
B. S., Chemistry, Magna Cum Laude May 2010
B. S., Mathematics, Magna Cum Laude May 2010
Minor, Biology May 2010
 AES Graduate Fellowship in Energy Research Charlottesville,VA
Awarded for fundamental research in energy science for the 3rd year in a row Y ear (2012-2015)
 2015 Huskey Research Exhibition (Oral Presentation) Charlottesville,VA
Awarded 1st Place and $300 Y ear 2015
 AVS Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman T ravel Grant Award Baltimore, MD
Awarded $300 Y ear 2014
 UVA 3rd Yr. Ph.D. Student Poster Competition Charlottesville,VA
Awarded 1st Place and $1000 Y ear 2013
 Walter B. Ellett Memorial Scholarship Blacksburg, VA
Academic Excellence Y ear (2008-09)
 Chemistry Department Academic Excellence Award Blacksburg, VA
Academic Excellence Y ear 2008
 Linwood Keyser Award Blacksburg, VA
Academic Excellence Y ear (2007-08)
 University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA USA
Graduate Researcher January 2011 Present
Advisor: Dr. John T. Y ates Jr.
I am currently studying the fundamental surface catalyticproperties ofAu/TiO2 nanoparticles. Reactive species on the surface are observ ed
u sing a transmission infrared spectrometerand a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Additionally, I have connected a Hg-arc u ltrav iolet lam p for
photochem istry stu dies of TiO2 and Au /TiO2 su bstrates.
My researchfocuses on fundamental ideas about the role ofsurface active sites in heterogeneouscatalytic reactions. Ourstudies inclu de CO
oxidation on reduced and oxidized Au/TiO2 catalysts, olefinoxidation, C-H bond activation in alkanesand carboxylic acid oxidation, where the dual
catalytic sites between the metal and supportparticipate in these processes. Recently, we found that donor and acceptor moleculeson the support
transfer electrons to and from the Au nanoparticles.
Another focus of myresearch involves usinga gas-chromatographymass-spectrometer(GC-MS) to detectcatalytic reaction products withhigh
sensitivity (our currentsensitivity  1011 molecules) and high molecularspecificity. Current studiesinvolve taking small gas sam ples collected
du ring the reaction and injecting them onto the GC colu m n for species detection and separation .
 Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA, USA
Undergraduate Researcher May 2007May 2010
Advisor: Dr. John Morris
I studied surface reactions and mechanisms of fullerenes (C60) and otherPAHs exposed to ozone in anultrahighvacuum(~10-9 Torr) chamber.
The surface measurement techniques included reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS), transmission infrared spectroscopy (TIR), and
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). During the summer of 2007, I built a sublimation chamber under v acu u m to stu dy m onolay er s of
fu llerenes on Au (1 1 1 ) su rfaces. Additionally , I w orked on a project w here I reassem bled a scanning electron m icroscope.
 University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA
GC-MS Lab Technician for Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Students Spring 2013
 University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA
Teaching Assistant in Physical Chemistry II: Quantum Mechanics Spring 2011
 University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA
Teaching Assistant in Physical Chemistry I: Thermodynamics Fall 2010
 University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA
Teaching Assistant in Physical Chemistry for Engineers Fall 2010
 Selected Topics in Advanced Physical Chemistry Charlottesville,VA
Rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectroscopy Spring 2011
 Chemical Applications of Quantum Mechanics Charlottesville,VA
Application of quantum mechanics to atomic and molecular systems Spring 2011
 Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics Charlottesville,VA
Basic principles of chemical kinetics emphasizing reactions in gases, liquids, and on catalytic surfaces Spring 2011
 Advanced Physical Chemistry I: Quantum Mechanics Charlottesville,VA
Topics ranging from group theory to molecular orbital theory
Introduction to rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectra Fall 2010
 Analytical Chemistry Charlottesville,VA
Study of instrumental methods of analysis, theory and application of electrochemical and
spectrochemical techniques, separations, and surfaces Fall 2010
 Surface Science Charlottesville,VA
Analysis of the structure and thermodynamics of surfaces Fall 2010
 AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition (O) Baltimore, MD, USA
In Situ FTIR Spectroscopic Observation ofthe Formation of Gold Ketenylideneduring Carboxylic Acid Oxidation on a
Au/TiO2 Nanoparticle Catalyst  November 2014
 Max Planck Society Symposium: Towards a Joint Chemical Energy Sciences Lab (P)Charlottesville,VA, USA
Spectroscopic Surface Chemistry  Catalytic Au(nanoparticles)/TiO2  June 2014
 GRS (Gordon Research Seminar): Noble Metal Nanoparticles (P) South Hadley, MA, USA
Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Carboxylic Acids at the Au/TiO2 Interface to Produce Ketenylidene SpeciesJune 2014
 GRC (Gordon Research Conference): Noble Metal Nanoparticles (P) South Hadley, MA, USA
Adsorbate-Induced Electron Transfer between Au Nanoparticles and the TiO2 Support June 2014
 27. Symposium on Surface Science (3S14) (O) St. Christoph/Arlberg, Austria
Insights Involving the Catalytically ActiveAu/TiO2 Interfacial Sites for Oxidation Reactions Using Infrared
Spectroscopy March 2014
 National Institute of Standards and T echnology Guest Lecture (O) Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Ultraviolet-VisibleSpectroscopy Analysis of EUV-Driven
Carbonaceous Deposits August 2013
 UVA Chemistry Department Seminar (O) Charlottesville,VA, USA
Biomass-related Catalytic Oxidation on Au/TiO2  Mechanistic Studies ofPropionic and Butyric Acid Oxidation to
Gold Ketenylidene April 2013
 XC2 Catalysis Review Meeting  BP (P) Charlottesville,VA, USA
Bond Activation  Catalytic Oxidation of Carboxylic Acids on Au/TiO2 Nanoparticle Catalysts April 2013
1. Jun Wang, Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, Arthur P. Baddorf, Petro Maksymovych, and John
T. Y ates, Jr.,Formation ofAu-COComplex in Gold-assisted Catalysis for CO-oxidation (In preparation for
2. Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr.,Lability ofLatticeOxygen in TiO2
Mars van Krevelen Mechanism or Not? (In preparation for JPCC).
3. Monica McEntee, Ana Stevanovic, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock and John T. Y ates, Jr., Electrical Charge
Transport to Au Nanoparticles on Semiconductor Supports The Molecular Voltmeter and Other Methods to
Observe Charge Effects in Au/TiO2 NanocatalystsJ. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (5), pp 1972-1982.
4. Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr.,Mechanistic Insights into theCatalytic
Oxidation ofCarboxylic Acids on Au/TiO2: Partial Oxidation ofPropionic and Butyric Acid to Gold Ketenylidene
through Unsaturated Acids ACSCatal., 2015, 5, pp 744-753.
5. Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr.,SelectiveCatalytic Oxidative
Dehydrogenation ofCarboxylic Acids Acrylateand Crotonate Formation at the Au/TiO2 Interface J. Am.
Chem. Soc., 2014, 136 (13), pp 51165120.
6. Nadir S. Faradzhev, Monica McEntee,John T. Y ates, Jr., Shannon B. Hill, T.B. Lucatorto, EUV-Driven
Carbonaceous Film Deposition and Its Photo-oxidation on a TiO2 Film Surface J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117 (44),
pp 23072-23081.
7. Isabel X. Green, Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr., Direct Formation of
Acetate from the Partial Oxidation ofEthyleneon a Au/TiO2 Catalyst,Top. Catal., 2013, 56(15-17),pp 1512-
8. Erin D. Davis, Alec Wagner, Monica McEntee, Manpreet Kaur, Diego Troya,and John R. Morris, Reaction
Probability and Infrared Detection ofthe Primary Ozonide in Collisions ofO3 with Surface-Bound C60, J. Phys.
Chem. Lett., 2012, 3 (21), pp 31933198.
9. Isabel X. Green, Wenjie Tang, Monica McEntee, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr., Inhibition at
Perimeter Sites ofAu/TiO2 Oxidation Catalyst by Reactant Oxygen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134 (30), pp

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CV 2015

  • 1. MONICA MCENTEE 1225 Swan Lake Dr., Apt. # 203 (7 57) 813-1989 Charlottesville, VA 22902 mlm4gf@virginia.edu E D U C AT ION University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA, USA Ph.D. Chemistry, Concentration: Physical Chemistry and Surface Science May 2015 Advisor: Dr. John T. Y ates, Jr. Virginia Tech (Dual Degree) Blacksburg, VA, USA B. S., Chemistry, Magna Cum Laude May 2010 B. S., Mathematics, Magna Cum Laude May 2010 Minor, Biology May 2010 AWARD S & HO N O RS AES Graduate Fellowship in Energy Research Charlottesville,VA Awarded for fundamental research in energy science for the 3rd year in a row Y ear (2012-2015) 2015 Huskey Research Exhibition (Oral Presentation) Charlottesville,VA Awarded 1st Place and $300 Y ear 2015 AVS Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman T ravel Grant Award Baltimore, MD Awarded $300 Y ear 2014 UVA 3rd Yr. Ph.D. Student Poster Competition Charlottesville,VA Awarded 1st Place and $1000 Y ear 2013 Walter B. Ellett Memorial Scholarship Blacksburg, VA Academic Excellence Y ear (2008-09) Chemistry Department Academic Excellence Award Blacksburg, VA Academic Excellence Y ear 2008 Linwood Keyser Award Blacksburg, VA Academic Excellence Y ear (2007-08) RE SE ARCH E XPE RIENCE University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA USA Graduate Researcher January 2011 Present Advisor: Dr. John T. Y ates Jr. I am currently studying the fundamental surface catalyticproperties ofAu/TiO2 nanoparticles. Reactive species on the surface are observ ed u sing a transmission infrared spectrometerand a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Additionally, I have connected a Hg-arc u ltrav iolet lam p for photochem istry stu dies of TiO2 and Au /TiO2 su bstrates. My researchfocuses on fundamental ideas about the role ofsurface active sites in heterogeneouscatalytic reactions. Ourstudies inclu de CO oxidation on reduced and oxidized Au/TiO2 catalysts, olefinoxidation, C-H bond activation in alkanesand carboxylic acid oxidation, where the dual catalytic sites between the metal and supportparticipate in these processes. Recently, we found that donor and acceptor moleculeson the support transfer electrons to and from the Au nanoparticles. Another focus of myresearch involves usinga gas-chromatographymass-spectrometer(GC-MS) to detectcatalytic reaction products withhigh sensitivity (our currentsensitivity 1011 molecules) and high molecularspecificity. Current studiesinvolve taking small gas sam ples collected du ring the reaction and injecting them onto the GC colu m n for species detection and separation . Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA, USA Undergraduate Researcher May 2007May 2010 Advisor: Dr. John Morris I studied surface reactions and mechanisms of fullerenes (C60) and otherPAHs exposed to ozone in anultrahighvacuum(~10-9 Torr) chamber. The surface measurement techniques included reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS), transmission infrared spectroscopy (TIR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). During the summer of 2007, I built a sublimation chamber under v acu u m to stu dy m onolay er s of fu llerenes on Au (1 1 1 ) su rfaces. Additionally , I w orked on a project w here I reassem bled a scanning electron m icroscope.
  • 2. T E AC HING E XPE RIENC E University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA GC-MS Lab Technician for Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Students Spring 2013 University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA Teaching Assistant in Physical Chemistry II: Quantum Mechanics Spring 2011 University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA Teaching Assistant in Physical Chemistry I: Thermodynamics Fall 2010 University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA Teaching Assistant in Physical Chemistry for Engineers Fall 2010 GRAD U AT E C O U RSE WO RK Selected Topics in Advanced Physical Chemistry Charlottesville,VA Rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectroscopy Spring 2011 Chemical Applications of Quantum Mechanics Charlottesville,VA Application of quantum mechanics to atomic and molecular systems Spring 2011 Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics Charlottesville,VA Basic principles of chemical kinetics emphasizing reactions in gases, liquids, and on catalytic surfaces Spring 2011 Advanced Physical Chemistry I: Quantum Mechanics Charlottesville,VA Topics ranging from group theory to molecular orbital theory Introduction to rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectra Fall 2010 Analytical Chemistry Charlottesville,VA Study of instrumental methods of analysis, theory and application of electrochemical and spectrochemical techniques, separations, and surfaces Fall 2010 Surface Science Charlottesville,VA Analysis of the structure and thermodynamics of surfaces Fall 2010 O RAL PRE SE N TAT IONS (O )/ POST ERS (P) AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition (O) Baltimore, MD, USA In Situ FTIR Spectroscopic Observation ofthe Formation of Gold Ketenylideneduring Carboxylic Acid Oxidation on a Au/TiO2 Nanoparticle Catalyst November 2014 Max Planck Society Symposium: Towards a Joint Chemical Energy Sciences Lab (P)Charlottesville,VA, USA Spectroscopic Surface Chemistry Catalytic Au(nanoparticles)/TiO2 June 2014 GRS (Gordon Research Seminar): Noble Metal Nanoparticles (P) South Hadley, MA, USA Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Carboxylic Acids at the Au/TiO2 Interface to Produce Ketenylidene SpeciesJune 2014 GRC (Gordon Research Conference): Noble Metal Nanoparticles (P) South Hadley, MA, USA Adsorbate-Induced Electron Transfer between Au Nanoparticles and the TiO2 Support June 2014 27. Symposium on Surface Science (3S14) (O) St. Christoph/Arlberg, Austria Insights Involving the Catalytically ActiveAu/TiO2 Interfacial Sites for Oxidation Reactions Using Infrared Spectroscopy March 2014 National Institute of Standards and T echnology Guest Lecture (O) Gaithersburg, MD, USA Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Ultraviolet-VisibleSpectroscopy Analysis of EUV-Driven Carbonaceous Deposits August 2013 UVA Chemistry Department Seminar (O) Charlottesville,VA, USA Biomass-related Catalytic Oxidation on Au/TiO2 Mechanistic Studies ofPropionic and Butyric Acid Oxidation to Gold Ketenylidene April 2013 XC2 Catalysis Review Meeting BP (P) Charlottesville,VA, USA Bond Activation Catalytic Oxidation of Carboxylic Acids on Au/TiO2 Nanoparticle Catalysts April 2013
  • 3. PU BL IC AT IONS 1. Jun Wang, Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, Arthur P. Baddorf, Petro Maksymovych, and John T. Y ates, Jr.,Formation ofAu-COComplex in Gold-assisted Catalysis for CO-oxidation (In preparation for JACS). 2. Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr.,Lability ofLatticeOxygen in TiO2 Mars van Krevelen Mechanism or Not? (In preparation for JPCC). 3. Monica McEntee, Ana Stevanovic, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock and John T. Y ates, Jr., Electrical Charge Transport to Au Nanoparticles on Semiconductor Supports The Molecular Voltmeter and Other Methods to Observe Charge Effects in Au/TiO2 NanocatalystsJ. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (5), pp 1972-1982. 4. Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr.,Mechanistic Insights into theCatalytic Oxidation ofCarboxylic Acids on Au/TiO2: Partial Oxidation ofPropionic and Butyric Acid to Gold Ketenylidene through Unsaturated Acids ACSCatal., 2015, 5, pp 744-753. 5. Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr.,SelectiveCatalytic Oxidative Dehydrogenation ofCarboxylic Acids Acrylateand Crotonate Formation at the Au/TiO2 Interface J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136 (13), pp 51165120. 6. Nadir S. Faradzhev, Monica McEntee,John T. Y ates, Jr., Shannon B. Hill, T.B. Lucatorto, EUV-Driven Carbonaceous Film Deposition and Its Photo-oxidation on a TiO2 Film Surface J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117 (44), pp 23072-23081. 7. Isabel X. Green, Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr., Direct Formation of Acetate from the Partial Oxidation ofEthyleneon a Au/TiO2 Catalyst,Top. Catal., 2013, 56(15-17),pp 1512- 1524. 8. Erin D. Davis, Alec Wagner, Monica McEntee, Manpreet Kaur, Diego Troya,and John R. Morris, Reaction Probability and Infrared Detection ofthe Primary Ozonide in Collisions ofO3 with Surface-Bound C60, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2012, 3 (21), pp 31933198. 9. Isabel X. Green, Wenjie Tang, Monica McEntee, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr., Inhibition at Perimeter Sites ofAu/TiO2 Oxidation Catalyst by Reactant Oxygen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134 (30), pp 1271712723.