Monica McEntee received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Virginia in 2015, where she studied the fundamental surface catalytic properties of Au/TiO2 nanoparticles using infrared spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. She received several awards for her research, including an AES Graduate Fellowship for her work in energy science from 2012-2015. Her research focused on using spectroscopy to study catalytic reactions like CO oxidation and carboxylic acid oxidation on Au/TiO2 catalysts. She has published several papers on her findings and presented her work at numerous conferences.
Hongli Li is an analytical chemist with over 7 years of experience applying various mass spectrometry and separation techniques to problems in glycomics, proteomics, and drug analysis. She received her Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Washington State University where she developed methods to assess carbohydrate isomeric heterogeneity using ion mobility mass spectrometry. She currently works as a postdoc at the US Food and Drug Administration developing screening methods for adulterated heparin using ambient ionization mass spectrometry. Her work involves applying analytical chemistry expertise and instrumentation to address important problems in food and drug analysis.
This document is a resume for Corey N. Stedwell, summarizing his education, work experience, research experience, publications, presentations, and other qualifications. Stedwell has a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Florida and works as an Applications Chemist at 1st Detect Corporation developing mass spectrometry methods. His research focuses on developing and applying mass spectrometric techniques to analyze biomolecular ions through infrared photodissociation spectroscopy.
Valentin Levashov is a physicist with expertise in molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations. He has over 15 years of experience conducting research on materials science, supercooled liquids, and the glass transition. He received his PhD from Michigan State University and has worked as a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Tennessee. He is fluent in English and Russian and has authored over 20 research publications.
Dr. Atanu Jana has published 15 papers, with 1 communicated paper and total citations of 250. Their publications focus on TTF-derived macrocycles and their electron transfer and photophysical properties. They have also published work on porphyrin/platinum complexes for singlet oxygen generation and heteronuclear Ir/Ln luminescent complexes for dual modal imaging and oxygen sensing. Dr. Jana was awarded a Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship from the European Commission to study transition metal/lanthanide dyads for two-photon induced cellular imaging.
This document provides biographical and professional details about Katie R. Hurley in 3 sections: Education, Experience, and Publications. It summarizes that Katie is a PhD candidate in Chemistry at the University of Minnesota, where she has designed multifunctional nanoparticles for biomedical applications. She has 12 peer-reviewed publications, filed a provisional patent, and mentored undergraduate researchers. Katie has also held leadership roles in laboratory safety.
The curriculum vitae outlines Carlos Gonzalez's educational and professional background. He holds a PhD in Chemistry from Dalhousie University and has worked as a postdoctoral research associate and lecturer at various universities. His areas of expertise include nanomaterials synthesis and characterization using various techniques. He has published numerous peer-reviewed papers and presented his work at several conferences.
Uche Udedibor is a 2015 graduate of Lee University with a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences and a 3.90 GPA. While at Lee University, he conducted independent research projects on genetics in fruit flies and the effect of salt on Na+/K+ ATPase, and presented his findings at the annual science symposium. He received several honors and scholarships and currently works as a college tutor in calculus, chemistry, and physics and as an office assistant at Lee University.
This is my presentation for the 440th meeting of the council of the University of Peradeniya, the Vice -Chancellor election for 2015-2018. These slides show my achievements during my first term as Vice-Chancellor at the University of Peradeniya, and my vision for the next three years
Sudeep KR Sanyal has over 30 years of experience in sales, marketing, service operations, and customer service for analytical, test, and measuring equipment. He is adept at relationship building, understanding customer needs, exceeding sales goals, and leading high-performing teams. Throughout his career, he has consistently achieved service targets and sustained high customer satisfaction.
Oppent 竪 unimportante realt italiana attiva nel campo dellAdvanced Motion Technology. Attraverso lautomazione dei servizi e lottimizzazione dei flussi logistici, propone servizi e soluzioni tecnologiche davanguardia in diversi settori: strutture sanitarie, aree urbane, retail, industrie, banche e biblioteche.
Con loro ho realizzato diversi progetti: dal servizio fotografico alla realizzazione di una brochure digitale, dal pannello informativo al magazine interno da condividere con gli stakeholder aziendali. Lobiettivo 竪 quello di creare unimmagine in grado di trasmettere il dinamismo e lalto livello di tecnologia innovativa impiegati dalla Societ.
This document discusses drivers in agricultural markets and debates around bio/organic versus conventional and GM foods. It addresses several topics:
- The main drivers that influence agricultural prices and production, including population, wealth, technology, policies, trade, and climate.
- Issues with partial or biased analyses that don't properly test hypotheses against facts.
- Whether recent food price changes constitute a crisis or normal market fluctuations.
- Impacts of price changes on consumers and producers around the world.
- Challenges around agricultural policy addressing issues like diets and how policy affects them.
- Common beliefs around bio/organic foods and debates around their safety, health impacts, relationship to GMOs and family farms, and role
Tigers are the largest cats and there are 6 subspecies, but 3 have gone extinct. Tigers are solitary and threatened animals that hunt for meat. Their populations are very low, with only 200 Siberian, 300 Sumatran, 1750 Indochinese, and 4700 Bengal tigers remaining. To save tigers, efforts must be made to prevent deforestation and pollution, reduce human-wildlife conflict, and increase funding to support their habitats and populations. Saving tigers also helps support biodiversity, livelihoods, and national pride.
Rootuja Ghatge has earned the designation of BMC Certified Developer: BMC Remedy AR System 8.x according to a certification certificate from BMC Software Education Services dated 10/23/2015.
Un matrimonio dal sapore provenzale, al tempo stesso semplice ed emozionante, per questa bellissima coppia letteralmente circondata dallaffetto di amici e parenti.
Australian Investment Education Trading and Investing Foundation Program with...Andrew Baxter
Learn the Foundations of Trading and Investing - Whether it's on the Australian Share Market (ASX) or on the US Markets.
The beginners guide to the share market. Australian Investment Education Trading and Investing Foundation Program with Andrew Baxter.
Andrew Baxter:
This letter summarizes potential complications that can arise from closed-chest cardiac resuscitation based on the authors' experience. It includes a table listing various cardiac, gastrointestinal, skeletal, respiratory, vascular, embolic, and miscellaneous complications that have been reported in literature, such as myocardial rupture, liver laceration, rib fracture, hemothorax, aortic rupture, fat embolism, and neuropsychiatric issues. The authors constructed this table to inform healthcare providers of possible ill effects of resuscitation to allow for more informed care during and after the procedure.
This document provides an overview of the development and evolution of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union. It begins with the original objectives of the CAP as laid out in 1958, which focused on increasing productivity and farm incomes, market stabilization, and ensuring affordable food prices. However, the policy relied solely on price supports, which led to overproduction and high costs. Reforms in 1992 reduced price supports and introduced compensation payments, but these became entrenched over time. Further reforms decoupled payments from production but maintained historical payment amounts. The CAP remains costly but has shifted away from the most trade-distorting policies. Ongoing debates focus on policy coherence and the rationale for continuing direct payments.
Robert Montgomery Echos Of Voices In The High TowersGaetano Cessati
Robert Montgomery 竪 un affermato artista di origine scozzese. I testi poetici dei quali 竪 lautore sono alla base della sua arte, che si sviluppa attraverso lutilizzo di diversi supporti, grazie ai quali crea suggestive installazioni: cartelloni pubblicitari, incisioni su legno, fuoco, insegne luminose che si accendono grazie allenergia di pannelli solari sono i veicoli delle sue parole.
Durante lesposizione che ha preso vita in diversi luoghi di Berlino, ho avuto lopportunit di realizzare un servizio fotografico relativo alla serie intitolata Echoes of Voices in the High Towers. Alcuni dei miei scatti sono stati poi selezionati dallartista in persona per comparire nella monografia pubblicata da mono.kultur e su Dazed and Confused Digital.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de hipersensibilidad. Se clasifican en cuatro tipos dependiendo del mecanismo inmune involucrado. El tipo I involucra a la IgE y causa alergias. El tipo II es mediado por anticuerpos y causa enfermedades hemol鱈ticas. El tipo III es mediado por inmunocomplejos y causa enfermedades como el lupus. El tipo IV es una reacci坦n tard鱈a mediada por c辿lulas T que causa dermatitis de contacto y rechazo a trasplantes.
This document is a CV for Yuanyuan Zhang, who has 5 years of research experience developing catalysts for reducing CO2 to valuable products like acrylate and formate using earth-abundant metals. Zhang has a PhD in chemistry from Brown University and expertise in air-sensitive synthesis and characterization techniques like NMR spectroscopy. Zhang is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Missouri developing novel methods for coupling CO2 and ethylene using iron and molybdenum complexes.
Panagiotis Mougoyannis has experience researching materials including conducting organic polymers, titanium dioxide nanotubes, and calcium carbonate nanoparticles. He is currently a PhD student at the University of Leeds studying reactive calcium carbonate nucleation and nanoparticle growth. He holds an MSc in Advanced Technology Materials from the University of Patras and a BSc in Chemistry also from the University of Patras. He has worked on various projects involving crystal growth kinetics, electrochemical anodization, and X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy techniques.
Takashi Tsuchiya is a postdoctoral research associate at Lund University studying calcium-silicate-hydrate materials and computational methods. He received his Ph.D from the University of Tokyo in theoretical chemistry. His research interests include ab initio calculations of molecules, nanomaterials, and reaction mechanisms. He has extensive experience developing quantum chemistry theories and programs.
This document summarizes a presentation on misconceptions in photocatalysis given at the 15th Orientation Course on Catalysis in India in 2014. It discusses several common misconceptions in photocatalysis research, such as referring to photocatalysts as catalysts when photocatalysis involves accumulating energy rather than just lowering activation energy. It also addresses misconceptions around the role of hydroxyl radicals, use of dyes as model compounds, definitions of photocatalytic activity and synergetic effects, and mechanisms of hydrogen production via water splitting. Recommended reading materials provide further details on the topics covered.
Kathleen Martin is a graduate student studying inorganic chemistry at MIT. She received her Bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of New Mexico in 2014, where she conducted research on porphyrin films for solar energy applications and fabricated solar cell devices. During her graduate studies, Martin has synthesized and characterized metal-organic frameworks for catalysis applications and taught undergraduate chemistry labs. She has received several honors and awards for her academic and research accomplishments.
Resume Of Jian Liu Adsorption Vanderbilt Universityliujian127
Jian Liu seeks a position in R&D or engineering focusing on gas adsorption, adsorbents, and catalysts development. He has strong expertise in gas adsorption applications and characterization techniques. He received his Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University studying metal-organic frameworks for gas storage. Liu has published several papers on gas adsorption and developed novel adsorbent materials for energy and environmental applications.
Panagiotis Mougkogiannis has extensive experience in materials analysis, organic polymer synthesis, and analytical chemistry. He has a PhD focusing on printable chemical sensors using organic field effect transistors. His background includes experiments on crystal growth and dissolution kinetics, conductivity measurements, electrochemical anodization, and reactive calcium carbonate synthesis. He has published papers and presented research at conferences on topics like conducting polymers and calcium carbonate structural analysis.
Nelson W. Green has extensive experience in membrane separation processes and the characterization of dissolved organic matter in aquatic environments. He received his PhD from Georgia Tech in chemical engineering, with a focus on using reverse osmosis and electrodialysis to study dissolved organic matter in seawater. He has collaborated on numerous field and lab studies, published 10 papers, and developed software to accelerate analysis of mass spectrometry data. Green is currently a research assistant at Ball State University studying river-to-ocean transects and environmental sampling techniques.
This document outlines the lecture schedule and topics, course requirements, and grading scale for General Chemistry I taught by Professor David Rahni at Pace University. The course will cover topics including atomic structure, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, gases, thermochemistry, and periodic properties over 15 weeks. Students will take 3 exams, complete a laboratory component, and homework assignments. The final exam will be cumulative and course grades will be calculated from exams, labs, homework, and other assessments. Biographical information is also provided on Professor Rahni and his academic and professional background.
This document is a resume for Min Wu summarizing their education and experiences working with batteries. Wu obtained a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from IUPUI where they researched sulfur-based cathode materials for lithium batteries. They also have a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from HUST where they worked on metal-free electrocatalysts. Wu has published several papers on lithium-sulfur batteries and co-doped graphene electrocatalysts. They have skills in materials synthesis, electrochemical testing, and characterization techniques relevant to battery materials.
Sudeep KR Sanyal has over 30 years of experience in sales, marketing, service operations, and customer service for analytical, test, and measuring equipment. He is adept at relationship building, understanding customer needs, exceeding sales goals, and leading high-performing teams. Throughout his career, he has consistently achieved service targets and sustained high customer satisfaction.
Oppent 竪 unimportante realt italiana attiva nel campo dellAdvanced Motion Technology. Attraverso lautomazione dei servizi e lottimizzazione dei flussi logistici, propone servizi e soluzioni tecnologiche davanguardia in diversi settori: strutture sanitarie, aree urbane, retail, industrie, banche e biblioteche.
Con loro ho realizzato diversi progetti: dal servizio fotografico alla realizzazione di una brochure digitale, dal pannello informativo al magazine interno da condividere con gli stakeholder aziendali. Lobiettivo 竪 quello di creare unimmagine in grado di trasmettere il dinamismo e lalto livello di tecnologia innovativa impiegati dalla Societ.
This document discusses drivers in agricultural markets and debates around bio/organic versus conventional and GM foods. It addresses several topics:
- The main drivers that influence agricultural prices and production, including population, wealth, technology, policies, trade, and climate.
- Issues with partial or biased analyses that don't properly test hypotheses against facts.
- Whether recent food price changes constitute a crisis or normal market fluctuations.
- Impacts of price changes on consumers and producers around the world.
- Challenges around agricultural policy addressing issues like diets and how policy affects them.
- Common beliefs around bio/organic foods and debates around their safety, health impacts, relationship to GMOs and family farms, and role
Tigers are the largest cats and there are 6 subspecies, but 3 have gone extinct. Tigers are solitary and threatened animals that hunt for meat. Their populations are very low, with only 200 Siberian, 300 Sumatran, 1750 Indochinese, and 4700 Bengal tigers remaining. To save tigers, efforts must be made to prevent deforestation and pollution, reduce human-wildlife conflict, and increase funding to support their habitats and populations. Saving tigers also helps support biodiversity, livelihoods, and national pride.
Rootuja Ghatge has earned the designation of BMC Certified Developer: BMC Remedy AR System 8.x according to a certification certificate from BMC Software Education Services dated 10/23/2015.
Un matrimonio dal sapore provenzale, al tempo stesso semplice ed emozionante, per questa bellissima coppia letteralmente circondata dallaffetto di amici e parenti.
Australian Investment Education Trading and Investing Foundation Program with...Andrew Baxter
Learn the Foundations of Trading and Investing - Whether it's on the Australian Share Market (ASX) or on the US Markets.
The beginners guide to the share market. Australian Investment Education Trading and Investing Foundation Program with Andrew Baxter.
Andrew Baxter:
This letter summarizes potential complications that can arise from closed-chest cardiac resuscitation based on the authors' experience. It includes a table listing various cardiac, gastrointestinal, skeletal, respiratory, vascular, embolic, and miscellaneous complications that have been reported in literature, such as myocardial rupture, liver laceration, rib fracture, hemothorax, aortic rupture, fat embolism, and neuropsychiatric issues. The authors constructed this table to inform healthcare providers of possible ill effects of resuscitation to allow for more informed care during and after the procedure.
This document provides an overview of the development and evolution of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union. It begins with the original objectives of the CAP as laid out in 1958, which focused on increasing productivity and farm incomes, market stabilization, and ensuring affordable food prices. However, the policy relied solely on price supports, which led to overproduction and high costs. Reforms in 1992 reduced price supports and introduced compensation payments, but these became entrenched over time. Further reforms decoupled payments from production but maintained historical payment amounts. The CAP remains costly but has shifted away from the most trade-distorting policies. Ongoing debates focus on policy coherence and the rationale for continuing direct payments.
Robert Montgomery Echos Of Voices In The High TowersGaetano Cessati
Robert Montgomery 竪 un affermato artista di origine scozzese. I testi poetici dei quali 竪 lautore sono alla base della sua arte, che si sviluppa attraverso lutilizzo di diversi supporti, grazie ai quali crea suggestive installazioni: cartelloni pubblicitari, incisioni su legno, fuoco, insegne luminose che si accendono grazie allenergia di pannelli solari sono i veicoli delle sue parole.
Durante lesposizione che ha preso vita in diversi luoghi di Berlino, ho avuto lopportunit di realizzare un servizio fotografico relativo alla serie intitolata Echoes of Voices in the High Towers. Alcuni dei miei scatti sono stati poi selezionati dallartista in persona per comparire nella monografia pubblicata da mono.kultur e su Dazed and Confused Digital.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de hipersensibilidad. Se clasifican en cuatro tipos dependiendo del mecanismo inmune involucrado. El tipo I involucra a la IgE y causa alergias. El tipo II es mediado por anticuerpos y causa enfermedades hemol鱈ticas. El tipo III es mediado por inmunocomplejos y causa enfermedades como el lupus. El tipo IV es una reacci坦n tard鱈a mediada por c辿lulas T que causa dermatitis de contacto y rechazo a trasplantes.
This document is a CV for Yuanyuan Zhang, who has 5 years of research experience developing catalysts for reducing CO2 to valuable products like acrylate and formate using earth-abundant metals. Zhang has a PhD in chemistry from Brown University and expertise in air-sensitive synthesis and characterization techniques like NMR spectroscopy. Zhang is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Missouri developing novel methods for coupling CO2 and ethylene using iron and molybdenum complexes.
Panagiotis Mougoyannis has experience researching materials including conducting organic polymers, titanium dioxide nanotubes, and calcium carbonate nanoparticles. He is currently a PhD student at the University of Leeds studying reactive calcium carbonate nucleation and nanoparticle growth. He holds an MSc in Advanced Technology Materials from the University of Patras and a BSc in Chemistry also from the University of Patras. He has worked on various projects involving crystal growth kinetics, electrochemical anodization, and X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy techniques.
Takashi Tsuchiya is a postdoctoral research associate at Lund University studying calcium-silicate-hydrate materials and computational methods. He received his Ph.D from the University of Tokyo in theoretical chemistry. His research interests include ab initio calculations of molecules, nanomaterials, and reaction mechanisms. He has extensive experience developing quantum chemistry theories and programs.
This document summarizes a presentation on misconceptions in photocatalysis given at the 15th Orientation Course on Catalysis in India in 2014. It discusses several common misconceptions in photocatalysis research, such as referring to photocatalysts as catalysts when photocatalysis involves accumulating energy rather than just lowering activation energy. It also addresses misconceptions around the role of hydroxyl radicals, use of dyes as model compounds, definitions of photocatalytic activity and synergetic effects, and mechanisms of hydrogen production via water splitting. Recommended reading materials provide further details on the topics covered.
Kathleen Martin is a graduate student studying inorganic chemistry at MIT. She received her Bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of New Mexico in 2014, where she conducted research on porphyrin films for solar energy applications and fabricated solar cell devices. During her graduate studies, Martin has synthesized and characterized metal-organic frameworks for catalysis applications and taught undergraduate chemistry labs. She has received several honors and awards for her academic and research accomplishments.
Resume Of Jian Liu Adsorption Vanderbilt Universityliujian127
Jian Liu seeks a position in R&D or engineering focusing on gas adsorption, adsorbents, and catalysts development. He has strong expertise in gas adsorption applications and characterization techniques. He received his Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University studying metal-organic frameworks for gas storage. Liu has published several papers on gas adsorption and developed novel adsorbent materials for energy and environmental applications.
Panagiotis Mougkogiannis has extensive experience in materials analysis, organic polymer synthesis, and analytical chemistry. He has a PhD focusing on printable chemical sensors using organic field effect transistors. His background includes experiments on crystal growth and dissolution kinetics, conductivity measurements, electrochemical anodization, and reactive calcium carbonate synthesis. He has published papers and presented research at conferences on topics like conducting polymers and calcium carbonate structural analysis.
Nelson W. Green has extensive experience in membrane separation processes and the characterization of dissolved organic matter in aquatic environments. He received his PhD from Georgia Tech in chemical engineering, with a focus on using reverse osmosis and electrodialysis to study dissolved organic matter in seawater. He has collaborated on numerous field and lab studies, published 10 papers, and developed software to accelerate analysis of mass spectrometry data. Green is currently a research assistant at Ball State University studying river-to-ocean transects and environmental sampling techniques.
This document outlines the lecture schedule and topics, course requirements, and grading scale for General Chemistry I taught by Professor David Rahni at Pace University. The course will cover topics including atomic structure, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, gases, thermochemistry, and periodic properties over 15 weeks. Students will take 3 exams, complete a laboratory component, and homework assignments. The final exam will be cumulative and course grades will be calculated from exams, labs, homework, and other assessments. Biographical information is also provided on Professor Rahni and his academic and professional background.
This document is a resume for Min Wu summarizing their education and experiences working with batteries. Wu obtained a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from IUPUI where they researched sulfur-based cathode materials for lithium batteries. They also have a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from HUST where they worked on metal-free electrocatalysts. Wu has published several papers on lithium-sulfur batteries and co-doped graphene electrocatalysts. They have skills in materials synthesis, electrochemical testing, and characterization techniques relevant to battery materials.
This document contains biographical and professional information about Loutfy H. Madkour. It lists his educational background, including obtaining a B.Sc. in Chemistry from Cairo University in 1972, an M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry from Minia University in 1979, and a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Tanta University in 1982. It details his extensive professional experience as a professor of chemistry and physical chemistry at numerous universities in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Kuwait since 1983. It also lists over 140 publications and provides information on his research interests, skills, languages, and memberships.
This document contains biographical and professional information about Loutfy H. Madkour. It lists his educational background, including obtaining a B.Sc. in Chemistry from Cairo University in 1972, an M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry from Minia University in 1979, and a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Tanta University in 1982. It details his extensive professional experience as a professor of chemistry and physical chemistry at numerous universities in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Kuwait since 1983. It also lists over 140 publications and provides areas of research expertise.
This document contains biographical and professional information about Loutfy H. Madkour. It lists his educational background, including obtaining a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Tanta University in 1982. It details his extensive career as a professor of physical and analytical chemistry at numerous universities in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Kuwait since 1983. It also lists over 140 publications, areas of research expertise, languages spoken, and professional affiliations.
This document contains biographical and professional information about Loutfy H. Madkour. It lists his educational background, including obtaining a B.Sc. in Chemistry from Cairo University in 1972, an M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry from Minia University in 1979, and a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Tanta University in 1982. It details his extensive professional experience as a professor of chemistry and physical chemistry at numerous universities in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Kuwait since 1983. It also lists over 140 publications and provides information on his research interests, skills, languages, and memberships.
Matthew Mills is a PhD candidate in Chemistry at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Terrence Collins. His research focuses on synthesizing and characterizing novel TAML activators to catalyze the degradation of micropollutants like ethinyl estradiol. He has published 7 papers and mentored undergraduates. Mills received his BS from California University of Pennsylvania and is anticipated to earn his PhD in 2016. He has taught at the high school and university level and served 8 years in the Marine Corps.
This document contains biographical and professional information about Loutfy H. Madkour. It details his educational background, earning a B.Sc. in Chemistry from Cairo University in 1972, an M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry from Minia University in 1979, and a Ph.D. in Physical and Electroanalytical Chemistry from Tanta University in 1982. It lists his professional experience, serving as a professor of chemistry in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen, and Kuwait since 1987. It also provides information on his publications, areas of research, and awards and honors.
Ralph Zehnder is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Angelo State University who received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Siegen in Germany in 2003. He has over 15 years of experience in academia teaching courses in general, inorganic, and analytical chemistry. His research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of lanthanide and actinide complexes for applications in nuclear fuel reprocessing and waste disposal. He has authored over 15 peer-reviewed publications and received research funding from the Department of Energy and Angelo State University.
This document provides a summary of Amanda J. Neukirch's education and professional experience. She received a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Rochester, where she studied excited state dynamics in nanoscale systems. She is currently a postdoctoral associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where she uses computational methods to analyze electronic and optical properties of perovskite materials. Her research experience also includes positions at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the University of Rochester, where she conducted computational and experimental work on topics related to electron and molecular dynamics.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the career and qualifications of Azat Bilalov. He is a professor of physical chemistry in Russia with degrees equivalent to a Ph.D. and doctor of science. His research focuses on nanotechnologies, advanced materials, physical and colloid chemistry, including self-assembling materials and colloidal biology. He has over 20 years of research experience and has worked at universities in Russia, Sweden, and Germany.
Core-shell nanoparticles with Fe cores and Pt shells were synthesized to reduce CO emissions from catalytic converters more efficiently. Characterization showed the nanoparticles were initially contaminated with stabilizer PVP but annealing removed the PVP. Testing found the Fe@Pt nanoparticles had lower CO conversion temperatures that decreased over time, possibly as the PVP was fully removed. Future work will further characterize Sn@Pt and Al@Pt nanoparticles and test their catalytic abilities.
1225 Swan Lake Dr., Apt. # 203 (7 57) 813-1989
Charlottesville, VA 22902
University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA, USA
Ph.D. Chemistry, Concentration: Physical Chemistry and Surface Science May 2015
Advisor: Dr. John T. Y ates, Jr.
Virginia Tech (Dual Degree) Blacksburg, VA, USA
B. S., Chemistry, Magna Cum Laude May 2010
B. S., Mathematics, Magna Cum Laude May 2010
Minor, Biology May 2010
AES Graduate Fellowship in Energy Research Charlottesville,VA
Awarded for fundamental research in energy science for the 3rd year in a row Y ear (2012-2015)
2015 Huskey Research Exhibition (Oral Presentation) Charlottesville,VA
Awarded 1st Place and $300 Y ear 2015
AVS Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman T ravel Grant Award Baltimore, MD
Awarded $300 Y ear 2014
UVA 3rd Yr. Ph.D. Student Poster Competition Charlottesville,VA
Awarded 1st Place and $1000 Y ear 2013
Walter B. Ellett Memorial Scholarship Blacksburg, VA
Academic Excellence Y ear (2008-09)
Chemistry Department Academic Excellence Award Blacksburg, VA
Academic Excellence Y ear 2008
Linwood Keyser Award Blacksburg, VA
Academic Excellence Y ear (2007-08)
University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA USA
Graduate Researcher January 2011 Present
Advisor: Dr. John T. Y ates Jr.
I am currently studying the fundamental surface catalyticproperties ofAu/TiO2 nanoparticles. Reactive species on the surface are observ ed
u sing a transmission infrared spectrometerand a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Additionally, I have connected a Hg-arc u ltrav iolet lam p for
photochem istry stu dies of TiO2 and Au /TiO2 su bstrates.
My researchfocuses on fundamental ideas about the role ofsurface active sites in heterogeneouscatalytic reactions. Ourstudies inclu de CO
oxidation on reduced and oxidized Au/TiO2 catalysts, olefinoxidation, C-H bond activation in alkanesand carboxylic acid oxidation, where the dual
catalytic sites between the metal and supportparticipate in these processes. Recently, we found that donor and acceptor moleculeson the support
transfer electrons to and from the Au nanoparticles.
Another focus of myresearch involves usinga gas-chromatographymass-spectrometer(GC-MS) to detectcatalytic reaction products withhigh
sensitivity (our currentsensitivity 1011 molecules) and high molecularspecificity. Current studiesinvolve taking small gas sam ples collected
du ring the reaction and injecting them onto the GC colu m n for species detection and separation .
Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA, USA
Undergraduate Researcher May 2007May 2010
Advisor: Dr. John Morris
I studied surface reactions and mechanisms of fullerenes (C60) and otherPAHs exposed to ozone in anultrahighvacuum(~10-9 Torr) chamber.
The surface measurement techniques included reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS), transmission infrared spectroscopy (TIR), and
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). During the summer of 2007, I built a sublimation chamber under v acu u m to stu dy m onolay er s of
fu llerenes on Au (1 1 1 ) su rfaces. Additionally , I w orked on a project w here I reassem bled a scanning electron m icroscope.
University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA
GC-MS Lab Technician for Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Students Spring 2013
University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA
Teaching Assistant in Physical Chemistry II: Quantum Mechanics Spring 2011
University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA
Teaching Assistant in Physical Chemistry I: Thermodynamics Fall 2010
University of Virginia Charlottesville,VA
Teaching Assistant in Physical Chemistry for Engineers Fall 2010
Selected Topics in Advanced Physical Chemistry Charlottesville,VA
Rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectroscopy Spring 2011
Chemical Applications of Quantum Mechanics Charlottesville,VA
Application of quantum mechanics to atomic and molecular systems Spring 2011
Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics Charlottesville,VA
Basic principles of chemical kinetics emphasizing reactions in gases, liquids, and on catalytic surfaces Spring 2011
Advanced Physical Chemistry I: Quantum Mechanics Charlottesville,VA
Topics ranging from group theory to molecular orbital theory
Introduction to rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectra Fall 2010
Analytical Chemistry Charlottesville,VA
Study of instrumental methods of analysis, theory and application of electrochemical and
spectrochemical techniques, separations, and surfaces Fall 2010
Surface Science Charlottesville,VA
Analysis of the structure and thermodynamics of surfaces Fall 2010
AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition (O) Baltimore, MD, USA
In Situ FTIR Spectroscopic Observation ofthe Formation of Gold Ketenylideneduring Carboxylic Acid Oxidation on a
Au/TiO2 Nanoparticle Catalyst November 2014
Max Planck Society Symposium: Towards a Joint Chemical Energy Sciences Lab (P)Charlottesville,VA, USA
Spectroscopic Surface Chemistry Catalytic Au(nanoparticles)/TiO2 June 2014
GRS (Gordon Research Seminar): Noble Metal Nanoparticles (P) South Hadley, MA, USA
Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Carboxylic Acids at the Au/TiO2 Interface to Produce Ketenylidene SpeciesJune 2014
GRC (Gordon Research Conference): Noble Metal Nanoparticles (P) South Hadley, MA, USA
Adsorbate-Induced Electron Transfer between Au Nanoparticles and the TiO2 Support June 2014
27. Symposium on Surface Science (3S14) (O) St. Christoph/Arlberg, Austria
Insights Involving the Catalytically ActiveAu/TiO2 Interfacial Sites for Oxidation Reactions Using Infrared
Spectroscopy March 2014
National Institute of Standards and T echnology Guest Lecture (O) Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Ultraviolet-VisibleSpectroscopy Analysis of EUV-Driven
Carbonaceous Deposits August 2013
UVA Chemistry Department Seminar (O) Charlottesville,VA, USA
Biomass-related Catalytic Oxidation on Au/TiO2 Mechanistic Studies ofPropionic and Butyric Acid Oxidation to
Gold Ketenylidene April 2013
XC2 Catalysis Review Meeting BP (P) Charlottesville,VA, USA
Bond Activation Catalytic Oxidation of Carboxylic Acids on Au/TiO2 Nanoparticle Catalysts April 2013
1. Jun Wang, Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, Arthur P. Baddorf, Petro Maksymovych, and John
T. Y ates, Jr.,Formation ofAu-COComplex in Gold-assisted Catalysis for CO-oxidation (In preparation for
2. Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr.,Lability ofLatticeOxygen in TiO2
Mars van Krevelen Mechanism or Not? (In preparation for JPCC).
3. Monica McEntee, Ana Stevanovic, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock and John T. Y ates, Jr., Electrical Charge
Transport to Au Nanoparticles on Semiconductor Supports The Molecular Voltmeter and Other Methods to
Observe Charge Effects in Au/TiO2 NanocatalystsJ. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (5), pp 1972-1982.
4. Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr.,Mechanistic Insights into theCatalytic
Oxidation ofCarboxylic Acids on Au/TiO2: Partial Oxidation ofPropionic and Butyric Acid to Gold Ketenylidene
through Unsaturated Acids ACSCatal., 2015, 5, pp 744-753.
5. Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr.,SelectiveCatalytic Oxidative
Dehydrogenation ofCarboxylic Acids Acrylateand Crotonate Formation at the Au/TiO2 Interface J. Am.
Chem. Soc., 2014, 136 (13), pp 51165120.
6. Nadir S. Faradzhev, Monica McEntee,John T. Y ates, Jr., Shannon B. Hill, T.B. Lucatorto, EUV-Driven
Carbonaceous Film Deposition and Its Photo-oxidation on a TiO2 Film Surface J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117 (44),
pp 23072-23081.
7. Isabel X. Green, Monica McEntee, Wenjie Tang, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr., Direct Formation of
Acetate from the Partial Oxidation ofEthyleneon a Au/TiO2 Catalyst,Top. Catal., 2013, 56(15-17),pp 1512-
8. Erin D. Davis, Alec Wagner, Monica McEntee, Manpreet Kaur, Diego Troya,and John R. Morris, Reaction
Probability and Infrared Detection ofthe Primary Ozonide in Collisions ofO3 with Surface-Bound C60, J. Phys.
Chem. Lett., 2012, 3 (21), pp 31933198.
9. Isabel X. Green, Wenjie Tang, Monica McEntee, Matthew Neurock, and John T. Y ates, Jr., Inhibition at
Perimeter Sites ofAu/TiO2 Oxidation Catalyst by Reactant Oxygen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134 (30), pp