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Curriculum Vitae
Karen Ross
CV K Ross 9/08/2016 1
Curriculum Vitae
Karen Ross Mobile 027 645 6696
PO Box 25259 Email karen.ross54@gmail.com
Wellington Email is my preferred
When you work with me you get:
 a passion for efficient, timely, and well managed work
 a commitment to the role of the information in everyday life
 a keen sense of New Zealands place in the world
 innovative, creative and strategic thinking
 focus and determination to get the job done
 a relationship builder who is fun to work with
 a direct communicator with a practical approach
 someone who gets excited about projects and new ideas
 a person with particular skill in project management and processes
 an understanding of complete customer service
 knowledge of the importance of getting the basics right
 years of experience with a constant eye on what is needed
What makes me special is my ability to quickly analyse a project, see where a fresh
approach could work, and contribute my communication skills to get the job done. I
love using creative thinking to achieve a practical goal. It is essential for me to work
and share ideas with others. I am a strong believer in the contribution an individual
can make to an organisation through their values. Working in an environment that
contributes to people and enabling ease in how things function is essential for me.
 thinking that cuts though clutter and clich辿s
 strategic and analytical thinking
 a natural aptitude for PR
 organising events, information, people
 looking for the best way to tackle a project and getting on with it
 a reputation for fronting up well and a self directed perspective
 establishing warm working relationships at all levels, even in difficult
 planning and time management
 troubleshooting and on-the-spot solutions
 advanced project management skills
 strong management and understanding of operational and financial delivery
CV K Ross 9/08/2016 2
Employment history
State Services Commission
July 2014  January 2016, Senior Advisor, Integrity (Maternity cover)
The Integrity Team sits within the Legal and Integrity Advice Group. The role of the
team is to provide advice and support to State services agencies on integrity and
conduct issues. This includes work of integrity related projects, preparing guidance
material and operating a help-desk function in response to queries from agencies,
organisations and individuals.
 It requires to the work to be delivered in a timely fashion and meet the
agreed deadlines while being delivered in an effective professional manner.
 The work is to respond to situations and queries, also to initiate application
of the Standards of Integrity and Conduct (the Code) to new State agencies
 Projects to support the work of the unit include the revision of the online
integrity information, material for induction and capability in application of
the Code to State sector agencies and employees.
 The role requires strong liaison and people skills, sensitive and appropriate
delivery of demanding and not always well-received guidance, and the ability
to define problems, place them in context, research, analyse and summarise
the process and conclude next steps.
Particular tasks to date have been:
 Review, design and implement the case management system, for the
efficient collection of case data including the segmentation of the data for
performance reporting, continuous improvement and business development
 An audit and review of existing online integrity material and subsequent
redesign and assignment of the information
 Preparation of the Integrity units four-year plan, including performance
measures and improvement goals
 About to undertake review of the Legal teams case systems
 Responding to cases and queries in a timely and efficient manner. The work
is dealt with efficiently recognising the needs of the stakeholders.
Ministry for Culture and Heritage
February 2011  June 2014 Senior Adviser Capability and Development Cultural
Sector Performance Unit
To develop and implement an annual agency assistance programme, develop and
maintain the Ministrys agency information web-pages, and carry out project-related
work that contributes to the management the Cultural Sector Performance Unit, the
CV K Ross 9/08/2016 3
VAT (Virtual Agency team) and of the Crowns interests in arts, heritage,
broadcasting or sports agencies (including Creative NZ, NZ On Air and SportsNZ and
13 more).
Relationships: representatives of funded agencies and sector networks, officials from
other Government Departments and contract providers.
The major tasks
 Identifying need, compiling the programme (individual and group), and
delivery of the annual development programme for MCH funded agencies this
includes consultation, negotiating options and publishing results
 Being part of the team developing a new way of working between Ministers,
Departments, and Agencies, The Operating Expectations Framework. This steps
through how modern government relationships work and has been picked up by
CASS Performance Hub
 A major body of work looking at the augmentations of government revenue
funded agencies receive. This includes researching funding options, exploring
ways for organisations to develop their skills and implementing a programme
that assists their fundraising capability
 Development of the annual updating and analysing of an adaption of the
government BASS model into a local version Understanding Agency Costs (UAC)
for use with the MCH funded agencies. This excel record tracks both
programme delivery and back office costs of the agencies. It identifies pressure
points, areas for concern as well as cost effective centres.
 Managing the Te Kiwai segment of the MCH website to provide
information, resources and news on relevant issues to the sector
 Over the past two-years overseeing a major business continuity planning
exercise for all the sector, looking at their needs and risk and work alongside
them to have people, physical and reputational risk well managed and accounted
 Looking at legislative change, understanding what this means for our
organisations from multi-million dollar organisations to small 1 -2 people
businesses and supporting each level according to their needs.
 Manage the cross-team work-plan environment in the Cultural Policy Branch
to co-ordinate work-plan initiatives that relates to all MCH funded agencies
 Compilation of annual reports on sector matters. Pacific Peoples and Te Reo
in MCH funded agencies
 Deliver MCH sector Senior Managers meetings and workshops on topic
specific areas and development priorities  includes consultation and
establishment of the agendas, speaker etc.
 Work on MCH wide work; Innovation committee, project He Hika (the
sprout) for innovation
September 2008 February 2011 Governance Adviser
November 2009  February 2011, Acting Project Manager
CV K Ross 9/08/2016 4
The function of this role is to provide expert governance advice to Minister, the
Ministry and Agencies as required. The Ministry is at the forefront of governance
initiatives in the public sector and ensures the best possible systems and processes
are in place for the appointment of Crown Boards. The Ministry manages induction
and preparatory programmes for all appointees, and delivers a continuing
programme of board development and associated activity.
The major tasks
 Identifying key governor nominees
 Preparation of briefing material to Crown Ministers
 Due diligence on prospective nominees
 Appointment processes
 Manage Agency public/ private web presence of Crown governors and CE and
senior manager in Crown entities partnered by the Ministry
 Research and identification of key trends and web threads for the arts, heritage,
and sports sectors
 Manage induction orientations and skills based programmes for incoming
governors and ongoing skills needs
 Involvement in Ministry wide policy discussion and initiatives.
Relationships, Crown governors, Ministerial staff, Ministers and Ministry staff. The
time in the role has been linked closely to the Agency Group work plan and working
to meet a variety of targets both in the governance and wider Agency Group area.
In addition to the governance role during this period I have managed the two Agency
Group websites. This involved scoping the content, revising the structure and the
development of material including regular updates.
As part of this I have published a number of arts/economic comment pieces for the
site and NZLive.com
May 2007  August 2008
Adviser  Registration Medical Council of New Zealand
The function of this role is to oversee the registration functions of the Medical
Council of New Zealand. Registration is at the forefront of the Medical Councils role
and encompasses New Zealand Graduates, international medical graduates, visiting
specialists, vocational registration of medical staff within the pathways to
registration, education and functioning within the New Zealand medical system.
The position has a high element of stakeholder consultation and relationship work in
it. The key performance indicator being a fully functioning relationship between the
Council and its major stakeholders:
- Doctors
- Vocationally registered medical practitioners
- District Health Boards
- New Zealand hospitals
CV K Ross 9/08/2016 5
- International medical community and agencies.
The major tasks
 Accreditation and review visits with stakeholders (District Health Boards and
 A variety of sector consultation papers, the review, and analysis of the collected
 Departmental review of processes and staff delivery, retention, and job sizing.
 Preparation, review, editing and presentation of Council (Board) papers.
 Five direct reports.
 Introduction of revised practice and communication processes.
 Policy development, revision, consultation, and implementation.
 The most rewarding and fulfilling part of the role is the role is the relationship
building, mentoring, and the opportunity to participate in cross team and
institutional projects and consultation.
Member of the Policy, Medical Migration and Service Managers committees at the
Medical Council of New Zealand.
2000 to current  Project work with community based organisations primarily in
relation to funding development.
Current - Janet Frame Eden Street Trust  Trustee
Develop and implement a Friends programme for the house. The continued
management of this programme and Trust fundraising activity.
Development of the strategic priorities for the Trust,
Current - Chair the Bachelor of Applied Arts programme at Whitireia Community
Polytechnic. This degree has a wide range of majors including dance, music,
poutama, writing, theatre, visual arts, production and film. The student base is
drawn from many cultures and the content and delivery reflects this.
During my time as chair we have revamped how the programme is governed to best
support student outcomes, staff needs and canvass how the degree and graduates
deliver in New Zealands cultural sector.
August 1996  April 2007
Chief Executive- New Zealand Book Council
The function of the role was to provide leadership and direction of the Book Council
and its programmes, operations, relationships and staff; by leading best practice
direction in accordance with the stated goals and objectives of the Council, Strategic
and Business Plans.
CV K Ross 9/08/2016 6
The major tasks
This national organisation that is the represents the overview for the literature
sector in New Zealand. The organisation delivers a wide range of programmes
delivering literature objectives to:
- the New Zealand literature sector
- schools
- the public
- libraries
- International festivals and
- Government and funding bodies
As Chief Executive I fully managed the financial and operating functions of the Book
Council. This includes:
- preparation of annual Statements of Financial Performance and
Position to audit
- preparation and implementation of the annual budget
- monthly position and Board returns
- overview of debtors, creditors and fixed assets.
- all statutory obligations
- full HR and operational delivery
- project management of the delivery of our artistic programme.
The organisation project manages a number of contracts for major New Zealand
entities and funders. In my role I lead the promotion of the Councils public profile,
from public relations strategy, media liaison, publicity and networking to being the
Councils public face at events. The Book Council publishes a major website and two
literary journals.
Key achievements:
 Developed the organisation from two part time positions and small budget to
a staff of equivalent 6 full-time positions (11) and quadrupled the operating
 Worked with Creative New Zealand, New Zealand Historic Places, Colenso
BBDO and sector groups to research and develop tourism for the arts sector
(cultural tourism opportunity)
 Overseen the introduction of a new logo and branding.
 Managed the planning, creating, and implementation of the Councils large
website from its inception. The site is now an industry leader receiving in
excess of 35,000 unique visitors monthly.
 Implemented project management and financial systems to match new level
of operation. I oversaw all accounting and budget functions to Annual report
CV K Ross 9/08/2016 7
 Grown the profile, business capability and output of the Book Council in a
significant and measurable way. The Book Council is seen as the leading
provider of literature news, events and programmes in New Zealand.
 Achieved a measurable increase in membership, grant income and profile for
the Council through devising PR strategies, producing publicity material, and
undertaking media liaison.
 Project managed dozens of sell-out events with local and international
writers, from initial planning and publicity to front of house and on the spot
crisis management.
 Implemented full administrative systems (including HR) that ensure the Book
Council is managed in a professional, timely and efficient manner.
 Developed a significant partnership and relationship structure that is the
backbone of the Book Councils profile and success, including relationships
with several key strategic partners for specific development purposes.
 Rewritten the Strategic Plan and Business Plans for the Book Council and
managed the delivery.
 Identification of services and needs for the arts sector and the
commencement of research into these, e.g. superannuation for arts
employees and practitioners.
Preceding this I had four roles with ANZ International, Wrightson NMA, BERL the
Economic Research Group, on UN contract project delivery in South East Asia
and Belize, and Whitireia Community Polytechnic where I worked for over ten
years developing the student facilities and services, in particular to respond to
the wide constituency enrolled with the polytechnic.
Major Projects, Events and Projects
Board Positions
Trustee and Friends manager of the Janet Frame Eden Street Trust, Oamaru
Chair, Whitireia Community Polytechnic: Bachelor of Applied Arts
- Develop and implement SOI revision programme for MCH funded agencies
- Organise and delivery Sweet Louise fundraising dinner November 2011
- Attended the IFACCA 5th
World Arts Summit in Melbourne October 2011
- Part of the project team that revised the MCH SOI for the 2011  14 years.
- Scope, revise, redevelop, and publish the two Agency Group public/private web
CV K Ross 9/08/2016 8
- Research, engage and web publish major article and discussion on Surfing the
Tsunami a commentary and discussion document on the arts, heritage, and sports
sectors in the current economic landscape and a second discussion thread A Diet
of Economy published mid-year.
- Three city organisation and presentation to National and International
stakeholders on medical registration in New Zealand and the international medical
graduate registration process 2008.
- Development and publication of the Medical Council of New Zealand Registration
Guidebook 2008
- WOW  Words on Wheels annual tours 1998 - 2007
- New Zealand Post Childrens Book Festival Writers Tours 1998 - 2007
- Nestle Write Around New Zealand Touring Writer Programme
- Booknotes literary journal produced 4 times a year
- New Zealand Books 5 times a year literary review journal
- www.bookcouncil.org.nz  Rated NO1 in Hitwise Awards Top New Zealand
Entertainment Arts and Reading Site
- Booked Out  Subscription series of literary events in Auckland and Wellington
- WordSpace using ground breaking technology for programme delivery 
- Development of high quality resources to profile our sector, poster, bookmarks
and DVDs
- New Zealand Book Council Compass  Bookgroup resource kit and notes
 Mori Te reo Tikanga and mihi mihi training September - December 2011
 Creative New Zealand
 Mori engagement February 2010
 Project Management March 2009
 Speed Reading Course November 2009
 Dealing with Difficult People August 2007
 Dreamweaver Building a website course 2007
 Victoria University Wellington Executive Training Courses
- Copy editing and proofing reading course April 2005
- Business Grammar May 2005
- Writing for Business May 2005
 New Zealand College of Management Strategic Leadership Programme
2003,2004, 2005 delivered on behalf of Creative New Zealand for New
Zealand Art Managers and 2006Test Drive the Arts 2006
 Masterclass Audience and Event Management and Delivery 2003
 Masterclass Audience Growth and PR Strategies 2005
 Creative New Zealand Delegate to the New Zealand Tourism Conference
 Massey University
Accounting in the Electronic Environment 1996
CV K Ross 9/08/2016 9
 Whitireia Community Polytechnic
National Certificate in Business Accounting Practices 1995
Professional Memberships
FINZ, Fundraising Institute of New Zealand
NZATD New Zealand Association of Training and Development
Attending the annual FINZ conference in Auckland April 9  10 2014
Arts Wellington
Personal, community activities and memberships
The gym and cycling
Entertaining and cooking
Reading and literature
century and contemporary art
Photographing art spaces, the placement of art and the structures that house art
Theatre and Dance
Singing and playing in a group with a twist, recording our inaugural CD late 2013
Member Friends of Pataka
Member Wellington Sculpture Trust
Member National Film Archive
Member National Library Society
Member Friends of the Turnbull Library
Member Friends of the Royal New Zealand Ballet
Member New Zealand Book Council
Member New Zealand Portrait Gallery
Member Friends of the City Gallery
Member Friends of Te Papa
Foundation member and supporter of the New Zealand Fashion Museum
Member Design Assembly New Zealand
Member Women in Super  Financial literacy organisation
Murray Costello *
Principal.. Advisor, Governance MBIE (appointed January 2016), previously
Principal Adviser, Heritage Services Branch, Heritage Projects (previous report)
Tel 021 814289
Rob Greenfield *
Senior Adviser, Governance, Cultural Sector Branch
Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Tel 04 4714025 or 027 699 9889
Andrew Royle*
Chief Legal Adviser
CV K Ross 9/08/2016 10
State Services Commission (most recent report)
Tel 04 4956754 or 022 6573727
Kate Camp
Communications Manager, Te Papa
Kate.camp@tepapa.govt.nz Tel 0211545547
Previously Lead Advisor, Communications
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Greg Claridge
Principle Adviser, Defence
Worked alongside as a contractor
Tel 021 895 027
*These referees have been those who I have reported to.
CV K Ross 9/08/2016 11

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CV 2016

  • 2. Curriculum Vitae Karen Ross Mobile 027 645 6696 PO Box 25259 Email karen.ross54@gmail.com Wellington Email is my preferred contact When you work with me you get: a passion for efficient, timely, and well managed work a commitment to the role of the information in everyday life a keen sense of New Zealands place in the world innovative, creative and strategic thinking focus and determination to get the job done a relationship builder who is fun to work with a direct communicator with a practical approach someone who gets excited about projects and new ideas a person with particular skill in project management and processes an understanding of complete customer service knowledge of the importance of getting the basics right years of experience with a constant eye on what is needed What makes me special is my ability to quickly analyse a project, see where a fresh approach could work, and contribute my communication skills to get the job done. I love using creative thinking to achieve a practical goal. It is essential for me to work and share ideas with others. I am a strong believer in the contribution an individual can make to an organisation through their values. Working in an environment that contributes to people and enabling ease in how things function is essential for me. Skills thinking that cuts though clutter and clich辿s strategic and analytical thinking a natural aptitude for PR organising events, information, people looking for the best way to tackle a project and getting on with it a reputation for fronting up well and a self directed perspective establishing warm working relationships at all levels, even in difficult environments planning and time management troubleshooting and on-the-spot solutions advanced project management skills strong management and understanding of operational and financial delivery CV K Ross 9/08/2016 2
  • 3. Employment history State Services Commission July 2014 January 2016, Senior Advisor, Integrity (Maternity cover) The Integrity Team sits within the Legal and Integrity Advice Group. The role of the team is to provide advice and support to State services agencies on integrity and conduct issues. This includes work of integrity related projects, preparing guidance material and operating a help-desk function in response to queries from agencies, organisations and individuals. It requires to the work to be delivered in a timely fashion and meet the agreed deadlines while being delivered in an effective professional manner. The work is to respond to situations and queries, also to initiate application of the Standards of Integrity and Conduct (the Code) to new State agencies Projects to support the work of the unit include the revision of the online integrity information, material for induction and capability in application of the Code to State sector agencies and employees. The role requires strong liaison and people skills, sensitive and appropriate delivery of demanding and not always well-received guidance, and the ability to define problems, place them in context, research, analyse and summarise the process and conclude next steps. Particular tasks to date have been: Review, design and implement the case management system, for the efficient collection of case data including the segmentation of the data for performance reporting, continuous improvement and business development use. An audit and review of existing online integrity material and subsequent redesign and assignment of the information Preparation of the Integrity units four-year plan, including performance measures and improvement goals About to undertake review of the Legal teams case systems Responding to cases and queries in a timely and efficient manner. The work is dealt with efficiently recognising the needs of the stakeholders. Ministry for Culture and Heritage February 2011 June 2014 Senior Adviser Capability and Development Cultural Sector Performance Unit To develop and implement an annual agency assistance programme, develop and maintain the Ministrys agency information web-pages, and carry out project-related work that contributes to the management the Cultural Sector Performance Unit, the CV K Ross 9/08/2016 3
  • 4. VAT (Virtual Agency team) and of the Crowns interests in arts, heritage, broadcasting or sports agencies (including Creative NZ, NZ On Air and SportsNZ and 13 more). Relationships: representatives of funded agencies and sector networks, officials from other Government Departments and contract providers. The major tasks Identifying need, compiling the programme (individual and group), and delivery of the annual development programme for MCH funded agencies this includes consultation, negotiating options and publishing results Being part of the team developing a new way of working between Ministers, Departments, and Agencies, The Operating Expectations Framework. This steps through how modern government relationships work and has been picked up by CASS Performance Hub A major body of work looking at the augmentations of government revenue funded agencies receive. This includes researching funding options, exploring ways for organisations to develop their skills and implementing a programme that assists their fundraising capability Development of the annual updating and analysing of an adaption of the government BASS model into a local version Understanding Agency Costs (UAC) for use with the MCH funded agencies. This excel record tracks both programme delivery and back office costs of the agencies. It identifies pressure points, areas for concern as well as cost effective centres. Managing the Te Kiwai segment of the MCH website to provide information, resources and news on relevant issues to the sector Over the past two-years overseeing a major business continuity planning exercise for all the sector, looking at their needs and risk and work alongside them to have people, physical and reputational risk well managed and accounted for. Looking at legislative change, understanding what this means for our organisations from multi-million dollar organisations to small 1 -2 people businesses and supporting each level according to their needs. Manage the cross-team work-plan environment in the Cultural Policy Branch to co-ordinate work-plan initiatives that relates to all MCH funded agencies Compilation of annual reports on sector matters. Pacific Peoples and Te Reo in MCH funded agencies Deliver MCH sector Senior Managers meetings and workshops on topic specific areas and development priorities includes consultation and establishment of the agendas, speaker etc. Work on MCH wide work; Innovation committee, project He Hika (the sprout) for innovation September 2008 February 2011 Governance Adviser November 2009 February 2011, Acting Project Manager CV K Ross 9/08/2016 4
  • 5. The function of this role is to provide expert governance advice to Minister, the Ministry and Agencies as required. The Ministry is at the forefront of governance initiatives in the public sector and ensures the best possible systems and processes are in place for the appointment of Crown Boards. The Ministry manages induction and preparatory programmes for all appointees, and delivers a continuing programme of board development and associated activity. The major tasks Identifying key governor nominees Preparation of briefing material to Crown Ministers Due diligence on prospective nominees Appointment processes Manage Agency public/ private web presence of Crown governors and CE and senior manager in Crown entities partnered by the Ministry Research and identification of key trends and web threads for the arts, heritage, and sports sectors Manage induction orientations and skills based programmes for incoming governors and ongoing skills needs Involvement in Ministry wide policy discussion and initiatives. Relationships, Crown governors, Ministerial staff, Ministers and Ministry staff. The time in the role has been linked closely to the Agency Group work plan and working to meet a variety of targets both in the governance and wider Agency Group area. In addition to the governance role during this period I have managed the two Agency Group websites. This involved scoping the content, revising the structure and the development of material including regular updates. As part of this I have published a number of arts/economic comment pieces for the site and NZLive.com May 2007 August 2008 Adviser Registration Medical Council of New Zealand The function of this role is to oversee the registration functions of the Medical Council of New Zealand. Registration is at the forefront of the Medical Councils role and encompasses New Zealand Graduates, international medical graduates, visiting specialists, vocational registration of medical staff within the pathways to registration, education and functioning within the New Zealand medical system. The position has a high element of stakeholder consultation and relationship work in it. The key performance indicator being a fully functioning relationship between the Council and its major stakeholders: - Doctors - Vocationally registered medical practitioners - District Health Boards - New Zealand hospitals CV K Ross 9/08/2016 5
  • 6. - International medical community and agencies. The major tasks Accreditation and review visits with stakeholders (District Health Boards and Hospitals). A variety of sector consultation papers, the review, and analysis of the collected responses. Departmental review of processes and staff delivery, retention, and job sizing. Preparation, review, editing and presentation of Council (Board) papers. Five direct reports. Introduction of revised practice and communication processes. Policy development, revision, consultation, and implementation. The most rewarding and fulfilling part of the role is the role is the relationship building, mentoring, and the opportunity to participate in cross team and institutional projects and consultation. Member of the Policy, Medical Migration and Service Managers committees at the Medical Council of New Zealand. 2000 to current Project work with community based organisations primarily in relation to funding development. Current - Janet Frame Eden Street Trust Trustee Develop and implement a Friends programme for the house. The continued management of this programme and Trust fundraising activity. Development of the strategic priorities for the Trust, Current - Chair the Bachelor of Applied Arts programme at Whitireia Community Polytechnic. This degree has a wide range of majors including dance, music, poutama, writing, theatre, visual arts, production and film. The student base is drawn from many cultures and the content and delivery reflects this. During my time as chair we have revamped how the programme is governed to best support student outcomes, staff needs and canvass how the degree and graduates deliver in New Zealands cultural sector. August 1996 April 2007 Chief Executive- New Zealand Book Council The function of the role was to provide leadership and direction of the Book Council and its programmes, operations, relationships and staff; by leading best practice direction in accordance with the stated goals and objectives of the Council, Strategic and Business Plans. CV K Ross 9/08/2016 6
  • 7. The major tasks This national organisation that is the represents the overview for the literature sector in New Zealand. The organisation delivers a wide range of programmes delivering literature objectives to: - the New Zealand literature sector - schools - the public - libraries - International festivals and - Government and funding bodies As Chief Executive I fully managed the financial and operating functions of the Book Council. This includes: - preparation of annual Statements of Financial Performance and Position to audit - preparation and implementation of the annual budget - monthly position and Board returns - overview of debtors, creditors and fixed assets. - all statutory obligations - full HR and operational delivery - project management of the delivery of our artistic programme. The organisation project manages a number of contracts for major New Zealand entities and funders. In my role I lead the promotion of the Councils public profile, from public relations strategy, media liaison, publicity and networking to being the Councils public face at events. The Book Council publishes a major website and two literary journals. Key achievements: Developed the organisation from two part time positions and small budget to a staff of equivalent 6 full-time positions (11) and quadrupled the operating budget. Worked with Creative New Zealand, New Zealand Historic Places, Colenso BBDO and sector groups to research and develop tourism for the arts sector (cultural tourism opportunity) Overseen the introduction of a new logo and branding. Managed the planning, creating, and implementation of the Councils large website from its inception. The site is now an industry leader receiving in excess of 35,000 unique visitors monthly. Implemented project management and financial systems to match new level of operation. I oversaw all accounting and budget functions to Annual report stage. CV K Ross 9/08/2016 7
  • 8. Grown the profile, business capability and output of the Book Council in a significant and measurable way. The Book Council is seen as the leading provider of literature news, events and programmes in New Zealand. Achieved a measurable increase in membership, grant income and profile for the Council through devising PR strategies, producing publicity material, and undertaking media liaison. Project managed dozens of sell-out events with local and international writers, from initial planning and publicity to front of house and on the spot crisis management. Implemented full administrative systems (including HR) that ensure the Book Council is managed in a professional, timely and efficient manner. Developed a significant partnership and relationship structure that is the backbone of the Book Councils profile and success, including relationships with several key strategic partners for specific development purposes. Rewritten the Strategic Plan and Business Plans for the Book Council and managed the delivery. Identification of services and needs for the arts sector and the commencement of research into these, e.g. superannuation for arts employees and practitioners. Preceding this I had four roles with ANZ International, Wrightson NMA, BERL the Economic Research Group, on UN contract project delivery in South East Asia and Belize, and Whitireia Community Polytechnic where I worked for over ten years developing the student facilities and services, in particular to respond to the wide constituency enrolled with the polytechnic. Major Projects, Events and Projects Board Positions Trustee and Friends manager of the Janet Frame Eden Street Trust, Oamaru Chair, Whitireia Community Polytechnic: Bachelor of Applied Arts Achieved - Develop and implement SOI revision programme for MCH funded agencies - Organise and delivery Sweet Louise fundraising dinner November 2011 - Attended the IFACCA 5th World Arts Summit in Melbourne October 2011 - Part of the project team that revised the MCH SOI for the 2011 14 years. - Scope, revise, redevelop, and publish the two Agency Group public/private web sites CV K Ross 9/08/2016 8
  • 9. - Research, engage and web publish major article and discussion on Surfing the Tsunami a commentary and discussion document on the arts, heritage, and sports sectors in the current economic landscape and a second discussion thread A Diet of Economy published mid-year. - Three city organisation and presentation to National and International stakeholders on medical registration in New Zealand and the international medical graduate registration process 2008. - Development and publication of the Medical Council of New Zealand Registration Guidebook 2008 - WOW Words on Wheels annual tours 1998 - 2007 - New Zealand Post Childrens Book Festival Writers Tours 1998 - 2007 - Nestle Write Around New Zealand Touring Writer Programme - Booknotes literary journal produced 4 times a year - New Zealand Books 5 times a year literary review journal - www.bookcouncil.org.nz Rated NO1 in Hitwise Awards Top New Zealand Entertainment Arts and Reading Site - Booked Out Subscription series of literary events in Auckland and Wellington - WordSpace using ground breaking technology for programme delivery videoconferencing - Development of high quality resources to profile our sector, poster, bookmarks and DVDs - New Zealand Book Council Compass Bookgroup resource kit and notes Education Mori Te reo Tikanga and mihi mihi training September - December 2011 Creative New Zealand Mori engagement February 2010 Project Management March 2009 Speed Reading Course November 2009 Dealing with Difficult People August 2007 Dreamweaver Building a website course 2007 Victoria University Wellington Executive Training Courses - Copy editing and proofing reading course April 2005 - Business Grammar May 2005 - Writing for Business May 2005 New Zealand College of Management Strategic Leadership Programme 2003,2004, 2005 delivered on behalf of Creative New Zealand for New Zealand Art Managers and 2006Test Drive the Arts 2006 Masterclass Audience and Event Management and Delivery 2003 Masterclass Audience Growth and PR Strategies 2005 Creative New Zealand Delegate to the New Zealand Tourism Conference 2002 Massey University Accounting in the Electronic Environment 1996 CV K Ross 9/08/2016 9
  • 10. Whitireia Community Polytechnic National Certificate in Business Accounting Practices 1995 Professional Memberships FINZ, Fundraising Institute of New Zealand NZATD New Zealand Association of Training and Development Attending the annual FINZ conference in Auckland April 9 10 2014 Arts Wellington Personal, community activities and memberships The gym and cycling Entertaining and cooking Reading and literature 20th century and contemporary art Photographing art spaces, the placement of art and the structures that house art Theatre and Dance Singing and playing in a group with a twist, recording our inaugural CD late 2013 Movies Member Friends of Pataka Member Wellington Sculpture Trust Member National Film Archive Member National Library Society Member Friends of the Turnbull Library Member Friends of the Royal New Zealand Ballet Member New Zealand Book Council Member New Zealand Portrait Gallery Member Friends of the City Gallery Member Friends of Te Papa Foundation member and supporter of the New Zealand Fashion Museum Member Design Assembly New Zealand Member Women in Super Financial literacy organisation Referees Murray Costello * Principal.. Advisor, Governance MBIE (appointed January 2016), previously Principal Adviser, Heritage Services Branch, Heritage Projects (previous report) Tel 021 814289 Rob Greenfield * Senior Adviser, Governance, Cultural Sector Branch Ministry for Culture and Heritage Tel 04 4714025 or 027 699 9889 Andrew Royle* Chief Legal Adviser CV K Ross 9/08/2016 10
  • 11. State Services Commission (most recent report) Tel 04 4956754 or 022 6573727 Kate Camp Communications Manager, Te Papa Kate.camp@tepapa.govt.nz Tel 0211545547 Previously Lead Advisor, Communications Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Greg Claridge Principle Adviser, Defence Worked alongside as a contractor Tel 021 895 027 *These referees have been those who I have reported to. CV K Ross 9/08/2016 11