Эффективность размещения в социальных сетяхWorld Brand AcademyВыступление Татьяны Коханович - ADVANCE на Саммите Digital Branding - Построение Бренда в Интернете и Цифровых Медиа в октябре 2010
The ins and outs of Responsive Web Designmeijun_corp1. What Responsive Web Design is?
Why Responsive Web Design is important for small and mid-sized businesses?
- Mobile Traffic, Increased mobile internet usage, mobile users experiences.
2. Why should this consider? Easy to manage and optimize your website
3. Pros and Cons of RWD - How would you deal with your website from a different kind of devices? People access your website's SEO. An issue with taking longer to load.
4. Examples of Responsive Web Design in different industries.
Healthcare, Non-profits, Education, Food and Drink, Retail, Publishing, and Creative.
5. Conclusion
- With an expectation that mobile sales will overtake desktop sales, you need to focus on how to make your website friendly on the mobile. Consumers are more likely to consider it is a good that a company has a positive viewing experience.
Trend Focus - the Internet of Things.meijun_corpThe Internet of Things - An age where everyday are connected to the internet allowing the truly seamless connection of information and personal devices.
Presentation2mchung123This document discusses how to identify emerging trends and hot markets by paying attention to trend websites, trade publications, and generational spending patterns. It notes that in 2011, childcare services, mobile apps, and mobile gourmet food were hot businesses, while kids, childcare, tutors, video games, clothes, and brides were parts of hot markets driven by demographic changes and a recovering economy.
20 Reasons Why Your Business Needs an App in 2014meijun_corpIs your business taking advantage of the growth of mobile internet usage? If you manage a small to mid-sized business, here's some statistics to show the importance of mobile app development.
Education Leadership-DevelopmentDr Brian MettersThis document discusses teacher development and continuous professional development (CPD) as key aspects of education leadership. It presents CPD as having two frameworks: 1) types of skills and knowledge teachers should develop (ingredients), including educational, technical, and personal ingredients; and 2) methods of providing development (inputs), including through other teachers, other schools, and experts. The document provides examples of each and advocates for school leaders to create a development plan for teachers that identifies needed ingredients and planned methods to provide development opportunities. Overall, the document emphasizes that development is crucial for education leadership and improving quality education.
Sharon mui clio responseSharon MuiThe document discusses why the individual is interested in working for Clio, a tech startup company. Specifically, it mentions:
1. They are attracted to Clio's fast-paced environment that encourages ideas and quick actions.
2. Company-wide meetings are important for sharing information and maintaining a common goal.
3. There are opportunities for high growth, learning, and potentially starting their own company in the future.
HerramientasjoselinesolorzanoLa persona estudió en el Colegio Matilde Amador Santisteban, actualmente está estudiando Economía con mención en Gestión Empresarial en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas de la ESPOL, le gusta jugar voleibol en su tiempo libre y pasar tiempo con su familia y amigos, teniendo a su perro como mascota favorita.
Maximizing Pinterest As a Successful Social Media Channel.meijun_corpWhether you're a small business or a large company, Pinterest is a great tool to drive traffic and a valuable addition to your social media strategy.
Biotech job descriptions salary rangesSyed Shahid AliThe document describes the departments and job roles in a typical biotechnology company. It outlines 7 core departments: Research & Development (preclinical), Operations, Quality, Clinical Research, Finance & Administration, Business Development, and Project Management. For each department, it provides 1-3 example job descriptions, listing typical responsibilities, education/experience requirements, and salary ranges. It also discusses areas of growth in scientific and non-scientific careers in the biotech industry.
Education Leadership-Module 3: ValuesDr Brian MettersThe third module in the education leadership programme for Principals in Nepalese primary schools. This one focuses on values and ethics and how a shared "set" can build commitment to change.
Education Leadership - Creating a vision for quality educationDr Brian MettersA full day's training as part of a longer programme on leadership for primary school Principals in Nepal. This module focuses on Vision.
Education Leadership-Introduction to leading the development of Quality Educa...Dr Brian MettersThe introductory session of a 6 days programme on Education Leadership for Principals of Nepalese Primary Schools.
Education Leadership-Module 7 School GovernanceDr Brian MettersThe document is a collection of photos from Flickr licensed under Creative Commons. There is no overarching narrative or clear purpose beyond showcasing various stock photos. The photos depict people, places, and objects but provide no context or explanation for how they are related.
Lapkas glaukoma akutbungasyifaLaporan kasus ini membahas pasien laki-laki berusia 57 tahun dengan keluhan nyeri dan kemerahan pada mata kiri selama 3 minggu. Pemeriksaan menemukan tekanan intraokular tinggi pada mata kiri, dan didiagnosis menderita glaukoma sudut tertutup akut. Penatalaksanaan dilakukan dengan obat-obatan dan iridektomi.
Maximizing Pinterest As a Successful Social Media Channel.meijun_corpWhether you're a small business or a large company, Pinterest is a great tool to drive traffic and a valuable addition to your social media strategy.
Biotech job descriptions salary rangesSyed Shahid AliThe document describes the departments and job roles in a typical biotechnology company. It outlines 7 core departments: Research & Development (preclinical), Operations, Quality, Clinical Research, Finance & Administration, Business Development, and Project Management. For each department, it provides 1-3 example job descriptions, listing typical responsibilities, education/experience requirements, and salary ranges. It also discusses areas of growth in scientific and non-scientific careers in the biotech industry.
Education Leadership-Module 3: ValuesDr Brian MettersThe third module in the education leadership programme for Principals in Nepalese primary schools. This one focuses on values and ethics and how a shared "set" can build commitment to change.
Education Leadership - Creating a vision for quality educationDr Brian MettersA full day's training as part of a longer programme on leadership for primary school Principals in Nepal. This module focuses on Vision.
Education Leadership-Introduction to leading the development of Quality Educa...Dr Brian MettersThe introductory session of a 6 days programme on Education Leadership for Principals of Nepalese Primary Schools.
Education Leadership-Module 7 School GovernanceDr Brian MettersThe document is a collection of photos from Flickr licensed under Creative Commons. There is no overarching narrative or clear purpose beyond showcasing various stock photos. The photos depict people, places, and objects but provide no context or explanation for how they are related.
Lapkas glaukoma akutbungasyifaLaporan kasus ini membahas pasien laki-laki berusia 57 tahun dengan keluhan nyeri dan kemerahan pada mata kiri selama 3 minggu. Pemeriksaan menemukan tekanan intraokular tinggi pada mata kiri, dan didiagnosis menderita glaukoma sudut tertutup akut. Penatalaksanaan dilakukan dengan obat-obatan dan iridektomi.