Bediru Abamecha has over 10 years of experience in public health. He has a Master's degree in public health and a Bachelor's degree in public health. He has worked for organizations such as Abt Associates, JICA, and UNOCHA on projects related to health sector reform, maternal and child health, nutrition, and emergency response. He has strong skills in management, monitoring and evaluation, research, and community health programming.
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1. Personal Detail:Bediru Abamecha: Mobile: +251917809377;Email:;;;Skype: Bediru Abamecha; Pass port: EP 1602897
Curriculum Vitae
Education and short term trainings
Name and place of University Qualification and specialization From to
Jimma university, Ethiopia Masters of public health specialized in reproductive
2009 to 2010
Jimma university, Ethiopia BSc in public health 2005 to 2007
Jimma information technology
Diploma in computer science(software) 2008 to 2009
Name of training Organization/University provided the training
Humanitarian Operation Standard
Management Strategies for People and Resources Young AfricanLeadersInitiative
Fund rising concepts certified Training Young AfricanLeadersInitiative
Programming for infant and young child feeding UNICEF and Cornell University
Integrated Disease Surveillance and response WHO and Federal Ministry of Health
Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care John Hopkins University & USAID
Scientific Communication Ghent University of Belgium & Jimma University
Human Resources for Health (HRH) John Hopkins University & USAID
Logistics for Health Commodities John Hopkins University & USAID
Basics of Public-Private Partnerships Young African Leaders Initiative
Data quality assurance methods John Hopkins University & USAID
Developmental journalism & program production Ethiopia broadcasting Agency
Key skills andcompetencies
Proven experience of result based management and strong familiarity with logical framework analysis and how to
design projects and project evaluations using the logical framework approach and how to keep priorities and meet
Excellent strategic planning, strong organizational, analytical and interpersonal communication skills and
demonstrated ability to lead and work effectively in team situations and independently;
Expertise in community health service delivery, particularly in areas of HIV and AIDS; MNCH; FP; CDs; Nutrition,
Gender, health sector reform, WASH and emergency program;
Proven experiences in designing research methodology and data collection instruments including qualitative
research and utilization of advanced software for data entry and analysis (like SAS, SPSS, Epi.DataEpi.Info);
Able to communicate complex information to individuals and groups, make presentations and respond to questions
in workshops/seminars, review meetings and workplace settings and Strong analysis and writing skills;
Good listener, approachable, easy to talk to, Honest, encourages openness and transparency, develops and
encourages new and innovative solutions and ability to extract, interpret, analyses and format data and t o resolve
operational problems;
Language: English and Amharic: Fluent in speaking, writing and reading and native in Afan Oromo.
Computer Skills: Advanced in SPSS,, Epi.Info and Microsoft Office (word, excel, outlooks, PPT)
Research and publication
Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing Service Acceptance Among Primary School Teachers In Jimma
Zone, South-West Ethiopia June, 2014
2. Personal Detail:Bediru Abamecha: Mobile: +251917809377;Email:;;;Skype: Bediru Abamecha; Pass port: EP 1602897
Prevalence and factors associated with domestic violence among pregnant women in south-west Ethiopia
August, 2011
Prevalence and factors affecting utilization of bed net utilization in south-west Ethiopia June, 2007
Survey of Rural water supply in Mana woreda of Jimma zone, South-west Ethiopia, June, 2008
Work Experience
I. Technical Advisor: Abtassoc.INC/HSFR/HFG USAID Project: January, 2013-now
The overall responsibilities are to provide overall strategic direction, vision, planning, coordination, mentoring and
support for the implementation of health sector reform according to national health sector reform guideline (as per
Abt Associates.INC, donor and host government expectations and standards).
Technical Leadership for Business Development and Program/Project Implementation
Providing technical support to Project in the design, development and updating of detailed Implementat ion Plans for
health communication programs;
Leading the development of work plan and budget and ensure effective coordination, timely and quality
implementation and monitoring of project activities to meet deliverables in accordance with standards, time line,
and budget ;
Leading capacity strengthening of stakeholders and developing improved standard operating procedures, tools, and
accountability streams for effective and ongoing supportive supervision and conduct site visits for regular supportive
Ensuring quality of services with training, supportive supervision, on-the-job training and mentoring standard
quality-assurance tools;
Ensuring accurate and timely management of the funds and track budget utilization and proper financial reporting ,
with support from the Finance team;
Participating on the policy reviews, analysis and support towards identifying and recommending policy options and
advocacy issues;
Developing concepts, craft messages, co-develop designs; facilitate selections of evidence-based channels,
mediums, formats, and the design and production of appropriate IEC/BCC materials ;
Identifying programmatic successes, challenges and lessons learned, synthesize document, and disseminate best
practices, and develop strategies to take best and/or new high impact practices to scale in-country and support
replication in other countries;
Advocating for disability inclusion in interagency for a at headquarters level and ensure maximum outreach and
visibility of the results and lessons learnt;
Developing quality monthly, quarterly and annual performance monitoring (both technical and financial) reports for
projects and ensure challenges are identified and recommended corrective actions are timely implemented;
Staff Recruitment and Capacity Building and staff appraisal
Participating in the recruitment of program staff, including development of job descriptions, as requested
Identifying and sharing professional development opportunities with relevant staff AND assisting country program
staff to effectively engage with governments, donors and other partners;
3. Personal Detail:Bediru Abamecha: Mobile: +251917809377;Email:;;;Skype: Bediru Abamecha; Pass port: EP 1602897
Identifying technical assistance needs and ensuring timely execution of technical assistance services AND
Supervising and conducting performance appraisals for program staffs and Engagement in ongoing professional
Knowledge Management and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning
Supporting the design and development of implementation research to advance Abts work in health sector reforms;
Organizing and/or facilitating trainings, workshops and conferences to strengthen staff capacity and increase
Abt/USIAD project influence within the global health sector reform community;
Ensuring key successes, promising practices and lessons learned are documented and disseminated internally and
externally, including publication in peer reviewed journals;
Coordinating and facilitating quarter, mid-year and annual project review meetings.
Influence, Representation and External Engagement
Identifying and taking advantage of opportunities for partnership with advocacy organizations that will highlight the
organization work for a larger audience;
Preparing abstracts for conferences and assisting country programs in preparing their abstracts .
II. Program Coordinator( maternal and child health and nuitrition): Japan international
cooperation Agency May, 2011-December, 2012
The major duties and responsibilities are providing managerial and technical support to the field staffs for the
implementation of integrated health and nutrition projects in Bale, Arsi and East- Showa zones of Oromia Region,
Ethiopia and ensuring program implementation is in line with the international and national standard and planned
Developing and advising on standards, approaches, guidelines and best practices around nutrition and
Identifying/developing/refining innovative products, tools and services targeting the first 1000 days of life;
Strengthening referral linkages, building the institutional capacity and promoting inter-sect oral collaboration to
address nutrition challenges and the quality of communitylevel health services and supporting the collection of
evidence to demonstrate their contributions to improved nutritional outcomes;
Expanding the use of proven approaches; facilitate the completion of necessary materials (training of trainer guides,
curricula, mobile applications etc.) to facilitate scale up internally and externally;
Supporting opportunities to integrate nutrition with other areas of health programming and sectors while ensuring
technical excellence of the nutrition components;
Developing nutrition-related content for materials to support discussions with peer and donor organizations;
Ensuring work plan commitments are well-planned and implemented for the rapid achievement of results, integrated
across technical areas and documenting findings and recommendations of field visits for follow-up actions and
documenting lessons learned in specific technical areas for wider dissemination and use;
Ensuring accurate and timely management of the funds and track budget utilization and proper financial reporting,
with support from the Finance team;
Developing quality monthly, quarterly and annual performance monitoring reports for projects and ensuring
challenges are identified and recommended corrective actions are timely implemented and representing JICA at
regional and national technical levels.
4. Personal Detail:Bediru Abamecha: Mobile: +251917809377;Email:;;;Skype: Bediru Abamecha; Pass port: EP 1602897
III. Health Program Officer(Emergency): For Action for Development for UNOCHA Project: From
December, 2010- June, 2011
Duties and responsibilities
Organizing and managing the implementation of all emergency program activities to control acute watery diarrhea
epidemic according to the proposed plan and timeframe by coordinating, managing, organizing and directing;
Providing technical support to programstaffs and partners in the course of project implementation;
Identifying challenges happened in the implementation of emergency projects and give feedback on the required
corrective actions to address them;
Preparing periodic reports on the implementation of emergency project activities as per the requirements of
individual Donors and AFD and forwards it to program coordinator;
Undertake regular field monitoring visits to assess progress and identify technical quality issues and/or other
implementation issues and ensuring all monitoring activities is fully documented, including systematic and timely
data collection;
Conducting analysis of mainstreaming of programactivities and develop mechanisms to support the most vulnerable
groups, such as people affected by HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Acute Watery Diarrhea;
Preparing monthly report, quarterly report and bi annual report for government and donors;
IV. Head of HIV/AIDS Prevention and control Office: July, 2007-October, 2010: Jimma zone,
Major duties and responsibilities
Planning, designing, implementing and monitoring and evaluation of the organization;
Facilitating home based care and social support and Coordinating and facilitating VCT, PMTCT, PICT and ART
services and promoting parental communication;
Ensuring the timely order and delivery of drugs, medical supplies and all other necessary supplies and materials for
the health centers;
Providing different capacity building trainings for health professionals and health extension workers;
Establishing different in school and out of schools anti HIV/AIDS clubs and establishing anti HIV/AIDS committee
and serving as the secretory of the committee;
Conducting regular field to provide supportive supervisions for the health center staffs and health extension workers
and follow up, monitor and report the transmission of HIV-related media activities;
Insuring the effective and efficient utilization of resources including budgets and human resources preparing
monthly, quarterly bi-annual and annual report to government and to donors;
1. Mr. Leulseged Ageze: Chief of party, Abtassoc.INC, Phone: +251911668254, Email:
2. Mr.Hawi Mohammed: Project director at JICA, Phone: 0917394899, E-mail:
3. Mr. Assefayirgalem: Director(Communication & Mobilization)- Ministry of Health, Phone:
5. Personal Detail:Bediru Abamecha: Mobile: +251917809377;Email:;;;Skype: Bediru Abamecha; Pass port: EP 1602897