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Curriculum Vitae Ammar Noorwali
Date of Birth: 1st
November 1981
E-mail: ammarnr@gmail.com
Telephone: +44(0)7429 566 337
Nationality : British
Driver License : Full-UK
Black Belt , PhD, MSc , BSc
Home Address :
22 Brompton Road
2010  2014 De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
PhD. Advanced Process Engineering and Lean Six Sigma
Title: Reduce the level of variability in food flow processing system.
Summary: The proposed methodology combines; Process mapping; it is a lean tool for
identifying value and non-value activities. Simulation modeling; is for mirroring the real
production line. Taguchi Orthogonal Arrays; is for generate different scenarios and then apply
correlation for help in identify the highest variable (working). Rule based system; is an
artificial intelligent tool for improve the highest variable areas.
Achievement: The achievement was increase working in bottleneck areas as the following:
o Baking 4%
o Cooling conveyor 16%
o Packing 6%
2008-2009 Warwick University, Coventry, UK
MSc. Supply Engineering and Logistics
Dissertation: Barriers of performance measurement across the supply chain
Modules studied included: Logistic & operations management, Procurement and Inventory,
Problem solving with statistics, Supply chain management, Financial analysis and control
system, Transport techniques and management, organization and people performance, storage
and warehousing techniques , e-commerce , global business environment.
2000 - 2005 King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
BSc. Industrial (System) Engineering
Dissertation: Develop parking system by using automatic identification and data capture
Modules studies included: Operational Research, Industrial Management, Value Engineering,
Quality Control, Statistics, Work Study, Human Factor, Information System, Fundamental of
Computer, Oracle, C++, Operation Management, Simulation, Entrepreneurship, and Facility
After completing a BSc course in Industrial System Engineering in 2005, I worked for 20
months as a Process Improvement Team Manager in the National Biscuits and Confectionary
Company (NBCC) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I worked as a process improvement tema manger
in the Operations Management Department to improve the efficiency more than fourteen
production lines.
In order to improve my knowledge and skills in operations management, I started an MSc
course in Supply Engineering and Logistics at Warwick University which is one of the top
universities in the UK. During my dissertation project I became interested in applying the
concept of Lean to reduce waste and increase efficiency. Because of this interest, I decided
to start a PhD with the Lean Engineering group at De Montfort University in 2010. In
addition, I certified by Black Belt lean six sigma.
I am looking forward to applying my knowledge and skills for lead the change and process
2005-2007 Full -Time Job @ National Biscuit & Confectionary Company P. O. Box
30972, Jeddah 21487, KSA.
Position: Process Improvement Team Manager in the Operations
Responsibilities: Improve production lines Efficiency and reduce waste
using lean six sigma tools Pareto chart, Standardisation (SOP, Work
instruction, product characteristics),Kizen, 5's, FTQ(first time quality),
SMED (changeover improvement),Poke Yoke, Good Manufacturing
Practise GMP, and hygienic for food Haccp.
Achievements :
 I helped to achieve the Vision of National biscuit and confectionary
company NBCC to be the no. 1 for snack manufacturing in the Middle
East during my work.
 By applying lean six sigma tools 5's, Pareto chart , Poke Yoke , and
kaizen we manage to reduce wastes from one of biscuits production
lines from %15 to %7.
 By applying lean six sigma tool SMED in biscuit production line we
managed to reduce changeover time from 30 min to 15min.
2002-2004 Seasonal Job during my BSc @ Rakb Al-Noor Company, P. O. Box 6969,
Jeddah, KSA. Responsible for operations services for the people including
accommodation, transport, food and other logistic services.
Personal development
Academic development 2010-
Professional development
Leadership  Commercialise you idea  Lean Six Sigma Black
Career Development  Commercialise Connections  Lean Start-up.
Preferences Performance  Be Inspired.  Business Modelling.
Diploma in NLP.  Adventures in Consulting.  Team Working
Self Confidence
Public Relation
 Managing Relationships in a
Research Context.
 Academic teaching.
 Perkins standard
operations procedure
training for Simulated
Work Environment (SWE)
and Kanban system.
 Communication Techniques.
 Preparing for a viva.
 Gain a successful funding.
 Published journal in an International journal of scientific and engineering research.
NOORWALI, A. (2014) Apply MTS-MTO & Rule Base in Food Flow Processing
System. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5.
 Published paper in International Conference in Production and supply chain management
NOORWALI, A. (2013) Apply MTS-MTO and Principle Component in Food Flow
Processing International Conference in Production and supply chain management
 Published journal in Procedia engineering (scincedirect)
NOORWALI, A. (2013) Apply Lean and Taguchi in Different Level of Variability of
Food Flow Processing System. Procedia Engineering, 63, 728-734.
 Published paper at the international conference on manufacturing research (ICMR2012) in
at Aston university, Birmingham, UK, 11-13Sep,2012.
Noorwali, A., Khalil, R. & Stockton, D. (2012) Investigating Types of Variability on
Food Flow Processing System International Conference on Manufacturing Research
Aston University Birmingham.
 Disseminated PhD project work at the research technology showcase at De Montfort
university, September 2012.
NOORWALI, A., KHALIL, R. A. & STOCKTON, D. (2012) Reduce High Variability
Level in Food processing. Show case. De Montfort University.
 Disseminated PhD project work at the research students poster competition at De
Montfort University, May 2011.
NOORWALI A., KHALIL, R. A. & STOCKTON, D. (2011) Investigate in Mixed Level
of Variability in Food processing system. Poster competition. De Montfort University.
 Disseminated PhD project work at the Research Technology Showcase at De Montfort
University, September 2011.
NOORWALI, A., KHALIL, R. A. & STOCKTON, D. (2011) Reduce High Level of
Variability in Food processing system. Technology Show case. De Montfort
 Participate in Preactor Food Processing Conference, November 2010.
 Dr. Richard Hopper (Research fellow in the Centre for Manufacturing Process and
Department of Lean Engineering, De Montfort University, Leicester
Tel: +44 (0) 781 452 5696, E-mail: richardhenryhopper@gmail.com
 Dr.Parminder Singh Kang (Research fellow in the Centre for Manufacturing Process and
Department of Lean Engineering, De Montfort University, Leicester
Tel: +44 (0) 0116 207 8089, E-mail: pkang@dmu.ac.uk

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  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Ammar Noorwali ___________________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL Date of Birth: 1st November 1981 E-mail: ammarnr@gmail.com Telephone: +44(0)7429 566 337 Nationality : British Driver License : Full-UK Black Belt , PhD, MSc , BSc Home Address : 22 Brompton Road Leicester LE5 1PQ EDUCATION 2010 2014 De Montfort University, Leicester, UK PhD. Advanced Process Engineering and Lean Six Sigma Title: Reduce the level of variability in food flow processing system. Summary: The proposed methodology combines; Process mapping; it is a lean tool for identifying value and non-value activities. Simulation modeling; is for mirroring the real production line. Taguchi Orthogonal Arrays; is for generate different scenarios and then apply correlation for help in identify the highest variable (working). Rule based system; is an artificial intelligent tool for improve the highest variable areas. Achievement: The achievement was increase working in bottleneck areas as the following: o Baking 4% o Cooling conveyor 16% o Packing 6% 2008-2009 Warwick University, Coventry, UK MSc. Supply Engineering and Logistics Dissertation: Barriers of performance measurement across the supply chain Modules studied included: Logistic & operations management, Procurement and Inventory, Problem solving with statistics, Supply chain management, Financial analysis and control system, Transport techniques and management, organization and people performance, storage and warehousing techniques , e-commerce , global business environment. 2000 - 2005 King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia BSc. Industrial (System) Engineering Dissertation: Develop parking system by using automatic identification and data capture Modules studies included: Operational Research, Industrial Management, Value Engineering, Quality Control, Statistics, Work Study, Human Factor, Information System, Fundamental of Computer, Oracle, C++, Operation Management, Simulation, Entrepreneurship, and Facility Planning. SUMMARY After completing a BSc course in Industrial System Engineering in 2005, I worked for 20 months as a Process Improvement Team Manager in the National Biscuits and Confectionary Company (NBCC) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I worked as a process improvement tema manger in the Operations Management Department to improve the efficiency more than fourteen production lines. In order to improve my knowledge and skills in operations management, I started an MSc course in Supply Engineering and Logistics at Warwick University which is one of the top universities in the UK. During my dissertation project I became interested in applying the concept of Lean to reduce waste and increase efficiency. Because of this interest, I decided
  • 2. to start a PhD with the Lean Engineering group at De Montfort University in 2010. In addition, I certified by Black Belt lean six sigma. I am looking forward to applying my knowledge and skills for lead the change and process improvement. WORK EXPERIENCE 2005-2007 Full -Time Job @ National Biscuit & Confectionary Company P. O. Box 30972, Jeddah 21487, KSA. Position: Process Improvement Team Manager in the Operations department. Responsibilities: Improve production lines Efficiency and reduce waste using lean six sigma tools Pareto chart, Standardisation (SOP, Work instruction, product characteristics),Kizen, 5's, FTQ(first time quality), SMED (changeover improvement),Poke Yoke, Good Manufacturing Practise GMP, and hygienic for food Haccp. Achievements : I helped to achieve the Vision of National biscuit and confectionary company NBCC to be the no. 1 for snack manufacturing in the Middle East during my work. By applying lean six sigma tools 5's, Pareto chart , Poke Yoke , and kaizen we manage to reduce wastes from one of biscuits production lines from %15 to %7. By applying lean six sigma tool SMED in biscuit production line we managed to reduce changeover time from 30 min to 15min. 2002-2004 Seasonal Job during my BSc @ Rakb Al-Noor Company, P. O. Box 6969, Jeddah, KSA. Responsible for operations services for the people including accommodation, transport, food and other logistic services. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES Personal development 2000-2005 Academic development 2010- 2014 Professional development 2010-2014 Leadership Commercialise you idea Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. Career Development Commercialise Connections Lean Start-up. Preferences Performance Be Inspired. Business Modelling. Diploma in NLP. Adventures in Consulting. Team Working Self Confidence Public Relation Managing Relationships in a Research Context. Academic teaching. SPSS SAS Perkins standard operations procedure training for Simulated Work Environment (SWE) and Kanban system. Endnote Communication Techniques. Preparing for a viva. Gain a successful funding.
  • 3. RESEARCH DISSEMINATION & PUBLICATION Published journal in an International journal of scientific and engineering research. NOORWALI, A. (2014) Apply MTS-MTO & Rule Base in Food Flow Processing System. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5. http://www.ijser.org/researchpaper%5CApply-MTS-MTO-Rule-Base-in-Food-Flow- Processing-System.pdf Published paper in International Conference in Production and supply chain management (ICPSCM2013) NOORWALI, A. (2013) Apply MTS-MTO and Principle Component in Food Flow Processing International Conference in Production and supply chain management Rome,Itlay. Published journal in Procedia engineering (scincedirect) NOORWALI, A. (2013) Apply Lean and Taguchi in Different Level of Variability of Food Flow Processing System. Procedia Engineering, 63, 728-734. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877705813014987 Published paper at the international conference on manufacturing research (ICMR2012) in at Aston university, Birmingham, UK, 11-13Sep,2012. Noorwali, A., Khalil, R. & Stockton, D. (2012) Investigating Types of Variability on Food Flow Processing System International Conference on Manufacturing Research Aston University Birmingham. http://www.aston.ac.uk/aston-business-school/research/events/past-events/2012/icmr- 2012/conference-proceedings/ Disseminated PhD project work at the research technology showcase at De Montfort university, September 2012. NOORWALI, A., KHALIL, R. A. & STOCKTON, D. (2012) Reduce High Variability Level in Food processing. Show case. De Montfort University. Disseminated PhD project work at the research students poster competition at De Montfort University, May 2011. NOORWALI A., KHALIL, R. A. & STOCKTON, D. (2011) Investigate in Mixed Level of Variability in Food processing system. Poster competition. De Montfort University. Disseminated PhD project work at the Research Technology Showcase at De Montfort University, September 2011. NOORWALI, A., KHALIL, R. A. & STOCKTON, D. (2011) Reduce High Level of Variability in Food processing system. Technology Show case. De Montfort University. Participate in Preactor Food Processing Conference, November 2010. REFEREES Dr. Richard Hopper (Research fellow in the Centre for Manufacturing Process and Mechatronics) Department of Lean Engineering, De Montfort University, Leicester Tel: +44 (0) 781 452 5696, E-mail: richardhenryhopper@gmail.com Dr.Parminder Singh Kang (Research fellow in the Centre for Manufacturing Process and Mechatronics) Department of Lean Engineering, De Montfort University, Leicester Tel: +44 (0) 0116 207 8089, E-mail: pkang@dmu.ac.uk