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Baseem K. M. Masalma
Mobile: +972598209813/ Email: Baseemmasa@gmail.com
Personal Statement
I have graduated as an electronics engineer from Al-Quds University, Palestine. I am now seeking
an opportunity to utilize my current skills and knowledge at a challenging work environment. I
believe in the self-study approach and therefore, I managed to learn introduction to php and java
on my own.
Cool Net Sinjil, Palestine
Computer and Network Technician 2014- present
Identifies, troubleshoots and resolves hardware-, software- and network-related problems
encountered by end-users of the District network, the Internet, and PCs.
Safwwan Company for Engineering Solutions Ramallah,
Palestine Electrical Engineer Aug 2014- Sep 2014
 Design of electrical wiring maps and modify them
 Check the workplace according to the blueprints (plan)
Jawwal Ramallah, Palestine
Training as a Communication Engineer May 2014- Aug 2014
Training includes:
 GSM overview, the functionality of main parts of GSM network.
 GSM Radio Base Station & View on BSC.
 GSM Site  Installation Procedure using site planner program.
 Survey of GSM Sites (practical).
Studio Farah Sinjil, Palestine
Photography and Maintenance Engineer Feb 2010-
 Setting up, checking and maintenance cameras part, lighting equipment and Photography
 Troubleshooting the Electrical system for montage room.
Voluntary Work
IEEE Student Branch Al-Quds University
Ive been the coordinator of the IEEE Student Branch at my university since sep-2014
Al-Marfa Mental Health Association Abudis, Palestine
Participated in many community services -related activities carried out by this foundation.
Al-Quds University Abudis, Palestine
Bachelor's in Electronic Engineering Sep 2010- June 2015
as an electronic engineering student at AQU Ive learned a lot of thing, for example how most
electrical devices works, or whats the meaning of communications systems, how to build a
modules, etc.
Graduation Project
Electronic Nose System for perfume quality
E-nose (Electronic nose), which is an array of gas sensors, is widely used in food industry and
pollution control. Nowadays e-nose technology has become powerful tool to evaluate the aroma
compounds during the quality control process. This work is intended to detect the quality of
perfumes. However, a number of limitations are associated with traditional method of smelling
(olfactory system). The samples that were used are high quality perfumes - used as standard. An E-
nose system is developed using embedded PIC micro controller to detect and recognize the samples
using an ANN (Artificial Neural Network)
Certifications & Trainings
 Microprocessors - Training Hours, JDEco.
 Communication Engineer - 90 Training Hours, Jawwal co
 Engineering Drawing - 20 Training Hours, Al-Noor Center
 Certificate in Arduino from udemy online course
 Certificate in networking from udemy online course
 Certificate in Cables & Connectors from udemy online course
 Certificate from IEEE : Participated in the IEEEXtreme Programming Competition 8.0
 Certificate in Social Marketing from HP
Voice Recognition Arduino
Home control by human voice using system that depends on Arduino UNO
Arabic: Native language
English: Good.
Core Strengths Technical Skills
 Research & Development  C programming
 Testing, Troubleshooting  8/16/32 bit microcontrollers
 Time Management & Prioritization
 Work Effectively in Team  Matlab
 Stress and pressure handler  Circuit analysis
 Quick learner  PCB design
 Critical thinking  PLC and socket programming
 Attention to details  Graphic design
 MS programs
 Driving License

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  • 1. Baseem K. M. Masalma Mobile: +972598209813/ Email: Baseemmasa@gmail.com Personal Statement I have graduated as an electronics engineer from Al-Quds University, Palestine. I am now seeking an opportunity to utilize my current skills and knowledge at a challenging work environment. I believe in the self-study approach and therefore, I managed to learn introduction to php and java on my own. Experience Cool Net Sinjil, Palestine Computer and Network Technician 2014- present Identifies, troubleshoots and resolves hardware-, software- and network-related problems encountered by end-users of the District network, the Internet, and PCs. Safwwan Company for Engineering Solutions Ramallah, Palestine Electrical Engineer Aug 2014- Sep 2014 Duties: Design of electrical wiring maps and modify them Check the workplace according to the blueprints (plan) Jawwal Ramallah, Palestine Training as a Communication Engineer May 2014- Aug 2014 Training includes: GSM overview, the functionality of main parts of GSM network. GSM Radio Base Station & View on BSC. GSM Site Installation Procedure using site planner program. Survey of GSM Sites (practical). Studio Farah Sinjil, Palestine Photography and Maintenance Engineer Feb 2010- present Duties: Setting up, checking and maintenance cameras part, lighting equipment and Photography Network Troubleshooting the Electrical system for montage room.
  • 2. Voluntary Work IEEE Student Branch Al-Quds University Ive been the coordinator of the IEEE Student Branch at my university since sep-2014 Al-Marfa Mental Health Association Abudis, Palestine Participated in many community services -related activities carried out by this foundation. Education Al-Quds University Abudis, Palestine Bachelor's in Electronic Engineering Sep 2010- June 2015 as an electronic engineering student at AQU Ive learned a lot of thing, for example how most electrical devices works, or whats the meaning of communications systems, how to build a modules, etc. Graduation Project Electronic Nose System for perfume quality E-nose (Electronic nose), which is an array of gas sensors, is widely used in food industry and pollution control. Nowadays e-nose technology has become powerful tool to evaluate the aroma compounds during the quality control process. This work is intended to detect the quality of perfumes. However, a number of limitations are associated with traditional method of smelling (olfactory system). The samples that were used are high quality perfumes - used as standard. An E- nose system is developed using embedded PIC micro controller to detect and recognize the samples using an ANN (Artificial Neural Network) Certifications & Trainings Microprocessors - Training Hours, JDEco. Communication Engineer - 90 Training Hours, Jawwal co Engineering Drawing - 20 Training Hours, Al-Noor Center Certificate in Arduino from udemy online course Certificate in networking from udemy online course Certificate in Cables & Connectors from udemy online course Certificate from IEEE : Participated in the IEEEXtreme Programming Competition 8.0 Certificate in Social Marketing from HP Voice Recognition Arduino Home control by human voice using system that depends on Arduino UNO Languages Arabic: Native language English: Good.
  • 3. Core Strengths Technical Skills Research & Development C programming Testing, Troubleshooting 8/16/32 bit microcontrollers Time Management & Prioritization Work Effectively in Team Matlab Stress and pressure handler Circuit analysis Quick learner PCB design Critical thinking PLC and socket programming Attention to details Graphic design MS programs Driving License Photography