Surat ini memberitahukan bahwa password akun PTK telah direset karena permintaan pemegang akun. Password baru yang diberikan adalah "OLAL59" dan disarankan untuk menggantinya dengan password yang mudah diingat dan aman. Pemegang akun diminta bertanggung jawab atas kerahasiaan dan keamanan akun tersebut.
Surat ini memberitahukan bahwa password akun SIAP PADAMU untuk Ari Guntoro telah direset dengan password baru KCF8NM. Setelah login menggunakan password baru tersebut, Ari Guntoro diminta untuk mengganti password agar lebih aman dan mudah diingat. Ari Guntoro bertanggung jawab atas kerahasiaan dan keamanan akunnya.
Telah dibuka Pendaftataran siswa baru SMP IT Nurul Fikri Banjarmasincyberprigi
SMP-IT Nurul Fikri Banjarmasin telah membuka pendaftaran siswa baru untuk tahun ajaran 2014-2015 dengan program boarding atau full day school. Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan secara langsung, via SMS, atau secara online dengan memenuhi syarat-syarat dan melakukan pembayaran. Pendaftaran akan dibuka mulai 13 Mei hingga 31 Agustus 2013.
Surat ini memberikan informasi bahwa PegID Yusuf Ismail dengan nomor 20276302175001 telah dinyatakan aktif secara permanen selama periode verifikasi dan validasi 2013-2014 oleh Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Kemendikbud. Surat ini juga menginformasikan bahwa pegawai dapat mengunjungi situs web tertentu untuk informasi terbaru mengenai PegID.
CV ini berisi data pribadi dan riwayat pendidikan Ahmad Afandi, lulusan S1 Elektronika UNM. Ia memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai operator cafe dan pengabdian masyarakat melalui KKN dan PPL. Ia juga memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris, Bugis, Makassar, dan Mandarin serta keahlian dalam fotografi, pemrograman, dan desain web.
Surat ini adalah permohonan untuk pelajar Kolej Vokasional Langkawi untuk menjalani On-The-Job Training (OJT) selama 5 bulan di organisasi yang ditujukan. Surat ini meminta pertimbangan organisasi untuk menerima pelajar tersebut untuk menjalani latihan dari 27 November 2017 hingga 27 April 2018, dan meminta organisasi mengisi borang jawapan untuk memberi keputusan permohonan tersebut.
Debbie Everingham is an experienced Executive Assistant and Payroll-HR Administrator with over 15 years of experience supporting management in the steel industry. She has strong skills in administration, payroll, SAP, communications, and event planning. She is highly organized and able to work efficiently under tight deadlines. Currently she is seeking a new role where she can apply her qualifications, which include a Bachelor's degree in Communications and Asian Studies, and certifications in Microsoft, SAP and other professional development programs.
The document outlines a recruitment campaign for an organization seeking to recruit 40 African American male mentors by January 31, 2017. It details the campaign's primary goal of recruiting mentors and secondary goal of increasing volunteer inquiries by 100. The target audience is identified as unmarried African American males aged 25-35 located in Central Illinois who are self-driven and passionate. The campaign's main message is "BE A MAN. BE A MENTOR" and will utilize flyers, guerilla marketing, a website and Facebook to reach the target audience between now and the January deadline.
James Bal has over 15 years of experience providing IT applications support in demanding environments. He currently works as an Application Support Engineer for Unisys, providing second and third line support for critical Metropolitan Police Service applications. Previously he has held similar roles supporting a wide range of applications at organizations such as Capgemini, Sema Group, and Dixons Stores Group. He possesses excellent communication skills and experience working within the ITIL framework.
Norton Quantum3 grinding wheels have been specifically developed by Saint-Gobain Abrasive’s R&D team to address the needs of the construction and welding industries for more aggressive, faster and more comfortable grinding wheels.
Un sistema operativo es un programa o conjunto de programas que gestiona los recursos del hardware y provee servicios a los programas de software ejecutándose en modo privilegiado. Existen varios tipos de sistemas operativos como Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 y 10 para PC, y Linux y Ubuntu para computadoras. El sistema operativo de las MacBook es Macintosh, el cual es revolucionario, elegante y funcional debido a que requiere hardware predeterminado de Apple, lo que mejora su rendimiento.
Summary of the main changes to the Norms to the Fiscal Code in RomaniaAccace
Government Decision no. 1/2016 for the approval of the methodological norms for the application of the new Tax Code has been published in the Official Gazette no. 22 on 13 January 2016. As a general note, the newly published Norms bring more examples and details in order to clarify the provisions of the Fiscal Code applicable starting 1 January. We have summarized below the main amendments and clarifications introduced by the Norms, organized as the titles of the Fiscal Code.
David Weightman is applying for a position and highlighting his relevant work experience. He previously served as a Senior Staff Clerk for Verizon where he entered tickets into a database and also worked as a leader for a baseball company handling schedules. He has strong computer skills in MS Office applications and holds a BS in Communications from Millersville University. He is confident he can offer the skills being sought and provides his contact information to arrange an interview.
Debbie Everingham is an experienced Executive Assistant and Payroll-HR Administrator with over 15 years of experience supporting management in the steel industry. She has strong skills in administration, payroll, SAP, communications, and event planning. She is highly organized and able to work efficiently under tight deadlines. Currently she is seeking a new role where she can apply her qualifications, which include a Bachelor's degree in Communications and Asian Studies, and certifications in Microsoft, SAP and other professional development programs.
The document outlines a recruitment campaign for an organization seeking to recruit 40 African American male mentors by January 31, 2017. It details the campaign's primary goal of recruiting mentors and secondary goal of increasing volunteer inquiries by 100. The target audience is identified as unmarried African American males aged 25-35 located in Central Illinois who are self-driven and passionate. The campaign's main message is "BE A MAN. BE A MENTOR" and will utilize flyers, guerilla marketing, a website and Facebook to reach the target audience between now and the January deadline.
James Bal has over 15 years of experience providing IT applications support in demanding environments. He currently works as an Application Support Engineer for Unisys, providing second and third line support for critical Metropolitan Police Service applications. Previously he has held similar roles supporting a wide range of applications at organizations such as Capgemini, Sema Group, and Dixons Stores Group. He possesses excellent communication skills and experience working within the ITIL framework.
Norton Quantum3 grinding wheels have been specifically developed by Saint-Gobain Abrasive’s R&D team to address the needs of the construction and welding industries for more aggressive, faster and more comfortable grinding wheels.
Un sistema operativo es un programa o conjunto de programas que gestiona los recursos del hardware y provee servicios a los programas de software ejecutándose en modo privilegiado. Existen varios tipos de sistemas operativos como Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 y 10 para PC, y Linux y Ubuntu para computadoras. El sistema operativo de las MacBook es Macintosh, el cual es revolucionario, elegante y funcional debido a que requiere hardware predeterminado de Apple, lo que mejora su rendimiento.
Summary of the main changes to the Norms to the Fiscal Code in RomaniaAccace
Government Decision no. 1/2016 for the approval of the methodological norms for the application of the new Tax Code has been published in the Official Gazette no. 22 on 13 January 2016. As a general note, the newly published Norms bring more examples and details in order to clarify the provisions of the Fiscal Code applicable starting 1 January. We have summarized below the main amendments and clarifications introduced by the Norms, organized as the titles of the Fiscal Code.
David Weightman is applying for a position and highlighting his relevant work experience. He previously served as a Senior Staff Clerk for Verizon where he entered tickets into a database and also worked as a leader for a baseball company handling schedules. He has strong computer skills in MS Office applications and holds a BS in Communications from Millersville University. He is confident he can offer the skills being sought and provides his contact information to arrange an interview.
 Data Pribadi
Nama : Dewi Husnul Khotimah1
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Bogor, 25 November 1992
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Status : Belum Menikah
Agama : Islam
Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia
Alamat : Jl. Belimbing IV Blok B17 No. 74 RT 04/12
Kelurahan Padasuka. Kecamatan Ciomas.
Telepon : 08985760644 (HP)
 Latarbelakang Pendidikan
1998 – 2004 : SDN Bantar Kemang III, Bogor
2004 – 2007 : SMPS Bhakti Insani, Bogor
2007 – 2010 : SMAN 4, Bogor
2010 – 2014 : Kuliah jurusan Akuntansi, Ekonomi
Universitas Pakuan Bogor
Semester 1 - 7
Non Formal
2012-2013 : Accounting World Wide
2013-2013 : General English
2.  Riwayat Organisasi
2010-2012 : Anggota Departemen Olahraga dan Seni
Budaya, Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi
 Pengalaman Kerja
Periode : 28 Agustus 2014 – 28 Januari 2016
Posisi : Staff Ticketing di PT. Prima Wisata Mandiri
 Rincian Pekerjaan
- Melayani penjualan ticket pesawat maupun hotel, baik dari walking
guest maupun customer dari coorporate melaui telepon, email, atau
- Membuat invoice untuk coorporate dan mengirimkannya via email
 Kemampuan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan Ms. Office (Excel, Word)
- Menyambut walking guest
- Menerima telepon dari customer untuk pemesanan atau info
mengenai tiket pesawat & tour