Dr. Paresh G. Solanki's curriculum vitae summarizes his qualifications and experience. He holds an MBBS and MD in Pharmacology. His current role is as a Drug Safety Physician at APCER PHARMA INDIA LTD, where he performs medical review and safety evaluation of drugs. Previously he has worked in clinical research and medical affairs. He has over 6 years of experience in clinical research, teaching, and medical evaluation. His areas of expertise include pharmacovigilance and clinical trial conduct.
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CV dr paresh solanki lattest with KRA
1. Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Paresh G. Solanki (MBBS, MD Pharmacology)
CurriculumVitae: Dr. Paresh G. Solanki (MBBS, MD Pharmacology)
Lookingfora challengingcareerwhichdemandsthe bestof myprofessional abilityintermsof,
technical andanalytical skills,andhelpsme inbroadeningandenhancingmycurrentskill and
To be a part of dynamic,growthorientedorganizationwhere performance isrewardedandhave
exposure forthe developmentof the organizationandmyself.
Academic Qualification:
Degree College University:
-M. D. (Pharmacology)- Governmentmedical college andnew civil hospital,Surat.VeerNarmad
SouthGujarat University.
-M. B. B. S from.Governmentmedical college,Baroda.MSUniversity,Baroda.2008.
-InternshipfromGovernmentmedical collegeandSSGHospital Baroda.2009.
Professional Experience:
Workingas Drug Safety Physicianin Pharmacovigilance departmentof APCER
PHARMA INDIA LTD since Dec 2014 to till date.
Key Responsibilities:
Perform medical and scientificreviewof narratives of the assigned projectin a timely
and efficient manner includingidentification of event/s, confirmation of seriousness,
ensure that events arecoded and mapped to the appropriateterms in MedDRA, provi de
assessmentof expectedness per reference safety information,assessmentof causality,
review of narrativefor chronology and medical content and provide medical evaluation
To raisequeries regardingthe case.
Providemedical expertise in the review and evaluation of safety information for
investigational and marketed products, including:evaluation of serious cl inical trial
adverse events, spontaneous reports and literatures.
To answer the queries by clients,QA teams or auditors.
Reconciliation of the adverseevents.
Preparation of AOSE: analysis of similar events.
Medical review of annual IND safety reports and DSURs
Worked on preparation of RMPs
Worked on update of the IB (investigators broacher}
2. Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Paresh G. Solanki (MBBS, MD Pharmacology)
To attend the clienttelecon.
Preparation of SOPs and WI as required.
Workedas assistant manager inclinical pharmacology and medical affairs dept.of
lambda therapeuticresearch LTD from June 2013 to Dec 2014. (Workedas clinical
research physicianin BA/BE studies)
Key Responsibilities:
Act as a Clinical Research Physician in BA / BE and phase 1 studies.
Conduct of clinical Examination & ascertain eligibility of Subjects for all clinical studies
Ensure complianceto protocol,SOPs and Regulatory requirements
Coordinatewith ProjectCoordinators for all projectrelated matters
Monitor and manage adverse events
Review lab.Reports, X ray reports, ECGs, and other reports for clinical studies
Criteria for Inclusion & Exclusion of subjectin some projects
Coordinatewith panel of consultants to seek medical opinion as and when required
Ensure timely responseto QA findings
Interact with sponsors on medical related matters
Handlesafety related issues and ensureappropriatecommunication
Write and review related SOPs
Contribute towards scientific development of the organization
Support clinical trial group & Corporate health check up
Handlemedical confidential reports and casemanagement
Help maintain and update all the systems and SOPs in the department
Train the staff on all SOPs related to medical/clinical examination of subjects ( pre-study,
duringstudy& post-study, GCP & related guidelines
Any other responsibilities as assigned by the Head of the Department
Teaching Pharmacology, Conductingtutorials and practical classes for MBBS & Lab
technicianstudentsduring residencyperiodof three years at dept.of pharmacology,
Govt. medical college,Surat(June 2010 to June 2013)
Workedas full time Residentmedical officerin medicine dept.atK.J.Mehta General
Hospital & College of Medical Sciences,Amargadh,Bhavnagar.(Nov2009 to June 2010)
3. Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Paresh G. Solanki (MBBS, MD Pharmacology)
Workedas part time medical officerat Neurosurgical Hospital, Raopura,Baroda and
SterlingHospital,Baroda during& after internshipperiodfor1year.(Nov2008 to Nov
- Oral presentation(8min) of a scientificpaperExplorationof mechanismof actionof Ephedrineonrat
bloodpressureatIndianPharmacological SocietyConference (IPSCON) 2012, Nagpur.
- 45th
annual conference of IndianPharmacological Societyandinternational conference onnavigating
Pharmacologytowardssafe andeffective therapy,2012.
Life time memberof IndianPharmacological Society
Dissertation(Thesis) Topic During MD Pharmacology :
Explorationof mechanismof actionof Ephedrine onratbloodpressureunderthe guidance of Dr.
Preeti Yadav, Dr. N.D. Kantharia,Dr. Jaykaran (Dept.of Pharmacology,Governmentmedical college,
Explorationof mechanismof actionof Ephedrine onratbloodpressurepublishedin
Researchandreviews:journal of pharmacologyandtoxicological studies.|Volume2|
Issue 3 | July - September,2014.
International Journal of Basic&Clinical Pharmacology|May-June 2014 | Vol 3 | Issue 3.
Studydesignandstatistical methodsinIndianmedical journalsinjournal of
pharmaceuticsnegative results,Jan-June 2011, vol.2, issue 1.
Qualityof reportingof descriptive andinferential statisticinnegative studiespublished
inIndianmedical journalsinjournal of pharmaceuticsnegative results,Jan-June2011,
vol.2, issue 1.
Languages known: English,Hindi,Gujarati
4. Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Paresh G. Solanki (MBBS, MD Pharmacology)
ComputerSkills:MicrosoftOffice (Word/ Excel sheet/PowerPoint),Statistical
Software andBasic Internet.
Hobbiesand Interests:Playingguitar,listeningtoMusic,Travelling,andMovies.
Personal Details:
Name: Dr. PareshSolanki
Phone no. 09998061826, 07065406446
Email: drparesh.pharma@gmail.com
Date of birth: 05/03/1986
Age: 28 yrs
Marital status: Married.
Referencesare available onrequest.