Presentatie voor Social media voor de publieke sector van Studiecentrum Bedrijf en Overheid.
24 maart 2011
Strategische inzet van sociale media in de praktijk
praktijkcase Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen
& praktische tips gebruik van yammer & linkedin
This short document promotes the creation of presentations using Haiku Deck on ºÝºÝߣShare. It includes two stock photos and text suggesting the reader may be inspired to create their own Haiku Deck presentation. A call to action is given to get started making a presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare using Haiku Deck.
James Foley is a business student at the University of Limerick studying text and working in one of several fields. In his spare time, he enjoys listening to music and volunteering. After college, he wants to help people by turning challenges into opportunities through a nonprofit organization. He is eager to learn and do meaningful work that could change the world.
Dokumen ini berisi biodata diri Suhartatik yang meliputi informasi pribadi seperti nama, tempat dan tanggal lahir, alamat, hobi, serta riwayat pendidikan dan rencana karirnya di masa depan. Dokumen ini juga menyertakan motto hidup dan filosofi Suhartatik.
This document provides instructions for writing a biography. It explains that a biography analyzes and interprets the events of someone's life as written by another person. It recommends beginning with an introduction that names the subject and provides basic facts like their birthdate. The body should highlight important events in chronological order using primary and secondary sources. The conclusion should explain the subject's impact and legacy. Proper formatting, accurate facts, precise writing in past tense are important.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the educational and professional qualifications of Dr. Srinivas Reddy Patil. He has a PhD in Zoology and postgraduate degrees in several subjects. He has over 15 years of teaching experience and has held administrative roles as principal at several schools. He has also published research papers in national and international journals and delivered invited lectures on various topics.
Profil singkat Sesi Winarni yang meliputi identitas pribadi, riwayat pendidikan, motto, dan karier sebagai dokter. Dokumen juga berisi anekdot tentang kesalahan perhitungan waktu seorang murid di kelas matematika.
Ir. Soekarno adalah Presiden pertama Republik Indonesia yang lahir pada 1901. Ia berperan besar dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia dengan merumuskan Pancasila dan teks proklamasi kemerdekaan pada 1945. Setelah kemerdekaan, Soekarno terus memimpin Indonesia hingga akhirnya menyerahkan kekuasaan kepada Soeharto pada 1967.
Amelia Earhart was born in Kansas in 1897 and first saw an airplane at a county fair at age 10 but was unimpressed. She developed an interest in flying after taking a ride in a plane at age 21 and bought her first plane in 1921. In 1932, she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, setting several records. Amelia Earhart disappeared in 1937 while attempting to fly around the world, and her disappearance remains unsolved.
Dokumen ini berisi ringkasan profil seseorang bernama Rini Handayani. Profil tersebut mencakup data pribadi, riwayat pendidikan, pengalaman organisasi, cita-cita, dan motto hidup.
Marketing Professional – Jeremy Baker, a skilled marketing professional with 5+ years experience managing marketing campaigns, creative design, and events, is actively seeking employment.
Tyler introduces himself as Mr. Numbers, an organizational effectiveness consultant who lives and works in one location but went to school elsewhere. As a consultant, he researches and analyzes organizations to develop solutions and strategies to help them improve their operations and better serve customers. Interested parties can contact him at the provided email address to learn how he can help their organization.
Paul Tucker's Visual CV Resume Curriculum VitaeACCA
My name is Paul Tucker - This is my visual CV / Resume. I am hoping to attract job offers (full time or consultancy) in Product Marketing, Project Management, Business Development, Graphic Design or Sales and Marketing. I live in Oxford - United Kingdom.
Carl Pullein is an English teacher from Leeds, UK who has lived in Seoul, South Korea since 2002. He originally graduated with an Honors Law Degree in 2001 but then worked in various jobs until moving to Korea in 2002 where he fell in love with the country. He has worked as a teacher and academic director in Korea and now runs his own international communication company. In his free time, he enjoys running, photography, and traveling.
Klantcontact via social media, handboek voor webcare en social serviceErnst Kruize
Na reputatiemanagement, online marketing en (big) data-analytics ontdekken steeds meer organisaties de kracht van klantinteractie via sociale kanalen (‘engagement’). Hierbij moet wel worden voorkomen dat social media als nieuwe kanalen worden geïmplementeerd, naast de bestaande. Integratie in de klantcontactstrategie is een must, evenals afstemming met social activiteiten in andere afdelingen. Tieto Lead consultant Ernst Kruize schreef samen met Esther Goos een e-boek over klantcontact via social media. Operatie, strategie, HRM en technologie komen allen aan bod. Met cases van UWV, ABN AMRO en De Bijenkorf. Mail voor de publicatie
In dit handboek beschrijven Esther Goos en Ernst Kruize alle relevante ontwikkelingen op het gebied via klantcontact via social media. Van strategie naar operatie en van human resources tot tools.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the educational and professional qualifications of Dr. Srinivas Reddy Patil. He has a PhD in Zoology and postgraduate degrees in several subjects. He has over 15 years of teaching experience and has held administrative roles as principal at several schools. He has also published research papers in national and international journals and delivered invited lectures on various topics.
Profil singkat Sesi Winarni yang meliputi identitas pribadi, riwayat pendidikan, motto, dan karier sebagai dokter. Dokumen juga berisi anekdot tentang kesalahan perhitungan waktu seorang murid di kelas matematika.
Ir. Soekarno adalah Presiden pertama Republik Indonesia yang lahir pada 1901. Ia berperan besar dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia dengan merumuskan Pancasila dan teks proklamasi kemerdekaan pada 1945. Setelah kemerdekaan, Soekarno terus memimpin Indonesia hingga akhirnya menyerahkan kekuasaan kepada Soeharto pada 1967.
Amelia Earhart was born in Kansas in 1897 and first saw an airplane at a county fair at age 10 but was unimpressed. She developed an interest in flying after taking a ride in a plane at age 21 and bought her first plane in 1921. In 1932, she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, setting several records. Amelia Earhart disappeared in 1937 while attempting to fly around the world, and her disappearance remains unsolved.
Dokumen ini berisi ringkasan profil seseorang bernama Rini Handayani. Profil tersebut mencakup data pribadi, riwayat pendidikan, pengalaman organisasi, cita-cita, dan motto hidup.
Marketing Professional – Jeremy Baker, a skilled marketing professional with 5+ years experience managing marketing campaigns, creative design, and events, is actively seeking employment.
Tyler introduces himself as Mr. Numbers, an organizational effectiveness consultant who lives and works in one location but went to school elsewhere. As a consultant, he researches and analyzes organizations to develop solutions and strategies to help them improve their operations and better serve customers. Interested parties can contact him at the provided email address to learn how he can help their organization.
Paul Tucker's Visual CV Resume Curriculum VitaeACCA
My name is Paul Tucker - This is my visual CV / Resume. I am hoping to attract job offers (full time or consultancy) in Product Marketing, Project Management, Business Development, Graphic Design or Sales and Marketing. I live in Oxford - United Kingdom.
Carl Pullein is an English teacher from Leeds, UK who has lived in Seoul, South Korea since 2002. He originally graduated with an Honors Law Degree in 2001 but then worked in various jobs until moving to Korea in 2002 where he fell in love with the country. He has worked as a teacher and academic director in Korea and now runs his own international communication company. In his free time, he enjoys running, photography, and traveling.
Klantcontact via social media, handboek voor webcare en social serviceErnst Kruize
Na reputatiemanagement, online marketing en (big) data-analytics ontdekken steeds meer organisaties de kracht van klantinteractie via sociale kanalen (‘engagement’). Hierbij moet wel worden voorkomen dat social media als nieuwe kanalen worden geïmplementeerd, naast de bestaande. Integratie in de klantcontactstrategie is een must, evenals afstemming met social activiteiten in andere afdelingen. Tieto Lead consultant Ernst Kruize schreef samen met Esther Goos een e-boek over klantcontact via social media. Operatie, strategie, HRM en technologie komen allen aan bod. Met cases van UWV, ABN AMRO en De Bijenkorf. Mail voor de publicatie
In dit handboek beschrijven Esther Goos en Ernst Kruize alle relevante ontwikkelingen op het gebied via klantcontact via social media. Van strategie naar operatie en van human resources tot tools.
Kandoen is een beweging met een online platform en persoonlijke tools zodat leerlingen, studenten, werkzoekenden in elke stad of dorp weer grip krijgen op hun carriere. Tegelijk krijgen organisaties en bedrijven een betere match met competente en gedreven mensen.
Marketing is niet meer de afdeling van (alleen) de mooie brochures en de website, maar van verbinden. Vanuit het centraal zetten van de klant als uitgangspunt de hele organisatie meenemen in deze mindset. Waarde toevoegen. Met speldenprikmarketing: een contentmarketingstrategie op inboundwijze die werkt! Hoe? Door te beginnen. Binnen 48 uur!
ContentXperience en Content Marketing in een notendopContentXperience
Wie is ContentXperience en wat hebben wij te bieden op het gebied van Content Marketing, het meest geëigende middel om een goed gedefinieerde doelgroep aan te trekken, aan je te binden en tot interactie aan te zetten. We zetten diverse cross-mediale mogelijkheden op een rij op het gebied van printmedia, corporate communicatie, mediacommunicatie en social media-marketing.
9. communicatieadvies
ï‚· personeelsmagazine
ï‚· ledenmagazine Dichterbij
ï‚· marketingcampagnes
ï‚· advertenties
ï‚· intranet en internet
ï‚· directie, management, afdelingen
ï‚· in projecten zoals het nieuwe
werken en distributiebeleid
ï‚· ambassadeurs
ï‚· ledenraad en RvC
ï‚· leden & betrokkenheid
ï‚· sponsoring
ï‚· organisatie en beleid
ï‚· Raboklup, jongeren & ondernemen
organiseren & coördineren
ï‚· personeelsactiviteiten
ï‚· bedrijfsdeelname Mont Ventoux
ï‚· ledenbijeenkomsten
ï‚· seminars, workshops
10. Een open en transparante communicatie
Humor en een goede werksfeer
Ruimte voor initiatieven
Samen en zelfstandig
Verantwoordelijkheid en vrijheid
Waardering en respect
Wat zoek ik?
11. Wat doe ik als
ik niet werk?
Social Media
lezen muziek
concerten sporten
12. Wat internet over mij vertelt