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SURNAME : Kitching
NAME : Maria Elizabeth (Mariza)
DATE OF BIRTH : 10 January 1970
AGE : 45
NATIONALITY : South African
IDENTITY NUMBER : 7001100241083
SEX : Female
2 Somerset Way
POSTAL ADDRESS : Same as above
TELEPHONE NUMBERS : 082 462 8025 (Cell)
E-MAIL : mekitching66@gmail.com
LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION : Excellent verbal and written
communication skills in English and
Computer literate: Microsoft office 2010,
Windows 7 & 8
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP : SA Council for Social Service Professions
Registration Number: 10-14670
Highest Standard Passed : Kuswag High School
Matric  1987
Aggregate Symbol - B
Present University : University of KZN  Howard College
Qualification to Obtain : In the process of completing an Inter-
Disciplinary Masters Degree in Child Care
and Protection (Law and Social work)
University Attended Previously : University of Pretoria (1988 -1991)
Degree Obtained : BA Honours Social Work Degree
Distinctions Obtained : Psychology and Social Work
Prizes and Awards : Received bursary for Academic
achievement in 1988 and 1990
Special Courses attended, Training received and Knowledge :
 Communication and Therapeutic skills
 Group facilitation
 Family group conferencing
 Training needs analysis and Developmental assessment
 Subsidisation, funding applications, proposals, business plans and budgeting
 Developmental site selections, income declarations, non-profit organisation
applications and conditional grants
 Customer service principals and the Service commitment charter
 Intermediary training
 Mediation and Restorative Justice Practices
 Domestic violence training
 Assessment and Treatment of young sexual offenders
 Community development programmes, family reunification and preservation
 Home based supervision
 Developmental policies on street children in conflict with the law
 Training on community based safety and crime prevention as well as relevant
developmental programmes
 Crime prevention and diversion programmes
 Problem solving strategies and stress management
 HIV/Aids education and training
 Probation officer training
 Human Resource management training for supervisors
 Financial Management Training
 Strategic Planning training
 First Aid Training
 Training on Developmental Quality Assurance Policy
 Performance Evaluation systems and Quality Assurance
 Project Management Training
 Project Planning: Logical Framework Approach
 Business Finance and Administration
 Training in respect of relevant Legislation:-
 Training on Minimum Standards of Service Delivery
 Employment Equity Act of 1998
 Labour Relations Act
 Public Service Act and Regulations
 Criminal Procedure Act, Act 51 of 1977, as amended, Act 122 of 1991
 Domestic Violence Act, Act 116 of 1998
 Child Care Act, Act 74 of 1983
 Childrens Act 38 of 2005
 Childrens Rights Charter
 Child Justice Act 75 of 2008
 Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act, Act 20 of 1992
 Public Finance Management Act, 1999
 Probation Services Act 116 of 1991
 Correctional Services and Supervision, Act 122 of 1991
 National Welfare Act, Act 107 of 1987
 UN Convention on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 1989
 African Charter on the Rights of the Child 1990
 General Training
 Finance for Directors - Institute of Directors
 Finance, Accounts and Budgets for non-financial managers  CBM Training
 Accessing Corporate CSI Funding  SAGI
 Being a Director 1: Corporate Governance  Institute of Directors
 Being a Director 2: Boards role in risk and strategy - Institute of Directors
 Being a Director 3: Boards role in sustainability, integrated reporting &
combined assurance - Institute of Directors
 Being a Director 4: Increasing board effectiveness and adding value - Institute
of Directors
 Computer Training  2001; through AST in respect of Microsoft Windows XP
Professional which include the following programmes:
 Internet Explorer
Name of Organisation : Child Welfare Durban & District (NGO)
Address of the organisation : 20 Clarence Road
Morningside, DURBAN
Length of Service : 1 April 2012  30 June 2014
Post Held : Executive Director
Key Performance Areas:
Primary Objective:
 Management of Child Welfare Durban & District, which includes 7
District Offices, 4 Child & Youth Care Facilities and 9 Community
Family Homes
Policy Making and Development of Services:
 Study Community needs through surveys/discussions and liaison with
all section of the Community
 Advise Board of Governors regarding the Organisations broad
forward planning programme by reporting at Executive meetings
 Recommend lines of action to Board of Governors at Executive
 Interpret Committee policy directives to Senior Managers by means of
meetings and memos and individual discussions
 Plan the best course of action for the Organisation to enable it to
realise its objectives through discussions with Senior Managers and
outside agencies, in consultation with the Board of Governors
 Bring to attention of the Board, issues requiring social advocacy on
behalf of the children and families
Management of personnel:
 Appropriate analysis of the number and types of posts needed for the
Organisations optimum functioning
 Ensured that effective and well-motivated personnel are recruited,
developed and maintained
 All job functions and key performance areas are understood and
carried out effectively
 All conditions of employment adhere to the relevant legal
 Ensure that personnel have satisfactory service conditions, provided
within the constraints of the Organisation
 An effective consultative service rendered to Senior Managers and
 Evaluation of all personnel and their utilisation periodically using
evaluation procedures and performance appraisal techniques
 Implementation of corrective action or incentive measures to enhance
job performance of staff
 Approve all appointments and terminations of service
 Determination of salary increments for all personnel in accordance
with Union negotiations
 Effective monitoring of programmes and evaluations of results
achieved through monthly meetings with Senior Managers and
Budget, Expense and Targets:
 The amount of money required for the realisation of the Organisations
objectives in short, medium and long term is determined through
compiling budgets, and through assessing long-term income
 Authorise all expenditure
 Keep proper accounts of all the operations of the Organisation
 Ensure preparation of accounts for audit, in time for the Annual
General Meeting
 Annual budgets are managed and controlled through monitoring all
 Monitor the overall fundraising activities of the Organisations Income
Development Department
 Review the Organisational structure in conjunction with Senior
Managers and make recommendations to the Board
 Allocation of work and duties to Senior Managers and Managers
through verbal/written interventions and the allocation of authority to
enable them to finalise tasks within their level of competence
 Control and manage the entire staff of the Organisation
 Co-ordinate activities of the different departments through regular
meetings with Senior Managers and Managers
Determination of Procedures and Methods:
 Determined broad work procedures and methods
 Update and on-going evaluation of effectiveness of policies and
Control and Evaluation:
 Ensure that legal provisions and policy governing or affecting the
Organisation, are observed through monitoring all activities on a
regular basis ,in consultation with the Organisations legal advisors
 Maintain standards set, monitor objectives and ensure accountability
of Senior Managers and Managers
 Evaluate the overall performance of the Organisation through
monitoring of the overall objectives, both short, medium and long term
and take steps that are necessary to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of the Organisation
 Accountability to the Board of Governors through provisioning of
information as is necessary for control purposes
External Relations:
 Establish and maintain relationships with other organisations,
Government Departments, Community leaders and Clients in the best
interest of the Organisation
 Ensure that the Organisation develops a positive public image for
community involvement and support through monitoring and initiating
promotional and media activities
 Stimulate interest in the Organisations work through public appeals,
publicity, lectures, talks and interviews with Press, Radio and
Name of Employer (1) : Khulisa Social Solutions (NGO)
Address of the organisation : Suite 3
45 Sunnyside Lane, PINETOWN
Length of Service : 1 April 2007  31 March 2012
Post Held : Community Programme / Project Manager:
Durban & ILembe Regions
Duties include:
 Development, design, set-up and implementation of
 Facilitation and development of strategic and annual operation
 Identification of staff training needs and implementation of training
programmes to address the need
 Facilitation of programmes
 On-going identification of resources
 Donor management
 Writing and evaluation of business plans to generate funding
 Preparation of budgets/time scales/expected deadlines
 Plan, organise, review and evaluate the work done by area-
coordinators, facilitators and programme admin staff
 Represent the relevant programme and the organisation at
conferences, workshops, community meetings
 Foster collaborative working relationships with all stakeholders
 Programme administration which include :
 Development and oversight of Implementation
Plans; attention to planning, project evaluation including
staffing and operational needs
 Maintenance of all records and compilation and
management of statistical information
 Compilation, approval, payment and reconciliation of
 Overseeing and management of court reports, monthly
reports, statistical reports and weekly progress reports
submitted by professional programme staff
 The compilation and submission of programme monthly,
quarterly, annual and final reports to donors/funders
 Strategic programme development and
 Implementation and monitoring of problem
 Charing of regular strategic planning and de-briefing
sessions with programme staff
 Regular case conferencing sessions with programme staff and
relevant stakeholders
 Staff supervision and performance review
 Continuous liaison, correspondence and meetings with
stakeholders, resources and donors.
 Project Management of all programme components including
workshops, programme sessions, restorative justice processes
and support groups
 Presentations on programmes and the organisation to individuals,
groups and stakeholders
Name of Employer (2) : Kwa-Zulu Natal Provincial Administration
Department of Social Development
Address of employer : Durban Magistrate Court
Somtseu Road
Length of Service : 01 August 1993  31 March 2007
Post Held : Chief Social worker (Probation Officer) and
Supervisor at the Probation Unit based at
Durban Magistrates Court
(1 February 2003  31 March 2007)
Duties included:
 Compiling of pre-sentence reports for Durban Magistrates
Court, High Court and outlying courts in respect of adult
and youth offenders
 Conducting of interviews dissemination of information,
rendering of supervision and guidance as well as
 Counselling and guidance to offenders, who are involved in
violent, economic or drug related offences and guidance
and counselling of their families as well as the victims of
crime. As well as offender mediation and restorative justice
 Therapeutic and reunification services to street children in
conflict with the law as well as Aids orphans and children
from child headed households
 In depth knowledge and research in respect of all different
crimes and their impact on society and companies where
offenders were employed
 Networking with SAPS and the Department of Justice
a multi-disciplinary team, to address crime prevention
programmes and policies
 Liaising and networking with schools, welfare
organizations, treatment centres, human resource
departments, unions and NGOs such as NICRO, SANCA,
FAMSA, KHULISA and Child line etc.
 Presenting evidence in court, as an expert witness
 Engaging in administrative tasks such as administrative
recordings, typing of reports for submission to court,
compilation of daily, weekly and monthly statistics
 The formulation of performance evaluations,
operational plans, annual reports, procurement plans,
Batho Pele reports and feedback in respect of policies
related to Welfare, Justice and SAPS
 The design, implementation, presentation and
maintenance of skills related, preventative and
developmental programmes
 Assisting with orientation and training of newly
appointed staff members
 Provision of workshops and acting as a training consultant
 Implementing intervention strategies, according to
needs, as required by co-workers and managers
 Monitor and evaluate work performance
 Facilitate leadership development
 Facilitate and co-ordinate functional learning
 Provide support in respect of special learning programmes
1 August 1993  31 January 2003 : Employed by Kwa-Zulu Natal Provincial
Administration. Department of Social Development appointed to work with a generic
caseload in various Durban Magisterial District areas. The officer was also responsible
for the management of specialised cr竪che work in the Durban magisterial district which
included the registration, evaluation and monitoring of day care and aftercare facilities.
Methods of intervention included casework, group work and community development.
Main Job Functions:
 Development of treatment plans for individuals, families and communities
 Work involved performance under pressure and the meeting of deadlines
 Acting as a training officer where training needs were identified and training
sessions were conducted to strengthen staff developmental skills
 Aids training and risk management
Service delivery included:
 Alcohol/Drug abuse by adults and youth  Rehabilitation, supervision services,
voluntary admissions and committals through court and rendering of programmes
 Assessments, investigations, and intervention of challenges between parents and
their children, which included child abuse, neglect, problematic/uncontrollable
behaviour, educational challenges, HIV/Aids counselling and support and
guidance to communities, parents, families and individuals
 Drawing up of business plans
 Placement of children in foster care, childrens home of school of industry, via
Childrens Court
 Management of foster care grants, child support grants, cr竪che subsidies and
assessment of disability grants
 Mediation in divorce matters and counselling for custody of children
 Cr竪che developmental work, registration and inspection of these facilities
 Counselling and placement of street children
 Reunification services to street children, orphans and neglected or abused
 Counselling of adults and children within scope of work
Name of Employer (3) : TAFTA
(The Association for the Aged)
Length of Service : 01 February 1992  31 July 1993
Post Held : Social Worker
Main Job Functions : - Crisis Intervention
- Budgeting
- Pension Administration
- Curatorship
- Accommodation placement
- Retirement counselling and
- Financial planning
 Extensive experience in the field of human management
 Outstanding admin, planning, organisational and people management skills
 Strategic and operational planning and project management skills
 Excellent communication skills which include assertive communication and the
ability to communicate at all levels
 Strong administration skills (verbal and written)
 Interviewing and assessment skills
 Excellent interpersonal relationships
 Negotiation, networking and facilitation skills
 Training, presentation and developmental skills at all levels with different cultural
 Problem solving and conflict management skills
 Computer Literacy
 Sound knowledge and first hand experience of the statutory process with regards
to Criminal and Family court procedures
 Knowledge and participation in selection, recruitment and induction of skilled staff
and the application of disciplinary procedures
 Managerial and leadership skills
 Financial management skills
 Practising of customer relations principles
 Strong conceptual/ analytical skills
 Team building skills
 Ability to render advice and guidance in an objective, yet dedicated manner
 Ability to manage under rapidly changing and pressurised circumstances
 Ability to persuade and influence
 Ability to lead and direct teams of professionals and service providers
 Ability to multi-task and delegate
 Perseverance, persistence, drive and decisiveness
 Sense of humour
 Insight, discernment, initiative
 Tact and diplomacy skills
 Sense of responsibility, dedication and integrity
 Customer and business service focussed
 Self confidence
 The ability to make things happen
 Creative and progressive mindset
 Concise and pro-active planner
 Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team and motivate, inspire, mobilize and
support staff
 Kathy Nyide
Human Resource Manager & Board Member
Child Welfare Durban & District
Tel: (031) 312 9313
Cell: 083 298 4126
E-Mail: human.resources@cwdd.org.za
 Riana van der Westhuizen
The Office of the Family Advocate
Tel: (031) 310-6500
Cell: 083 234 7514
E-Mail: RiVdWesthuizen@justice.gov.za
 Mrs Rajeshree Moodley
Funding Stakeholder
Department of Social Development
Regional Office - Durban
Tel: (031) 336 8783
Cell: 084 910 8369
E-Mail: r.moodley@xsinet.co.za
 Dr Thami E Nxumalo
Ex-Director & KZN Regional Manager
Khulisa Crime Prevention Initiative
Cell: 072 601 3720
E-Mail: nxumalote@gmail.com

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CV - MARIZA - Updated - April 15

  • 2. PERSONAL INFORMATION SURNAME : Kitching NAME : Maria Elizabeth (Mariza) DATE OF BIRTH : 10 January 1970 AGE : 45 NATIONALITY : South African IDENTITY NUMBER : 7001100241083 SEX : Female RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS : 6 Tudor Grange 2 Somerset Way AMANZIMTOTI 4125 POSTAL ADDRESS : Same as above TELEPHONE NUMBERS : 082 462 8025 (Cell) E-MAIL : mekitching66@gmail.com DRIVERS LICENCE : Code 8 LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION : Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Afrikaans Computer literate: Microsoft office 2010, Windows 7 & 8 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP : SA Council for Social Service Professions Registration Number: 10-14670 NOTICE PERIOD : N/A EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Highest Standard Passed : Kuswag High School Amanzimtoti Matric 1987 Aggregate Symbol - B 2
  • 3. TERTIARY / HIGHER EDUCATION Present University : University of KZN Howard College Qualification to Obtain : In the process of completing an Inter- Disciplinary Masters Degree in Child Care and Protection (Law and Social work) University Attended Previously : University of Pretoria (1988 -1991) Degree Obtained : BA Honours Social Work Degree Distinctions Obtained : Psychology and Social Work Prizes and Awards : Received bursary for Academic achievement in 1988 and 1990 Special Courses attended, Training received and Knowledge : Communication and Therapeutic skills Group facilitation Family group conferencing Training needs analysis and Developmental assessment Subsidisation, funding applications, proposals, business plans and budgeting Developmental site selections, income declarations, non-profit organisation applications and conditional grants Customer service principals and the Service commitment charter Intermediary training Mediation and Restorative Justice Practices Domestic violence training Assessment and Treatment of young sexual offenders Community development programmes, family reunification and preservation Home based supervision Developmental policies on street children in conflict with the law Training on community based safety and crime prevention as well as relevant developmental programmes Crime prevention and diversion programmes Problem solving strategies and stress management HIV/Aids education and training Probation officer training Human Resource management training for supervisors Financial Management Training Strategic Planning training First Aid Training Training on Developmental Quality Assurance Policy Performance Evaluation systems and Quality Assurance Project Management Training 3
  • 4. Project Planning: Logical Framework Approach Business Finance and Administration Training in respect of relevant Legislation:- Training on Minimum Standards of Service Delivery Employment Equity Act of 1998 Labour Relations Act Public Service Act and Regulations Criminal Procedure Act, Act 51 of 1977, as amended, Act 122 of 1991 Domestic Violence Act, Act 116 of 1998 Child Care Act, Act 74 of 1983 Childrens Act 38 of 2005 Childrens Rights Charter Child Justice Act 75 of 2008 Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act, Act 20 of 1992 Public Finance Management Act, 1999 Probation Services Act 116 of 1991 Correctional Services and Supervision, Act 122 of 1991 National Welfare Act, Act 107 of 1987 UN Convention on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 1989 African Charter on the Rights of the Child 1990 General Training Finance for Directors - Institute of Directors Finance, Accounts and Budgets for non-financial managers CBM Training Accessing Corporate CSI Funding SAGI Being a Director 1: Corporate Governance Institute of Directors Being a Director 2: Boards role in risk and strategy - Institute of Directors Being a Director 3: Boards role in sustainability, integrated reporting & combined assurance - Institute of Directors Being a Director 4: Increasing board effectiveness and adding value - Institute of Directors Computer Training 2001; through AST in respect of Microsoft Windows XP Professional which include the following programmes: Word PowerPoint Excel Outlook Internet Explorer EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 4
  • 5. RECENT EMPLOYMENT Name of Organisation : Child Welfare Durban & District (NGO) Address of the organisation : 20 Clarence Road Morningside, DURBAN Length of Service : 1 April 2012 30 June 2014 Post Held : Executive Director Key Performance Areas: Primary Objective: Management of Child Welfare Durban & District, which includes 7 District Offices, 4 Child & Youth Care Facilities and 9 Community Family Homes Policy Making and Development of Services: Study Community needs through surveys/discussions and liaison with all section of the Community Advise Board of Governors regarding the Organisations broad forward planning programme by reporting at Executive meetings Recommend lines of action to Board of Governors at Executive meetings Interpret Committee policy directives to Senior Managers by means of meetings and memos and individual discussions Plan the best course of action for the Organisation to enable it to realise its objectives through discussions with Senior Managers and outside agencies, in consultation with the Board of Governors Bring to attention of the Board, issues requiring social advocacy on behalf of the children and families Management of personnel: Appropriate analysis of the number and types of posts needed for the Organisations optimum functioning Ensured that effective and well-motivated personnel are recruited, developed and maintained All job functions and key performance areas are understood and carried out effectively All conditions of employment adhere to the relevant legal requirements Ensure that personnel have satisfactory service conditions, provided within the constraints of the Organisation 5
  • 6. An effective consultative service rendered to Senior Managers and Managers Evaluation of all personnel and their utilisation periodically using evaluation procedures and performance appraisal techniques Implementation of corrective action or incentive measures to enhance job performance of staff Approve all appointments and terminations of service Determination of salary increments for all personnel in accordance with Union negotiations Effective monitoring of programmes and evaluations of results achieved through monthly meetings with Senior Managers and Managers Budget, Expense and Targets: The amount of money required for the realisation of the Organisations objectives in short, medium and long term is determined through compiling budgets, and through assessing long-term income possibilities Authorise all expenditure Keep proper accounts of all the operations of the Organisation Ensure preparation of accounts for audit, in time for the Annual General Meeting Annual budgets are managed and controlled through monitoring all expenditure Monitor the overall fundraising activities of the Organisations Income Development Department Supervision: Review the Organisational structure in conjunction with Senior Managers and make recommendations to the Board Allocation of work and duties to Senior Managers and Managers through verbal/written interventions and the allocation of authority to enable them to finalise tasks within their level of competence Control and manage the entire staff of the Organisation Co-ordinate activities of the different departments through regular meetings with Senior Managers and Managers Determination of Procedures and Methods: Determined broad work procedures and methods Update and on-going evaluation of effectiveness of policies and procedures Control and Evaluation: 6
  • 7. Ensure that legal provisions and policy governing or affecting the Organisation, are observed through monitoring all activities on a regular basis ,in consultation with the Organisations legal advisors Maintain standards set, monitor objectives and ensure accountability of Senior Managers and Managers Evaluate the overall performance of the Organisation through monitoring of the overall objectives, both short, medium and long term and take steps that are necessary to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Organisation Accountability to the Board of Governors through provisioning of information as is necessary for control purposes External Relations: Establish and maintain relationships with other organisations, Government Departments, Community leaders and Clients in the best interest of the Organisation Ensure that the Organisation develops a positive public image for community involvement and support through monitoring and initiating promotional and media activities Stimulate interest in the Organisations work through public appeals, publicity, lectures, talks and interviews with Press, Radio and Television PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE Name of Employer (1) : Khulisa Social Solutions (NGO) Address of the organisation : Suite 3 45 Sunnyside Lane, PINETOWN Length of Service : 1 April 2007 31 March 2012 Post Held : Community Programme / Project Manager: Durban & ILembe Regions Duties include: Development, design, set-up and implementation of programmes Facilitation and development of strategic and annual operation plans Identification of staff training needs and implementation of training programmes to address the need Facilitation of programmes On-going identification of resources Donor management Writing and evaluation of business plans to generate funding 7
  • 8. Preparation of budgets/time scales/expected deadlines Plan, organise, review and evaluate the work done by area- coordinators, facilitators and programme admin staff Represent the relevant programme and the organisation at conferences, workshops, community meetings Foster collaborative working relationships with all stakeholders Programme administration which include : Development and oversight of Implementation Plans; attention to planning, project evaluation including staffing and operational needs Maintenance of all records and compilation and management of statistical information Compilation, approval, payment and reconciliation of budgets Overseeing and management of court reports, monthly reports, statistical reports and weekly progress reports submitted by professional programme staff The compilation and submission of programme monthly, quarterly, annual and final reports to donors/funders Strategic programme development and intervention Implementation and monitoring of problem solving strategies Charing of regular strategic planning and de-briefing sessions with programme staff Regular case conferencing sessions with programme staff and relevant stakeholders Staff supervision and performance review Continuous liaison, correspondence and meetings with stakeholders, resources and donors. Project Management of all programme components including workshops, programme sessions, restorative justice processes and support groups Presentations on programmes and the organisation to individuals, groups and stakeholders _______________________________________________________________________ Name of Employer (2) : Kwa-Zulu Natal Provincial Administration Department of Social Development Address of employer : Durban Magistrate Court Somtseu Road DURBAN 8
  • 9. Length of Service : 01 August 1993 31 March 2007 Post Held : Chief Social worker (Probation Officer) and Supervisor at the Probation Unit based at Durban Magistrates Court (1 February 2003 31 March 2007) Duties included: Compiling of pre-sentence reports for Durban Magistrates Court, High Court and outlying courts in respect of adult and youth offenders Conducting of interviews dissemination of information, rendering of supervision and guidance as well as counselling Counselling and guidance to offenders, who are involved in violent, economic or drug related offences and guidance and counselling of their families as well as the victims of crime. As well as offender mediation and restorative justice Therapeutic and reunification services to street children in conflict with the law as well as Aids orphans and children from child headed households In depth knowledge and research in respect of all different crimes and their impact on society and companies where offenders were employed Networking with SAPS and the Department of Justice within a multi-disciplinary team, to address crime prevention programmes and policies Liaising and networking with schools, welfare organizations, treatment centres, human resource departments, unions and NGOs such as NICRO, SANCA, FAMSA, KHULISA and Child line etc. Presenting evidence in court, as an expert witness Engaging in administrative tasks such as administrative recordings, typing of reports for submission to court, compilation of daily, weekly and monthly statistics The formulation of performance evaluations, operational plans, annual reports, procurement plans, Batho Pele reports and feedback in respect of policies related to Welfare, Justice and SAPS The design, implementation, presentation and maintenance of skills related, preventative and developmental programmes Assisting with orientation and training of newly appointed staff members Provision of workshops and acting as a training consultant 9
  • 10. Implementing intervention strategies, according to needs, as required by co-workers and managers Monitor and evaluate work performance Facilitate leadership development Facilitate and co-ordinate functional learning Provide support in respect of special learning programmes 1 August 1993 31 January 2003 : Employed by Kwa-Zulu Natal Provincial Administration. Department of Social Development appointed to work with a generic caseload in various Durban Magisterial District areas. The officer was also responsible for the management of specialised cr竪che work in the Durban magisterial district which included the registration, evaluation and monitoring of day care and aftercare facilities. Methods of intervention included casework, group work and community development. Main Job Functions: Development of treatment plans for individuals, families and communities Work involved performance under pressure and the meeting of deadlines Acting as a training officer where training needs were identified and training sessions were conducted to strengthen staff developmental skills Aids training and risk management Service delivery included: Alcohol/Drug abuse by adults and youth Rehabilitation, supervision services, voluntary admissions and committals through court and rendering of programmes Assessments, investigations, and intervention of challenges between parents and their children, which included child abuse, neglect, problematic/uncontrollable behaviour, educational challenges, HIV/Aids counselling and support and guidance to communities, parents, families and individuals Drawing up of business plans Placement of children in foster care, childrens home of school of industry, via Childrens Court Management of foster care grants, child support grants, cr竪che subsidies and assessment of disability grants Mediation in divorce matters and counselling for custody of children Cr竪che developmental work, registration and inspection of these facilities Counselling and placement of street children Reunification services to street children, orphans and neglected or abused children. Counselling of adults and children within scope of work ______________________________________________________________________ Name of Employer (3) : TAFTA (The Association for the Aged) 10
  • 11. Length of Service : 01 February 1992 31 July 1993 Post Held : Social Worker Main Job Functions : - Crisis Intervention - Budgeting - Pension Administration - Curatorship - Accommodation placement - Retirement counselling and - Financial planning KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE POSSESSED BY CANDIDATE: Extensive experience in the field of human management Outstanding admin, planning, organisational and people management skills Strategic and operational planning and project management skills Excellent communication skills which include assertive communication and the ability to communicate at all levels Strong administration skills (verbal and written) Interviewing and assessment skills Excellent interpersonal relationships Negotiation, networking and facilitation skills Training, presentation and developmental skills at all levels with different cultural groups Problem solving and conflict management skills Computer Literacy Sound knowledge and first hand experience of the statutory process with regards to Criminal and Family court procedures Knowledge and participation in selection, recruitment and induction of skilled staff and the application of disciplinary procedures Managerial and leadership skills Financial management skills Practising of customer relations principles Strong conceptual/ analytical skills Team building skills Ability to render advice and guidance in an objective, yet dedicated manner Ability to manage under rapidly changing and pressurised circumstances Ability to persuade and influence Ability to lead and direct teams of professionals and service providers Ability to multi-task and delegate GENERAL ATTRIBUTES POSSESSED BY CANDIDATE Perseverance, persistence, drive and decisiveness 11
  • 12. Sense of humour Insight, discernment, initiative Tact and diplomacy skills Sense of responsibility, dedication and integrity Customer and business service focussed Self confidence The ability to make things happen Creative and progressive mindset Concise and pro-active planner Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team and motivate, inspire, mobilize and support staff REFERENCES Kathy Nyide Human Resource Manager & Board Member Child Welfare Durban & District Tel: (031) 312 9313 Cell: 083 298 4126 E-Mail: human.resources@cwdd.org.za donne.kathy@gmail.com Riana van der Westhuizen The Office of the Family Advocate Tel: (031) 310-6500 Cell: 083 234 7514 E-Mail: RiVdWesthuizen@justice.gov.za Mrs Rajeshree Moodley Funding Stakeholder Department of Social Development Regional Office - Durban Tel: (031) 336 8783 Cell: 084 910 8369 E-Mail: r.moodley@xsinet.co.za Dr Thami E Nxumalo Ex-Director & KZN Regional Manager Khulisa Crime Prevention Initiative Johannesburg Cell: 072 601 3720 12