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Melanie Hennenfent
773 Westcot Place
West Vancouver, BC, V7S1P1
Doctor of Optometry expected May 2016
QUEENS UNIVERSITY; Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Bachelor of Science (Honors), received May 2012
Major: Life Sciences
Veterans Affairs Medical Center Portland: Vancouver Division (Vancouver, WA)
Summer 2015
 Comprehensive eye exams: geriatrics and primary care
 Diagnosing, co-managing, and treating ocular diseases including glaucoma, age-
related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and anterior segment conditions
 Interpreting OCT, HVF, and fundus photography
Martha Eliot Health Center (Jamaica Plain, MA)
Fall 2015
 Comprehensive eye exams: pediatric and adolescent care, routine adult exams,
diabetic eye exams, and contact lens exams
 Providing contact lens and optical services
 Diagnosing, co-managing, and treating amblyopia, strabismus, and binocular vision
 Performing and interpreting Heidelberg OCT & HVF
Special Populations (various locations in MA)
Winter 2015
 Tufts Medical Center: Broad scope vision care provided to children of all ages
including special populations with strabismus, amblyopia, oculomotor and binocular
anomalies, learning disabilities, and developmental delays. Also had the opportunity
to observe strabismus surgery and infantile cataract extraction.
 New England Eye (Contact Lens Division): Exposed to routine soft contact lens fits
as well as specialty fit cases (RGPs, hybrid lenses, etc for a range of conditions
including keratoconus, post refractive surgery, s/p filtering bleb, etc).
 New England Eye (Vision Therapy Division): Referral service that integrates
developmental and behavioral concepts of care (average patients 3-15 years old).
o Strived to improve individuals visual performance and efficiency through the
use of lenses and/or vision therapy.
o Participated in developing appropriate VT programs for children with
visually related learning difficulties.
 New England Eye On-Sight Mobile Van: Provided preschoolers and elementary
school children with the opportunity to have comprehensive eye exams under their
health insurance during the school day. Typically performed about 10 exams per day
on patients aged 3-5 years old.
 Perkins School of the Blind: Provided optometric care to individuals who have
visual, mental and/or physical impairments. Became comfortable working with this
diverse population, which included individuals with complex and rare medical
conditions, those with acquired brain injury, and those with varying levels of
intellectual disability.
o Participated in a collaborative group to provide functional vision assessments
and low vision exams.
o Developed an understanding of the need for a collaborative approach for
effective care and the role of other professionals: MD, RN, SLP, OT, PT,
O&M, TVI, etc.
Eye Centers of South Florida (Miami, FL)
Spring 2016
 Externship program with a strong emphasis on ocular disease with the provision of
primary, tertiary and surgical eye care, sub-specialty eye care, and optometric co-
 Opportunity to observe and work directly with two general ophthalmologists, a
vitreo-retinal surgeon, an oculo-plastic specialist, cornea and glaucoma specialist, and
Shadowing Experience; July 2011-Present
 Dr. Bruce Kirn, OD, Family Eye Care (Saco, ME)
 Dr. Todd Kirn, OD, Associated Eye Care Optical (Sandford, ME)
 Dr. Dominique Holwitt, OD, Bayview Optometry & Clearview Optometry (Kingston,
 Dr. Vicki Chen, MD, Tufts Medical Center (pediatric ophthalmologist)
 Dr. William Trattler, MD, Center for Excellence in Eye Care (corneal specialist)
Professional Tutor; September 2007 - August 2012
 Assisted high school and university students in calculus, math, chemistry and physics
BSK Optometric Honor Society Member (2014  current)
 Help students prepare for their proficiencies by providing timed mock examinations
in addition to constructive criticism and assistance in mastering their practical skills
Crimson Care Collaborative Optometry Student Volunteer; Spring 2015, Chelsea, MA
 Collaboration between Harvard Medical Students and Massachusetts General
Hospital to address the difficulty that patients face in seeking primary care in the post
Massachusetts healthcare reform era
 Student-administered evening clinic where medical students, dental students, physical
therapy students and optometry students provide multidisciplinary health care for
 4.0 GPA Award, Principals List at Sentinel Secondary School (2005-2008)
 Provincial Examination Scholarship (2008)
 Principals Scholarship of Queens University (2008-2010)
 Deans Honor List of Queens University (2008-2012)
 Queens University Distinction for Writing Ability (2011)
 Deans Scholarship of Pacific University College of Optometry (2012)
 Beta Sigma Kappa Optometric Honor Society (2014-2015)
 Exceptional performance on NBEO examinations:
o Part I: 746
o Part II: 831
o Part III: 616
o TMOD: 97
Informal Childcare; 2005 - 2010, West Vancouver, BC
 250+ hours looking after two young boys and performing household duties
Hostess at The Keg Steakhouse; May 2011 - August 2011, West Vancouver, BC
 Seated guests, maintained equal distribution of servers, answered phone calls, made
reservations, made staffing decisions based on workforce demand
 Managed criticisms and complaints in a constructive and professional manner
Medical Office Assistant; May 2011-August 2011, West Vancouver, BC
 Dr. Wayne Smith, M.D. at Hollyburn Medical Center
 Answered multiple phone lines, ran test analyses, faxed and filed documents, tended
to patient inquiries, directed patients to rooms, maintained room cleanliness &
equipment supplies
Great Western Council of Optometry Conference Delegate; September 2012, Portland, OR
 Networked with optometry professionals and students at one of the Pacific
Northwests Premier Optometric Conferences
International Vision Expo East Attendee; March 2015, New York, NY
 Attended CE lectures, and explored the latest trends and advances in optometric
fashion, accessories and medical equipment
 Networked with optometrists, opticians, practice managers and frame buyers from all
over the United States
Clinical Internships; September 2013  May 2015, Greater Boston Area, MA
 Provided 3 months of optometric care as a student intern at each of the following:
Boston Medical Center, Joseph Smith Community Health Center, Martha Eliot Health
Center, New England Eye Institute Roslindale, Lynn Community Health Center
 National Optometric Student Association (NOSA), Canadian Association of
Optometric Students (CAOS), American Optometric Student Associations (AOSA),
Practice Management Group, NECO Yearbook Committee
 Dr. Amara Callahan, OD
o Email: Amara.Callahan@va.gov
o Phone: (360) 696-4061
 Dr. Michael Tomlin, OD
o Email: Michael.Tomlin@va.gov
o Cell: (360) 719-0803
 Dr. Nicole Quinn, OD
o Email: QuinnN@neco.edu
o Phone: (617) 266-2030 (NECO)
 Dr. Beth Harper, OD
o Email: HarperB@neco.edu
o Cell: (518) 312-6079
 Dr. Richard Laudon
o Email: laudonr@neco.edu
o Work phone: (617) 236-6323

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CV_ Melanie Hennenfent

  • 1. Melanie Hennenfent 773 Westcot Place West Vancouver, BC, V7S1P1 (503)-853-0166 melaniehennenfent16@neco.edu EDUCATION NEW ENGLAND COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY; Boston, MA Doctor of Optometry expected May 2016 QUEENS UNIVERSITY; Kingston, Ontario, Canada Bachelor of Science (Honors), received May 2012 Major: Life Sciences FOURTH YEAR EXTERNSHIPS AND CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Veterans Affairs Medical Center Portland: Vancouver Division (Vancouver, WA) Summer 2015 Comprehensive eye exams: geriatrics and primary care Diagnosing, co-managing, and treating ocular diseases including glaucoma, age- related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and anterior segment conditions Interpreting OCT, HVF, and fundus photography Martha Eliot Health Center (Jamaica Plain, MA) Fall 2015 Comprehensive eye exams: pediatric and adolescent care, routine adult exams, diabetic eye exams, and contact lens exams Providing contact lens and optical services Diagnosing, co-managing, and treating amblyopia, strabismus, and binocular vision anomalies Performing and interpreting Heidelberg OCT & HVF Special Populations (various locations in MA) Winter 2015 Tufts Medical Center: Broad scope vision care provided to children of all ages including special populations with strabismus, amblyopia, oculomotor and binocular anomalies, learning disabilities, and developmental delays. Also had the opportunity to observe strabismus surgery and infantile cataract extraction. New England Eye (Contact Lens Division): Exposed to routine soft contact lens fits as well as specialty fit cases (RGPs, hybrid lenses, etc for a range of conditions including keratoconus, post refractive surgery, s/p filtering bleb, etc).
  • 2. New England Eye (Vision Therapy Division): Referral service that integrates developmental and behavioral concepts of care (average patients 3-15 years old). o Strived to improve individuals visual performance and efficiency through the use of lenses and/or vision therapy. o Participated in developing appropriate VT programs for children with visually related learning difficulties. New England Eye On-Sight Mobile Van: Provided preschoolers and elementary school children with the opportunity to have comprehensive eye exams under their health insurance during the school day. Typically performed about 10 exams per day on patients aged 3-5 years old. Perkins School of the Blind: Provided optometric care to individuals who have visual, mental and/or physical impairments. Became comfortable working with this diverse population, which included individuals with complex and rare medical conditions, those with acquired brain injury, and those with varying levels of intellectual disability. o Participated in a collaborative group to provide functional vision assessments and low vision exams. o Developed an understanding of the need for a collaborative approach for effective care and the role of other professionals: MD, RN, SLP, OT, PT, O&M, TVI, etc. Eye Centers of South Florida (Miami, FL) Spring 2016 Externship program with a strong emphasis on ocular disease with the provision of primary, tertiary and surgical eye care, sub-specialty eye care, and optometric co- management. Opportunity to observe and work directly with two general ophthalmologists, a vitreo-retinal surgeon, an oculo-plastic specialist, cornea and glaucoma specialist, and neuro-ophthalmologist. Shadowing Experience; July 2011-Present Dr. Bruce Kirn, OD, Family Eye Care (Saco, ME) Dr. Todd Kirn, OD, Associated Eye Care Optical (Sandford, ME) Dr. Dominique Holwitt, OD, Bayview Optometry & Clearview Optometry (Kingston, ON) Dr. Vicki Chen, MD, Tufts Medical Center (pediatric ophthalmologist) Dr. William Trattler, MD, Center for Excellence in Eye Care (corneal specialist)
  • 3. LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES Professional Tutor; September 2007 - August 2012 Assisted high school and university students in calculus, math, chemistry and physics BSK Optometric Honor Society Member (2014 current) Help students prepare for their proficiencies by providing timed mock examinations in addition to constructive criticism and assistance in mastering their practical skills Crimson Care Collaborative Optometry Student Volunteer; Spring 2015, Chelsea, MA Collaboration between Harvard Medical Students and Massachusetts General Hospital to address the difficulty that patients face in seeking primary care in the post Massachusetts healthcare reform era Student-administered evening clinic where medical students, dental students, physical therapy students and optometry students provide multidisciplinary health care for patients AWARDS 4.0 GPA Award, Principals List at Sentinel Secondary School (2005-2008) Provincial Examination Scholarship (2008) Principals Scholarship of Queens University (2008-2010) Deans Honor List of Queens University (2008-2012) Queens University Distinction for Writing Ability (2011) Deans Scholarship of Pacific University College of Optometry (2012) Beta Sigma Kappa Optometric Honor Society (2014-2015) Exceptional performance on NBEO examinations: o Part I: 746 o Part II: 831 o Part III: 616 o TMOD: 97 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Informal Childcare; 2005 - 2010, West Vancouver, BC 250+ hours looking after two young boys and performing household duties Hostess at The Keg Steakhouse; May 2011 - August 2011, West Vancouver, BC Seated guests, maintained equal distribution of servers, answered phone calls, made reservations, made staffing decisions based on workforce demand Managed criticisms and complaints in a constructive and professional manner
  • 4. Medical Office Assistant; May 2011-August 2011, West Vancouver, BC Dr. Wayne Smith, M.D. at Hollyburn Medical Center Answered multiple phone lines, ran test analyses, faxed and filed documents, tended to patient inquiries, directed patients to rooms, maintained room cleanliness & equipment supplies Great Western Council of Optometry Conference Delegate; September 2012, Portland, OR Networked with optometry professionals and students at one of the Pacific Northwests Premier Optometric Conferences International Vision Expo East Attendee; March 2015, New York, NY Attended CE lectures, and explored the latest trends and advances in optometric fashion, accessories and medical equipment Networked with optometrists, opticians, practice managers and frame buyers from all over the United States Clinical Internships; September 2013 May 2015, Greater Boston Area, MA Provided 3 months of optometric care as a student intern at each of the following: Boston Medical Center, Joseph Smith Community Health Center, Martha Eliot Health Center, New England Eye Institute Roslindale, Lynn Community Health Center Memberships: National Optometric Student Association (NOSA), Canadian Association of Optometric Students (CAOS), American Optometric Student Associations (AOSA), Practice Management Group, NECO Yearbook Committee References: Dr. Amara Callahan, OD o Email: Amara.Callahan@va.gov o Phone: (360) 696-4061 Dr. Michael Tomlin, OD o Email: Michael.Tomlin@va.gov o Cell: (360) 719-0803 Dr. Nicole Quinn, OD o Email: QuinnN@neco.edu o Phone: (617) 266-2030 (NECO) Dr. Beth Harper, OD o Email: HarperB@neco.edu o Cell: (518) 312-6079 Dr. Richard Laudon o Email: laudonr@neco.edu o Work phone: (617) 236-6323