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Nima Rasekh
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign O鍖ce: 113 Altgeld Hall
Department of Mathematics Email: rasekh2@illinois.edu
1409 W. Green St. Website: math.illinois.edu/~rasekh2/
Urbana, IL 61801 Phone: (217) 300-9542
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Adviser: Dr. Charles Rezk
20122013 M.S. in Mathematics, University of Western Ontario.
20082012 B.S. in Mathematics, Shiraz University.
Teaching Experience
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Fall 2016 Calculus 3, Merit section discussion leader.
These classes are highly-interactive discussion sections in which students are engaged in
groupwork via challenging problem sets. Participating students are selected from underrep-
resented groups, as well as those from small high schools.
Summer 2016 Calculus, Primary Instructor.
I designed the syllabus and all of the course material, held classes in an active learning
format to enhance teaching and used quizzes for immediate feedback. I also designed, held
and graded exams.
Spring 2016 Calculus 2, Merit section discussion leader.
Fall 2015 Calculus 1, Merit section discussion leader.
Spring 2015 Calculus 2, Merit section discussion leader.
Fall 2014 Calculus 1, Mathematica based discussion leader.
These classes are interactive discussion sections in which students apply scienti鍖c sofwares
(Mathematica) to visualize and master intricate mathematical subjects.
Spring 2014 Calculus for Business 1, Active learning discussion Session Leader.
Fall 2013 Calculus, Discussion Session Leader.
University of Western Ontario
Summer 2013 Advanced Calculus, Teaching Assistant.
Spring 2013 Methods of Calculus, Teaching Assistant.
Fall 2012 Introductory Calculus, Teaching Assistant.
Awards and Certi鍖cates
Spring 2016 Teaching Scholar Certi鍖cate, Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Spring 2016 Graduate Teaching Certi鍖cate, Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Spring 2016 Foundations of Teaching Certi鍖cate, Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
20132016 On List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent (x5) and listed as Outstanding (x1)
Talks and Presentations
May 2016 Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations, Complete
Segal Objects and Univalent Maps, Fields Institute, Toronto.
April 2016 Graduate Student Geometry Topology Conference 2016, A new Approach to
the Straightening Construction, Indiana University.
Feb 2016 Graduate Student Geometry Topology Seminar, Yoneda Lemma and the Fun-
damental Group, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Nov, 2014 Graduate Student Homotopy Seminar, Complete Segal Objects, University of
Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Oct, 2014 Graduate Student Geometry Topology Seminar, Topos Theory: Sketches of
an Elephant, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Sept, 2014 Graduate Student Geometry Topology Seminar, -categories: -abstract!
-complicated! "-confusing?", University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Feb, 2014 Graduate Student Geometry Topology Seminar, Formal group laws, or who
put algebraic geometry in my topology?, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Apr, 2013 Talbot Workshop 2013, The Chromatic Spectral Sequence, South Lake Tahoe,
Academic Service and Professional Development
Fall 2016 TA Mentor.
I guided several 鍖rst time TAs throughout their 鍖rst semester by providing 鍖rst day of class
instructions, observing their teaching in class, discussing feedback forms and giving mental
Aug 2016 Workshop Organizer, Graduate Academy for College Teaching.
I ran a one hour session for 鍖rst time TAs introducing basics of active learning and group
work methods.
Aug 2016 Co-organizer and Developer of the TA Training Program, Mathematics Ph.D.
Orientation Program.
I assisted in developing and organizing two sessions for both incoming and current teaching
assistants. I organized one session focusing on international TAs and one concerned with
international diversity in the classroom.
Fall & Spring
Project Manager, Discrete Morse Theory, Vector Fields, and Materials Science,
Illinois Geometry Lab.
I managed a team of 4 undergraduate students applying discrete Morse theory to the
analysis of qualitative features of gray scale images, where we did this by modifying a given
code. My main duty was to manage the team, assign responsibilities, and organize meetings
and future plans.
Spring 2016 Organizer, Spectral Sequence Seminar.
I organized a student seminar focused on spectral sequences with and e鍖ort to include
students research into the syllabus.
Fall 2015 Organizer, Graduate Student Homotopy Seminar.
I organized a student seminar where each student had the opportunity to present their
current research.
May 2015 Orals Competition Judge, Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics State Math
As a judge, I evaluated high school students as they presented solutions to various questions,
and I assisted in 鍖nal selection of the awardees.
March 2015 Co-organizer, Graduate Student Geometry Topology Seminar 2015.
I was part of the conference organization team and as part of that team I chose conference
speakers, determined conference schedule, designed conference schedule sheet and helped
with the technical aspects.
American Mathematical Society, (AMS).
Supporting Grants and Fellowships
Spring 2017 Departmental Fellowship
Summer 2015 Departmental Research Assistantship
Summer 2013 Research Experience for Graduate Students Summer, Advisor: Charles Rezk, Topic:
Computational Aspects of Topological Modular Forms

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CV, Nima Rasekh

  • 1. Nima Rasekh University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign O鍖ce: 113 Altgeld Hall Department of Mathematics Email: rasekh2@illinois.edu 1409 W. Green St. Website: math.illinois.edu/~rasekh2/ Urbana, IL 61801 Phone: (217) 300-9542 Education 20132018 (Expected) Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Adviser: Dr. Charles Rezk 20122013 M.S. in Mathematics, University of Western Ontario. 20082012 B.S. in Mathematics, Shiraz University. Teaching Experience University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Fall 2016 Calculus 3, Merit section discussion leader. These classes are highly-interactive discussion sections in which students are engaged in groupwork via challenging problem sets. Participating students are selected from underrep- resented groups, as well as those from small high schools. Summer 2016 Calculus, Primary Instructor. I designed the syllabus and all of the course material, held classes in an active learning format to enhance teaching and used quizzes for immediate feedback. I also designed, held and graded exams. Spring 2016 Calculus 2, Merit section discussion leader. Fall 2015 Calculus 1, Merit section discussion leader. Spring 2015 Calculus 2, Merit section discussion leader. Fall 2014 Calculus 1, Mathematica based discussion leader. These classes are interactive discussion sections in which students apply scienti鍖c sofwares (Mathematica) to visualize and master intricate mathematical subjects. Spring 2014 Calculus for Business 1, Active learning discussion Session Leader. Fall 2013 Calculus, Discussion Session Leader. University of Western Ontario Summer 2013 Advanced Calculus, Teaching Assistant. Spring 2013 Methods of Calculus, Teaching Assistant. Fall 2012 Introductory Calculus, Teaching Assistant. Awards and Certi鍖cates Spring 2016 Teaching Scholar Certi鍖cate, Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning Spring 2016 Graduate Teaching Certi鍖cate, Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning Spring 2016 Foundations of Teaching Certi鍖cate, Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 1/3
  • 2. 20132016 On List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent (x5) and listed as Outstanding (x1) Talks and Presentations May 2016 Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations, Complete Segal Objects and Univalent Maps, Fields Institute, Toronto. April 2016 Graduate Student Geometry Topology Conference 2016, A new Approach to the Straightening Construction, Indiana University. Feb 2016 Graduate Student Geometry Topology Seminar, Yoneda Lemma and the Fun- damental Group, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Nov, 2014 Graduate Student Homotopy Seminar, Complete Segal Objects, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Oct, 2014 Graduate Student Geometry Topology Seminar, Topos Theory: Sketches of an Elephant, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Sept, 2014 Graduate Student Geometry Topology Seminar, -categories: -abstract! -complicated! "-confusing?", University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Feb, 2014 Graduate Student Geometry Topology Seminar, Formal group laws, or who put algebraic geometry in my topology?, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Apr, 2013 Talbot Workshop 2013, The Chromatic Spectral Sequence, South Lake Tahoe, CA. Academic Service and Professional Development Fall 2016 TA Mentor. I guided several 鍖rst time TAs throughout their 鍖rst semester by providing 鍖rst day of class instructions, observing their teaching in class, discussing feedback forms and giving mental support. Aug 2016 Workshop Organizer, Graduate Academy for College Teaching. I ran a one hour session for 鍖rst time TAs introducing basics of active learning and group work methods. Aug 2016 Co-organizer and Developer of the TA Training Program, Mathematics Ph.D. Orientation Program. I assisted in developing and organizing two sessions for both incoming and current teaching assistants. I organized one session focusing on international TAs and one concerned with international diversity in the classroom. Fall & Spring 2016 Project Manager, Discrete Morse Theory, Vector Fields, and Materials Science, Illinois Geometry Lab. I managed a team of 4 undergraduate students applying discrete Morse theory to the analysis of qualitative features of gray scale images, where we did this by modifying a given code. My main duty was to manage the team, assign responsibilities, and organize meetings and future plans. Spring 2016 Organizer, Spectral Sequence Seminar. I organized a student seminar focused on spectral sequences with and e鍖ort to include students research into the syllabus. Fall 2015 Organizer, Graduate Student Homotopy Seminar. I organized a student seminar where each student had the opportunity to present their current research. May 2015 Orals Competition Judge, Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics State Math Finals. As a judge, I evaluated high school students as they presented solutions to various questions, and I assisted in 鍖nal selection of the awardees. 2/3
  • 3. March 2015 Co-organizer, Graduate Student Geometry Topology Seminar 2015. I was part of the conference organization team and as part of that team I chose conference speakers, determined conference schedule, designed conference schedule sheet and helped with the technical aspects. Memberships American Mathematical Society, (AMS). Supporting Grants and Fellowships Spring 2017 Departmental Fellowship Summer 2015 Departmental Research Assistantship Summer 2013 Research Experience for Graduate Students Summer, Advisor: Charles Rezk, Topic: Computational Aspects of Topological Modular Forms 3/3