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CV Services Fall 2010
CV Services Fall 2010
How Will Strategic Planning Save Your
The Crystal Vision Strategic Intelligence Sphere
Business without strategy is the equivalent
of the earth without water and air  lifeless,
barren, and doomed for extinction.
Johnson and Scholes defined strategy as
the direction and scope of an
organization over the long-term: which
achieves advantage for the organization
through its configuration of resources
within a challenging environment, to meet
the needs of markets and to fulfill
stakeholder expectations". This is why we
exist. Businesses that are serious about
strategy are serious about existing in their
respective marketplace. They take their
operation seriously, customers seriously,
and their strategic mission seriously. Our
competencies are layered within a solution
based strategic framework  formulate the
strategy, execute it with precision, implement the
clients vision, validate its effectiveness. Without
strategy there is nothing. If it exists, we
will refine. If it there is none, we will build
it. If it is good, we will make it exceptional.
Indecision has destroyed many great businesses. Without a clear
mission statement, organizational growth plan, and strategic
roadmap to effectively navigate on the competitive landscape
companies lacking the recipe for success will wither and fade into
oblivion. Our firm will ensure your organization will not suffer
this fate. We believe that there is a common denominator that can
level the playing field and provides businesses of all sizes and
types with an equalizing force  strategic intelligence. In
conjunction with our proprietary 9-point Client Service Strategy,
we will develop a sustainable pathway for growth customized
specifically for your business. Ideas are generated to address
critical issues, strategy formulated, thoroughly executed, and
precisely implemented. To ensure maximum yield, we validate
the sustainability of the solution through post-implementation
stress testing. We offer smart solutions for companies seeking to
be the best as what they do. Our service offerings are crafted to
optimize your current operating environment. Learn more about
how we could be of service to you and partner in your success.
Our Client Value Proposition
Core Client Services
What We Do
How We Do It
Risk Management
Project Management
Advisory Services
Lean Six Sigma
Policies & Procedures
Regulatory Compliance
System Integrations
Strategic Planning & Analysis
Business Development
Business Analytics
Staffing & Support
Crystal Vision 9-Point Client Service Strategy:
Understand the Business
Elimination of Waste (Lean)
Extension of the Business
Process Optimization (Six Sigma)
Cost Effective Solution Management
Business Impact Analysis
Risk Assessment & Mitigation
Best-In-Class Process Modeling
Strategic Sustainability
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence
then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle
(How + What + When
+ Who * Cost =
CV Services Fall 2010
Our Services
Capabilities Category Concentration Execution Strategy
Audit  Sarbanes-Oxley 302 & 404
 Financial Statement
 Internal Controls
 SAS 70
 Information Technology & Systems
 Anti-Money Laundering
 Code of Conduct/Ethics
 Patriot Act
 Corporate Governance
 Corporate Controllership
 Internal Audit
 Financial Reporting
Problem: Material weakness/deficiency discovered within annual
financial statement audit; misstatement of earnings with luxury goods
Approach: Develop customized internal control framework - executed
analytics across 3-years of financial statements, conducted robust
diagnostic (Business Process Owner Q&A), risk assessment, quarterly
control testing for high risk processes, conduct "What Can Go Wrong
Analysis," segregation of duties, management interviews (tone at the
top assessment), resource competency assessment, enhanced existing
accounting policies and procedures to align with firm wide corporate
governance policy
Recommendations: Implement Integrated SOX ERM Model, monthly
financial statement review, in-depth analytics model, accountability
model, monitoring, authorization and approval delegation of authority
Client Value Proposition (CVP): Enhanced Internal Control
Environment, Regulatory Compliance, Organizational Accountability
Risk Management  Enterprise Risk
 Financial Risk
 Regulatory Risk
 Operational Risk
 Risk Monitoring
 Operational Risk Management
 Corporate Governance
 Financial Reporting
Problem: Code of Conduct Violation (Embezzlement) at consumer
goods organization
Approach: Analyzed all violations over three year period to analyze
trends/adverse patterns; management interview by diagnostic
questions; data mining.
Recommendations: Developed global operational risk model to
proactively monitor and identify fraudulent activities on a quarterly
Client Value Proposition (CVP): Risk Mitigation, Regulatory
Compliance, Capital Preservation
 Six Sigma
 Due Diligence
 Technology Integrations
 Business Development
 Joint Ventures & Alliances
 Project Management
 Quality Control
 Information Technology
 Internal Controls
Problem: Unwind $2B credit portfolio from core portfolio within top tier
global consumer bank
Approach: Develop strategic project plan; conduct due diligence;
complete risk impact assessment; prioritize critical processes and
potential control issues associated with divestiture
Recommendations: Create divestiture guidance plan and
documentation; align with key stakeholders; integrate residual process
activities into core operations; eliminate residual waste
Client Value Proposition (CVP): Methodical, consistent, repeatable
approach to launching critical organizational initiatives within pre-
established timelines and budget. Enhanced ROI and yield.
CV Services Fall 2010
Capabilities Category Concentration Execution Strategy
Advisory Services  Organizational Assessment
 Process Implementation
 Strategy Execution
 Enterprise Risk Management
 Business Transformation
 Capital Spending
 Corporate Strategy
 Transition Management
 Change Management
 Training & Development
 Human Capital Competency
 Corporate Governance
 Internal Audit
 Quality Control
 Corporate Controllership
 Financial Reporting
Problem: Organizational downsizing with limited contingency planning
Approach: Determine organization value of remaining human capital
Recommendations: Assess human capital competencies by
developing a quantitative performance measurement model to
objectively analyze the effectiveness of all resources; create tangible
scoring methodology and criteria to track performance and develop
critical resources
Client Value Proposition (CVP): Customized Best practice
advisement to yield best in class results; transfer of knowledge.
Lean Six Sigma  Root Cause Analysis
 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
 Lean Process Management
 Quality Control
 Performance Measurement
 Process Management
 Process Design
 Process Mapping
 Corporate Controllership
 Quality Control
Problem: Poor execution and cycle time for generating customer credit
decisions; high ratio of decision-based errors within top tier
manufacturing & consumer goods company
Approach: DMAIC Six Sigma Methodology: Define (Identify Problem),
Measure (Measure Performance to Requirements), Analyze (Identify
Best Practices/Assess Process Design), Improve (Design/Implement
New Process and/or System), Control (Review/Monitor Process)
Recommendations: Develop a credit risk analysis model which
incorporates pre-established risk thresholds, decision criteria, and
parameters to eliminate judgmental errors, functional inefficiencies, and
process waste
Client Value Proposition (CVP): Process Efficiency, error reduction,
streamlined credit analysis framework, operational consistency,
improved cost benefit, loss mitigation attributable to bad-debt,
elimination of process waste
Policy &
 Process Proposals
 Information Technology
 Corporate Governance
 Internal Audit
 Quality Control
 Corporate Controllership
 Financial Reporting
Problem: Existing policies do not successfully fulfill corporate
governance and regulatory requirements within top tier global bank
Approach: Develop best-in-class, comprehensive policies and
procedures ingrained with internal control focus
Recommendations: Created a policy & procedure development that
incorporates and aligns corporate governance requirements such as risk
management, escalation management, change management,
delegation of authority, segregation of duties, internal controls,
information security, confidentiality, user access of key systems to
compliment core process elements, desktops work instruction, and
process mapping
Client Value Proposition (CVP): Streamlined process documentation
to create streamlined cross functional efficiencies; transfer of
knowledge; centralized process control with a significantly enhanced
focus on corporate governance and audit requirements
CV Services Fall 2010
Capabilities Category Concentration Execution Strategy
 Sarbanes-Oxley 302 & 404
 The Patriot Act
 Anti-Money Laundering
 Know Your Customer
 The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
 Internal Audit
 Corporate Governance
 Corporate Controllership
Problem: Global Employee Code of Conduct program not established
to safeguard against AML, AB, AF, FCPA activities within prominent
consumer goods company
Approach: Develop Code of Conduct policy and annual certification for
80% of exempt employees, contractors, and third party suppliers;
integrate into existing SOX audit model
Recommendations: Develop a web-based training and certification
platform to ensure all required employees receive appropriate COC
training on an annual basis
Client Value Proposition (CVP): Safeguard against adverse legal and
regulatory exposure that may negatively impact a client's operation;
protection of assets; contingent liability management
 General Accounting & Ledger Systems
 Reporting Systems
 Inventory Systems
 Trading & Execution Systems
 The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
 Internal Controls
Problem: Legacy accounting and general Ledger system chart of
accounts not aligned with new source system
Approach: Obtain general ledger account structures and hierarchies
from both legacy and new source systems; analyze and align; assess
against US GAAP/IFRS requirements
Recommendations: Address critical segments of the Balance Sheet,
Income Statement, Statement of Cash in priority to ensure that data
migration, account structure, and hierarchies are properly mapped
within the new source system; develop a leaner global chart of
accounts; re-evaluate sub accounts structures that are "one-off" biased
Client Value Proposition (CVP): Singular global chart of accounts;
enhanced management reporting capabilities; consistency across all
Strategic Business Unit; simplified consolidation process and regulatory
reporting filing to government regulators (SEC).
Strategic Planning
& Analysis
 Business Impact Analysis
 Human Capital Management &
 Competitive Analysis
 Industry Analysis
 Business Continuity Planning
 Disaster Recovery
 Exit Strategy
 Entry Strategy
 Corporate Controllership
 Financial Planning & Analysis
Problem: New market entry push with limited competitor knowledge
within top tier manufacturing & consumer goods company
Approach: Porter's Five Forces framework for competitive analysis
Recommendations: Develop a Competitor Intelligence System to
execute a structural analysis of the industry to capture the following:
competitive rivalry within the industry, threat of substitutes, threat of
new entrants, bargaining power of customers, and bargaining power of
Client Value Proposition (CVP): Provided a comprehensive
framework to ascertain competitor capabilities relating to product lines,
distribution, marketing & selling, operations, R&D, costs, financial
strength, general management ability, corporate portfolio; created a
definitive "check-point" system to assess probability/feasibility of
successful market entry
CV Services Fall 2010
Capabilities Category Concentration Execution Strategy
 Business Life Cycle Analysis
 Small Business Development
 Business Planning
 Capital Management
 Cash Flow Management
 Cost Structure Analysis
 Loan Management
 Non-Profit Development
 Corporate Controllership
Problem: Mid-level service business seeking infrastructure
development guidance
Approach: Four-point plan - Develop a "world-class" business plan +
apply BCG's Sustainable-Growth Model + apply BCG's Experience Curve
Framework + apply McKinsey & Co's Strategic Planning Model
Recommendations: Develop a "world class" business plan that would
rival the best corporations to refine the overall strategic mission (5-10
years); understand both critical financial and operating risks that could
potentially lead to business failure (BCG Sustainability Model); Consider
factors such as labor efficiency, process standardization & improvement,
efficient use of capital (equipment), product (service) design or
redesign (BCG Experience Curve Framework); aggressively manage
strategic planning initiatives - financial, forecast-based, external,
strategic management (McKinsey & Co Strategic Planning Model)
Client Value Proposition (CVP): Improved cost structure, increased
margins, improved cash flows, feasible long-term growth projections,
well-defined strategic framework, in-depth competitor knowledge,
better controls and operational risk environment
Staffing & Support  Accounting
 Information Technology
 Audit/Internal Controls
 Compliance & Corporate Governance
 Financial Planning & Analysis
 Budget Management
 Project Management
 Financial Planning & Analysis
 Corporate Controllership
Problem: Absence of formal Project Management Organization (PMO)
to lead high exposure, critical global initiatives for mid-market
manufacturing and consumer products company
Approach: Lead project initiative on behalf of the client in the absence
of key resources
Recommendations: Manage the initiative through entire project
lifecycle - initiation, planning & design, executing, monitoring &
controlling, closing, implementation
Client Value Proposition (CVP): Effective project management
provided best-in-class quality within project scope, designated timelines
and stringent budget requirements; significant cost savings;
development best practice project management framework
CV Services Fall 2010
Crystal Vision
New York | New Jersey | Connecticut
P: 914.844.4752 F: 914.902.5736
Email: clientservice@crystalviz.net
Insightful Strategic Intelligence Servicing Clients With The Attention They Deserve
Capabilities Category Concentration Execution Strategy
Business Analytics  Financial Analysis
 Data Analytics
 Financial Modeling
 Trend Analysis
 Performance Measurement
 Balanced Scorecard
 Risk & Credit Analysis
 Data Mining
 Corporate Controllership
 Operational Risk Management
 Credit Risk
Problem: Corporate restructuring altered corporate mission statement,
customer service proposition, and performance measurement standards
for global pharmaceutical company
Approach: Analyze current strategic plan, financial plan, marketing
plan, operating plan, annual reports, quality improvement programs,
customer analysis, interviews with executives, industry analysis,
competitive analysis
Recommendations: Implement Balanced Scorecard
Client Value Proposition (CVP): Financial- improved operating
income, return on capital, gross margins; Operational - increased
production efficiency, product delivery, quality, cost management;
Knowledge & Technology - implementation of best practices, enhanced
leverage of technologies, protection of critical assets

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CV Client Services - Fall 2010

  • 2. CV Services Fall 2010 2 CCRYSTAL VISION CLIENTRYSTAL VISION CLIENT SERVICE MESSAGESERVICE MESSAGE How Will Strategic Planning Save Your Business? The Crystal Vision Strategic Intelligence Sphere Business without strategy is the equivalent of the earth without water and air lifeless, barren, and doomed for extinction. Johnson and Scholes defined strategy as the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term: which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfill stakeholder expectations". This is why we exist. Businesses that are serious about strategy are serious about existing in their respective marketplace. They take their operation seriously, customers seriously, and their strategic mission seriously. Our competencies are layered within a solution based strategic framework formulate the strategy, execute it with precision, implement the clients vision, validate its effectiveness. Without strategy there is nothing. If it exists, we will refine. If it there is none, we will build it. If it is good, we will make it exceptional. Indecision has destroyed many great businesses. Without a clear mission statement, organizational growth plan, and strategic roadmap to effectively navigate on the competitive landscape companies lacking the recipe for success will wither and fade into oblivion. Our firm will ensure your organization will not suffer this fate. We believe that there is a common denominator that can level the playing field and provides businesses of all sizes and types with an equalizing force strategic intelligence. In conjunction with our proprietary 9-point Client Service Strategy, we will develop a sustainable pathway for growth customized specifically for your business. Ideas are generated to address critical issues, strategy formulated, thoroughly executed, and precisely implemented. To ensure maximum yield, we validate the sustainability of the solution through post-implementation stress testing. We offer smart solutions for companies seeking to be the best as what they do. Our service offerings are crafted to optimize your current operating environment. Learn more about how we could be of service to you and partner in your success. Our Client Value Proposition Core Client Services What We Do How We Do It Audit Risk Management Project Management Advisory Services Lean Six Sigma Policies & Procedures Regulatory Compliance System Integrations Strategic Planning & Analysis Business Development Business Analytics Staffing & Support Crystal Vision 9-Point Client Service Strategy: Understand the Business Elimination of Waste (Lean) Extension of the Business Process Optimization (Six Sigma) Cost Effective Solution Management Business Impact Analysis Risk Assessment & Mitigation Best-In-Class Process Modeling Strategic Sustainability We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle Solution Strategy (How + What + When + Who * Cost = Organizational Sustainability) Strategy Formulation Strategy Execution Strategy Implementation Strategy Validation
  • 3. CV Services Fall 2010 3 Our Services CV MATRIX CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 of 5 INTERNAL USE ONLY Capabilities Category Concentration Execution Strategy Audit Sarbanes-Oxley 302 & 404 Financial Statement Forensic Operational Internal Controls SAS 70 Information Technology & Systems Fraud Anti-Money Laundering Anti-Bribery Code of Conduct/Ethics Patriot Act BASEL II COBIT Accounting Finance IT Operations Compliance Legal Corporate Governance Corporate Controllership Internal Audit Financial Reporting Problem: Material weakness/deficiency discovered within annual financial statement audit; misstatement of earnings with luxury goods company Approach: Develop customized internal control framework - executed analytics across 3-years of financial statements, conducted robust diagnostic (Business Process Owner Q&A), risk assessment, quarterly control testing for high risk processes, conduct "What Can Go Wrong Analysis," segregation of duties, management interviews (tone at the top assessment), resource competency assessment, enhanced existing accounting policies and procedures to align with firm wide corporate governance policy Recommendations: Implement Integrated SOX ERM Model, monthly financial statement review, in-depth analytics model, accountability model, monitoring, authorization and approval delegation of authority Client Value Proposition (CVP): Enhanced Internal Control Environment, Regulatory Compliance, Organizational Accountability Risk Management Enterprise Risk Financial Risk Regulatory Risk Operational Risk Risk Monitoring COBIT Accounting Finance IT Operations Treasury Operational Risk Management Compliance Corporate Governance Financial Reporting Problem: Code of Conduct Violation (Embezzlement) at consumer goods organization Approach: Analyzed all violations over three year period to analyze trends/adverse patterns; management interview by diagnostic questions; data mining. Recommendations: Developed global operational risk model to proactively monitor and identify fraudulent activities on a quarterly basis Client Value Proposition (CVP): Risk Mitigation, Regulatory Compliance, Capital Preservation Project Management Mergers Acquisitions Divestiture Audit Six Sigma Due Diligence Technology Integrations Business Development Joint Ventures & Alliances Accounting Finance IT Operations M&A Project Management Organization Quality Control Information Technology Internal Controls Problem: Unwind $2B credit portfolio from core portfolio within top tier global consumer bank Approach: Develop strategic project plan; conduct due diligence; complete risk impact assessment; prioritize critical processes and potential control issues associated with divestiture Recommendations: Create divestiture guidance plan and documentation; align with key stakeholders; integrate residual process activities into core operations; eliminate residual waste Client Value Proposition (CVP): Methodical, consistent, repeatable approach to launching critical organizational initiatives within pre- established timelines and budget. Enhanced ROI and yield.
  • 4. CV Services Fall 2010 4 CV MATRIX CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 of 5 INTERNAL USE ONLY Capabilities Category Concentration Execution Strategy Advisory Services Organizational Assessment Process Implementation Strategy Execution Best-Practices Enterprise Risk Management Business Transformation Research Capital Spending Corporate Strategy Transition Management Change Management Training & Development Human Capital Competency Assessment Accounting Finance IT Operations Treasury Corporate Governance Internal Audit Quality Control Corporate Controllership Financial Reporting Problem: Organizational downsizing with limited contingency planning Approach: Determine organization value of remaining human capital Recommendations: Assess human capital competencies by developing a quantitative performance measurement model to objectively analyze the effectiveness of all resources; create tangible scoring methodology and criteria to track performance and develop critical resources Client Value Proposition (CVP): Customized Best practice advisement to yield best in class results; transfer of knowledge. Lean Six Sigma Root Cause Analysis Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Lean Process Management Quality Control Performance Measurement Process Management Process Design Process Mapping Accounting Finance IT Operations Manufacturing Corporate Controllership Quality Control Problem: Poor execution and cycle time for generating customer credit decisions; high ratio of decision-based errors within top tier manufacturing & consumer goods company Approach: DMAIC Six Sigma Methodology: Define (Identify Problem), Measure (Measure Performance to Requirements), Analyze (Identify Best Practices/Assess Process Design), Improve (Design/Implement New Process and/or System), Control (Review/Monitor Process) Recommendations: Develop a credit risk analysis model which incorporates pre-established risk thresholds, decision criteria, and parameters to eliminate judgmental errors, functional inefficiencies, and process waste Client Value Proposition (CVP): Process Efficiency, error reduction, streamlined credit analysis framework, operational consistency, improved cost benefit, loss mitigation attributable to bad-debt, elimination of process waste Policy & Procedures Financial Regulatory Compliance Operational Audit Technology Whitepapers Desktop Process Proposals Accounting Finance IT Operations Treasury Information Technology Audit Corporate Governance Internal Audit Quality Control Corporate Controllership Financial Reporting Problem: Existing policies do not successfully fulfill corporate governance and regulatory requirements within top tier global bank Approach: Develop best-in-class, comprehensive policies and procedures ingrained with internal control focus Recommendations: Created a policy & procedure development that incorporates and aligns corporate governance requirements such as risk management, escalation management, change management, delegation of authority, segregation of duties, internal controls, information security, confidentiality, user access of key systems to compliment core process elements, desktops work instruction, and process mapping Client Value Proposition (CVP): Streamlined process documentation to create streamlined cross functional efficiencies; transfer of knowledge; centralized process control with a significantly enhanced focus on corporate governance and audit requirements
  • 5. CV Services Fall 2010 5 Donec interdum Pellentesque: Consectetuer: CV MATRIX CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 of 5 INTERNAL USE ONLY Capabilities Category Concentration Execution Strategy Regulatory Compliance Sarbanes-Oxley 302 & 404 The Patriot Act Anti-Money Laundering Anti-Fraud Anti-Bribery BASEL II U.S. GAAP IFRS Taxation Know Your Customer The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Accounting Finance IT Operations Legal Internal Audit Compliance Corporate Governance Treasury Corporate Controllership Problem: Global Employee Code of Conduct program not established to safeguard against AML, AB, AF, FCPA activities within prominent consumer goods company Approach: Develop Code of Conduct policy and annual certification for 80% of exempt employees, contractors, and third party suppliers; integrate into existing SOX audit model Recommendations: Develop a web-based training and certification platform to ensure all required employees receive appropriate COC training on an annual basis Client Value Proposition (CVP): Safeguard against adverse legal and regulatory exposure that may negatively impact a client's operation; protection of assets; contingent liability management System Integrations General Accounting & Ledger Systems Reporting Systems Inventory Systems Trading & Execution Systems The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Accounting Finance IT Operations Internal Controls Problem: Legacy accounting and general Ledger system chart of accounts not aligned with new source system Approach: Obtain general ledger account structures and hierarchies from both legacy and new source systems; analyze and align; assess against US GAAP/IFRS requirements Recommendations: Address critical segments of the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Cash in priority to ensure that data migration, account structure, and hierarchies are properly mapped within the new source system; develop a leaner global chart of accounts; re-evaluate sub accounts structures that are "one-off" biased Client Value Proposition (CVP): Singular global chart of accounts; enhanced management reporting capabilities; consistency across all Strategic Business Unit; simplified consolidation process and regulatory reporting filing to government regulators (SEC). Strategic Planning & Analysis Business Impact Analysis S.W.O.T. Human Capital Management & Assessment Competitive Analysis Industry Analysis Business Continuity Planning Disaster Recovery Exit Strategy Entry Strategy Sustainability Accounting Finance IT Operations Corporate Controllership Financial Planning & Analysis Problem: New market entry push with limited competitor knowledge within top tier manufacturing & consumer goods company Approach: Porter's Five Forces framework for competitive analysis Recommendations: Develop a Competitor Intelligence System to execute a structural analysis of the industry to capture the following: competitive rivalry within the industry, threat of substitutes, threat of new entrants, bargaining power of customers, and bargaining power of suppliers. Client Value Proposition (CVP): Provided a comprehensive framework to ascertain competitor capabilities relating to product lines, distribution, marketing & selling, operations, R&D, costs, financial strength, general management ability, corporate portfolio; created a definitive "check-point" system to assess probability/feasibility of successful market entry
  • 6. CV Services Fall 2010 6 CV MATRIX CONFIDENTIAL Page 4 of 5 INTERNAL USE ONLY Capabilities Category Concentration Execution Strategy Business Development Business Life Cycle Analysis Small Business Development Business Planning Fundraising Capital Management Cash Flow Management Cost Structure Analysis Loan Management Non-Profit Development Accounting Finance, IT Operations Corporate Controllership Problem: Mid-level service business seeking infrastructure development guidance Approach: Four-point plan - Develop a "world-class" business plan + apply BCG's Sustainable-Growth Model + apply BCG's Experience Curve Framework + apply McKinsey & Co's Strategic Planning Model Recommendations: Develop a "world class" business plan that would rival the best corporations to refine the overall strategic mission (5-10 years); understand both critical financial and operating risks that could potentially lead to business failure (BCG Sustainability Model); Consider factors such as labor efficiency, process standardization & improvement, efficient use of capital (equipment), product (service) design or redesign (BCG Experience Curve Framework); aggressively manage strategic planning initiatives - financial, forecast-based, external, strategic management (McKinsey & Co Strategic Planning Model) Client Value Proposition (CVP): Improved cost structure, increased margins, improved cash flows, feasible long-term growth projections, well-defined strategic framework, in-depth competitor knowledge, better controls and operational risk environment Staffing & Support Accounting Finance Treasury Information Technology Operations Audit/Internal Controls Compliance & Corporate Governance Financial Planning & Analysis Budget Management Project Management Leadership Accounting Finance IT Operations Treasury Financial Planning & Analysis Compliance Corporate Controllership Problem: Absence of formal Project Management Organization (PMO) to lead high exposure, critical global initiatives for mid-market manufacturing and consumer products company Approach: Lead project initiative on behalf of the client in the absence of key resources Recommendations: Manage the initiative through entire project lifecycle - initiation, planning & design, executing, monitoring & controlling, closing, implementation Client Value Proposition (CVP): Effective project management provided best-in-class quality within project scope, designated timelines and stringent budget requirements; significant cost savings; development best practice project management framework
  • 7. CV Services Fall 2010 Crystal Vision New York | New Jersey | Connecticut P: 914.844.4752 F: 914.902.5736 Email: clientservice@crystalviz.net Insightful Strategic Intelligence Servicing Clients With The Attention They Deserve CV MATRIX CONFIDENTIAL Page 5 of 5 INTERNAL USE ONLY Capabilities Category Concentration Execution Strategy Business Analytics Financial Analysis Data Analytics Financial Modeling Trend Analysis Performance Measurement Balanced Scorecard Forecasting Risk & Credit Analysis Collections Benchmarking Data Mining Accounting Finance Treasury IT Operations Manufacturing Corporate Controllership Operational Risk Management Credit Risk Problem: Corporate restructuring altered corporate mission statement, customer service proposition, and performance measurement standards for global pharmaceutical company Approach: Analyze current strategic plan, financial plan, marketing plan, operating plan, annual reports, quality improvement programs, customer analysis, interviews with executives, industry analysis, competitive analysis Recommendations: Implement Balanced Scorecard Client Value Proposition (CVP): Financial- improved operating income, return on capital, gross margins; Operational - increased production efficiency, product delivery, quality, cost management; Knowledge & Technology - implementation of best practices, enhanced leverage of technologies, protection of critical assets