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Vitor Hugo Oguido
Telephones: 41-9206-6609 / 41-3532-0857
Rua Goi叩s, 460, ap. 61, bloco A  gua Verde, Curitiba - CEP: 80620-060
e-mail: vitoroguido@gmail.com
36 years old, married, 1 son. Graduated on Business Management and MBA on Finance, Controlling and Audit.
13 years of experience in the Finance area, always working for international companies from different sectors: oil
& gas, automotive and electric energy generation and commercialization. Fluent in English, acquired through
exchange student experience abroad (USA) and business travels to Canada. Easiness to interact with systems:
advanced knowledge on ERP systems (SAP, IFS), Excel, Vision, Power Point. Dynamic, proactive, great on
interpersonal relationship and easy on adaptation to new cultures, strong characteristic of transversatililty
(interdepartmental) and focused on continuous learning activities.
 Funda巽達o Get炭lio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro  RJ
MBA on Finance Management, Controlling and Audit, concluded in October 2013.
FAE Centro Universit叩rio / Curitiba  PR
Major in Business Management, graduated in December 2004.
Professional Career
 ATLANTIC Energias Renov叩veis S.A., Curitiba - PR  from October 2014 to present day  Finance
Planning Coordinator.
Treasury: Actual and Forecast Cash Flow control for 40 companies. Bank conciliation, monthly closing activities,
hedge operations, exchange rate closing deals and general bank relationship. Accounts payable (highlight for AP
process definition and implementation) and accounts receivables routines coordination. Support to external
auditors and Financial Statements analysis. Financing activities: long-term loan operations (Project Finance with
BNDES) and short-term (bridge) loans  Debentures, Notas Promissorias - with commercial banks. Financing
contracts discussions: finance covenants, leverage rate and uses & sources analysis. Focal point to support
banks with general informations for credit analysis.
 TYSON do Brasil Alimentos Ltda., Curitiba - PR  from June 2014 to September 2014  Finance Planning
Budget and quarterly P&L Projections: budget process coordination with all involved departments: Commercial,
Marketing, Logistic, Industry, Finance and HR. P&L consolidation and analysis: sales volume (mix analysis),
revenue (domestic and export prices analysis), cost (main impact analysis: grains, day old chick purchase and
industry processing costs), General Administrative and Selling expenses. Consolidated Budget presentation to
local board and headquarter (Springdale, USA). New products and projects launching profitability analysis 
supporting Commercial department.
 INPEX Petr坦leo Santos Ltda., Rio de Janeiro - RJ  from October 2011 to May 2014 - Finance Analyst,
Cash Management.
Frade Field Cash management  Project operated by a Joint Venture agreed between CHEVRON Brasil
Upstream Frade (Operator), PETROBRAS and FRADE Jap達o Petr坦leo Ltda. Relationship with Operator on
issues related to Governamental Participations  Royalties and Participa巽達o Especial payments  and
participation in OCM (budget approval meeting between Operator and Non-Operators). Local and International
bank reconciliation. Control and analysis of Billing Statements versus Work Program & Budget. Intercompany
loan control with headquarter in Tokyo, Japan: interest calculation revision, international remittances and
Sisbacen registration. Accounting and Taxes interface with third party Accounting office: monthly closing,
withholding taxes revision (IRRF, PIS, COFINS, CSLL, ISS). SISCOSERV registrations control (third party). Main
responsible for Treasury activities such as: relationship with banks, exchange rate closing deals, loan drawdowns
and capital increase operations. General accounts payable and accounts receivables routines. Support to
external auditors and Financial Statements analysis.
 BROOKFIELD Energia Renov叩vel S.A, Rio de Janeiro - RJ  from August 2008 to September 2011 
Senior Finance Analyst, Global ERP implementation.
Treasury, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivables Functional Lead for Global ERP implementation (USA and
Canada) - IFS (Industrial and Financial System). Main responsibilities: As Is processes mapping for Treasury
(Loans, Finance Investments, Cash Flow, Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivables), To Be processes
proposal for the new system. To ensure alignment with processes adopted by headquarter (Canada); Process
reviews and approval with Internal Auditors. Financial data set up for the ERP. To conduct unitary tests and
Integrated Tests of the processes in the new ERP. UAT approval with Treasury sponsor, End Users training. After
Go Live period, Key user responsible for finance support.
 Exclusiv Sorveteria NESTL, Londrina - PR  from March 2007 to August 2008  Franchise owner
Franchised store management, customer services, employee hiring and training, payroll and supplier negotiation,
purchase and marketing activities strategic planning.
 NISSAN do Brasil Autom坦veis Ltda., - Curitiba  PR - from December 2002 to December 2007  Finance
Analyst - Controlling Department.
Budget and Mid/Long Term Plan: consolidation and analysis of yearly budget and mid/long term plan which
involved all internal departments (Commercial, Industrial and Support); Actual Profit and Loss and Forecast:
consolidation, variance analysis and material preparation to be presented to the Top Local management;
Implementation of Magnitude System (Finance Reporting and Consolidation system utilized by Nissan group);
Report of Budget, Actual and Forecast result to the Headquarter (located in Tokyo) through the Magnitude
system; Frequently in contact with the Headquarter to support on Budget, Mid/Long Term Plan, Actual and
Forecast issues that might appears.
International Experiences and Foreign Languages
 Month Closing, follow financial month closing activities performed on the new ERP system implemented for
Canada operations. Ottawa - Canada, May/Jun, 2011. Duration: 1 week.
 ERP Workshops, Treasury processes discussions and IFS system workshop. Ottawa - Canada, Jan/Feb,
2010. duration: 3 weeks.
 Exchange student program in the USA for 5 months (from August 1996 to January 1997). Fluent in English
(conversation, writing and reading).
Courses and Trainings
 Gest達o Cont叩bil no Setor de Petr坦leo e G叩s, course managed by Instituto de Contabilidade Corporativa 
INCCORP, Rio de Janeiro, March/14. Workload: 45 hours.
 Project Management Fundamentals and Developing the Business Case, course managed by International
Institute of Learning  IIL, Rio de Janeiro, April/10. Workload: 32 hours.
 Writing and Managing Requirements Documents, course managed by International Institute of Learning  IIL,
Rio de Janeiro, April/10. Workload: 16 hours.
Professional References
 Yusuke Okamoto  Finance General Manager (INPEX Petr坦leo Santos Ltda.)
yusuke.okamoto@inpex.co.jp  telephone: 21-99736-5929
 Marco Webler  Legal & Administrative General Manager (INPEX Petr坦leo Santos Ltda.)
marco.webler@inpex.co.jp  telephone: 21-99945-3168
 Eduardo Dobrowolski  Corporate Controller (KOMATSU Forest)
eduardo_dobrowolski@yahoo.com.br  telephone: 41-9185-7649
Curitiba, August 2015.

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  • 1. Vitor Hugo Oguido Telephones: 41-9206-6609 / 41-3532-0857 Rua Goi叩s, 460, ap. 61, bloco A gua Verde, Curitiba - CEP: 80620-060 e-mail: vitoroguido@gmail.com Profile 36 years old, married, 1 son. Graduated on Business Management and MBA on Finance, Controlling and Audit. 13 years of experience in the Finance area, always working for international companies from different sectors: oil & gas, automotive and electric energy generation and commercialization. Fluent in English, acquired through exchange student experience abroad (USA) and business travels to Canada. Easiness to interact with systems: advanced knowledge on ERP systems (SAP, IFS), Excel, Vision, Power Point. Dynamic, proactive, great on interpersonal relationship and easy on adaptation to new cultures, strong characteristic of transversatililty (interdepartmental) and focused on continuous learning activities. Graduation Funda巽達o Get炭lio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro RJ MBA on Finance Management, Controlling and Audit, concluded in October 2013. FAE Centro Universit叩rio / Curitiba PR Major in Business Management, graduated in December 2004. Professional Career ATLANTIC Energias Renov叩veis S.A., Curitiba - PR from October 2014 to present day Finance Planning Coordinator. Treasury: Actual and Forecast Cash Flow control for 40 companies. Bank conciliation, monthly closing activities, hedge operations, exchange rate closing deals and general bank relationship. Accounts payable (highlight for AP process definition and implementation) and accounts receivables routines coordination. Support to external auditors and Financial Statements analysis. Financing activities: long-term loan operations (Project Finance with BNDES) and short-term (bridge) loans Debentures, Notas Promissorias - with commercial banks. Financing contracts discussions: finance covenants, leverage rate and uses & sources analysis. Focal point to support banks with general informations for credit analysis. TYSON do Brasil Alimentos Ltda., Curitiba - PR from June 2014 to September 2014 Finance Planning Coordinator Budget and quarterly P&L Projections: budget process coordination with all involved departments: Commercial, Marketing, Logistic, Industry, Finance and HR. P&L consolidation and analysis: sales volume (mix analysis), revenue (domestic and export prices analysis), cost (main impact analysis: grains, day old chick purchase and industry processing costs), General Administrative and Selling expenses. Consolidated Budget presentation to local board and headquarter (Springdale, USA). New products and projects launching profitability analysis supporting Commercial department. INPEX Petr坦leo Santos Ltda., Rio de Janeiro - RJ from October 2011 to May 2014 - Finance Analyst, Cash Management. Frade Field Cash management Project operated by a Joint Venture agreed between CHEVRON Brasil Upstream Frade (Operator), PETROBRAS and FRADE Jap達o Petr坦leo Ltda. Relationship with Operator on issues related to Governamental Participations Royalties and Participa巽達o Especial payments and participation in OCM (budget approval meeting between Operator and Non-Operators). Local and International bank reconciliation. Control and analysis of Billing Statements versus Work Program & Budget. Intercompany loan control with headquarter in Tokyo, Japan: interest calculation revision, international remittances and Sisbacen registration. Accounting and Taxes interface with third party Accounting office: monthly closing,
  • 2. withholding taxes revision (IRRF, PIS, COFINS, CSLL, ISS). SISCOSERV registrations control (third party). Main responsible for Treasury activities such as: relationship with banks, exchange rate closing deals, loan drawdowns and capital increase operations. General accounts payable and accounts receivables routines. Support to external auditors and Financial Statements analysis. BROOKFIELD Energia Renov叩vel S.A, Rio de Janeiro - RJ from August 2008 to September 2011 Senior Finance Analyst, Global ERP implementation. Treasury, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivables Functional Lead for Global ERP implementation (USA and Canada) - IFS (Industrial and Financial System). Main responsibilities: As Is processes mapping for Treasury (Loans, Finance Investments, Cash Flow, Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivables), To Be processes proposal for the new system. To ensure alignment with processes adopted by headquarter (Canada); Process reviews and approval with Internal Auditors. Financial data set up for the ERP. To conduct unitary tests and Integrated Tests of the processes in the new ERP. UAT approval with Treasury sponsor, End Users training. After Go Live period, Key user responsible for finance support. Exclusiv Sorveteria NESTL, Londrina - PR from March 2007 to August 2008 Franchise owner Franchised store management, customer services, employee hiring and training, payroll and supplier negotiation, purchase and marketing activities strategic planning. NISSAN do Brasil Autom坦veis Ltda., - Curitiba PR - from December 2002 to December 2007 Finance Analyst - Controlling Department. Budget and Mid/Long Term Plan: consolidation and analysis of yearly budget and mid/long term plan which involved all internal departments (Commercial, Industrial and Support); Actual Profit and Loss and Forecast: consolidation, variance analysis and material preparation to be presented to the Top Local management; Implementation of Magnitude System (Finance Reporting and Consolidation system utilized by Nissan group); Report of Budget, Actual and Forecast result to the Headquarter (located in Tokyo) through the Magnitude system; Frequently in contact with the Headquarter to support on Budget, Mid/Long Term Plan, Actual and Forecast issues that might appears. International Experiences and Foreign Languages Month Closing, follow financial month closing activities performed on the new ERP system implemented for Canada operations. Ottawa - Canada, May/Jun, 2011. Duration: 1 week. ERP Workshops, Treasury processes discussions and IFS system workshop. Ottawa - Canada, Jan/Feb, 2010. duration: 3 weeks. Exchange student program in the USA for 5 months (from August 1996 to January 1997). Fluent in English (conversation, writing and reading). Courses and Trainings Gest達o Cont叩bil no Setor de Petr坦leo e G叩s, course managed by Instituto de Contabilidade Corporativa INCCORP, Rio de Janeiro, March/14. Workload: 45 hours. Project Management Fundamentals and Developing the Business Case, course managed by International Institute of Learning IIL, Rio de Janeiro, April/10. Workload: 32 hours. Writing and Managing Requirements Documents, course managed by International Institute of Learning IIL, Rio de Janeiro, April/10. Workload: 16 hours.
  • 3. Professional References Yusuke Okamoto Finance General Manager (INPEX Petr坦leo Santos Ltda.) yusuke.okamoto@inpex.co.jp telephone: 21-99736-5929 Marco Webler Legal & Administrative General Manager (INPEX Petr坦leo Santos Ltda.) marco.webler@inpex.co.jp telephone: 21-99945-3168 Eduardo Dobrowolski Corporate Controller (KOMATSU Forest) eduardo_dobrowolski@yahoo.com.br telephone: 41-9185-7649 Curitiba, August 2015.