Bhanu Pratap is seeking a responsible position where he can fully utilize his skills and contribute to organizational goals. He has 2.8 years of experience developing software in C#, ASP.Net, and other technologies. His experience includes projects for news websites, e-commerce sites, and transportation management systems. He is determined to learn and believes in leading teams to find solutions.
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Software Engineer CV with 3 year Experience.
1. CurriCulum Vitae
Mob: +91-9540773947
Skype :bhanupratap312
Seeking a responsible position in reputed firms, where I am able to perform up to the
zenith of my capabilities and contribute in achieving goal of organization.
I am looking forward to join your organization where my skill coupled with team and
experience will be an asset and allow me to grow with the growth of the organization.
2. Experience (2.8 year)
Worked as a SOFTWARE DEVELOPER in D3O Technologies Pvt. Ltd. at Noida from
December 2013 to January 2015.
Currently working as a SOFTWARE ENGINEER in MYMIND INFOTECH Pvt. Ltd. at
Noida from Jan 2015 to Till Date.
2.8 Year of Experiene with B.Tech. Degree in Information Technology from I.T.S Engineering
College, Greater Noida(U.P). Posses knowledge of Asp.Net,Ado.Net,C,C# programming.
Technical Exposure
Programming Language: C,C#,HTML,AJAX,XML
Style Sheet: CSS,XSLT
Scripting Language: Java Script,JQuery,JSON,Anjular JS
DataBase: SQL Server 2008,R2,2012.
Third Party Tool: Telerik.
Dot Net Framework: 4.0,4.5
Software: Visual Studio 2010,2013
Windows Operating System: Windows XP,7,8
Ubuntu Operating System: Ubuntu 10.04, 12.10
Professional Qualification
2009 to 2014 Bachelor Of Technology
Specialization: - Information Technology
From Uttar Pradesh Technical University,Lucknow, with 66% .
Academic Qualification
2009 Senior Sec. from C.G.S Inter College,Farrukhabad with 63%.
2006 Higher Sec. from C.G.S Inter College,Farrukhabad with 55%.
3. Extra Curricular Activities
Have experience of worked at client side and I satisfy my companys client during
delivering demo of project.
Co-ordinated at various campus placement programs in Greater Noida ,in
NIET,DIT,I.T.S,G.L. Bajaj Engineering colleges.
Project Undertaken
Project done in college:
Successfully completed portfolio project in 3rd
year in .NET environment.
Project Description:
Project is capable of managing details of user and represent details in a interactive way with
various sections according to categories of details.
Project also has functionality of uploading details in files of various formats.
Successfully completed college portal project (CMS) in 4th
year in .NET
environment using C# language and SQL SERVER 2008 for database.Project is currently
running in two Management Collages of Meerut (Uttar Pradesh).
Project Description:
Project is capable of managing all basic functionality of college, there are several modules which
are accessible to users according to authentication level of users.
Project has Student,Teachers,Parrents and Admin level modules.
Admin has access to all modules and can update and veryfy details added by students,teachers
and Parents.
Teachers has access to all details added by students and can verify, teachers are also have acess
to read comments added by students and thieir parents.
Students has access to add their detais and can modify after teachers or higher level verification.
Parents has acess to view students details and can comment/ message on it.
Project done in D3O Technologies pvt. ltd :
Successfully completed a live web project in .NET environment.
Project link:
Project Description :
This project is capable of managing all functionalities of a News Channel, there are various
modules and modules are accessible according to user authentication label.
Project have various categories for each type of news, so there is functionality to upload news
in various categories in Video, Image, Text, etc. formats.
Project is also capable of managing horioscope on daily,monthly, and yearly basis, there is also
a section for breaking news.
4. In this project we also managed advertisements, advertisement also may be in Image, Video,
Text, etc. formats.
Project also have its own text news editor in case file is not available to upload, for each
category of news provided by news channel.
Financial web project under mentinance .
Project link:
Project Desccription:
This project have different management sections according to authentication level of user, there is
various categories in which users can be added in a flow like tree and commission is divided
according to various levels of tree structure.
Completed project of E-commerce in .NET environment.
Project Discription:
Project has various management levels according to authentication level of users, project is all
about online shopping portal.
Project has various catrgories for available products, there are various option provided to end
users to get more information about products or particular selected product.
Project also have user products cart and wish list for end users to add products into them
according to there requirement and decession.
Project also have E-Valate for end users in case of user wants to save money into his/her E-
valate, end user can purchase product from money available into his/her E-valate or by using
other available options.
Project also have option for end users to return purchased product, or can apply for product
Project done/working in mymind infotech pvt. ltd :
Completed project for Transport Company (Ravindra Road Carriers) as Team Leader.
Project Description:
Project is capable of managing all functions of a transport company, there are various report
sections according to requirements of document for transporter, vihecle owner, vihecle driver,
helper driver if any,for vihecle hiring party etc.
Completed a windows application for Airmax System Corp. USA.
5. Project Description:
The application is capable of booking booking flight tickets for GulfStream AirCharter, user can add
different types of bags , pets carried by him/her. User can also apply for visa of specified countries .
User can add and remove bags those he mentioned at the time of booking.
User can cancel ticket, there are various cancilation categories according to time timits.
Working on Airmax System Corp. USA. project of air ticket booking and crew
management in .NET environment with third party tool Telerik.
Project link:
Project link:
Project link:
Project link:
Project link:
Project link:
Project link:
Project link:
Project link:
Project link:
Project link:
Project link:
Project link:
Project link:
Project Description:
Airmax system corporation provides services to various Aircherter companies as mentioned in
Projects links.
Suite projects has functionality of creating flights between various Airports of different countries
and also capable of setting crew i.e Captain,Fiirst Officer,Flight attandent etc. for each flight.
Suites projects also has functionality of creating reports for crew and passengers of each flights
and it ll send notification to each member of crew about Aircraft and passengers about flight,
adding passengers to flight are also there.
Suites project also has flight change and cancel options, it ll charge accordingly on the basis of
time .
Other projects are open sites for end users to book flight seats, there is also functionality of cancel
booked flight seats.
Projects has functionality of requesting for Visa, passenger can add pets if they willing to have on
Projects also has module for flights ticket booking for ticket booking agents at different locations,
there is also section for reports for agencies and agents as well.
Positive Traits
6. Determined to learn with practical approach.
Dedicated learner and listener.
Believe in leading.
Solutions focused & proactive with ability to work in both independent and collaborative
Hobbies Interest
Playing Puzzle games.
Reading technical books and watching technical tutorials.
Providing solutions for various questions on stack Overflow well known developers helping
web site etc.
Personal Dossier
Date of Birth 31Dec,1991
Sex Male
Nationality Indian
Marital Status
Linguistic proficiency
English , Hindi
Hereby I assure that all given information is true and fair according to my knowledge. I will try
my best to satisfy the Company Management with my efficiency.
Date:- (Bhanu Pratap)
7. Determined to learn with practical approach.
Dedicated learner and listener.
Believe in leading.
Solutions focused & proactive with ability to work in both independent and collaborative
Hobbies Interest
Playing Puzzle games.
Reading technical books and watching technical tutorials.
Providing solutions for various questions on stack Overflow well known developers helping
web site etc.
Personal Dossier
Date of Birth 31Dec,1991
Sex Male
Nationality Indian
Marital Status
Linguistic proficiency
English , Hindi
Hereby I assure that all given information is true and fair according to my knowledge. I will try
my best to satisfy the Company Management with my efficiency.
Date:- (Bhanu Pratap)