Ahmed Adel Bedir Khatab is an Associate Researcher at the Rice Research & Training Center in Egypt. He received his Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Sciences from Minoufiya University in 2008 and his Master's degree in Agronomy from Minoufiya University in 2015. His work focuses on rice breeding, developing drought tolerant rice lines, and evaluating materials under drought conditions. He has experience in agronomic procedures and rice management.
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Personal Data:
Name : Ahmed Adel Bedir Khatab
Marital status : Married
Nationality : Egyptian
Date of birth : Jun., 5, 1987
Mailing address : Rice Research & Training Center, Sakha, Kafr ElSheikh City,
Kafr ElSheikh Governorate, Egypt.
Mobil : +2 01007414347 01145415414
e-mail : ahd.khatab2050@gmail.com
Present Position :
Associate Researcher,
Department of Rice Research & Training Center, Field Crops Research Institute,
Agriculture research Center, Egypt.
Academic Qualification:
Sep., 2004 / Jul., 2008
Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences ,
Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agricultural, Minoufiya University,
Feb., 2009 / May., 2015
Master of Agricultural Sciences in Agronomy (Breeding Crops and Production),
Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agricultural, Minoufiya University,
Positions Held :
Jun., 2012 / 30/6 /2015 , Researcher Assistant
Rice Research & Training Center,
Field Crops Research Institute,
Agriculture Research Center.
1- Working for rice breeding component in the national rice research program.
2- Participating in developing drought tolerant lines through pedigree and mutation methods.
3- Responsible for evaluation of the various materials under water regime systems
- drought conditions –
4- Participating in evaluation of the materials of international network for genetic evaluation of rice
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5- Working currently on developing lines for drought tolerance.
6- I have a good experience in agronomic procedures .
Training Attended :
1-Rice Management Under Salt Affected Conditions in Rice Research& Training Center, Egypt, 21/9/2014
- 25/9/2014.
2-Rice Insect Pests and Their control in Rice Research& Training Center, Egypt, 14/9/2014 - 18/9/2014.
3-Aerobic Rice Cultivation Technology in Rice Research& Training Center, Egypt, 23/8/2014 - 27/8/2014.
4-Red Rice and Weed Control in Rice Fields in Rice Research& Training Center, Egypt, 9/8/2014 -
5-Crop Management under Saline Soil and Water With Climate Change in Rice Research& Training
Center, Egypt, 15/12/2013 - 19/9/2013.
Rice Breeding, Molecular Breeding, Markers assisted selection, Tissue Culture and Anther Culture And
genetic Transformation.
Skills :
ICDL Certificate
IELTS Certificate Score 6
Publications :
1- Hendawy, F. A. ; Abdallah A. A.; El-Zanaty A. M. and Khatab A. A. (2015). Mutation breeding
for reduced short stature, high grain yield under water stress conditions in rice (oryza sativa l.), J.Plant
Production,Minoufiya Univ.,Vol.4(1):654-665.
Reference :
Prof. Dr. AbdAllah A. AbdAllah
Head Researcher, Agriculture Research Center, Egypt
Mob No. +2 01065271367
E-mail abdnby@yahoo.com
Prof. Dr.Abdelsalam E. Draz
Head Researcher, Agriculture Research Center, Egypt. P.O.
Box 33717
Mob No. +2 01001656336
E-mail a_e_draz@yahoo.com
Prof. Dr. Hamdy F. El-Mowafy
Deputy of Field Crops Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Egypt. P.O.
Box 33717
Mob No. +2 01063444765
E-mail hfelmowafi@gmail.com