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(M. Sc. Electrical Engineer, Zagreb University, Croatia, 1984.)
Address: Senjskih Uskoka 3, 51000, Rijeka, CROATIA
Phone: (+385) 51/344 -150 _ home, Croatia; (+385) 91/751- 6828, mobile, Croatia
(+966) 13/765-2939, at work, KSA
(+966) 53/600-4918, mobile, KSA; (+965) 69 661 897, Kuwait
Mail: cbokarica@gmail.com
Date of birth: February 25, 1958.
Lead Instrument & Automation Engineer with wide experience on different lead positions, dealt with
the world best DCS/ESD/F&G & Telecom systems technologies present in Process industry. Worked
as EPC Lead designing engineer, Lead PMT engineer in Oil & Gas, Maintenance manager in
Petrochemical industry and Refineries. Well experienced in Process heaters, Desalter/Dehydration
plants, Chemical injection, GOSP, Gas pipelines, Water treatment, LDPE and VCM petrochemical
plants, managing maintenance of Petrochemical plants and Refineries. Experienced in developing
project documents: P&IDs, C&E, Specs, I/O lists, Loop & Logic diagrams. Performing FATs and SATs,
dealing with QA/QC, plant Construction, Precommissioning, Commissioning and Start-ups,
maintenance & plant revamping. Familiar with Saudi Aramco, Qatar Petroleum and international
Dar al Handasah/Penspen LTD, PMT for KJO Oil&Gas, Saudi Arabia ( 2011 to present)
 KJO Oil&Gas Plant in Ras Al Khafji, Saudi Arabia: Upgrading Hout Crude Project.
 Lead I&C PMT on Construction/Commissioning and Start-up of new developed Sour Crude
Oil&Gas plant. Performed Construction supervision, Loop testing and other precommissioning
works, Functional testing of DCS, ESD, Package PLCs, F&G & HSSD system, PAGA and Telecom
 Lead I&C PMT on Detail design in Contractor premises in Techint SPA, Milan, Italy.
In the name of company supervised development of Process Automation, Field instruments, F&G
and Telecom: Detail design based on Saudi Aramco and International Standards, HAZOP and SIL
study. Process simulation on Honeywell Unisim OTS.
 Dealt with Honeywell Experion DCS, Safety Manager ESD, A&B ControlLogix PLCs, Honeywell OTS
Unisim Training Simulator, Teledyne, Agar & Ametek analyzers etc.
SICON OIL&GAS. Milan, Italy & CCC, Middle East EPC Contractor. (2004 to 2010)
 KJO Oil Refinery in Ras Al Khafji, Saudi Arabia: Khafji Expansion Project.
 Post Start-up Site support as Process Automation Engineering Manager, solving all outstanding
issues, tuning DCS/ESD for the best performance. Training of client operators and engineers.
 Site Supervision in Instr./Control, Telecom and F&G: Construction, Pre-commissioning,
Commissioning and Start-up. Implemented below developed systems integrating them in the
existing environment. Testing and Start-up of DCS/ESD functional blocks simulating events in real
environment. Testing of PAGA system in connection with Public address function from F&G
system. Testing of redundant communications over Fiber Optic cables to meet Saudi Aramco
 As Lead Automation Engineer I was leading development of Process DCS and ESD applications for
Honeywell TPS & FSC Systems and Allen Bradley ControlLogix PLCs, Valtronix PAGA system,
Motorola Internal Radio system. Developing Process Graphics, Logics, Sequences and Loading
Procedures. Responsible for HW and SW implementation of DCS and ESD System in Khafji
Expansion Project.
Starting from Site survey I was creating my discipline Document Register Book, Project Execution
Schedule, planning necessary man-power for engineering phase as well as site activities needs.
Through the project development I was taking care of my engineers activities as well as
supervising vendor works. I have performed all FATs belonging to my discipline, procuring all
requested instruments, devices and materials. I have established Good team spirit with the
client PMT engineers ensuring the smooth development of the project. All developed
documents, bought materials, devices and systems passed rigorous QA/QC testing and
procedures, especially FATs of major systems with third party inspectors from Lloyd, SMS and
Biro Veritas.
 Well experienced with Saudi Aramco standards.
 Ras Laffan to Mesaieed 36 Sweet Gas Pipeline Project for QATAR PETROLEUM.
 Telecom system including Fiber Optics, Voice and data communications over 34M PDH MUX,
622Mbps/144Mbps SDH-1/4 transport systems. Dealt with Nokia, Marconi and Axxessit Telecom
Systems. The whole system functions as part of the great QP Telecom. Installed more than
170km of Fiber Optic cable, splicing enclosures, terminating equipment. The whole system was
tested to meet QP and international standards (IEC and EIA/TIA). I have prepared all relevant
documents: Specs, Data-sheets, Alignment sheets for cable laying, System Architecture
drawings, Layout drawings
 Field Instrumentation and SCADA system design; Loop diagrams, System Arch. Diagrams,
Graphics, Logix, Sequences, System integration... Dealt with Wonderware SCADA, Schneiders
Quantum PLCs, Rotork & Biffi actuators, HIPPS SYSTEM, HART field equipment.
 F&G detection and protection systems. Dealt with Vesda HSSD, Notifier SDS.
 Well experienced with Qatar Petroleum (QP) standards.
INA -REFINERY, Rijeka, Croatia. (2002 to 2004)
 Maintenance Manager for Instrumentation & Telecom. in Oil Refinery FCC group of plants: Fluid
Catalytically Cracking (FCC), Vacuum/Distillation, Gas Concentration, Claus, Amine and Merox
Plants. Head of 150 Engineers and Technicians Department, responsible for routine and periodic
maintenance, legally obliged testings, new projects implementation. Dealt with vendor
engineers and government inspectors on a routine annual testing or accident prevention
programs. Coordinating ISO9001, ISO14000 and ISO18000 standards implementation in the
 Project manager for building CCR (Common Control Room), implementing Fiber Optic
communication integrating 6 Honeywell TDC3000/TPS DCS systems in Refinery. Well experienced
in single & multimode FO cables, terminating equipment, measuring procedures in fiber optics in
acc. to EIA/TIA and IEC norms. Installed more than 20 km of FO cables and accessory equipment
in Refinery, all tested in accordance to EIA/TIA 445 and IEC607xx standards and procedures.
 Specialist for Process Analyzers: Tail gas analyzer Bovar, Rofa Diesel analyzer, Sour gas analyzer
Emerson gas chromatographs, Environmental Emission Monitoring Systems, Air Monitoring
 Implemented Refinery Video Security Surveillance System, integrated with Access control.
 Authorised by National Ex-protection Agency as Responsible person in Rijeka Refinery for Ex
SNAMPROGETTI , Milan, Italy (EPC Contractor). (2002)
 As Lead DCS Eng. designed and supervised DCS vendor on Electro-Instrumentation and DCS
project for RAS LAFFAN EXPANSION PROJECT (ELICS), Ras Laffan LNG Company Ltd. -QATAR.
Developing Process Graphics, Logics, Sequences, Load Shedding and general Instrumentation
documents. Dealt with Invensys-Foxboro I/A DCS and GE Mark IV Gas Turbine Control System,
RTUs, PLCs interconnected through Fiber optic single mode or multi mode cables.
/ DOW Chemicals Petrochemical production / (Maintenance department)
 As Manager of Elect./Instr. Maintenance department organised maintenance and
implementation of Electrical, Instrument, Telecom and F&G equipment in DINA Petrochemicals.
Organised implementation of ISO 9001/2002 and ISO-14000 QA/QC Standards in Process plants,
established Calibration laboratory, responsible for annual calibration of more than 5000
measuring instruments in DINA Petrochemicals. Responsible person for Ex-protection for the
whole plant according to ATEX.
Planned annual department budgets to cover costs of manpower, legally obligatory testings,
vendor engagements, spent materials and spare parts. Planned stock of Spare parts, Material
take-outs, ordering procurement of necessary Materials, Spare parts and Services. Dealt with
vendors and own engineers and technicians during normal and extraordinary interventions in the
process plants. Responsible for HSE awareness of the own and vendors engineers and
technicians under my responsibility.
Organized training courses for my engineers and technicians to cover the new systems
maintenance or to fulfil legal obligations for Ex-protection, toxic gases etc.
 Worked and supervised on corrective and periodical maintenance and planned revision of DCS
Systems, Temperature scanners, Tank gauging systems, PLC-s and SCADA systems, F&G systems,
MCCs and Switchgears equipment and the whole field equipment.
 Well experienced with: Honeywell TDC/TPS DCS, Foxboro I/A DCS, Emerson DeltaV DCS, ABB-
Taylor MOD3 DCS, Honeywell FSC Emergency Shut-Down system, AB ControlLogix PLCs.
 Project manager for three major projects in DINA PETROCHEMICALS:
- Honeywell TDC/TPS DCS implementation with remote FO cable extended I/O Racks
- Building of Local Area Network (Corporate Ethernet based LAN with 1450 nodes.)
- PABX Ericsson MD110 with 1550 lines implementation, integration with LAN data
network over Eripax X.25 module and PDH FO cable connection to public network.
Planning of project deliverables, financially covering, procuring of materials and services,
dealing with vendors was normal part of the project management. Coordination with plant
operations was essential for successful project scheduling.
Well experienced in Fiber Optics, UTP CAT6, Structured Cabling systems and Industrial Switching
100/10 Mbps Ethernet technology in Local Area Networks.
ERICSSON - TESLA -Telecommunication Institute, Zagreb, Croatia ( 1984 - 1989 )
 Worked and supervised as Hardware Designer at TESLA TELECOM INSTITUTE.
 Well experienced in digital hardware design, CMOS, TTL and similar techniques, Microprocessors,
 Dealt with Assembler language for Motorola processors.
 Educated and experienced in AXE telecommunication technology and ISDN
Implementation, PCM and broadband networks. Specialist for PDH MUX systems, X.25
Packet Switching Networks, Network synchronisations for PDH and SDH Hierarchical
Digital Networks based on CCITT, ITU-T, IEC and EN standards.
 Authorised by High technical school for safety engineering, University of Zagreb, CROATIA, for
work on explosion-proof equipment according to ATEX, Zagreb, 2004.
 Trained in Honeywell training centre for DCS implementation, PACE, Brussels, 1994.
 Trained for Endress+Hauser Tank Gauging systems implementation, Wail, 2000.
 Trained for SIMATIC S7 PLC implementation, Zagreb, 2001.
 Trained for Foxboro I/A DCS system implementation, Wien 2003.
 Familiar with PC-s and related MS-Office and AutoCAD applications.
 Work permit for European Union countries.
 Member of Saudi Council of Engineers; having KSA residence.
Ras al Khafji; 04.05.2015. Cvjetko Bokarica, MScEE

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  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE CVJETKO BOKARICA LEAD INSTRUMENT & AUTOMATION ENGINEER (M. Sc. Electrical Engineer, Zagreb University, Croatia, 1984.) PERSONAL DATA Address: Senjskih Uskoka 3, 51000, Rijeka, CROATIA Phone: (+385) 51/344 -150 _ home, Croatia; (+385) 91/751- 6828, mobile, Croatia (+966) 13/765-2939, at work, KSA (+966) 53/600-4918, mobile, KSA; (+965) 69 661 897, Kuwait Mail: cbokarica@gmail.com Date of birth: February 25, 1958. SUMMARY Lead Instrument & Automation Engineer with wide experience on different lead positions, dealt with the world best DCS/ESD/F&G & Telecom systems technologies present in Process industry. Worked as EPC Lead designing engineer, Lead PMT engineer in Oil & Gas, Maintenance manager in Petrochemical industry and Refineries. Well experienced in Process heaters, Desalter/Dehydration plants, Chemical injection, GOSP, Gas pipelines, Water treatment, LDPE and VCM petrochemical plants, managing maintenance of Petrochemical plants and Refineries. Experienced in developing project documents: P&IDs, C&E, Specs, I/O lists, Loop & Logic diagrams. Performing FATs and SATs, dealing with QA/QC, plant Construction, Precommissioning, Commissioning and Start-ups, maintenance & plant revamping. Familiar with Saudi Aramco, Qatar Petroleum and international standards. WORK EXPERIENCE Dar al Handasah/Penspen LTD, PMT for KJO Oil&Gas, Saudi Arabia ( 2011 to present) KJO Oil&Gas Plant in Ras Al Khafji, Saudi Arabia: Upgrading Hout Crude Project. Lead I&C PMT on Construction/Commissioning and Start-up of new developed Sour Crude Oil&Gas plant. Performed Construction supervision, Loop testing and other precommissioning works, Functional testing of DCS, ESD, Package PLCs, F&G & HSSD system, PAGA and Telecom systems. Lead I&C PMT on Detail design in Contractor premises in Techint SPA, Milan, Italy. In the name of company supervised development of Process Automation, Field instruments, F&G and Telecom: Detail design based on Saudi Aramco and International Standards, HAZOP and SIL study. Process simulation on Honeywell Unisim OTS. Dealt with Honeywell Experion DCS, Safety Manager ESD, A&B ControlLogix PLCs, Honeywell OTS Unisim Training Simulator, Teledyne, Agar & Ametek analyzers etc. SICON OIL&GAS. Milan, Italy & CCC, Middle East EPC Contractor. (2004 to 2010) KJO Oil Refinery in Ras Al Khafji, Saudi Arabia: Khafji Expansion Project. Post Start-up Site support as Process Automation Engineering Manager, solving all outstanding issues, tuning DCS/ESD for the best performance. Training of client operators and engineers. Site Supervision in Instr./Control, Telecom and F&G: Construction, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning and Start-up. Implemented below developed systems integrating them in the existing environment. Testing and Start-up of DCS/ESD functional blocks simulating events in real environment. Testing of PAGA system in connection with Public address function from F&G system. Testing of redundant communications over Fiber Optic cables to meet Saudi Aramco standards. As Lead Automation Engineer I was leading development of Process DCS and ESD applications for Honeywell TPS & FSC Systems and Allen Bradley ControlLogix PLCs, Valtronix PAGA system,
  • 2. Motorola Internal Radio system. Developing Process Graphics, Logics, Sequences and Loading Procedures. Responsible for HW and SW implementation of DCS and ESD System in Khafji Expansion Project. Starting from Site survey I was creating my discipline Document Register Book, Project Execution Schedule, planning necessary man-power for engineering phase as well as site activities needs. Through the project development I was taking care of my engineers activities as well as supervising vendor works. I have performed all FATs belonging to my discipline, procuring all requested instruments, devices and materials. I have established Good team spirit with the client PMT engineers ensuring the smooth development of the project. All developed documents, bought materials, devices and systems passed rigorous QA/QC testing and procedures, especially FATs of major systems with third party inspectors from Lloyd, SMS and Biro Veritas. Well experienced with Saudi Aramco standards. Ras Laffan to Mesaieed 36 Sweet Gas Pipeline Project for QATAR PETROLEUM. Telecom system including Fiber Optics, Voice and data communications over 34M PDH MUX, 622Mbps/144Mbps SDH-1/4 transport systems. Dealt with Nokia, Marconi and Axxessit Telecom Systems. The whole system functions as part of the great QP Telecom. Installed more than 170km of Fiber Optic cable, splicing enclosures, terminating equipment. The whole system was tested to meet QP and international standards (IEC and EIA/TIA). I have prepared all relevant documents: Specs, Data-sheets, Alignment sheets for cable laying, System Architecture drawings, Layout drawings Field Instrumentation and SCADA system design; Loop diagrams, System Arch. Diagrams, Graphics, Logix, Sequences, System integration... Dealt with Wonderware SCADA, Schneiders Quantum PLCs, Rotork & Biffi actuators, HIPPS SYSTEM, HART field equipment. F&G detection and protection systems. Dealt with Vesda HSSD, Notifier SDS. Well experienced with Qatar Petroleum (QP) standards. INA -REFINERY, Rijeka, Croatia. (2002 to 2004) Maintenance Manager for Instrumentation & Telecom. in Oil Refinery FCC group of plants: Fluid Catalytically Cracking (FCC), Vacuum/Distillation, Gas Concentration, Claus, Amine and Merox Plants. Head of 150 Engineers and Technicians Department, responsible for routine and periodic maintenance, legally obliged testings, new projects implementation. Dealt with vendor engineers and government inspectors on a routine annual testing or accident prevention programs. Coordinating ISO9001, ISO14000 and ISO18000 standards implementation in the refinery. Project manager for building CCR (Common Control Room), implementing Fiber Optic communication integrating 6 Honeywell TDC3000/TPS DCS systems in Refinery. Well experienced in single & multimode FO cables, terminating equipment, measuring procedures in fiber optics in acc. to EIA/TIA and IEC norms. Installed more than 20 km of FO cables and accessory equipment in Refinery, all tested in accordance to EIA/TIA 445 and IEC607xx standards and procedures. Specialist for Process Analyzers: Tail gas analyzer Bovar, Rofa Diesel analyzer, Sour gas analyzer Emerson gas chromatographs, Environmental Emission Monitoring Systems, Air Monitoring Systems. Implemented Refinery Video Security Surveillance System, integrated with Access control. Authorised by National Ex-protection Agency as Responsible person in Rijeka Refinery for Ex protection. SNAMPROGETTI , Milan, Italy (EPC Contractor). (2002) As Lead DCS Eng. designed and supervised DCS vendor on Electro-Instrumentation and DCS project for RAS LAFFAN EXPANSION PROJECT (ELICS), Ras Laffan LNG Company Ltd. -QATAR. Developing Process Graphics, Logics, Sequences, Load Shedding and general Instrumentation documents. Dealt with Invensys-Foxboro I/A DCS and GE Mark IV Gas Turbine Control System, RTUs, PLCs interconnected through Fiber optic single mode or multi mode cables. DINA PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY, Croatia. (1989 2002)
  • 3. / DOW Chemicals Petrochemical production / (Maintenance department) As Manager of Elect./Instr. Maintenance department organised maintenance and implementation of Electrical, Instrument, Telecom and F&G equipment in DINA Petrochemicals. Organised implementation of ISO 9001/2002 and ISO-14000 QA/QC Standards in Process plants, established Calibration laboratory, responsible for annual calibration of more than 5000 measuring instruments in DINA Petrochemicals. Responsible person for Ex-protection for the whole plant according to ATEX. Planned annual department budgets to cover costs of manpower, legally obligatory testings, vendor engagements, spent materials and spare parts. Planned stock of Spare parts, Material take-outs, ordering procurement of necessary Materials, Spare parts and Services. Dealt with vendors and own engineers and technicians during normal and extraordinary interventions in the process plants. Responsible for HSE awareness of the own and vendors engineers and technicians under my responsibility. Organized training courses for my engineers and technicians to cover the new systems maintenance or to fulfil legal obligations for Ex-protection, toxic gases etc. Worked and supervised on corrective and periodical maintenance and planned revision of DCS Systems, Temperature scanners, Tank gauging systems, PLC-s and SCADA systems, F&G systems, MCCs and Switchgears equipment and the whole field equipment. Well experienced with: Honeywell TDC/TPS DCS, Foxboro I/A DCS, Emerson DeltaV DCS, ABB- Taylor MOD3 DCS, Honeywell FSC Emergency Shut-Down system, AB ControlLogix PLCs. Project manager for three major projects in DINA PETROCHEMICALS: - Honeywell TDC/TPS DCS implementation with remote FO cable extended I/O Racks - Building of Local Area Network (Corporate Ethernet based LAN with 1450 nodes.) - PABX Ericsson MD110 with 1550 lines implementation, integration with LAN data network over Eripax X.25 module and PDH FO cable connection to public network. Planning of project deliverables, financially covering, procuring of materials and services, dealing with vendors was normal part of the project management. Coordination with plant operations was essential for successful project scheduling. Well experienced in Fiber Optics, UTP CAT6, Structured Cabling systems and Industrial Switching 100/10 Mbps Ethernet technology in Local Area Networks. ERICSSON - TESLA -Telecommunication Institute, Zagreb, Croatia ( 1984 - 1989 ) Worked and supervised as Hardware Designer at TESLA TELECOM INSTITUTE. Well experienced in digital hardware design, CMOS, TTL and similar techniques, Microprocessors, memories Dealt with Assembler language for Motorola processors. Educated and experienced in AXE telecommunication technology and ISDN Implementation, PCM and broadband networks. Specialist for PDH MUX systems, X.25 Packet Switching Networks, Network synchronisations for PDH and SDH Hierarchical Digital Networks based on CCITT, ITU-T, IEC and EN standards. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Authorised by High technical school for safety engineering, University of Zagreb, CROATIA, for work on explosion-proof equipment according to ATEX, Zagreb, 2004. Trained in Honeywell training centre for DCS implementation, PACE, Brussels, 1994. Trained for Endress+Hauser Tank Gauging systems implementation, Wail, 2000. Trained for SIMATIC S7 PLC implementation, Zagreb, 2001. Trained for Foxboro I/A DCS system implementation, Wien 2003. Familiar with PC-s and related MS-Office and AutoCAD applications. Work permit for European Union countries. Member of Saudi Council of Engineers; having KSA residence. Ras al Khafji; 04.05.2015. Cvjetko Bokarica, MScEE