- Brijesh Kumar Mishra has over 12 years of experience as an SAP Supply Chain Process Lead Consultant, with expertise in SAP MM, WM, and integration with other SAP modules.
- He has experience leading 3 end-to-end SAP implementation projects and 4 support projects for clients in various industries.
- His responsibilities have included requirements analysis, business process mapping, system configuration, testing and support, and developing reports and interfaces.
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CV_Brijesh Kumar Mishra
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Brijesh Kumar Mishra
SAP MM/WMLead Consultant
Mob No. +33753793410
Location: Lille France
Working as a SAP Supply Chain Process Lead Consultant with experience in 3 EndtoEnd Life
Cycle Implementations and done 4-Support Projects.
Having around 12 years of overall experience with around 8 years of experience as SAP MM Functional
Consultant & One Years WM Functional Consultant in implementing SAP ERP system and support
A self-motivated and result oriented functional consultant with strong analysis, configuration and
business skills with good knowledge of end-to-end business process (Auto Spares, Textile, Service,
Steal, Public Sector).
Better Understanding of the Clients business process and mapping them into SAP system.
Having good integration knowledge with SRM,WM,WMD,FI,SD,PS/PPM& QM/PP
Good communication, leadership qualities and interpersonal skills.
SAP Supply Chain Process Lead Consultant
People Brijesh Kumar Mishra.
Languages English, Hindi
Onsite Experience One Implementation & Two Suppport
Contact Number +33753793410
Company HCL- Technology
Duration Jun-2016 to Till Date
Position Supply Chain Process Lead Consultant
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Client : EQIOM Group CRH France : Support & Enhancement Project
EQUIM Group of CRH, a leading building materials.EQIOM is active in four areas:production ofcement,aggregates,
concrete employmentand alternative fuels.Its products and solutions cover all the needs ofstakeholders construction
in France:
Engaged with client in KT session & prepared the run book in Starting phase of Project.
Annelize & Provide solution to Client as per new requirement & Incident.
Using Service now tickets tools to tracking user incident & Changes request.
Looking all Technical & Functional Issue Regarding Purchase, Inventory & LE
Create FS speck Document for New Enhancement, SOX reports & Changes.
Implemented new plant, Purchase Organisation, Purchasing Group & released process for Outline
Agreement (Contract) as per client requirement.
Having good knowledge in Transport management System
Having Good Knowledge in SAP LSMW, IDOCand Workflow.
Company HCL- Technology
Duration Oct-2014 to May-2016
Position Supply Chain Process Lead Consultant
Client : Linde Gas Germany: Implementation Project
The Linde Group is the leading industrial gases companyin all over world. Supply the Industrial,Medic Gas & Medic
Analysed the Stock Control Process & Mapped in TOBE, DDS document.
Configuration & assignment Company code, Plant, Purchase organization.
Developed the Z-Customised process for ICC Individual Cylinder Control.
Integration between ICC & Non ICC Process.
Configured Sale Purchase Process & Captive Consumption.
Developed Different type Print program (Service PO, Sub-Contract, and Domestic PO & Import
Purchase Order) as per Client requirement.
Enhancement the Auto Collective Number in RFQ & Developed ZCSQ for Comparison Chart.
Physical inventory Process.
MRP, Production planning, Serial Numbering , Batch Management , Repackaging,
Configured Model-Service specification & Validation for Vender wise price control.
Module-Pole Enhancements for GATE Entry, RGP NRGP & Weight Bridge Mapping.
Good receipt Control through GATE Entry, FOC PO mapping Through GATE Entry.
Developed Different types reports. Purchase register, store stock register, Job-Work reconcile,
Back date stock register. Import register etc.
Developed new Configuration path to make validation for any type cylinder movement.
Cylinder Registration process.
Integration of QI and Blocked stock in LCM
Container Status Management cylinder and accessories blocking
Empty Stock for return situation at plant being supplied
Location Movement & Internal Consumption on handheld Device.
Categorised material master Filling Family and the Maintenance Family in material master
Make-to-Stock Filling process for Cylinder.
Cylinder assembling process.
Palletizing process & Consumption.
Scrapping, Blow-down Process & Redeployment Process.
Deliver Return Defective Product process.
Material Handling through Inbound & Outbound delivery Process.
Creating and Changing handling Units & HU Goods Movements.
Storage Bin Management, Define Stores Types, Planning and Monitoring.
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Setting up Lean WM , Number range maintain , Wave Picks Process, Warehouse activity Monitor, ,
Put away , Picking & Strategies, QM interface , Stock Transfer & Replenishment ,Internal Stock
Transfer , Stock Return Process, Load & Unload Process.
Having Good Knowledge in SAP IDOC, Workflow.
Company Accenture
Duration January May-2014 to Sep-2014
Position SAP-MM Consultant
.Client :NSPCL National Sale Power Company ,
Responsibilities /Deliverables
Client Welspun India Ltd Implementation Project
Client NSPCL Implementation Project
Mapped All ASIS & TOBE Document.
Map Release strategy & Version Management. For Purchases Requisition, Purchase Order &
Service Entry.
MRP, Production planning, Serial Numbering , Batch Management , Repackaging,
Mapping Assets Procurement & Consumption through internal Order.
Configured Model-Service specification & Validation for Vender wise price control.
Developed Different type Print program (Service PO, Sub-Contract, and Domestic PO & Import
Purchase Order) as per Client requirement.
Enhancement the Auto Collective Number in RFQ & Developed ZCSQ for Comparison Chart.
Module-Pole Enhancements for GATE Entry, RGP NRGP & Weight Bridge Mapping.
Good receipt Control through GATE Entry, FOC PO mapping Through GATE Entry.
Configured Batch Management & Batch Determination.
Configured Different type base unit Measurement value at the time of GRN.
Configured FIFO Management for Stores Spares material.
Mapped All MM Configurations with Pricing Procedure TAXINN.
Mapped all the Import Purchase scenario, Import Duty Utilization, Scheme Creation, License
Creation, Utilization of Import duty through export obligation.
Company HP India.
Duration Jan 2013 to April 2014
Position SAP-MM Consultant
Client. Welspun Group. Manufacturing company Cotton & Polyester.
Location: USA & India.
1.WIL & Welspun Syntax India Ltd Implementation Project
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2. USA Welspun India Limited Implementation Project: WIL is a fully integrated home textile
manufacturer in Textile Sector, Its was Implementation Project, Have a different type of Scenario, Service
& Job work process.
Responsibilities /Deliverables
Configuration Company code, Plant, Purchase organization, Storage location
Map Release strategy & Version Management. For Purchases Requisition, Purchase Order &
Service Entry.
Developed new custom field for Department wise release Control.
Mapping Assets Procurement & Consumption through internal Order.
Configured in Purchase requisition for aging repots, Consumption date for material. Pop message
to respective Purchase requisition user when PR gets final release.
Configured Sale Purchase Process & Captive Consumption.
Configured Batch Management & Batch Determination.
Configured FIFO Management for Stores Spares material.
Mapped All MM Configurations with Pricing Procedure TAXINN.
Configured all MM_CIN Activates.
Mapped the entire Import Purchase scenario, Import Duty Utilization, Scheme Creation, License
Creation, Utilization of Import duty through export obligation.
Expatriation in EXIM-Adon for import & Export process.
Developed Different types reports. Purchase register, store stock register, Job-Work reconcile,
Back date stock register. Import register etc.
Giving Support & customization after go live.
Company Nevaeh Technology Pvt. Ltd. (Kolkata):
Duration Dec 2011 Dec 2012
Position SAP MM Consultant
Project under Nevaeh Manufacturing company in TRF Handling Tolls & Project Area, Worked as
SAP MM & PS Support in, Was looking all Sap MM related issue & Development
Responsibilities /Deliverables
Looking all the Ticket (Troubles) for MM and PS Module.
Having Good knowledge of CIN (Excise).
Looking all Technical & Functional Issue Regarding Purchase, Store and Excise Department.
Create speck Document for New Enhancement & New Report.
Implemented New Released as per New Organizational level.
Configure New Procurement of Assets PO against budget.
Implemented Outline Agreement (Contract), New Release strategy, Document Type, Number
range, Control Check against Target. Val of Contract & Validity End.
Configure RFQ & Create New T. Code for Comparison Report , RFQ Print Format
Configure new Out Put Type for Service Purchase Order, & also assign the Value of Text ID in PO
Print Out.
Looking all different Type Technical & Functional Issue Regarding of Purchase Order (Project.
make-to-order, Network, Sales order, Cost center).
Configure New Logic of ExciseChallan Against T. Code J1IF01, J1IF11 (Sub Contracting Challan).
Configure the Print program For Duplicate GRN.
Configure New Report of Actual PR release date.
Configure in Version management for Assignment of Document Type & Version Reason.
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Developed classical and Interactive Reports: Inventory Aging Report, PO Amended
Report, and PR Track Report .PR Allocation Report against Sales Order, W.B.S & Order
.Gate Entry Report,
SAP Tools: LSMW, ALV, Table Reports.
Company Pioneer Embroideries Limited (Himachal Pradesh)
Duration Feb 2010.TO Dec .2011
Position SAP MM Support Consultant, Power User for Purchase and Store Department
Manufacturing company in Textile, is one of the largest manufacturer-exporter of Embroideries,
Torchon/Bobbin laces Worked as Power user/Support
Responsibilities /Deliverables
Looking all Customization activity for SAP MM Module.
Customization done for controlling the Goods Issue for safety stock (Stock Availability)
Customization done for Automatic Tax code determination in Purchase Order for material specific.
Creating Purchase Order in SAP.
Creating GRN and Issue Document in SAP.
Open Period.
Implementation of RGP: New movement type z41 RGP Issue, z42 RGP receipt, and output
layout for returnable Gate Pass.
New Plant Implementation: Plant Creation and its Assignment, Purchasing Group, New Document
type in Purchase Requisition, plant assignment to material types, new storage location
Prepared a detailed document of AS-IS study and developed the detailed TO-BE
Purchase requisition, purchase order and creation of vendors and monitoring of Inventory
management day to day activities
Project under Pioneer Embroideries Limited:
Kiren industries ltd Surat (Gujarat) One Rollout implementation project in sap-January 2011 to
June 2011.
SAP MM Consultant
Technical Environment - SAP 6.0 Enterprises
Looking all issue sap mm support.
Customization activity for SAP MM Module.
Providing end-user Training in sap.
Looking all activities in sap regarding Sap MM.
Company Reengineer Inc
Duration Sep 2008 to Feb 2010
Position SAP-MM Consultant
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Its a consulting & IT services organization. It offers solution for SAP projects on supports and
implementation. Worked as SAP MM consultant as team member- Post-implementation support,
Responsibilities /Deliverables
Project under Reengineer Inc: Dental Hydraulics Gurgaon May 2009 to Jan 2010
SAP MM Consultant
Technical Environment - SAP 5.0 Enterprises
Implementation of Service: Automatic Quantity calculation and service master in Service Purchase
Configuration of New Material type for finished material and its automatic Number Range
New Account Group and auto number range for different Vendors like RM Vendors, Packing
Material Vendors and Transport Vendors.
Customization for New PR Document types
Department based PR Release Strategy
New Plant Implementation: Plant Creation and its Assignment, Purchasing Group, New Document
type in Purchase Requisition, plant assignment to material types, new storage location
Involved in year-end number range maintenance
Indofarm Tractors and Motors ltd. Baddi (HP) October 2008 to Apr 2009
Associate Consultant
Technical Environment - ECC 5.0
Sale & Purchase Implementation for Stock Transport Order.
Configure auto PO creation while Goods receipt.
Configure New Valuation Class and auto account GL assignment for Subcontract process.
Terms of Payment Creation
New Storage Location creation for Non usable Stock
New movement type Z51 - Non usable Stock.
Implementation for Non usable material in transit stock.
Warning Message to Error Message setting for PR qty change if PO created.
New Condition Packing & Forward Charges creation and assigned in calculation schema for
Purchase order.
Field Setting: Make mandatory requisitioner field in Purchase Requisition for document type NB
Value based PO Release Strategy Implementation.
Company Abilities Piston & Rings Limited Ghaziabad
Duration June 2004 to Aug 2008
Position Store Officer
Its a Auto-Spare Manufacturing Company, Worked as Store Officer
Responsibilities /Deliverables
Receive the goods in Store
Issuing the Goods to Floor and Department
Preparing Daily Stock Sheet
Preparing Daily Receive and Issue List
Working for Physical Inventory when required
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Date Company Name Role
June 2004 to Aug 2008 Abilities Piston & Rings Limited
Store Officer
Sep 2008 to Feb 2010 Reengineer Inc SAP MM Consultant
Feb 2010 to Dec 2010 Pioneer Embroideries Limited SAP MM Consultant
Dec 2011 to Dec 2012 Nevaeh Technology Pvt. Ltd SAP MM & PS Consultant
Jan-2013 to April-2014 HP India SAP MM Consultant
May-2014 to Sep-2014 Accenture SAP MM Consultant
Oct-2014 to Till date HCl Technology SAP Lead Consultant
Level Subject College / University
Degree- B.Sc. 1999 Bachelor of Science Gorakhpur University (District- Gorakhpur)
Degree- LL.B in 2003 Company Professional Law Gorakhpur University (District- Gorakhpur)