The document discusses the future of IT and information governance. It notes that buyers will become more extreme, demanding simplicity, agility and value. Governance will also become more extreme as data volumes grow exponentially and most data lacks value. There will be a migration to more extreme engagement with technology as senior executives become more tech-aware. The challenges of scale will require new approaches to determine what data is needed and to reduce junk. True collaboration, not just social tools, will be needed to bridge gaps between stated needs and actual use of information. The era of discrete ECM technologies is ending and content will be viewed through business, process and compliance applications.
Information opportunities in social, mobile, and cloud technologiesJohn Mancini
John Mancini is the President of AIIM and provides his contact information. The document discusses the shift from traditional systems of record to new systems of engagement in the social, local, and mobile era. It notes how content management has evolved from microfilm to social business systems. The document calls for businesses to reclaim IT leadership and provides demands around committing to the cloud, mobilizing everything, making business social, and digitizing paper-based processes to prepare for extreme information management.
The document describes key events in the Christmas story, including the Annunciation where the Archangel Gabriel tells Mary she will bear God's son, Joseph and Mary traveling to Bethlehem for the census where Mary gives birth to Jesus and places him in a manger, and the visit of the Three Wise Men who follow a star to find the newborn king.
Keynote at Alfresco Developers Conference, NYCJohn Mancini
The document discusses the history and future of enterprise content management (ECM) systems. It notes that early ECM solutions were expensive and complex, but adoption is now driven by businesses and users. The rise of cloud, mobile, and social technologies has empowered consumers in their personal lives and increased demands within enterprises. Specifically, users expect the easy access and collaboration enabled by consumer technologies to also be possible through work systems. This has resulted in a transition from traditional systems of record to new systems of engagement. The document questions how enterprises can bridge these two approaches to meet modern user demands and expectations.
The document discusses the rapidly changing enterprise content management (ECM) marketplace. It notes that ECM solutions were once expensive and complicated, but rising adoption of SaaS and open source options has led to more affordable and user-friendly systems. The emergence of systems of engagement that are collaborative and user-centric represents an ongoing shift from traditional document-centric systems of record. This presents new challenges around how organizations can maintain control and security as consumer technologies disrupt expectations in the enterprise.
The document discusses challenges that organizations face in managing the large amounts of electronic information and documents. Some key points:
- Over 50% of organizations rate their effectiveness in managing electronic information as 5 or less on a scale of 1 to 10.
- Only 33% of knowledgeable samples believe their IT staff has fair or marginal competence regarding electronic records.
- The volume of content is exploding with the rise of social networking, increasing risks around mismanaging information.
- Proper information management can impact an organization's profitability, such as through the ease of information access.
29 warning signs of digital disruptionJohn Mancini
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. There are over 30 photos in total from different photographers showcasing a variety of subjects and scenes. Basic information is provided for each photo including the photographer name and license type.
Keynote at Alfresco Developers Conference, NYCJohn Mancini
The document discusses the history and future of enterprise content management (ECM) systems. It notes that early ECM solutions were expensive and complex, but adoption is now driven by businesses and users. The rise of cloud, mobile, and social technologies has empowered consumers in their personal lives and increased demands within enterprises. Specifically, users expect the easy access and collaboration enabled by consumer technologies to also be possible through work systems. This has resulted in a transition from traditional systems of record to new systems of engagement. The document questions how enterprises can bridge these two approaches to meet modern user demands and expectations.
The document discusses the rapidly changing enterprise content management (ECM) marketplace. It notes that ECM solutions were once expensive and complicated, but rising adoption of SaaS and open source options has led to more affordable and user-friendly systems. The emergence of systems of engagement that are collaborative and user-centric represents an ongoing shift from traditional document-centric systems of record. This presents new challenges around how organizations can maintain control and security as consumer technologies disrupt expectations in the enterprise.
The document discusses challenges that organizations face in managing the large amounts of electronic information and documents. Some key points:
- Over 50% of organizations rate their effectiveness in managing electronic information as 5 or less on a scale of 1 to 10.
- Only 33% of knowledgeable samples believe their IT staff has fair or marginal competence regarding electronic records.
- The volume of content is exploding with the rise of social networking, increasing risks around mismanaging information.
- Proper information management can impact an organization's profitability, such as through the ease of information access.
29 warning signs of digital disruptionJohn Mancini
The document is a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. There are over 30 photos in total from different photographers showcasing a variety of subjects and scenes. Basic information is provided for each photo including the photographer name and license type.
4. Zelo veliko ljudi iz mno転ice je razgrnilo na pot svoje pla邸e, drugi pa so lomili veje z dreves in jih stlali po poti. Mno転ice pa, ki so 邸le pred njim in za njim, so vzklikale: 損Hozana Davidovemu sinu! Blagoslovljen, ki prihaja v Gospodovem imenu! Hozana na vi邸avah!束 (Mt 21,8-9)
7. Pred 2000 leti so vsi vzklikali Jezusu in ga pozdravljali, nekaj dni kasneje pa so zahtevali njegovo smrt. Ali smo danes kaj bolj stanovitni, ali pa tudi mi v roku nekaj dni popolnoma spremenimo svoje mnenje?
8. Ali sploh imamo svoje mnenje? To je zdaj vpra邸anje. e bi imeli svoje mnenje, ga ne bi spreminjali ez no, ker smo pa velikokrat odvisni od javnega mnenja, nas veter hitro obrne, tok reke nas odplavi, ne mislimo ve s svojo glavo