Hojda Viorel Gheorghe is a Romanian software developer with over 15 years of experience developing software using technologies like Java, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript and more. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications and has worked as a senior developer and technical lead for companies including IBM, Pentalog and Atraxo. His background includes experience developing web and desktop applications, technical documentation, and leading agile teams in a scrum environment.
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1. Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) Hojda Viorel Gheorghe
Address 13 Decembrie , no 129 , ap 93, C
RO-500460 Brasov (Romania)
Contact (+40)765983711 viorelhojda@yahoo.com
Nationality Romanian
Date of birth 26/01/1983
Gender Male
Desired employment /
Occupational field
Developer / IT Software
Work experience
Dates 04/01/2016 present
Occupation or position held Senior Developer
Main activities and
Senior Developer in SCRUM team
Name and address of
SC ATRAXO SRL, Moldovei 10A, Brasov (Romania)
Type of business or sector IT Services/ Aviation
Dates 10/23/2015 03/31/2016
Occupation or position held Senior Developer/Technical Lead
Main activities and
Maintain and develop software products; technical and delivery lead for
multiple projects and teams;
Name and address of
IBM Romania, Turnului 5 Brasov (Romania)
Type of business or sector IT Services
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Hojda Viorel Gheorghe
2. Dates 01/04/2012 10/22/2015
Occupation or position held Developer, Team Lead
Main activities and
Maintain and develop software products, development team lead
Name and address of
SC Pentalog Romania, Garii 13A Brasov (Romania)
Type of business or sector IT Services
Dates 01/02/2007 28/02/2012
Occupation or position held Developer
Main activities and
Design and implement the GUI framework of the software projects,
implement full front-end back-end processes
Name and address of
SC Coena SRL, Devei nr 1-7, 400375 Cluj Napoca (Romania)
Type of business or sector e-commerce
Education and training
Dates 15/09/1997 - 15/06/2001
Title of qualification awarded Programmer Operator Diploma
Principal subjects /
occupational skills covered
Programming theory and general algorithms, Programming in C/C+
Organisation providing
education and training
National College George Cosbuc ( Computer Science High school)
Principala, 425200 Nasaud (Romania)
Dates 15/10/2001 - 15/07/2006
Title of qualification awarded Engineer Degree
Principal subjects /
occupational skills covered
Telecommunications ,Electronics, Programming
Organisation providing
education and training
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Faculty of Telecommunications)
Baritiu, 400027 Cluj Napoca (Romania)
Level in national or
international classification
BS Degree
Project name Coena One
Project Description Platform for business and E-Commerce
Role/Responsibilities Developer, I had to mainly design and implement the GUI front-end
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Hojda Viorel Gheorghe
3. Applied technologies /
Java 1.6, Eclipse RCP, SWT, JFace, OSGI, Hibernate, Spring, Ant, Derby DB
Project name GAB
Project Description Application that manages the employees vacation requests and also
supplies different business and report data to managerial parties.
Role/Responsibilities Developer, I had to fix bugs, develop new features, propose solutions and
new design, also I've re-factored the whole application from scratch (I've
brought the app from Sonar score of 6.8 to 8.9 )
Applied technologies /
Java 1.6, JSF 1.2, Richfaces 3, Hibernate, MySQL 5, Apache Tomcat 6, HTML,
CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Maven
Project name GAC v.1
Project Description Application that manages the workflows inside a company, based on the
arrival/departure/modification of an employee. The project was built using
Bonita BPM, the leading BPM tool on the market.
Role/Responsibilities Developer, I had to fix bugs, develop new features
Applied technologies /
Bonita BPM, Groovy, Java, Talend, Javascript, HTML
Project name GAC v.2
Project Description The new GAC is a fresh J2EE application made from scratch. It has the old
features but takes the functionality to the next level. Multiple flow
processes, collaborators management, programmatic jobs and flows, etc
Role/Responsibilities Main developer/Team Leader, I was responsible with everything, from
design and implementation to deployment.
Applied technologies /
Java 1.7, Hibernate 3, JPA 2.2, JSF 2.1, Primefaces 3.5, HTML, Maven 3,
Javascript, JQuery, CSS, MySQL 5, Apache Tomcat 7
Project name MARS
Project Description Business management platform for the biggest audit/debt company in
Role/Responsibilities Senior developer in SCRUM team
Applied technologies /
Java 1.6, Hibernate 3, Spring 4, JAX-RS( RESTfull Webservices ), JSON, ExtJS
4, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JUnit, Apache Tomcat, PostgreSQL, Continuous
Integration (Jenkins, Nexus, Maven, Sonar, etc), SCRUM/Agile
Project name SONE
Project Description Fuel and aviation management platform.
Role/Responsibilities Senior developer in SCRUM team
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Hojda Viorel Gheorghe
4. Applied technologies /
Java 1.7, JPA, Spring 5, JAX-RS( RESTfull Webservices ), JSON, ExtJS 6, HTML,
Javascript, JUnit, Apache Tomcat, MySQL, Continuous Integration (Jenkins,
Nexus, Maven, Sonar, etc), Activiti BPM, Eclipse Link, SCRUM/Agile
Personal skills/competences
Mother tongue(s) Romanian
Other language(s) Understanding Speaking W r i t i n g
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken
English C2 Proficient user C2
C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user
French C1 Proficient user C1
Social skills and competences Team player, Agile preacher, multicultural environments experience, fun to
work with, technical language master;
Organisational skills and
Ive been in small (1), medium (3-4) and large (11-12) teams, worked with
different methodologies (Agile/SCRUM/V Circle/Waterfall); Technical Lead
for multiple projects, Manager and client consultant experience, extensive
experience in SCRUM (Agile), coaching Java and technical skills;
Technical skills and
Telecommunications, electronics, computers related technology, but in-love
with programming (mainly Java) since I was a little boy in the 90s.
Computer skills and
In my over 10 years of experience Ive worked with lots of technologies and
frameworks, full-stack developer, also extensive experience in Desktop
applications and GUI Designer. Ive pretty much covered all the areas in
developing a product, from creating designs (GUI) and choosing
architectural solutions and technologies to developing the product along
with testing support(manual, automatic, scripting), building and releasing it
(Continuous integration + Ant/Maven). Lets also not forget Quality
management (SONAR). Aside the persistence layer (Hibernate, EclipseLink,
JPA ) and gluing layer (Spring, JAVA EE), I have extensive experience in
WebServices (REST/SOAP), indexing (SOLAR, Elasticsearch), XML & JSON
handling, BPM Solutions (Activiti, Bonita), JMS, etc. Ive also worked with
different application servers (Tomcat, Glassfish, Jboss) and databases
(MySQL, PostgreSQL, Derby, Oracle). Web development has been part of
my projects using Java technologies mostly (JSF, Richface, Primeface) and
more present JS aproaches (EXT JS, JS MVC, Jquery), but my strongest skills
is still good old OOP designing and programming. I also am very good at
writing technical documentation.
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Hojda Viorel Gheorghe
5. Artistic skills and
I have drawing skills, writing skills and also singing skills. I love writing, in
another life I would have been a writer.
Other skills and competences Pretty smart, I like logic and puzzle games, anything that stimulates the
Driving licence(s) B
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Hojda Viorel Gheorghe