This curriculum vitae summarizes Ian Fisher's academic and professional qualifications, employment history, academic responsibilities, innovations, research interests, consultancy work, papers, competitions, and exhibitions. It details his education, positions held at Manchester Metropolitan University since 1992 including roles as Senior Lecturer, Programme Leader, and Course Leader. It also lists professional qualifications, voluntary work, consultancy projects, publications, and presentations given.
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1. Curriculum vitae:
Ian Fisher
Date of Birth
October 1956
39 Emesgate Lane, Silverdale, Carnforth, Lancashire LA5 0RF
T: 07801258917
Academic Qualifications
1980 BSc Geography. Edinburgh
1986 Kew Dip (Hons). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
1991 Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture, University of Central England
Professional Qualifications
1992 Chartered Member of the Landscape Institute
1986 Landscape Assistant, Recreational Services, Manchester City Council
1988 Landscape Architect. City Architects Department, Manchester City Council
Kingswood Rd Community Park. Ladybarn. Participation in user group, preparation of landscape
Landscape design for school grounds. Cavendish Rd School West Didsbury.1990
Landscape design for school grounds. Brookburn CP School Chorlton.1996
Present Post: Academic responsibilities
1992 Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, Landscape programme
1993 Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, Landscape programme
1993- Erasmus, USA Co-ordinator, Landscape programme
1995-97 MA Art in Environment: Dissertation tutor
1999-2002 Bioclimatic architecture unit, Manchester School of Architecture. Studio tutor
1999-2001 Co author of course document for a BA (Hons) Landscape architecture unit
within the Manchester School of Architecture
2002 Phd (by research). Examiner
2002> Principal author of new Landscape Architecture programme
Unit leader and administrator Year one BA(Hons) Landscape Architecture
2004-2012 Unit leader Creative Laboratory
2005-2012 Unit leader and administrator Year four Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
2004-2012 Experience lecture programme organiser
2007-2012 Admissions tutor
2008-2012 Programme Leader
2008 Author of MA course document
2012 Author of Undergraduate/Graduate Diploma course documents
2012-2015 MA Course Leader
2013> Phd Supervisor
Academic Innovation
Innovation in the presentation of the BA (Hons), BLA and Graduate Diploma summer exhibition
2004>. This method of presenting the students design work not only makes it more accessible to
other academics, professionals and the general public, but also develops a wider knowledge of the
2. subject as a means of enhancing recruitment. (Reference Landscape. 08/07. P19. Independent review.
Practitioners comments and colleagues in the faculty)
Originator of external sponsored awards at the summer exhibition for outstanding student work. This
has increased links with practice and the landscape industry and developed the media profile of the
programme. (Reference news section on web site, NWBLI Space magazine)
Originator and organiser of Experience Radical Thinking lunch time open lecture programme.
Practitioners are specifically invited to these lectures to foster dissemination of ideas and debate and
forge closer links between practice and academia. (Reference web site experience lectures)
Originator and designer of an innovative strategy for the interviewing of applicants to the programme
as a means of increasing applications. (Reference programme statistics)
I have just taken on role of admissions tutor and hope to develop this role further in the next year
Designer and collator of all web site information. (Ref Neil Ashdown, Faculty of Art and Design web
master. Independent review of web site which categorised site as very good)
Designer of induction programme for new students in week one and two. This has been commended
as an innovative response to student retention. (Reference Faculty Learning Support Officer)
Originator and designer of Creative Laboratory. A voluntary unit (assessed through critical practice)
which encourages students to participate in extra curricular design projects;
e.g. Tatton Park Flower Show, bronze medal winner 2005. Students have also developed an
engagement with various community groups, schools and private enterprise.
(Reference Manchester City Council 100 days 2003, , Liverpool City Council, Everton sensory garden
2004, Barlow Moor neighbourhood community garden 2006, BSC Construction, Issay Quay residential
development roof gardens 2007
Previously I have encouraged and tutored students to enter extra curricular competitions with first
places in the RSA student design competition 1998 and the IFLA international design competition
Originator and designer of work placement scheme. I prepared documentation, organised inductions
with practices and set up structure. (MMU is the only college to offer this unit under the subject
heading of landscape architecture)
Synopsis of University extra curricular responsibilities 1992-2013
External examiner. Landscape field. University of Gloucester
External Examiner. University of Sheffield
Annual Review Group member. BA (Hons) Landscape Architecture. University of Central England and
Leeds Metropolitan University
Research interests
Landscape Urbanism and its application in a U.K context
Post industrial landscapes and vegetation structures
Design education in landscape architecture European dimensions
Principle of studio Circ. landscape architecture and garden design 1999-2010
Consultancy work (selection)
Park of Brandedleys, Dumfries, Scotland. Landscape strategy and detailed design. 1999>
Interactive space for three mentally disabled men. Manchester Social Services. 1998-99
Memorial garden and sensory space. Piperhill school, Wythenshawe. 1998-99
Gorton urban open space. Sketch design. Landscape consultant to Ian Finlay Architects.2002
Blackpool Home Zone. Sketch design. Landscape consultant to Ian Finlay Architects.2002
3. Private gardens, various, Manchester. 1998-2007
Landscape Consultant for a new large natural burial site in Warwickshire 2012
Landscape Consultant for leisure landscape in Limoges, central France 2012
Landscape consultant for Green Burial Garden. RHS Malvern Show. Bronze award. 2012
Gnomes dont fit. Paper on the role of vegetation in city centres. Contact 99. Nursery stock
conference. January 1999
Prototype Ecologies: vegetation in British Landscape Urbanism. Joint author with Jo Phillips. World
in Denmark Conference. City PLANTastic. June 2012
Adaptive and Resilient Strategies for Low Lying Coastlines at Risk from Rising Sea Levels. The World in
Landscape. IFLA conference. April 2013. Joint paper included in proceedings
Process, Utility and Strategy; Designing with Plant Materials in an Uncertain World. Joint paper ECLAS
conference. Sept 2013.
Urban Natural Burial. Urban Forestry conference. Joint paper Oct 2013.
Programming Plantation Forestry. Desertification to Habitation. Urban forestry conference. Poster
Urban Natural Burial. Joint Submission to Landscape Urbanism on line journal- Scenario. Building
the Urban Forest. November 2013
Landscape Urbanism Futures in the North West of England Publisher 1) ECLAS. Edited by the School of
Sciences, University of Porto Porto, Portugal. September 2014. ISBN/ISSN1) ISBN 9789729607677
Process, Utility and Strategy; Designing with Plant Materials in an Uncertain World. ECLAS. Poster
display. September 2014
Urban Natural Burials. Journal The Journal of the Landscape Institute ISSN 17422914. Summer 2014
Happiness in Public Space. To be delivered as a paper in The Biennal of Public Space-The Charter of
Public Space. May 21st
. Department of Architecture of the Universit di Roma Tre Rome Urbanistica
Informazioni Dossier with ISSN (TBC)
'Zwei Parks' competition Berlin. Entry for design competition for Potsdammer Platz. 1995
Hermitage Riverside urban park. Competition entry. 1998
Transiting Cities. Latrobe City, Victoria, Australia. Joint entry. 2012
The High Line for London. Joint entry. Shortlisted. 2012
Preston small spaces. Joint entry. Shortlisted. 2013
MMU Birley Fields Art works competition. Joint entry. Shortlisted. 2013
Royal Docks Ideas Competition. Joint entry. 2013/2014
Collaborative competition winning project with MA students. Cambridge University, School of
Architecture. Urban Emergencies: Emergent Urbanism. Exhibition of work and complimentary paper,
to be included as part of conference proceedings. March 17th
. 2015
Fresh Air Squares. Transport for London. 2015
Capabality Brown Festival Design Ideas . 2015
Design Ideas Competition. A Public Park for the 21st Century: A celebration of the work of Joseph
Paxton. 2015
Design for Desertification. Curation of MA Landscape Architecture student exhibition. Portugese
Consulate. June 2011
Design for Desertification. Curation of MA Landscape Architecture student exhibition as part of
International Conference on Design for Desertification. Idanha a Nova Portugal. 2013
International workshops
The Region is International. Technical University of Munich. Student tutor on two-week
international programme. September 1996
4. Symposiums
Presentation on Landscape Urbanism and the MA Landscape Architecture. Micromicro Symposium
on Transcultural Landscapes. Whitworth Gallery. Manchester.July 2015
Maintenance and Management Strategy for the landscape surrounding Manchester Airport.
Wythenshawe Centre. Improving access and environmental quality.1990
Gateway feature for Manchester, Salford Inner Relief Route.1990
Publicity document for the landscape practice, Manchester City Council. 1990
On behalf of the Littoral Arts Trust-Preparation of a bid for Heritage Lottery and Arts Council funding.
This will cover the Landscape elements and form part of a comprehensive bid to establish a centre for
the Kurt Schwitters Merz Barn project. July 2015
Jekyll Restored. Restoration of the Gertrude Jekyll garden at Upton Grey, Hampshire.
Horticulture Week. 1986
Contributor to Groundcover magazine of North West Landscape Group. (re-named Space).
1989 - 2003
The City that Gave up on Shrubs. Interview and commentary. Horticulture Week, June 4th 1993
Afloat on Oceans of the Future. A progress report on the Lisbon Expo. Landscape Design Extra,
August 1996
Exchange Square, Manchester. Critical commentary. Landlines, February 1999
In pursuit of an Ideal. Habitable Cities design methods. Landscape Design. April 2000
Overturning City Limits. Bioclimatic features of vegetation in cities. Landscape Design. June 2000
Professional activities
North West Landscape Chapter, events secretary, 1994-97