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Gerard Murphy
Institute of Counselling Dip Counselling, Cert Counselling (Various)
SCOTVEC Psychology
COSCA Cert Counselling
Objective & Mission Statement
¡°I enjoy supporting and working with vulnerable people and have done so for the past 20 years. Mainly whilst
facilitating drug and alcohol issue based groups, working with families and young people and those who are socially
excluded. Teaching and helping people to deal with feelings & emotions¡±.
During the period2002 ¨C 2004 mycolleague andI developedour owntraining & skills programme called, The Power of
Example. This 21st Centuryapproach deals withyouths whohave behavioural problems, people who suffer fromaddictions
and mentalhealth issues, anti-social behaviour, parenting skills and unhealthy relationships. Our approach is
recommended and supportedbymanyorganisations includingJordanhillUniversity, SouthLanarkshire College, Castle Craig
Hospital, The chartered institute of housing for Scotland & Turning point .
My colleague, Lorraine Buchanan, andI have writtenandhadpublished our own book called ¡°The Power of Example¡±
basedonour ownlife experiences. Our approachand book has givenus our greatest achievement sofar, being asked to
be part of the Diploma course at Jordanhill University.
Employment History 2000 - Present.
South Lanarkshire College.
Principe responsibilities:
? Worked with16 to 18 years & 18 to 25 year age groups.
? Counselledongettingback to work - NewDeal clients. Training and groupworkon drugs and alcohol education:
confidence andmotivation, assertiveness, anti ¨C social behaviour andresponsibility. Ongoing.
West Dunbartonshire Council.
Principle responsibilities:
? Group work withsociallyexcludedyoung people andindividual counselling.
Jordanhill University.
Principle responsibilities:
? Lectures to students (person Centred) onDiploma Course, basedon own theorycalledThe Power of Example.
East Dunbartonshire Council.
Principle responsibilities:
? CommunityEducation;counselling skills trainingfor voluntaryorganisations.
Chartered Institute of Housing for Scotland.
Principle responsibilities:
? All Drug & Alcohol trainingandconferences for institute..
North & South Lanarkshire Council - Careers Scotland.
Consultant - PartiSIPate Pilot Project.
Principle responibilities:
? Consultant for 6 projects throughout Lanarkshire, workingwith sociallyexcluded individualsage 15 to 18.
? Group work, 1-1 counselling& familytherapyand training.
Kirkmuirhill Community ¨C Lanarkshire.
Principle responsibilities:
? Talks and workshops to parents on addictions and life skills.
SWAN - Priesthill.
Principle responsibilities:
? Group work onlife skills withpeople fromthe community.
Consultant Counsellor / Group Work / Training / Lectures & Interactive Talks / Seminars & Meditation.
'Just Like Us', Drop in Centre, Milton Glasgow. Current & Ongoing.
Co - Founder.
? Drop in centre, workingwith people fromNorth Glasgow communities, working withpeople withaddictions and
mental health problems andlearning difficulties. Groupwork, 1-1 support, arts and crafts, music andtraining.
Scottish Network of Family Support Groups.
? 1:1 counselling, talks andseminars, group work. Ongoing.
Glasgow City Council.
? Talks to youngpeople on territorialism and anti ¨C social behaviours.
South Lanarkshire Council.
? Training for recovered addicts - Getting back to work.
Scottish Enterprise.
? Consultancyandtraining withvarious training organisations including Clydebank College.
Renfrewshire Council.
? Training onAnti - Social Behaviour for all housingstaff.
Right Track Training.
? Training for allstaff members on;Negotiation, conflict & resolution. Groupwork withyoung people dealingwith
behaviours, confidence & motivation.
Falkirk Council.
? R.E.A.PPilot Project;working with14 yr olds with severe behaviouralproblems, group work & individual counselling.
Project was verysuccessful.
Employment Enterprise, (Focus in Motherwell).
? Group work & talks with ex-offenders, addicts andlong termed unemployed.
Forward Training.
? (5 projects) - Group work & talks with individuals age 16 to 18 years, dealing withbehaviours & attitudes.
Key Skills
? Active Listener.
? Awareness of Confidentiality.
? Proven Abilityto Motivate Others.
? Confidence BuildingSkills.
? Abilityto Workon a 1:1 or Group Basis.
? Excellent Presentational Skills.
? RecognitionandAbilityto recognise different andmost suitable approaches.
? Valuable Life Experience leading to empathywith disadvantagedgroups.
Voluntary & Sessional Work
? Ruchillyouth dropincentre; Auchinairn CommunityCentre - youthwork; Barnardos Possilpark;Befriending;
Fairbridge Possilpark;Working withyoung people at risk; Castle Craig RehabilitationClinic - sharing & supporting;
Alive & Kicking for the elderly- mini bus driver; St Vincent de Paul - helping & supportingthe sick& terminallyill and
drivingmini bus; Lennox Castle Hospital- people with severe learning disabilities; Realise communitycare project for
methadone users, Apex Scotland - working with offenders, ex-offenders andpeople at risk;Prospects Training
Springburn - Senior Counsellor & Tutor withyoungpeople at risk. Assistant to chaplainat Stobhill hospital.
Education & Qualifications
Institute of Counselling. June 2001.
? Diploma in Clinical & Pastoral Counselling.
The Associating Examining Board. May 1999.
? Certificate inSupervision Sills for Counselling.
Adult Community Education Service, Glasgow. February - March 1998.
? Adult Education andEmployment Literacy.
College of Counselling. July 1997 - July 1999.
? CertificationCrisisCounselling.
North Glasgow College. September - December 1997.
? SCOTVEC Introductionto Psychology.
SCOTACS, Bath Street Glasgow. June 1997.
? Certificate inWorkingwith Grief & Loss.
SCOTACS, Bath Street Glasgow. June 1996 - June 1997.
? COSCA Certificate inCounsellingSkills.
Adult Community Education Service, Glasgow. March 1997.
? Communications 4.
SCVO, Glasgow. March 1997.
? Advice Guidance & Support.
Adult Community Education Service, Glasgow. May 1996 - June 1996.
? HIV / AIDS / HepB.
CSV Training Options. April 1996 - June 1996.
? SCOTVEC Introductionto Counselling.
Training Courses
Scottish Drugs Training, Stirling University. October 1997.
? MotivationalDrugs Training Project.
SCVO, Edinburgh. March 1997.
? Equal Opportunities.
SCVO, Glasgow. February 1997.
? Presentation Skills.
St. Andrews Ambulance Association. December 1997 - December 2003.
? First Aid.
GEESE Drama Group. July 1996.
? AssertivenessSkills.
Brathay Personal Development Training. July 1996.
? Training for Trainers.
Gilchrist & Sons. June 1976 - June 1978.
? Apprenticeshipin Joinery.
Hobbies& Interests
? I am a keenparticipant andspectator of a wide range of sporting activities, including, swimming, badminton, cycling
and golf. For relaxation I enjoylistening to a broadrange ofmusic, I also enjoyhillwalking, wood carving, playingthe
guitar and writing music.
Personal Details
Name: Gerard Murphy.
Address: 65 Springfield Square, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow. G64 1PU.
Tel (Home): 00 44 (0) 141 563 2731.
Tel Mobile: 0044 (0) 7748 607859.
Email: thelistenser@ntlworld.com
Linkedin: Gerard Murphy Linkedin Profile
Facebook: Gerry Murphy
Website: 'Just Like Us' - Drop In Centre
NB: 'The Power of Example' Training Programme - Information Pack available on request.
? Available on request contact details will be supplied.

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CV-Gerry Murphy 2016

  • 1. Gerard Murphy Institute of Counselling Dip Counselling, Cert Counselling (Various) SCOTVEC Psychology COSCA Cert Counselling Objective & Mission Statement ¡°I enjoy supporting and working with vulnerable people and have done so for the past 20 years. Mainly whilst facilitating drug and alcohol issue based groups, working with families and young people and those who are socially excluded. Teaching and helping people to deal with feelings & emotions¡±. During the period2002 ¨C 2004 mycolleague andI developedour owntraining & skills programme called, The Power of Example. This 21st Centuryapproach deals withyouths whohave behavioural problems, people who suffer fromaddictions and mentalhealth issues, anti-social behaviour, parenting skills and unhealthy relationships. Our approach is recommended and supportedbymanyorganisations includingJordanhillUniversity, SouthLanarkshire College, Castle Craig Hospital, The chartered institute of housing for Scotland & Turning point . My colleague, Lorraine Buchanan, andI have writtenandhadpublished our own book called ¡°The Power of Example¡± basedonour ownlife experiences. Our approachand book has givenus our greatest achievement sofar, being asked to be part of the Diploma course at Jordanhill University. Employment History 2000 - Present. South Lanarkshire College. Principe responsibilities: ? Worked with16 to 18 years & 18 to 25 year age groups. ? Counselledongettingback to work - NewDeal clients. Training and groupworkon drugs and alcohol education: confidence andmotivation, assertiveness, anti ¨C social behaviour andresponsibility. Ongoing. West Dunbartonshire Council. Principle responsibilities: ? Group work withsociallyexcludedyoung people andindividual counselling. Jordanhill University. Principle responsibilities: ? Lectures to students (person Centred) onDiploma Course, basedon own theorycalledThe Power of Example. East Dunbartonshire Council. Principle responsibilities: ? CommunityEducation;counselling skills trainingfor voluntaryorganisations. Chartered Institute of Housing for Scotland. Principle responsibilities: ? All Drug & Alcohol trainingandconferences for institute.. North & South Lanarkshire Council - Careers Scotland. Consultant - PartiSIPate Pilot Project. Principle responibilities: ? Consultant for 6 projects throughout Lanarkshire, workingwith sociallyexcluded individualsage 15 to 18. ? Group work, 1-1 counselling& familytherapyand training. Kirkmuirhill Community ¨C Lanarkshire. Principle responsibilities: ? Talks and workshops to parents on addictions and life skills. SWAN - Priesthill. Principle responsibilities: ? Group work onlife skills withpeople fromthe community. SelfEmployedConsultancyWork Consultant Counsellor / Group Work / Training / Lectures & Interactive Talks / Seminars & Meditation. 'Just Like Us', Drop in Centre, Milton Glasgow. Current & Ongoing. http://www.justlikeus.co.uk Co - Founder. ? Drop in centre, workingwith people fromNorth Glasgow communities, working withpeople withaddictions and mental health problems andlearning difficulties. Groupwork, 1-1 support, arts and crafts, music andtraining. Scottish Network of Family Support Groups. ? 1:1 counselling, talks andseminars, group work. Ongoing.
  • 2. Glasgow City Council. ? Talks to youngpeople on territorialism and anti ¨C social behaviours. South Lanarkshire Council. ? Training for recovered addicts - Getting back to work. Scottish Enterprise. ? Consultancyandtraining withvarious training organisations including Clydebank College. Renfrewshire Council. ? Training onAnti - Social Behaviour for all housingstaff. Right Track Training. ? Training for allstaff members on;Negotiation, conflict & resolution. Groupwork withyoung people dealingwith behaviours, confidence & motivation. Falkirk Council. ? R.E.A.PPilot Project;working with14 yr olds with severe behaviouralproblems, group work & individual counselling. Project was verysuccessful. Employment Enterprise, (Focus in Motherwell). ? Group work & talks with ex-offenders, addicts andlong termed unemployed. Forward Training. ? (5 projects) - Group work & talks with individuals age 16 to 18 years, dealing withbehaviours & attitudes. Key Skills ? Active Listener. ? Awareness of Confidentiality. ? Proven Abilityto Motivate Others. ? Confidence BuildingSkills. ? Abilityto Workon a 1:1 or Group Basis. ? Excellent Presentational Skills. ? RecognitionandAbilityto recognise different andmost suitable approaches. ? Valuable Life Experience leading to empathywith disadvantagedgroups. Voluntary & Sessional Work ? Ruchillyouth dropincentre; Auchinairn CommunityCentre - youthwork; Barnardos Possilpark;Befriending; Fairbridge Possilpark;Working withyoung people at risk; Castle Craig RehabilitationClinic - sharing & supporting; Alive & Kicking for the elderly- mini bus driver; St Vincent de Paul - helping & supportingthe sick& terminallyill and drivingmini bus; Lennox Castle Hospital- people with severe learning disabilities; Realise communitycare project for methadone users, Apex Scotland - working with offenders, ex-offenders andpeople at risk;Prospects Training Springburn - Senior Counsellor & Tutor withyoungpeople at risk. Assistant to chaplainat Stobhill hospital. Education & Qualifications Institute of Counselling. June 2001. ? Diploma in Clinical & Pastoral Counselling. The Associating Examining Board. May 1999. ? Certificate inSupervision Sills for Counselling. Adult Community Education Service, Glasgow. February - March 1998. ? Adult Education andEmployment Literacy. College of Counselling. July 1997 - July 1999. ? CertificationCrisisCounselling. North Glasgow College. September - December 1997. ? SCOTVEC Introductionto Psychology. SCOTACS, Bath Street Glasgow. June 1997. ? Certificate inWorkingwith Grief & Loss. SCOTACS, Bath Street Glasgow. June 1996 - June 1997. ? COSCA Certificate inCounsellingSkills. Adult Community Education Service, Glasgow. March 1997. ? Communications 4. SCVO, Glasgow. March 1997. ? Advice Guidance & Support.
  • 3. Adult Community Education Service, Glasgow. May 1996 - June 1996. ? HIV / AIDS / HepB. CSV Training Options. April 1996 - June 1996. ? SCOTVEC Introductionto Counselling. Training Courses Scottish Drugs Training, Stirling University. October 1997. ? MotivationalDrugs Training Project. SCVO, Edinburgh. March 1997. ? Equal Opportunities. SCVO, Glasgow. February 1997. ? Presentation Skills. St. Andrews Ambulance Association. December 1997 - December 2003. ? First Aid. GEESE Drama Group. July 1996. ? AssertivenessSkills. Brathay Personal Development Training. July 1996. ? Training for Trainers. Gilchrist & Sons. June 1976 - June 1978. ? Apprenticeshipin Joinery. Hobbies& Interests ? I am a keenparticipant andspectator of a wide range of sporting activities, including, swimming, badminton, cycling and golf. For relaxation I enjoylistening to a broadrange ofmusic, I also enjoyhillwalking, wood carving, playingthe guitar and writing music. Personal Details Name: Gerard Murphy. Address: 65 Springfield Square, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow. G64 1PU. Tel (Home): 00 44 (0) 141 563 2731. Tel Mobile: 0044 (0) 7748 607859. Email: thelistenser@ntlworld.com Linkedin: Gerard Murphy Linkedin Profile Facebook: Gerry Murphy Website: 'Just Like Us' - Drop In Centre NB: 'The Power of Example' Training Programme - Information Pack available on request. References ? Available on request contact details will be supplied. Associations