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FRANCISCO NOZOLINO DE AZEVEDO<br />Brasileiro_naturalizado ( CEE passport)  Married,<br />Av. Tubar?o, 80, ap 131<br />S?o José dos Campos, SP<br />Cep 12246-140<br />Cel?: 12 8124 8125<br /> HYPERLINK \"
 fna@terra..com.br         <br />Academic Background<br />Mechanical Engineer- University of Luanda-1974<br />Safety and Health Engineer- Brazil- 1976<br />Operational Management- CEDEP/ INSEAD- France- 1998<br />MBA Project Management- FGV Brazil-2008-2009<br />PMP certification- PMI-USA- 2009<br />Main Qualifications:<br />7   years of experience as Operations Director with VALEO and INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS..<br />16 years of experience as General and Operations Manager of VAN LEER, ESSO, VALEO, DRESSER-RAND, AERNNOVA, business units in the  packaging, distribution  terminals, auto parts, capital goods for the OIL and GAS industry and aerospace.<br />More than 10 years of experience, 5 of which in the USA, in Managing of Product and Design Engineering of Heavy Equipment for the Petrochemical Industries with more than 200,000 horsepower of equipment installed.<br />Team building and Best Practices. Recruiting and team training<br />P&L control and financial accurate reporting and Governance policies<br />Restructuring of plants introducing Lean Manufacturing Concepts, Production Controls and respective Metrics, increasing Direct Labor Productivity, and Value Added per total employees; <br />Operations Administration and hands on experience with LEAN TOOLS like JIT,  HOSHIN and KAIZEN. Implementation of Production Systems, Productivity plans, Flow optimization,    Process Control, SMED, TPM, and Hoshin projects. <br />Planning and Implementation  of Total Quality Corporate Systems  and  QS 9000 through all areas of the business.<br />Large experience in implementing from green field, new business units, including all required infrastructure form facilities, tools, production equipment to supplier development. <br />Operational Plan and Annual Budgets  with significant results on business units turn around.<br /> EXPERIENCE<br />TIER 1 AEROSPACE COMPANY- June 2007- current<br />Brazilian subsidiary of a world wide leading aerospace Tier 1 supplier of main commercial aircraft manufacturers, as Embraer, Airbus, Boeing, Sikorsky, Bombardier and Eurocopter.<br />The Brazilian Business Unit produces significant aircraft aero structures.<br />Managing Director- <br />Responsible for General Managing the Brazilian Operations.<br />Turnaround of the business unit operational and financial performance.<br />Prepare and implement short and long term Strategic Business Plan, with aligned support from Lean initiatives.<br />Identify and capture new businesses in Brazil and elsewhere to optimize the Business Unit results.<br />DRESSER-RAND GROUP- April 2004- Dec 2006<br />Brazilian subsidiary of the Leading OEM of Steam Turbines, Reciprocating and Centrifugal Compressors, technical solutions for all Oil and Chemical related Industrial segments. Sales 20 million USD.150 employees in Brazil and 1, 5 Billion USD and 4500 employees worldwide.<br />Managing and Operations Director- April 2004 – Dec 2006-  Brazil<br />Responsible for Managing the Operations, expanding the business and promote the integration of the Brazilian unit in the worldwide DR community. Prepare the Business unit for transitioning from a new equipment manufacturer to an aftermarket BU.<br />Complete and delivery 15 USD of new equipment during 2006 exporting to Asia- Pacific Regions.<br />CONSULTANT – April 2001- March 2004 <br />CPI- Compressor Products International- January 2001- March 2004 – Brazilian BU of the UK based Reciprocating Compressor Specialist supplying solutions and systems for the Petrochemical Industries. Local production of high performance parts. Sales 3 million USD.<br />DRESSER-RAND- June 2001- Dec 2001- Leading OEM of Steam Turbines, Reciprocating and Centrifugal Compressors, technical solutions for all Oil and Chemical related Industrial segments. Sales 5 million USD.<br />INTERNATIONAL-CAMINH?ES DO BRASIL LTDA. April, 1998 – April 2001.<br />North American Leader of Medium and Heavy Trucks and world leader of Truck Diesel Engines. Annual sales in Brazil 60 million USD, 50 direct contract employees. Reporting to the position are Purchasing, Product Engineering and Industrial Managers <br />Director of Operations-<br />Responsible for the green field implementation of the new International Truck Plant at Caxias do Sul to produce Medium and Heavy Trucks. Responsible for the implementation of the truck assembly line and all  infrastructure required, including facilities, tools, production equipment, supplier development, logistics, recruiting and team training. Strong development of local content. Operational Plan and Annual Budgets. <br />VALEO GROUP- Feb. 91 - March 98<br />Multinational French based company is an independent automotive components and systems supplier to major car and truck manufacturers worldwide. Annual sales over 5 billion USD, 27000 employees.<br />Industrial Director-Oct 94-Oct 98<br />VALEO SISTEMAS EL?TRICOS DO BRASIL LTDA-October 1996-1998 <br />Responsible in Brazil for the implementation of the  new Electrical Systems Division to produce Starters and Alternators, including facilities ( participated during the design phase, layout definition, building specifications), tools, production equipment, supplier development, logistics, recruiting and team building.<br />Valeo Climate control de mexico, sa de cv- mexico- Oct.94 – Oct.96<br />Mexican business unit of Valeo Climate Control Division. Annual sales of 35 MMUSD, 200 employees.<br />Responsible for the production and industrial development of the plant producing air conditioning systems for the OEM automotive industry (Chrysler, VW). Reports to the Division Director. Reporting to the position are Production Units (3), Quality, Logistics, Maintenance Managers and a total of 150 production employees.<br />Managing Director- February. 1991- June 1994<br />Valeo Climatiza??o  LTDA. -BRAZIL – February 1991 - June 1994-<br />Brazilian business unit of the multinational Climate Control Division. Production of 650/day of automotive air conditioning systems. Annual sales of 20 MMUSD, 45 employees. Reports to the Exec. Vice President - France. Reporting to the position are the Financial, Production, Quality, Purchasing, Engineering and Commercial Managers.<br />Implementation from green field the new business unit with total P & L responsibility. <br />Successful launch of all products on schedule and with the quality required by VW and FORD.<br />Preparation of Semester Budgets, Strategic Plans and presentation to Valeo CEO.<br />Industrial budget preparation  and  industrial development plans<br />Implementation of Production Systems, Productivity plans, Flow optimization, Process control, SMED, TPM, and Hoshin projects.<br />Inventory control, stock level reductions, cost reduction plans and contingency plans.<br />Implementation of the corporate Total Quality System and QS9000 certification. <br />ESSO BRASILEIRA DE PETR?LEO LTDA. - RJ-BRAZIL-December 89 - February 91.<br />Multinational company of oil derivative products distribution. Annual sales over 2 billion USD, 1400 employees.<br />Superintendent<br />Responsible for the general administration and results of 6 distribution terminals and a 60 truck fleet. <br />Reports to the Marketing Director. Reporting to the position are Administrative, Commercial, Transportation and Safety Supervisors.<br />VAN LEER EMBALAGENS DO BRASIL LTDA RJ-BRAZIL-August 87 - December 89<br />Packaging Worldwide Co. Rio de Janeiro Business Unit, steel drum manufacturer, serving the oil, chemical, petrochemical, food and mining segment. Annual sales 12 MMUSD, 140 employees.<br />General Manager<br />Responsible for the general administration and financial results of the business unit. Reports to the President for South America. Reporting to the position are Sales and Plant Managers, Financial and Administrative Supervisors.<br />DRESSER-RAND GROUP- May 77-July 87<br />Brazilian subsidiary of the Leading OEM of Steam Turbines, Reciprocating and Centrifugal Compressors, technical solutions for all Oil and Chemical related Industrial segments. Sales 20 million USD.150 employees and 1, 5 Billion USD and 4500 employees worldwide.<br />Manager of Compressor Design Engineering –Aug 82- July 87. – USA- Buffalo, NY<br />Responsible for the engineering of foundation mounted and complex packaged reciprocating and rotary compressors, including total compressor, driver, oil, water and gas systems, controls and systems integration. Reports to the Vice President  of Engineering. Reporting to the position are 3 Supervisor Engineers, 3 Product Engineers, 3 Technicians and 9 Designers.<br />Product Engineer  -  May 77 to August 82-Brazil<br />Responsible for the design of large reciprocating gas compressors for chemical, petrochemical and oil industries. Design includes component analysis and computerized product data base<br />Design and production release of process compressors for a total of 300,000 HP (13,000 HP Max / unit) installed for Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Natural Gas and Hydrocarbons at pressures up to 4000 psi.<br />Implementation of project scheduling and engineering cost control. Restructuring and expansion of the Operation's Design Manual. Provide qualification of locally developed components. Coordination with headquarters in the US and associated companies in France and Germany. Provide technical support to Marketing/ Sales in proposals and customer meetings as well as analysis and resolution of field problems. Reporting to the position are 3 Supervisor Engineers, 3 Product Engineers, 3 Technicians and 9 Designers. Planning, transfer and integration of technology from headquarters including TI data bases. Organization of training programs for Engineers and Designers. Development of new technology solutions.<br />Litografia Volta Redonda, SA, BRAZIL-October 75 - May 77.<br />Litho printing on metal sheet. Annual sales 20 MMUSD, 150 employees.<br />Plant Engineer. <br />Is responsible for coordinating and giving direction to all preventive and corrective maintenance, cost control, expansions and installation of new equipment. Reporting to the position are 2 chief supervisors and 10 technicians and mechanics.<br />Languages: : Fluent in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish<br />Others Courses:<br />Leadership Development Program-Center for Creative Leadership, USA- 1999<br />Quality College, Crosby - Sao Paulo- 1993<br />Conway Quality Systems - Chicago-USA. - 1989<br />International Management Development- Amsterdam-Holland-1988<br />
Cvi nozolino 012010
Cvi nozolino 012010
Cvi nozolino 012010

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Cvi nozolino 012010

  • 1. FRANCISCO NOZOLINO DE AZEVEDO<br />Brasileiro_naturalizado ( CEE passport) Married,<br />Av. Tubar?o, 80, ap 131<br />S?o José dos Campos, SP<br />Cep 12246-140<br />Cel?: 12 8124 8125<br /> HYPERLINK \" mailto:fna@terra..com.br\" fna@terra..com.br <br />Academic Background<br />Mechanical Engineer- University of Luanda-1974<br />Safety and Health Engineer- Brazil- 1976<br />Operational Management- CEDEP/ INSEAD- France- 1998<br />MBA Project Management- FGV Brazil-2008-2009<br />PMP certification- PMI-USA- 2009<br />Main Qualifications:<br />7 years of experience as Operations Director with VALEO and INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS..<br />16 years of experience as General and Operations Manager of VAN LEER, ESSO, VALEO, DRESSER-RAND, AERNNOVA, business units in the packaging, distribution terminals, auto parts, capital goods for the OIL and GAS industry and aerospace.<br />More than 10 years of experience, 5 of which in the USA, in Managing of Product and Design Engineering of Heavy Equipment for the Petrochemical Industries with more than 200,000 horsepower of equipment installed.<br />Team building and Best Practices. Recruiting and team training<br />P&L control and financial accurate reporting and Governance policies<br />Restructuring of plants introducing Lean Manufacturing Concepts, Production Controls and respective Metrics, increasing Direct Labor Productivity, and Value Added per total employees; <br />Operations Administration and hands on experience with LEAN TOOLS like JIT, HOSHIN and KAIZEN. Implementation of Production Systems, Productivity plans, Flow optimization, Process Control, SMED, TPM, and Hoshin projects. <br />Planning and Implementation of Total Quality Corporate Systems and QS 9000 through all areas of the business.<br />Large experience in implementing from green field, new business units, including all required infrastructure form facilities, tools, production equipment to supplier development. <br />Operational Plan and Annual Budgets with significant results on business units turn around.<br /> EXPERIENCE<br />TIER 1 AEROSPACE COMPANY- June 2007- current<br />Brazilian subsidiary of a world wide leading aerospace Tier 1 supplier of main commercial aircraft manufacturers, as Embraer, Airbus, Boeing, Sikorsky, Bombardier and Eurocopter.<br />The Brazilian Business Unit produces significant aircraft aero structures.<br />Managing Director- <br />Responsible for General Managing the Brazilian Operations.<br />Turnaround of the business unit operational and financial performance.<br />Prepare and implement short and long term Strategic Business Plan, with aligned support from Lean initiatives.<br />Identify and capture new businesses in Brazil and elsewhere to optimize the Business Unit results.<br />DRESSER-RAND GROUP- April 2004- Dec 2006<br />Brazilian subsidiary of the Leading OEM of Steam Turbines, Reciprocating and Centrifugal Compressors, technical solutions for all Oil and Chemical related Industrial segments. Sales 20 million USD.150 employees in Brazil and 1, 5 Billion USD and 4500 employees worldwide.<br />Managing and Operations Director- April 2004 – Dec 2006- Brazil<br />Responsible for Managing the Operations, expanding the business and promote the integration of the Brazilian unit in the worldwide DR community. Prepare the Business unit for transitioning from a new equipment manufacturer to an aftermarket BU.<br />Complete and delivery 15 USD of new equipment during 2006 exporting to Asia- Pacific Regions.<br />CONSULTANT – April 2001- March 2004 <br />CPI- Compressor Products International- January 2001- March 2004 – Brazilian BU of the UK based Reciprocating Compressor Specialist supplying solutions and systems for the Petrochemical Industries. Local production of high performance parts. Sales 3 million USD.<br />DRESSER-RAND- June 2001- Dec 2001- Leading OEM of Steam Turbines, Reciprocating and Centrifugal Compressors, technical solutions for all Oil and Chemical related Industrial segments. Sales 5 million USD.<br />INTERNATIONAL-CAMINH?ES DO BRASIL LTDA. April, 1998 – April 2001.<br />North American Leader of Medium and Heavy Trucks and world leader of Truck Diesel Engines. Annual sales in Brazil 60 million USD, 50 direct contract employees. Reporting to the position are Purchasing, Product Engineering and Industrial Managers <br />Director of Operations-<br />Responsible for the green field implementation of the new International Truck Plant at Caxias do Sul to produce Medium and Heavy Trucks. Responsible for the implementation of the truck assembly line and all infrastructure required, including facilities, tools, production equipment, supplier development, logistics, recruiting and team training. Strong development of local content. Operational Plan and Annual Budgets. <br />VALEO GROUP- Feb. 91 - March 98<br />Multinational French based company is an independent automotive components and systems supplier to major car and truck manufacturers worldwide. Annual sales over 5 billion USD, 27000 employees.<br />Industrial Director-Oct 94-Oct 98<br />VALEO SISTEMAS EL?TRICOS DO BRASIL LTDA-October 1996-1998 <br />Responsible in Brazil for the implementation of the new Electrical Systems Division to produce Starters and Alternators, including facilities ( participated during the design phase, layout definition, building specifications), tools, production equipment, supplier development, logistics, recruiting and team building.<br />Valeo Climate control de mexico, sa de cv- mexico- Oct.94 – Oct.96<br />Mexican business unit of Valeo Climate Control Division. Annual sales of 35 MMUSD, 200 employees.<br />Responsible for the production and industrial development of the plant producing air conditioning systems for the OEM automotive industry (Chrysler, VW). Reports to the Division Director. Reporting to the position are Production Units (3), Quality, Logistics, Maintenance Managers and a total of 150 production employees.<br />Managing Director- February. 1991- June 1994<br />Valeo Climatiza??o LTDA. -BRAZIL – February 1991 - June 1994-<br />Brazilian business unit of the multinational Climate Control Division. Production of 650/day of automotive air conditioning systems. Annual sales of 20 MMUSD, 45 employees. Reports to the Exec. Vice President - France. Reporting to the position are the Financial, Production, Quality, Purchasing, Engineering and Commercial Managers.<br />Implementation from green field the new business unit with total P & L responsibility. <br />Successful launch of all products on schedule and with the quality required by VW and FORD.<br />Preparation of Semester Budgets, Strategic Plans and presentation to Valeo CEO.<br />Industrial budget preparation and industrial development plans<br />Implementation of Production Systems, Productivity plans, Flow optimization, Process control, SMED, TPM, and Hoshin projects.<br />Inventory control, stock level reductions, cost reduction plans and contingency plans.<br />Implementation of the corporate Total Quality System and QS9000 certification. <br />ESSO BRASILEIRA DE PETR?LEO LTDA. - RJ-BRAZIL-December 89 - February 91.<br />Multinational company of oil derivative products distribution. Annual sales over 2 billion USD, 1400 employees.<br />Superintendent<br />Responsible for the general administration and results of 6 distribution terminals and a 60 truck fleet. <br />Reports to the Marketing Director. Reporting to the position are Administrative, Commercial, Transportation and Safety Supervisors.<br />VAN LEER EMBALAGENS DO BRASIL LTDA RJ-BRAZIL-August 87 - December 89<br />Packaging Worldwide Co. Rio de Janeiro Business Unit, steel drum manufacturer, serving the oil, chemical, petrochemical, food and mining segment. Annual sales 12 MMUSD, 140 employees.<br />General Manager<br />Responsible for the general administration and financial results of the business unit. Reports to the President for South America. Reporting to the position are Sales and Plant Managers, Financial and Administrative Supervisors.<br />DRESSER-RAND GROUP- May 77-July 87<br />Brazilian subsidiary of the Leading OEM of Steam Turbines, Reciprocating and Centrifugal Compressors, technical solutions for all Oil and Chemical related Industrial segments. Sales 20 million USD.150 employees and 1, 5 Billion USD and 4500 employees worldwide.<br />Manager of Compressor Design Engineering –Aug 82- July 87. – USA- Buffalo, NY<br />Responsible for the engineering of foundation mounted and complex packaged reciprocating and rotary compressors, including total compressor, driver, oil, water and gas systems, controls and systems integration. Reports to the Vice President of Engineering. Reporting to the position are 3 Supervisor Engineers, 3 Product Engineers, 3 Technicians and 9 Designers.<br />Product Engineer - May 77 to August 82-Brazil<br />Responsible for the design of large reciprocating gas compressors for chemical, petrochemical and oil industries. Design includes component analysis and computerized product data base<br />Design and production release of process compressors for a total of 300,000 HP (13,000 HP Max / unit) installed for Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Natural Gas and Hydrocarbons at pressures up to 4000 psi.<br />Implementation of project scheduling and engineering cost control. Restructuring and expansion of the Operation's Design Manual. Provide qualification of locally developed components. Coordination with headquarters in the US and associated companies in France and Germany. Provide technical support to Marketing/ Sales in proposals and customer meetings as well as analysis and resolution of field problems. Reporting to the position are 3 Supervisor Engineers, 3 Product Engineers, 3 Technicians and 9 Designers. Planning, transfer and integration of technology from headquarters including TI data bases. Organization of training programs for Engineers and Designers. Development of new technology solutions.<br />Litografia Volta Redonda, SA, BRAZIL-October 75 - May 77.<br />Litho printing on metal sheet. Annual sales 20 MMUSD, 150 employees.<br />Plant Engineer. <br />Is responsible for coordinating and giving direction to all preventive and corrective maintenance, cost control, expansions and installation of new equipment. Reporting to the position are 2 chief supervisors and 10 technicians and mechanics.<br />Languages: : Fluent in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish<br />Others Courses:<br />Leadership Development Program-Center for Creative Leadership, USA- 1999<br />Quality College, Crosby - Sao Paulo- 1993<br />Conway Quality Systems - Chicago-USA. - 1989<br />International Management Development- Amsterdam-Holland-1988<br />