Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman has 9 years of experience in development work including child rights, disaster risk management, and local governance. He currently works as a Capacity Building Officer for UNDP Bangladesh's Access to Information Program. Previously he worked for Plan International Bangladesh and UNDP Bangladesh on various projects. He has experience designing training programs, conducting workshops, and building partnerships with government and NGO stakeholders. Rahman holds a Master's degree in Social Science and is pursuing a specialized Masters in Industrial Relations and Labor Studies.
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Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman
Capacity Building Associate
Access to Information (a2i) Programme
UNDP Bangladesh
IDB Bhaban (Level-7)
Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207
Cell: +880 1716 371535
As a development activist, I have been working for 09 years in the area of Rights Based Programming, Child Rights,
Child Protection, Disaster Risk Management, Local Government (UP & UZP) and Good Governance. Currently I am
working in UNDP Bangladesh as a Capacity Building Officer under Access to Information (a2i) Programme located
Dhaka. Previously, I worked in UNDP Bangladesh as District Facilitator, Plan International Bangladesh as Program
Coordinator, Area Coordinator and Deputy Area Coordinator. I have competencies on Design Country Strategic Plan,
Program Implementation, Results Based Monitoring, Partnership Management, Capacity Building of UPs, UZPs, Govt.
officials and other stakeholders, Policy Advocacy, Networking & Liaison, Human Resources Management and
Documentation. I have specialization on Program Planning, Implementation, Training cycle management, Training
manual, module and curriculum development, Conduct training. I got professional trainings on Decentralization &
Local Governance at Hague Academy-Netherlands, Project Management, Writing Project Proposals, ToT, Rights
Based Approach, UP Planning & Management, UP MIS, Child Protection, Gender, First Aid, Report Writing, DRM,
Climate Change Adaptation etc. Being a member of Plan Academy Bangladesh (Country Trainers Pool), I conducted
the trainings on Child Protection, RBA and Gender and GO Team (Emergency Response), experienced flood
response during the tenure in Plan International Bangladesh. I am proficient in English language both written and oral.
I have been the highest rating performer (Excellent) of UPGP project at UNDP consecutively last three years. I am
capable to work under pressure with a positive team spirit and high level of sincerity.
Professional Objective
Contribute my expertise for betterment of the vulnerable Children, Youths & Women aiming to establish an
ENABLING society where everyone can enjoy the legal entitlements.
Key Areas of Specialization
Local Governance, Child Rights, Training cycle management, Training manual, module and curriculum development,
Conduct training, Working with govt. officials, and Team Building.
Other Competencies:
Strategic thinking, Analytical skills, Negotiation & Conflict management expertise, Pro-active and decision making
ability, Experience to lead and manage Team with a focus to the capacity building of different stakeholders, Problem
solving, Interpersonal Communication, Attention to global approaches.
Personal information
Fathers Name : Mohammad Aminul Islam Miazy
Mothers Name : Maksuda Begum
Permanent Address : Village-Koilain (Miazy Bari), Post Office-Koilain, Upazila-Chandina, District- Comilla, 3630
Date of Birth : December 15, 1983
Nationality : Bangladeshi (by born)
Religion : Islam
Marital Status : Married
Passport : AF 6009477
Blood Group : O+ (ve)
E-mail :
National ID number : 2716079377790
Driving License : RP0003244CL0004 (Expiry date: 27 May 2023)
Continuing specialized Masters in Industrial Relations and Labor Studies in the Institute of Social Welfare
under University of Dhaka.
M.S.S in the Institute of Social Welfare & Research attaining First Class with 7th
Position from University of
Dhaka in the year of 2005 held in 2007.
B.S.S Hons in the Institute of Social Welfare & Research attaining Second Class from University of Dhaka in
the year of 2004 held in 2005.
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2. Alim exam. (Equivalent to HSC) attaining First division with 17th
position in board merit list from Araibari
Islamia Sayeedia Senior Madrasah under Madrasah Education Board in the year of 2000.
Dakhil exam. (Equivalent to SSC) attaining First division with 6th
position in board merit list from Araibari
Islamia Sayeedia Senior Madrasah under Madrasah Education Board in the year of 1998.
Work Experience
Position : Capacity Building Officer
Project : Access to Information (a2i) Programme
Employer : UNDP Bangladesh
Location : Dhaka
Duration : From 01 October, 2015 to till date
Major responsibilities:
Manage day to day routine administration of the projects training component concerning personnel & logistic
Prepare routine correspondence and general reference documents, organize data and information, maintain
records and documents to facilitate monitoring of all trainings activities
Organize data and collect information for relevant partners
Manage/coordinate/conduct the training program in any level
Maintain project and training files, documents and provide support to project management and
Provide guidance in implementation of the AWP and monitoring of the implementation progress
Manage and coordinate organizing capacity building activities
Coordinate designing the citizen-centric training
Guide the field level trainers group in the implementation of project activities specially trainings.
Ensure documentation of training activities.
Coordinate with others teams to support their training needs and record keeping.
Follow-up implementation of the pilot projects
Carry out any other job as assigned by the Project Management Team
Position : District Facilitator (Project Chief at District Level)
Project : Union Parishad Governance Project (UPGP) funded by EU, DANIDA, UNCDF & UNDP
Employer : UNDP Bangladesh
Location : Rangpur
Duration : From 01 September, 2012 to till 30 September 2015
Major responsibilities:
Contributed to design and update Country Strategic Plan (AWP) by providing field inputs;
Introduced and explained the major innovations of the project at local level;
Implemented the project activities at field level in coordination with GoB and other stakeholders;
Supported to deepening local democracy and strengthened the democratic accountability of UPs;
Supported LGD (MIE wing) and DDLG for backstopping and monitoring of UPs through regular travelling to
all UPs in the district and communicated of project strategies and activities to Upazila line officials, Upazila
Chairs and Vice-Chairs;
Monitored (Results based) the project activities and their effectiveness and impact and reported back to
National Project Director (NPD) through Project Manager;
Managed the overall Capacity Building initiatives of partners including government through Training,
Workshop, Orientation, Peer to Peer visit;
Maintained effective coordination & collaboration with various stakeholders including Government, Civil
Society, UN Agencies, Projects and other NGOs in order to maximize the project results;
Attended relevant Meetings, Workshops and Seminars on relevant issues to represent UNDP at local level;
Led the Donor visit, Cluster visit and Ministrys visit at project field;
Pro-actively managed the project budget, Expenditure, way forwarded for budget variance;
Prepared the program and financial reports both Narrative (Project briefs, Periodical, Data base, Events,
Field visit, Human Interest Story) & MIS as quarterly and annual basis;
Supervised the works of project staff (Project Assistant and Driver Cum Messenger) according to the
management lines.
Position : Program Coordinator-Protection of Vulnerable Children and Disaster Risk Management
Employer : Plan International Bangladesh
Location : Dinajpur Program Unit, Dinajpur
Duration : From 10 June, 2010 to 31 August, 2012
Major responsibilities:
Designing & Planning Child Protection and DRM programs and projects;
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3. Implementing Program and Projects and result based Monitoring and Reporting;
Mainstreaming CP issues among all components;
Developing Training manuals, materials, modules and curriculum both of CP and DRM Programme;
Partnership management;
Support to Schools, Union Parishad, Upazila Parishad, CBOs and Dinajpur Program Unit to developing their
Disaster Contingency Plan;
Conduct training for various stakeholders & Partners following TNA and Mock drill session at Schools and
other places;
Providing timely inputs for preparing the Periodic Report (Country Alternative/Shadow report) to UN;
Raising awareness and sensitizing local authorities, CSOs, & communities on CP and DRR issues like
Earthquake and heavy cold wave;
Organizing Advocacy events & Liaison with National & Sub-national govt. counterparts and other stakes;
Maintaining Coordination & Networking with different development actors including Govt. & NGOs;
Developing Concept Notes on Child Marriage, Violence Against Women, Youth Development etc.;
Documentation and Reporting following Country Office and Donor format;
Analyzing expenditure trend and maintain the burning rate and Financial Reporting.
Position : Area Coordinator
Employer : Plan International Bangladesh
Location : Dinajpur Program Unit, Khansam, Dinajpur and Nilphamari Program Unit, Jaldhaka, Nilphamari
Duration : From 14 April, 2008 to 09 June, 2010
Major responsibilities:
Implement convergence programs following organizational guideline and strategies;
Coordinating development partner NGOs for smooth field operation;
Program Monitoring and Reporting;
Raising awareness and sensitizing local authorities, CBOs, & Communities on CP related issues like Child
Marriage, Gender based violence, Corporal punishment;
Reporting on issues related to Children, Youth, Women and Communities;
Providing timely inputs to periodic report, incident reports, Event reports;
Conduct Training sessions for CBOs, Children Organizations & Union Councils on Child Protection, UNCRC,
Life Skills, Gender, Organizational Development etc;
Manage and monitor the sponsorship program in the community;
Supporting to develop community development planning and Union Development Plan;
Ensure coordination among the stakeholders at field level;
Supervise the work of project staff (Deputy Area Coordinator) and volunteers (Field Workers).
Position : Deputy Area Coordinator
Employer : Plan International Bangladesh
Location : Dinajpur Program Unit, Dinajpur
Duration : From 02 September, 2007 to 13 April, 2008
Major responsibilities:
Implement convergence programs following organizational guideline and strategies;
Coordinating development partner NGOs for smooth field operation;
Program Monitoring and Reporting;
Raising awareness and sensitizing local authorities, CBOs, & Communities on CP related issues like Child
Marriage, Gender based violence, Corporal punishment;
Providing timely inputs to periodic report, incident reports, Event reports;
Conduct Training sessions for CBOs, Children Organizations & Union Councils on Child Protection, UNCRC,
Life Skills, Gender, Organizational Development etc;
Manage and monitor the sponsorship program in the community;
Supporting to develop community development planning and Union Development Plan;
Ensure coordination among the stakeholders at field level.
Internship/Field work experiences:
Social Case Worker at Ashokti Punorbashon Nibash (APON) located 72 Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka
from March 20, 2007 to May 30, 2007
Social Case Worker (Internee) at National Institute of Mental Health and Hospital located Sher-E Bangla
Nagar, Dhaka from August 23, 2005 to November 14, 2005
Research Experience
Having completed a qualitative research, which is The impact of drug addiction on youth in Bangladesh
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4. Having completed a research, which is The socio-economic life of fourth class employees of the University of
Dhaka- a sample survey research.
Having completed a Field Work (Internship) report on The Mental Health and Disorder.
Having completed a Field Work (Internship) report on The Children & Youth with drug in Bangladesh.
Computer Expertise:
Document Editing Packages: MS Word, MS Excel, Database.
Graphical Presentation: MS PowerPoint.
Internet: E-mail, Web Browsing.
Language Proficiency:
Highly proficient in English language both Written & Oral
Co-curricular activities:
Core member of Plan Academy Bangladesh (Trainers Pool)
Core member of GO Team (Emergency response)
Member of BNCC of Dhaka University (Army Core)
Regular player of Departmental Football and Cricket team (Institute of Social Welfare & Research-University
of Dhaka)
Received a remarkable number of competition awards (Swimming, Hand writing, Song, Recitation, Debate,
Speech etc)
Book Editing (Computer Education in 10 days, written by Md. Mizanur Rahman)
Training & Workshop (Major):
SL Title of the Training Time Day Organizer Facilitator
1. First Aid Training 10 September 2014 01 UNDP UNDSS
2. Decentralization & Local Governance 16-20 February, 2014 05 UNDP, UNCDF
The Hague Academy,
3. Report Writing Training 15-16 June, 2013 02 UNDP, UNCDF Farhad Bukhari, Kirgizistan
4. ToT on Gender 08-12 July, 2012 05 Plan Bangladesh Gender Team
5. ToT on Rights Based Approach 18-19 April, 2012 02 Plan Bangladesh Regional CCCD specialist
6. Module Development Workshop 14-18 January, 2012 05 Plan Bangladesh Advisor & Specialist-CP
7. ToT on Climate Change Adaptation 11-13 Sept, 2011 03 Plan Bangladesh DRM team of PIB
8. ToT on Child Protection 15-19 May, 2011 05 Plan Bangladesh Plan Bangladesh
9. Child Centered DRR 29-31 August, 2010 03 Plan Bangladesh ADPC
10. Peoples participation in Program October, 2009 05 Plan ARO Plan ARO, Bangkok, Thailand
11. Training of Report Writing Skills 16-18 June, 2009 03 Plan Bangladesh CEC
12. Training on Research Methodology May, 2008 03 Plan Bangladesh BRAC University
TOT on Enhancing training quality
and facilitation skills
December, 2007 05 Plan Bangladesh OD unit of PIB
Md. Mizanur Rahman
Capacity Development Specialist
Access to Information (a2i) Program
UNDP Bangladesh
IDB Bhaban (Level-7)
Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207
Mobile: +880 1712 123230
Mobarok Hossain
Program Unit Manager
Plan International Bangladesh
Dinajpur Program Unit
Khansama Road
Goaldihi, Dinajpur.
Mobile: +880 1716 420020
E-mail: mobarok.hossain@plan-
Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman
Director (In-charge)
Institute of Social Welfare & Research
University of Dhaka,
Mobile: 01712-154795, 8612792 (off.)
E-mail :
I, hereby, declare to the best of my knowledge that this resume describes my qualifications perfectly. I know that any
willful mistreatment described herein may result me in disqualification on dismissal.
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