Michael Robert Weintraub is a chiropractor and adjunct professor of biology at several colleges in New York. He has over 30 years of experience teaching anatomy, physiology, and general biology courses. His areas of research interest include the effects of Thai Buddhist meditation on the central nervous system. He has authored two books - a self-testing anatomy and physiology review guide and a science fiction novel that retells Homer's Odyssey. Weintraub maintains a private chiropractic practice with a focus on holistic health treatments.
This document outlines a lesson plan for teaching students about different habitats of the world. Over the course of a week, students will be split into groups and each group will be assigned one of five habitats to research - rain forest, marine, grasslands, tundra, or desert. On the final day, each group will present a project to their classmates about the habitat they studied, demonstrating knowledge with 95% accuracy. A variety of technology tools will be used to support the students' research and presentations.
Lidya Febriyani's curriculum vitae provides personal details including her name, date of birth, address, education history, skills and work experience. She received a diploma in computer engineering from State Polytechnic of Padang from 2010 to 2013. Additionally, she has participated in various extracurricular activities and received several certificates in computer skills. Her work experience includes a job training at PT. Bukit Asam Persero Tbk from February to April 2013 in operations and networks, and an administrative sales project role at PT. Kinarya Alihdaya Mandiri from December 2016.
Lawrence K. Duffy's curriculum vitae provides information about his current position as Director of the Resilience and Adaptation Program and Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. It summarizes his educational background including degrees in chemistry from Fordham University and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. It also lists his extensive honors, administrative experience, teaching experience, graduate students supervised, professional experience, and membership in scientific societies.
Albert Crane Wartski is a biology and AP biology teacher at Northern High School in Durham, NC with over 30 years of teaching experience. He holds a B.S. in Animal Science from the University of New Hampshire, a M.A.T. in Science Education from Boston University, and secondary teaching certifications in biology from Massachusetts, California, and North Carolina. He has developed biology curriculum and led teacher workshops for organizations like National Network Digital Schools, NCVPS, Duke University TIP, and Beijing Royal School. Wartski has received several teaching awards including Teacher of the Year from Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools and Chapel Hill High School.
Heather Heine has training and experience in both medicine and stem cell research. She received her MD from the University of British Columbia in 2012 and her PhD from the same institution in 2009, with a focus on characterizing and using a controlled model for studying angiogenesis. She has founded two companies, including Cellonx which provides pre-clinical animal research services. Her skills include a wide range of laboratory techniques focused on stem cell differentiation and pre-clinical animal studies.
This document provides details about the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania University Biologists (CPUB), including the schedule of events, keynote speaker, award recipients, and list of abstracts. The meeting was held April 15-17, 2011 at California University of Pennsylvania and featured platform and poster presentations on ecology, organismal biology, cell and molecular biology, and science education. Outstanding student awards were given to top biology students from Pennsylvania state universities, and Dr. Sam Taylor from the Carnegie Museum of Natural History gave the keynote address.
Kim Solez Seizing the opportunity of technology and the future of medicine c...Kim Solez ,
This document provides biographical details and career highlights of Kim Solez, including her educational background, positions held, awards received, and engagement with students over her career. It notes how early work with students in the 1970s led to an award for best research as a house officer. The document also discusses Solez's views on the future of medicine, including the possibility of eliminating all natural disease but still having social and ethical challenges, as well as new potential specialties in tissue engineering pathology and "apocalyptic pathology". Throughout, it emphasizes Solez's long-standing engagement with and mentorship of students.
The document summarizes a lecture on the modern view of the tree of life. It discusses two papers for the lecture - one that analyzes the eukaryotic tree of life using broad taxonomic sampling, and one that places eukaryotes within the Archaea based on phylogenomic analysis. The lecture covers the parts of a phylogenetic tree, character analysis, data matrices, sequence alignment, tree reconstruction methods, and challenges like long branch attraction and homoplasy. It shows tree topologies from analyses using varying numbers of taxa.
Required ResourcesText揃 Botkin, D. B., & Keller, E. A. (2014.docxsodhi3
Required Resources
揃 Botkin, D. B., & Keller, E. A. (2014). Environmental science: Earth as a living planet (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
揃 Chapter 9: Biological Diversity and Biological Invasions
揃 American Museum of Natural history. (Producer). (2007). Invasive species [Video clip]. Retrieved from https://secure.films.com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?Token=47542&aid=18596&Plt=FOD&loid=0&w=640&h=480&ref=
揃 Annenberg Learner. (n.d.). Unit 9: Biodiversity decline [Interactive resource]. In The Habitable Planet. Retrieved from http://www.learner.org/courses/envsci/unit/text.php?unit=9&secNum=0
Comparison Report
Part 1 Art & Music Characteristics
1. What are the characteristics of early Christian art and music according to your text and from websites?
2. What are the characteristics of Islamic art and music according to your text and from websites?
3.What are the characteristics of Indian art and music according to your text and from websites?
Part II Building Comparison:
Christian building: Santa Costanza (Chapter 5, p. 181, figure 5.6)
Islamic building: Sinan, Mosque of Sultan Sulayman (Chapter 6, p.223 figure 6.4)
Indian building: Great Stupa (Chapter 7, p. 249 figure 7.3)
Reflects their culture values
Part III Comparing Philosophies between Christian and Islamic Thinker
Main thoughts and ideas of Augustine
Ideas still influence
Part IV Art, music, & literature research
Pyramid of the Sun
Comparison Report
Preparing for your assignment:
Part I
油1.What are the characteristics of early Christian art and music according to your text and from websites?
油2.What are the characteristics of Islamic art and music according to your text and from websites?
油3.What are the characteristics of Indian art and music according to your text and from websites?
4. Conclude your answer to this question with a good summary paragraph of what you learned, thoughts, reactions, feelings, etc.
油Part II
THEN:Select ONE building from EACH culture to compare. Be sure to accurately tell which building you selected from each chapter, and give the name and the figure number where a picture can be found. Then research each part on the web.
What are the similarities among the buildings?油
What are the differences among the buildings?
How do these examples of EACH building reflect their cultural values?
Conclude your answer to this question with a good summary paragraph of what you learned, thoughts, reactions, feelings, etc.
Part III
THEN: Comparing Philosophies between Christian and Islamic Thinkers
Describe the main thoughts and ideas of Augustine.
Compare Augustine's main thoughts with those of the Islamic philosophers, Avicenna and Averroes
Discuss how each of these philosophers' ideas still influence us today. Give specific examples.
Conclude your answer to this question with a good summary paragraph of what you learned, thoughts, reactions, feelings, etc.
Part ...
This document provides an overview of the textbook Lewin's GENES XI. It begins with a brief description of the contents of the textbook, which is divided into four parts that cover genes and chromosomes, DNA replication and recombination, transcription and posttranscriptional mechanisms, and gene regulation. It then lists the chapter titles in the textbook and provides short descriptions of the focus of each chapter. The document concludes by listing publication details for the textbook such as publisher information, copyright details, and cataloging data.
Kim Solez Seizing the opportunity of technology and the future of medicine c...Kim Solez ,
Kim Solez Ishita Moghe Seizing the opportunity of technology and the future of medicine creating the possibility of a positive medical future for everyone Medical Grand Rounds Presentation Feb. 1, 2019.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the education and experience of Tyler Lincoln Fowler. He received his Ph.D. in Medical Physics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015 and is currently completing a radiation oncology physics residency at Stanford University. His background also includes serving as a combat medic in the U.S. Army from 2000-2010.
J. Englebert Dunphy was a pioneering American surgeon who held leadership positions at major academic medical centers from the 1930s-1970s. He made significant contributions to the fields of wound healing, nutrition, transplantation and cancer treatment. Dunphy held the most prestigious positions in American surgery, including president of the American Surgical Association, American College of Surgeons and Chair of the American Board of Surgery. He is remembered as an exceptional surgeon, teacher and leader in the field.
This document provides a curriculum vitae for Jennifer Luedtke Kennedy, an anthropologist specializing in molecular anthropology. It details her education, employment history, publications, awards, conference presentations, teaching experience, laboratory experience, and professional affiliations. She received her PhD and MA in molecular anthropology from Binghamton University and has worked as a lecturer at SUNY Cortland and Ithaca College. Her research focuses on analyzing ancient DNA from archaeological sites to study human population history and evolution.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Dr. Robert King, a lecturer in applied psychology at University College Cork. It outlines his educational background, including a PhD in psychology from Birkbeck College and qualifications in teaching. It details his areas of teaching, university service, supervision of students, recent grant applications, employment history, academic service/consultancy, publications, conference presentations, and references. The CV provides a comprehensive overview of Dr. King's academic and professional experience and accomplishments in the field of psychology.
This text features lively, clear writing and exceptional illustrations, making it the ideal textbook for a first course in both cell and molecular biology.
Thoroughly revised and updated, the Fifth Edition maintains its focus on the latest cell biology research.
For the first time ever, Essential Cell Biology will come with access to Smartwork5, Nortons innovative online homework platform, creating a more complete learning experience.
This is a free addition of the text book that can be accessed online.
There is no guarantee that this is compatible with all devices.
This document is downloadable and compressed.
Fifth edition.
There are other editions available.
This title will be released on July 1, 2023.
The gold standard textbook, thoroughly updatednow with online homework.
This text features lively, clear writing and exceptional illustrations, making it the ideal textbook for a first course in both cell and molecular biology.
Essential Cell Biology, provides an up-to-date introduction to the fundamental concepts of cell biology as well as rapidly growing fields such as stem cell biology, development, and cancer.
It has 20 chapters Contents : Cells The Fundamental Units of Life Chemical Components of Cells Energy Catalysis and Biosynthesis Protein Structure and Function.
the sections of the textbooks are all included.
This document is a resume for an applicant for an Environmental Engineering faculty position. It summarizes the applicant's education, including a PhD in Environmental Sciences and Engineering from UNC-Chapel Hill in 2005, as well as awards including an NSF Graduate Fellowship. It also lists the applicant's research interests in theoretical and field studies of ecological communities. Research experience is provided from 2005 to present as a postdoctoral fellow at Oak Ridge National Laboratory developing quantitative theory of hierarchical structure in ecological systems. Publications and presentations are also included.
The document summarizes several medical textbooks related to clinical biochemistry and pathology. It provides brief descriptions of each book, including titles, authors, publishers, publication dates, page counts, and intended audiences. The books cover topics such as the pathophysiological basis of diseases, clinical use of biochemistry laboratories, commonly measured analytes, hormone analysis methodology, and reproductive health risks. The descriptions aim to help readers understand the scope and contents of the textbooks.
Dr. Josephine Mei is a pulmonary/critical care physician in private practice in Louisville, KY. She received her undergraduate and medical degrees from Johns Hopkins University and the University of Miami School of Medicine. She has over 25 years of experience and is board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Sleep Medicine and Hyperbaric Medicine. She currently holds privileges at several hospitals in Kentucky and Indiana and serves as director of several pulmonary rehabilitation programs.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the career and qualifications of Dominic P. D'Agostino, Ph.D. It outlines his education, including obtaining a B.S. in biological sciences and nutritional sciences and a Ph.D. in neuroscience and physiology. It then details his academic employment history, research focus, teaching experience, training of students, professional memberships, awards, and publications. His research program develops and tests metabolic therapies for conditions like seizures, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and muscle wasting, using techniques like in vivo imaging, electrophysiology, and microscopy.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the educational and professional background of Vernard R. Lewis. He received his PhD in Entomology from UC Berkeley in 1989, and has since worked as an Extension Specialist at UC Berkeley, focusing on household and structural pests. He has over 25 years of experience in pest management and research. He has authored or co-authored over 70 publications, and received numerous awards and honors for his work in urban entomology.
This document summarizes faculty awards and recognitions from the College of Arts & Sciences at a spring 2011 faculty meeting. Key highlights include President's Council awards in teaching and service, top campus honors for distinguished service and teaching excellence, and numerous national and international awards across various disciplines such as chemistry, history, dance, English, and film. Many faculty also hold leadership positions in state, national and international organizations related to their fields.
This document provides a summary of Peter A. Pag叩n Aguiar's education and professional experience. It outlines his areas of specialization as ethics, natural law theory, philosophical theology, and philosophical anthropology. It details his educational background, including a PhD in Philosophy from Fordham University. It lists his professional roles, including positions as an assistant and associate professor at several universities where he taught courses in philosophy, ethics, and related subjects. It also provides information on committees, organizations, awards, publications, and presentations.
This document provides a list of fellows at New College in Oxford. There are over 70 fellows listed from a variety of disciplines including biochemistry, economics, history, philosophy, music, and more. The fellows hold a range of academic positions from tutors to professors. New College prides itself on its diverse fellowship that advances research and education across many fields of study.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the qualifications and experience of Bryan A. Krantz, an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. It outlines his education, including a B.S. in Chemistry and English from Emory University and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Chicago. It also details his employment history as an Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley and Associate Professor at Maryland, as well as his research, teaching, mentoring, publications, awards and honors.
Eric Dover, MD, CTTH at Seli Wellness Center. Traditional and Alternative Healthcare for Cancer treatment and prevention, Autoimmune Disorders, ADD, ADDH, Vaccine Concerns, young Athlete Nutrition and Development, Tattoo Removals.
Edward B. Siwak's curriculum vitae provides information about his education and professional experience. He received a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1972, a Master of Science in Epidemiology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1982, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1990. Since 2002, he has worked as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Molecular Virology and Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.
The document summarizes a lecture on the modern view of the tree of life. It discusses two papers for the lecture - one that analyzes the eukaryotic tree of life using broad taxonomic sampling, and one that places eukaryotes within the Archaea based on phylogenomic analysis. The lecture covers the parts of a phylogenetic tree, character analysis, data matrices, sequence alignment, tree reconstruction methods, and challenges like long branch attraction and homoplasy. It shows tree topologies from analyses using varying numbers of taxa.
Required ResourcesText揃 Botkin, D. B., & Keller, E. A. (2014.docxsodhi3
Required Resources
揃 Botkin, D. B., & Keller, E. A. (2014). Environmental science: Earth as a living planet (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
揃 Chapter 9: Biological Diversity and Biological Invasions
揃 American Museum of Natural history. (Producer). (2007). Invasive species [Video clip]. Retrieved from https://secure.films.com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?Token=47542&aid=18596&Plt=FOD&loid=0&w=640&h=480&ref=
揃 Annenberg Learner. (n.d.). Unit 9: Biodiversity decline [Interactive resource]. In The Habitable Planet. Retrieved from http://www.learner.org/courses/envsci/unit/text.php?unit=9&secNum=0
Comparison Report
Part 1 Art & Music Characteristics
1. What are the characteristics of early Christian art and music according to your text and from websites?
2. What are the characteristics of Islamic art and music according to your text and from websites?
3.What are the characteristics of Indian art and music according to your text and from websites?
Part II Building Comparison:
Christian building: Santa Costanza (Chapter 5, p. 181, figure 5.6)
Islamic building: Sinan, Mosque of Sultan Sulayman (Chapter 6, p.223 figure 6.4)
Indian building: Great Stupa (Chapter 7, p. 249 figure 7.3)
Reflects their culture values
Part III Comparing Philosophies between Christian and Islamic Thinker
Main thoughts and ideas of Augustine
Ideas still influence
Part IV Art, music, & literature research
Pyramid of the Sun
Comparison Report
Preparing for your assignment:
Part I
油1.What are the characteristics of early Christian art and music according to your text and from websites?
油2.What are the characteristics of Islamic art and music according to your text and from websites?
油3.What are the characteristics of Indian art and music according to your text and from websites?
4. Conclude your answer to this question with a good summary paragraph of what you learned, thoughts, reactions, feelings, etc.
油Part II
THEN:Select ONE building from EACH culture to compare. Be sure to accurately tell which building you selected from each chapter, and give the name and the figure number where a picture can be found. Then research each part on the web.
What are the similarities among the buildings?油
What are the differences among the buildings?
How do these examples of EACH building reflect their cultural values?
Conclude your answer to this question with a good summary paragraph of what you learned, thoughts, reactions, feelings, etc.
Part III
THEN: Comparing Philosophies between Christian and Islamic Thinkers
Describe the main thoughts and ideas of Augustine.
Compare Augustine's main thoughts with those of the Islamic philosophers, Avicenna and Averroes
Discuss how each of these philosophers' ideas still influence us today. Give specific examples.
Conclude your answer to this question with a good summary paragraph of what you learned, thoughts, reactions, feelings, etc.
Part ...
This document provides an overview of the textbook Lewin's GENES XI. It begins with a brief description of the contents of the textbook, which is divided into four parts that cover genes and chromosomes, DNA replication and recombination, transcription and posttranscriptional mechanisms, and gene regulation. It then lists the chapter titles in the textbook and provides short descriptions of the focus of each chapter. The document concludes by listing publication details for the textbook such as publisher information, copyright details, and cataloging data.
Kim Solez Seizing the opportunity of technology and the future of medicine c...Kim Solez ,
Kim Solez Ishita Moghe Seizing the opportunity of technology and the future of medicine creating the possibility of a positive medical future for everyone Medical Grand Rounds Presentation Feb. 1, 2019.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the education and experience of Tyler Lincoln Fowler. He received his Ph.D. in Medical Physics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015 and is currently completing a radiation oncology physics residency at Stanford University. His background also includes serving as a combat medic in the U.S. Army from 2000-2010.
J. Englebert Dunphy was a pioneering American surgeon who held leadership positions at major academic medical centers from the 1930s-1970s. He made significant contributions to the fields of wound healing, nutrition, transplantation and cancer treatment. Dunphy held the most prestigious positions in American surgery, including president of the American Surgical Association, American College of Surgeons and Chair of the American Board of Surgery. He is remembered as an exceptional surgeon, teacher and leader in the field.
This document provides a curriculum vitae for Jennifer Luedtke Kennedy, an anthropologist specializing in molecular anthropology. It details her education, employment history, publications, awards, conference presentations, teaching experience, laboratory experience, and professional affiliations. She received her PhD and MA in molecular anthropology from Binghamton University and has worked as a lecturer at SUNY Cortland and Ithaca College. Her research focuses on analyzing ancient DNA from archaeological sites to study human population history and evolution.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Dr. Robert King, a lecturer in applied psychology at University College Cork. It outlines his educational background, including a PhD in psychology from Birkbeck College and qualifications in teaching. It details his areas of teaching, university service, supervision of students, recent grant applications, employment history, academic service/consultancy, publications, conference presentations, and references. The CV provides a comprehensive overview of Dr. King's academic and professional experience and accomplishments in the field of psychology.
This text features lively, clear writing and exceptional illustrations, making it the ideal textbook for a first course in both cell and molecular biology.
Thoroughly revised and updated, the Fifth Edition maintains its focus on the latest cell biology research.
For the first time ever, Essential Cell Biology will come with access to Smartwork5, Nortons innovative online homework platform, creating a more complete learning experience.
This is a free addition of the text book that can be accessed online.
There is no guarantee that this is compatible with all devices.
This document is downloadable and compressed.
Fifth edition.
There are other editions available.
This title will be released on July 1, 2023.
The gold standard textbook, thoroughly updatednow with online homework.
This text features lively, clear writing and exceptional illustrations, making it the ideal textbook for a first course in both cell and molecular biology.
Essential Cell Biology, provides an up-to-date introduction to the fundamental concepts of cell biology as well as rapidly growing fields such as stem cell biology, development, and cancer.
It has 20 chapters Contents : Cells The Fundamental Units of Life Chemical Components of Cells Energy Catalysis and Biosynthesis Protein Structure and Function.
the sections of the textbooks are all included.
This document is a resume for an applicant for an Environmental Engineering faculty position. It summarizes the applicant's education, including a PhD in Environmental Sciences and Engineering from UNC-Chapel Hill in 2005, as well as awards including an NSF Graduate Fellowship. It also lists the applicant's research interests in theoretical and field studies of ecological communities. Research experience is provided from 2005 to present as a postdoctoral fellow at Oak Ridge National Laboratory developing quantitative theory of hierarchical structure in ecological systems. Publications and presentations are also included.
The document summarizes several medical textbooks related to clinical biochemistry and pathology. It provides brief descriptions of each book, including titles, authors, publishers, publication dates, page counts, and intended audiences. The books cover topics such as the pathophysiological basis of diseases, clinical use of biochemistry laboratories, commonly measured analytes, hormone analysis methodology, and reproductive health risks. The descriptions aim to help readers understand the scope and contents of the textbooks.
Dr. Josephine Mei is a pulmonary/critical care physician in private practice in Louisville, KY. She received her undergraduate and medical degrees from Johns Hopkins University and the University of Miami School of Medicine. She has over 25 years of experience and is board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Sleep Medicine and Hyperbaric Medicine. She currently holds privileges at several hospitals in Kentucky and Indiana and serves as director of several pulmonary rehabilitation programs.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the career and qualifications of Dominic P. D'Agostino, Ph.D. It outlines his education, including obtaining a B.S. in biological sciences and nutritional sciences and a Ph.D. in neuroscience and physiology. It then details his academic employment history, research focus, teaching experience, training of students, professional memberships, awards, and publications. His research program develops and tests metabolic therapies for conditions like seizures, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and muscle wasting, using techniques like in vivo imaging, electrophysiology, and microscopy.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the educational and professional background of Vernard R. Lewis. He received his PhD in Entomology from UC Berkeley in 1989, and has since worked as an Extension Specialist at UC Berkeley, focusing on household and structural pests. He has over 25 years of experience in pest management and research. He has authored or co-authored over 70 publications, and received numerous awards and honors for his work in urban entomology.
This document summarizes faculty awards and recognitions from the College of Arts & Sciences at a spring 2011 faculty meeting. Key highlights include President's Council awards in teaching and service, top campus honors for distinguished service and teaching excellence, and numerous national and international awards across various disciplines such as chemistry, history, dance, English, and film. Many faculty also hold leadership positions in state, national and international organizations related to their fields.
This document provides a summary of Peter A. Pag叩n Aguiar's education and professional experience. It outlines his areas of specialization as ethics, natural law theory, philosophical theology, and philosophical anthropology. It details his educational background, including a PhD in Philosophy from Fordham University. It lists his professional roles, including positions as an assistant and associate professor at several universities where he taught courses in philosophy, ethics, and related subjects. It also provides information on committees, organizations, awards, publications, and presentations.
This document provides a list of fellows at New College in Oxford. There are over 70 fellows listed from a variety of disciplines including biochemistry, economics, history, philosophy, music, and more. The fellows hold a range of academic positions from tutors to professors. New College prides itself on its diverse fellowship that advances research and education across many fields of study.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the qualifications and experience of Bryan A. Krantz, an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. It outlines his education, including a B.S. in Chemistry and English from Emory University and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Chicago. It also details his employment history as an Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley and Associate Professor at Maryland, as well as his research, teaching, mentoring, publications, awards and honors.
Eric Dover, MD, CTTH at Seli Wellness Center. Traditional and Alternative Healthcare for Cancer treatment and prevention, Autoimmune Disorders, ADD, ADDH, Vaccine Concerns, young Athlete Nutrition and Development, Tattoo Removals.
Edward B. Siwak's curriculum vitae provides information about his education and professional experience. He received a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1972, a Master of Science in Epidemiology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1982, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1990. Since 2002, he has worked as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Molecular Virology and Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.
1. Michael Robert Weintraub Page 1 of 5
25 Fieldstone Drive Date of Birth: 2/14/56
Middletown, N.Y. 10940 Height: 59
(914) 260-9212 cell Weight: 150 lbs
drmrweintraub@gmail.com Health: Excellent
Westchester Community College, Valhalla, N.Y.
Senior Adjunct Professor, Biology, Fall 1992 to present
Pace University, Pleasantville, N.Y.
Adjunct Professor, Biology, Appointment: Fall 2004 to present
Bronx Community College/CUNY, Bronx, N.Y.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology, Fall 2005 to present
Dominican College, Blauvelt, N.Y.
Adjunct Instructor, Biology, Fall 2014 to present
York College/CUNY, Jamaica, N.Y.
Visiting Faculty, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy, Fall 2009
Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, N.Y.
Visiting Biologist, Anatomy and Physiology, Fall 2008
Norwalk Community College, Norwalk, CT:
Adjunct Professor, Biology, Fall 2005 to Spring 2008
Mercy College: Biology Dobbs Ferry, N.Y
Adjunct Professor, 2003 to 2004
Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.): 1982 to present: family practice with an emphasis on holistic
health/treatment of chronic and acute conditions
Techniques: Directional Non-Force, Applied Kinesiology, Sacro-Occipital, Cranial-Facial
Manipulation, Myofascial Release, Extremity Technique
Adjunct Modalities: Non-Invasive Acupuncture/Meridian Therapy; Glandular Therapy;
Nutrition/Herbology; Kinesiologic Allergy Testing; Reiki Touch Therapy
2. Michael Robert Weintraub Page 2 of 5
Westchester Community College: Valhalla, N.Y., 1992 to present
Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2, Lecture and Laboratory
General Biology 1 and 2, Lecture and Laboratory
Biologic Science (non-majors), Lecture and Laboratory
Human Biology (non-majors, Lecture and Laboratory
Biology of Human Sexuality (non-majors), Lecture
Basic Anatomy and Physiology (respiratory technicians), Laboratory
Pace University:
Pleasantville, N.Y.; Appointment, Professor: Fall 2004 to present
Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2, Lecture and Laboratory
Biology and Contemporary Society, Lecture and Laboratory
General Biology 2 Laboratory
Bronx Community College/CUNY:
Bronx, N.Y.; Appointment, Adjunct Assistant Professor: Fall 2005 to present
General Biology 1 (Bio11), Lecture and Laboratory
Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 (Bio23 and 24), Lecture and Laboratory
Dominican College, Blauvelt, N.Y.
Adjunct Instructor, Biology, Fall 2014 to present
Anatomy and Physiology 1, Lecture and Laboratory
York College/CUNY
Jamaica, N.Y. Fall 2009
Functional Anatomy for Occupational Therapy (HPOT 315), Lecture and Laboratory
Sarah Lawrence College
Bronxville, N.Y., Fall 2008
Anatomy and Physiology: responsibilities include designing a writing-intensive one- semester
course for both science and non-science students; individual mentoring with students biweekly
on development of conference projects relative to students concentration/major.
Norwalk Community College:
Norwalk, CT; Fall 2005 to 5/08
Introduction to Biology, (non-majors), Lecture and Laboratory
Anatomy and Physiology 1, Lecture and Laboratory
Mercy College: Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., 2003 to 2004
Anatomy and Physiology I and II, Lecture and Laboratory
Botany: Plants and People
3. Michael Robert Weintraub Page 3 of 5
High School:
Solomon Schechter H.S., Hartsdale, N.Y.; September 2004-12/04
Forensic Science: responsibilities include course development
Other Teaching Experience:
Reiki Plus Institute of Natural Healing: Edenton, N.C., Ossining, N.Y.
Instructor: Anatomy and Physiology; 1987-1990
Privately conducted seminars for Reiki Touch-Therapy practitioners (lay and professional):
anatomy and physiology, reflexology, Holistic healing, clinical procedures and professional
ethics: 1982-1990
Research Interests:
The anatomical and physiological influences of traditional Thai Buddhist meditation on the
CNS/neurotransmitters, Autonomic and Endocrine Systems
Current project in development:
The application and influence of Thai Buddhist meditation on Test-Taking Anxiety and
Academic Performance
New York Chiropractic College: Doctor Of Chiropractic (D.C.) 1981
Awards and Notable Positions:
Art Editor: "Columbia" Yearbook: 1981-82 Service Award: 1981
Senior Class Treasurer: 1981
Hofstra University: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.): 1978
Major: English: Writing and Literature Full Minors: Biology, Art, Drama
Awards and Notable Positions:
Editor: Hofstra Literary Magazine: 1977-78
Prose Writing Competition: 1978
Service Award: 1975
Writing Competition: 1975
International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture: Fellow (F.I.A.C.A.) 1990
Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic in NYS (X003026) 1982
Diplomate, National Board of Chiropractic Examiners: 1981
Fellow, International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture: 1990
Reiki Master (Instructor Level): 1992
4. Michael Robert Weintraub Page 4 of 5
Consulting Physician Panel: Industrial Medical Associates: White Plains, N.Y.:
perform independent medical evaluations and disability rating: 1994-98
Team Chiropractor: Yonkers Hoot Owls (A.A. Minor League Baseball Team)
Dance Company Chiropractor: NSA 5th World Peace Culture Festival: Madison Square
Garden: 1986
Lecture Series: Chiropractic, Nutrition, Acupuncture, Secret of Chi, Healing and
Mythology, Holistic Health, Reiki: 1982-present
Local TV and Radio Appearances discussing Chiropractic, Nutrition, Acupuncture
Chiropractic Radiology Services: provide x-rays with interpretation for area D.C.s
The Anatomy and Physiology Survival Kit--A Self-Testing Review: 2008 (Kendall Hunt)
The APSK is a two part learning tool covering both semesters of lecture and laboratory topics.
Part 1, The Survival Manual (215 pages), is a foundational short answer fill-in review test
of the principal concepts of Human Anatomy and Physiology lecture I and II; the text begins
with basic chemistry and follows the course curricula in sequence with most questions
answered/ explained by the following question. Part 2, The Pocket Practical is an interactive
CD-ROM which creates a flashcard format of laboratory review testing. The volume consists
of over 900 high-resolution digital photographs the most commonly used laboratory models
and includes over100 full color micrographs of tissue preparations. Each flashcard
represents a typical lab-practical exam station with 5 to 7 labeled identifications followed by
an answer card. The volume is designed to be down-loaded to any hand JPEG-capable device
such as MP3 players and iPods.
The Shamus: A Gumshoes Odyssey: 2001 (Smashwords) Homers Odyssey is retold as a
sci-fi fantasy tribute to the 1930s hard-boiled detective genre with mythological and Buddhist
overtones. Available as an eBook at Smashwords, Apple, Sony, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and
A Million Lights For Joey :(TV Movie, Holiday-theme) 2004
Eight-year-old Rachel believes she's been visited by an angel who promises to bring her older
brother Joey home from the war in Vietnam--providing Rachel hangs one million Christmas
lights on her house by Thursday night. What could be more challenging than amassing and
hanging all those lights in three days? Rachel's last name is Shapiro.
5. Michael Robert Weintraub Page 5 of 5
Writing, archaeology and history, mythology, philosophy and religion, astronomy,
photography, sculpture multimedia ~wood and stone carving, music, hiking, travel,
parapsychology and metaphysics, acting
Dr. Iris Cook
Chair, Biology, Westchester Community College
Valhalla, NY 10595
(914) 606-6769
Dr. Andrew Wier
Chair, Biology, Pace University
Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570
(914) 773-3562
Prof. Eugene Rutheny
Former Chair, Biology, Westchester Community College
Valhalla, NY 10595
(914) 606-6917